blob: 0546c4cda823e54736ce8fac26013110f279c9ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library test.class_location;
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
part 'class_mirror_location_other.dart';
class ClassInMainFile {}
class SpaceIndentedInMainFile {}
class TabIndentedInMainFile {}
abstract class AbstractClass {}
typedef bool Predicate(num n);
class M {}
class S {}
class MA extends S with M {}
class MA2 = S with M;
const metadata = 'metadata';
class WithMetadata {}
enum Enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE }
enum AnnotatedEnum { SALT, PEPPER }
// We only check for a suffix of the uri because the test might be run from
// any number of absolute paths.
DeclarationMirror mirror, String uriSuffix, int line, int column) {
final location = mirror.location;
final uri = location.sourceUri;
uri.toString().endsWith(uriSuffix), "Expected suffix $uriSuffix in $uri");
Expect.equals(line, location.line, "line");
Expect.equals(column, location.column, "column");
main() {
String mainSuffix = 'class_mirror_location_test.dart';
String otherSuffix = 'class_mirror_location_other.dart';
// This file.
expectLocation(reflectClass(ClassInMainFile), mainSuffix, 12, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(SpaceIndentedInMainFile), mainSuffix, 13, 3);
expectLocation(reflectClass(TabIndentedInMainFile), mainSuffix, 14, 2);
expectLocation(reflectClass(AbstractClass), mainSuffix, 16, 1);
expectLocation(reflectType(Predicate), mainSuffix, 17, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(MA), mainSuffix, 21, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(MA2), mainSuffix, 22, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(WithMetadata), mainSuffix, 26, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(Enum), mainSuffix, 29, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(AnnotatedEnum), mainSuffix, 31, 1);
// Another part.
expectLocation(reflectClass(ClassInOtherFile), otherSuffix, 7, 1);
expectLocation(reflectClass(SpaceIndentedInOtherFile), otherSuffix, 9, 3);
expectLocation(reflectClass(TabIndentedInOtherFile), otherSuffix, 11, 2);
// Synthetic classes.
Expect.isNull((reflect(main) as ClosureMirror).type.location);