blob: 8913789456c81c3fbc99e066c165ed70c5a4e5a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// Owner of a type variable should be the declaration of the generic class or
// typedef, not an instantiation.
library test.type_variable_owner;
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A<T> {}
class B<R> extends A<R> {}
testTypeVariableOfClass() {
ClassMirror aDecl = reflectClass(A);
ClassMirror bDecl = reflectClass(B);
ClassMirror aOfInt = reflect(new A<int>()).type;
ClassMirror aOfR = bDecl.superclass;
ClassMirror bOfString = reflect(new B<String>()).type;
ClassMirror aOfString = bOfString.superclass;
Expect.equals(aDecl, aDecl.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(aDecl, aOfInt.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(aDecl, aOfR.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(aDecl, aOfString.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(bDecl, bDecl.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(bDecl, bOfString.typeVariables[0].owner);
typedef bool Predicate<T>(T t);
Predicate<List> somePredicateOfList;
testTypeVariableOfTypedef() {
LibraryMirror thisLibrary =
TypedefMirror predicateOfDynamic = reflectType(Predicate) as TypedefMirror;
TypedefMirror predicateOfList =
(thisLibrary.declarations[#somePredicateOfList] as VariableMirror).type as TypedefMirror;
TypedefMirror predicateDecl = predicateOfList.originalDeclaration as TypedefMirror;
Expect.equals(predicateDecl, predicateOfDynamic.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(predicateDecl, predicateOfList.typeVariables[0].owner);
Expect.equals(predicateDecl, predicateDecl.typeVariables[0].owner);
main() {
testTypeVariableOfTypedef(); // //# 01: ok