blob: 28979181cc4cce2c3653ff245ea1fb25d54f0518 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library MirrorsTest;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
bool isNSMContainingFieldName(e, String fieldName, bool isSetter) {
if (e is! NoSuchMethodError) return false;
String needle = fieldName;
if (isSetter) needle += "=";
return "$e".contains(needle) && !"$e".contains(needle + "=");
final finalTopLevel = 0;
class A {
final finalInstance = 0;
static final finalStatic = 0;
class B {
B(a, b);
factory B.fac(a, b) => new B(a, b);
testMessageContents() {
var mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
var libMirror = mirrors.findLibrary(#MirrorsTest);
Expect.throws(() => libMirror.invoke(#foo, []),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => libMirror.getField(#foo),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => libMirror.setField(#foo, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", true));
Expect.throws(() => libMirror.setField(#finalTopLevel, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "finalTopLevel", true));
var classMirror = reflectClass(A);
Expect.throws(() => classMirror.invoke(#foo, []),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => classMirror.getField(#foo),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => classMirror.setField(#foo, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", true));
Expect.throws(() => classMirror.setField(#finalStatic, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "finalStatic", true));
var instanceMirror = reflect(new A());
Expect.throws(() => instanceMirror.invoke(#foo, []),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => instanceMirror.getField(#foo),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", false));
Expect.throws(() => instanceMirror.setField(#foo, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "foo", true));
Expect.throws(() => instanceMirror.setField(#finalInstance, null),
(e) => isNSMContainingFieldName(e, "finalInstance", true));
expectMatchingErrors(reflectiveAction, baseAction) {
var reflectiveError, baseError;
try {
} catch (e) {
reflectiveError = e;
try {
} catch (e) {
baseError = e;
if (baseError.toString() != reflectiveError.toString()) {
print("\n==Base==\n $baseError");
print("\n==Reflective==\n $reflectiveError");
throw "Expected matching errors";
testMatchingMessages() {
var mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
var libMirror = mirrors.findLibrary(#MirrorsTest);
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.invoke(#foo, []), () => foo());
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.getField(#foo), () => foo);
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.setField(#foo, null), () => foo = null);
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.setField(#finalTopLevel, null),
() => finalTopLevel = null);
var classMirror = reflectClass(A);
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.invoke(#foo, []), () =>;
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.getField(#foo), () =>;
() => classMirror.setField(#foo, null), () => = null);
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.setField(#finalStatic, null),
() => A.finalStatic = null);
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.newInstance(#constructor, [1, 2, 3]),
() => new A.constructor(1, 2, 3));
var instanceMirror = reflect(new A());
() => instanceMirror.invoke(#foo, []), () => new A().foo());
expectMatchingErrors(() => instanceMirror.getField(#foo), () => new A().foo);
() => instanceMirror.setField(#foo, null), () => new A().foo = null);
expectMatchingErrors(() => instanceMirror.setField(#finalInstance, null),
() => new A().finalInstance = null);
main() {
testMatchingMessages(); //# dart2js: ok