blob: 0e5c5b8fa8065202a8a858dbc1336d6046fb7361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library test.reflected_type_classes;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'reflected_type_helper.dart';
class A<T> {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A<num, int> {} // //# 01: compile-time error
class D extends A<int> {}
class E<S> extends A<S> {}
class F<R> extends A<int> {}
class G {}
class H<A, B, C> {}
main() {
// Declarations.
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(A), null);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(B), B);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(C), C); // //# 01: continued
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(D), D);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(E), null);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(F), null);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(G), G);
expectReflectedType(reflectClass(H), null);
// Instantiations.
expectReflectedType(reflect(new A()).type, new A().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new B()).type, new B().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new C()).type, new C().runtimeType); // //# 01: continued
expectReflectedType(reflect(new D()).type, new D().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new E()).type, new E().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new F()).type, new F().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new G()).type, new G().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new H()).type, new H().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new A<num>()).type, new A<num>().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new B<num>()).type.superclass, // //# 02: compile-time error
new A<dynamic>().runtimeType); // //# 02: continued
expectReflectedType(reflect(new C<num>()).type.superclass, // //# 01: continued
new A<dynamic>().runtimeType); // //# 01: continued
expectReflectedType(reflect(new D<num>()).type.superclass, // //# 03: compile-time error
new A<int>().runtimeType); // //# 03: continued
expectReflectedType(reflect(new E<num>()).type, new E<num>().runtimeType);
reflect(new E<num>()).type.superclass, new A<num>().runtimeType);
reflect(new F<num>()).type.superclass, new A<int>().runtimeType);
expectReflectedType(reflect(new F<num>()).type, new F<num>().runtimeType);
reflect(new H<num, num, num>()).type, new H<num, num, num>().runtimeType);