blob: f730d5314db7d3559ca81a8b678c8423ca8882df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nullability_state.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/hint_action.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node_target.dart';
import 'edge_origin.dart';
/// Base class for steps that occur as part of downstream propagation, where the
/// nullability of a node is changed to a new state.
abstract class DownstreamPropagationStep extends PropagationStep
implements DownstreamPropagationStepInfo {
NullabilityNodeMutable? targetNode;
/// The state that the node's nullability was changed to.
/// Any propagation step that took effect should have a non-null value here.
/// Propagation steps that are pending but have not taken effect yet, or that
/// never had an effect (e.g. because an edge was not triggered) will have a
/// `null` value for this field.
Nullability? newState;
DownstreamPropagationStep? get principalCause;
/// Base class for steps that occur as part of propagating exact nullability
/// upstream through the nullability graph.
abstract class ExactNullablePropagationStep extends DownstreamPropagationStep {
/// Conditions of the "lateness" of a [NullabilityNode].
enum LateCondition {
/// The associated [NullabilityNode] does not represent the type of a late
/// variable.
/// The associated [NullabilityNode] represents the type of a late variable,
/// due to a `/*late*/` hint.
/// The associated [NullabilityNode] represents an variable which is possibly
/// late, due to the late-inferring algorithm.
/// The associated [NullabilityNode] represents an variable which is possibly
/// late, due to being assigned in a function passed to a call to the test
/// package's `setUp` function.
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship from one [NullabilityNode]
/// object to another [NullabilityNode] that is "downstream" from it (meaning
/// that if the former node is nullable, then the latter node will either have
/// to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
class NullabilityEdge implements EdgeInfo {
final NullabilityNode destinationNode;
/// A set of upstream nodes. By convention, the first node is the source node
/// and the other nodes are "guards". The destination node will only need to
/// be made nullable if all the upstream nodes are nullable.
final List<NullabilityNode?> upstreamNodes;
final _NullabilityEdgeKind _kind;
/// The location in the source code that caused this edge to be built.
final CodeReference? codeReference;
final String description;
/// Whether this edge is the result of an uninitialized variable declaration.
final bool? isUninit;
/// Whether this edge is the result of an assignment within the test package's
/// `setUp` function.
final bool? isSetupAssignment;
this.destinationNode, this.upstreamNodes, this._kind, this.description,
{this.codeReference, this.isUninit, this.isSetupAssignment});
Iterable<NullabilityNode?> get guards => upstreamNodes.skip(1);
/// Indicates whether it's possible for migration to cope with this edge being
/// unsatisfied by inserting a null check. Graph propagation favors
/// satisfying uncheckable edges over satisfying hard edges.
bool get isCheckable =>
_kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft || _kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard;
bool get isHard =>
_kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard ||
_kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.union ||
_kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.uncheckableHard;
bool get isSatisfied {
if (!isTriggered) return true;
return destinationNode.isNullable;
bool get isTriggered {
for (var upstreamNode in upstreamNodes) {
if (!upstreamNode!.isNullable) return false;
return true;
bool get isUnion => _kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.union;
bool get isUpstreamTriggered {
if (!isHard) return false;
return destinationNode.nonNullIntent.isPresent;
NullabilityNode? get sourceNode => upstreamNodes.first;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) {
var edgeDecorations = <Object?>[];
switch (_kind) {
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.uncheckable:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.uncheckableHard:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.union:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.dummy:
var edgeDecoration =
edgeDecorations.isEmpty ? '' : '-(${edgeDecorations.join(', ')})';
return '${sourceNode!.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} $edgeDecoration-> '
'${destinationNode.toString(idMapper: idMapper)}';
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship between [NullabilityNode]
/// objects.
class NullabilityGraph {
/// Set this const to `true` to dump the nullability graph just before
/// propagation.
static const _debugBeforePropagation = false;
/// Set this const to `true` to dump the nullability graph just before
/// propagation.
static const _debugAfterPropagation = false;
final NullabilityMigrationInstrumentation? instrumentation;
/// Returns a [NullabilityNode] that is a priori nullable.
/// Propagation of nullability always proceeds downstream starting at this
/// node.
final NullabilityNode always;
/// Returns a [NullabilityNode] that is a priori non-nullable.
/// Propagation of nullability always proceeds upstream starting at this
/// node.
final NullabilityNode never;
/// Set containing all sources being migrated.
final _sourcesBeingMigrated = <Source>{};
/// Set containing paths to all sources being migrated.
final _pathsBeingMigrated = <String>{};
/// A set containing all of the nodes in the graph.
final Set<NullabilityNode?> nodes = {};
: always = _NullabilityNodeImmutable('always', true),
never = _NullabilityNodeImmutable('never', false);
/// Records that [sourceNode] is immediately upstream from [destinationNode].
/// Returns the edge created by the connection.
NullabilityEdge connect(NullabilityNode? sourceNode,
NullabilityNode destinationNode, EdgeOrigin origin,
{bool hard = false,
bool checkable = true,
List<NullabilityNode?> guards = const []}) {
var upstreamNodes = [sourceNode, ...guards];
var kind = hard
? checkable
? _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard
: _NullabilityEdgeKind.uncheckableHard
: checkable
? _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft
: _NullabilityEdgeKind.uncheckable;
return _connect(upstreamNodes, destinationNode, kind, origin);
/// Records that [sourceNode] is immediately upstream from [always], via a
/// dummy edge.
NullabilityEdge connectDummy(
NullabilityNode? sourceNode, EdgeOrigin origin) =>
_connect([sourceNode], always, _NullabilityEdgeKind.dummy, origin);
/// Prints out a representation of the graph nodes. Useful in debugging
/// broken tests.
void debugDump() {
Set<NullabilityNode?> visitedNodes = {};
Map<NullabilityNode, String> shortNames = {};
int counter = 0;
String nameNode(NullabilityNode node) {
if (node.isImmutable) {
var name = 'n${counter++}';
print(' $name [label="$node" shape=none]');
return name;
var name = shortNames[node];
if (name == null) {
shortNames[node] = name = 'n${counter++}';
String styleSuffix = node.isNullable ? ' style=filled' : '';
String intentSuffix =
node.nonNullIntent.isPresent ? ', non-null intent' : '';
String label = '$node (${node._nullability}$intentSuffix)';
print(' $name [label="$label"$styleSuffix]');
if (node is NullabilityNodeCompound) {
for (var component in node._components) {
print(' ${nameNode(component!)} -> $name [style=dashed]');
return name;
void visitNode(NullabilityNode? node) {
if (!visitedNodes.add(node)) return;
for (var edge in node!._upstreamEdges) {
String suffix;
if (edge.isUnion) {
suffix = ' [label="union"]';
} else if (edge.isHard) {
suffix = ' [label="hard"]';
} else if (edge.isCheckable) {
suffix = '';
} else {
suffix = ' [label="uncheckable"]';
var upstreamNodes = edge.upstreamNodes;
if (upstreamNodes.length == 1) {
' ${nameNode(upstreamNodes.single!)} -> ${nameNode(node)}$suffix');
} else {
var tmpName = 'n${counter++}';
print(' $tmpName [label=""]');
print(' $tmpName -> ${nameNode(node)}$suffix}');
for (var upstreamNode in upstreamNodes) {
print(' ${nameNode(upstreamNode!)} -> $tmpName');
print('digraph G {');
print(' rankdir="LR"');
for (var node in nodes) {
/// Determine if [source] is in the code being migrated.
bool isBeingMigrated(Source source) {
return _sourcesBeingMigrated.contains(source);
bool isPathBeingMigrated(String path) {
return _pathsBeingMigrated.contains(path);
/// Creates a graph edge that will try to force the given [node] to be
/// non-nullable.
NullabilityEdge makeNonNullable(NullabilityNode? node, EdgeOrigin origin,
{bool hard = true, List<NullabilityNode?> guards = const []}) {
return connect(node, never, origin, hard: hard, guards: guards);
/// Creates union edges that will guarantee that the given [node] is
/// non-nullable.
void makeNonNullableUnion(NullabilityNode node, EdgeOrigin origin) {
union(node, never, origin);
/// Creates a graph edge that will try to force the given [node] to be
/// nullable.
void makeNullable(NullabilityNode node, EdgeOrigin origin,
{List<NullabilityNode> guards = const []}) {
connect(always, node, origin, guards: guards);
/// Creates a `union` graph edge that will try to force the given [node] to be
/// nullable. This is a stronger signal than [makeNullable] (it overrides
/// [makeNonNullable]).
void makeNullableUnion(NullabilityNode node, EdgeOrigin origin) {
union(always, node, origin);
/// Record source as code that is being migrated.
void migrating(Source source) {
/// Creates a graph edge that will try to prevent the given [node] from being
/// marked `late`.
void preventLate(NullabilityNode node, EdgeOrigin origin) {
connect(node, always, origin);
/// Determines the nullability of each node in the graph by propagating
/// nullability information from one node to another.
PropagationResult propagate() {
if (_debugBeforePropagation) debugDump();
var propagationState = _PropagationState(always, never).result;
if (_debugAfterPropagation) debugDump();
return propagationState;
/// Records that nodes [x] and [y] should have exactly the same nullability.
void union(NullabilityNode x, NullabilityNode y, EdgeOrigin origin) {
_connect([x], y, _NullabilityEdgeKind.union, origin);
_connect([y], x, _NullabilityEdgeKind.union, origin);
/// Update the graph after an edge has been added or removed.
void update() {
// Reset the state of the nodes.
// This is inefficient because we reset the state of some nodes more than
// once, but not all nodes are reachable from both `never` and `always`, so
// we need to traverse the graph from both directions.
for (var node in nodes) {
// Reset the state of the listener.
// Re-run the propagation step.
NullabilityEdge _connect(
List<NullabilityNode?> upstreamNodes,
NullabilityNode destinationNode,
_NullabilityEdgeKind kind,
EdgeOrigin origin) {
var isUninit = origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.fieldNotInitialized ||
origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.implicitNullInitializer ||
origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.uninitializedRead;
var isSetupAssignment =
origin is ExpressionChecksOrigin && origin.isSetupAssignment;
var edge = NullabilityEdge._(
destinationNode, upstreamNodes, kind, origin.description,
codeReference: origin.codeReference,
isUninit: isUninit,
isSetupAssignment: isSetupAssignment);
instrumentation?.graphEdge(edge, origin);
for (var upstreamNode in upstreamNodes) {
_connectDownstream(upstreamNode!, edge);
return edge;
void _connectDownstream(NullabilityNode upstreamNode, NullabilityEdge edge) {
if (upstreamNode is NullabilityNodeCompound) {
for (var component in upstreamNode._components) {
_connectDownstream(component!, edge);
/// Same as [NullabilityGraph], but extended with extra methods for easier
/// testing.
class NullabilityGraphForTesting extends NullabilityGraph {
final List<NullabilityEdge> _allEdges = [];
final Map<NullabilityEdge, EdgeOrigin> _edgeOrigins = {};
/// Iterates through all edges in the graph.
Iterable<NullabilityEdge> getAllEdges() {
return _allEdges;
/// Retrieves the [EdgeOrigin] object that was used to create [edge].
EdgeOrigin? getEdgeOrigin(NullabilityEdge edge) => _edgeOrigins[edge];
NullabilityEdge _connect(
List<NullabilityNode?> upstreamNodes,
NullabilityNode destinationNode,
_NullabilityEdgeKind kind,
EdgeOrigin origin) {
var edge = super._connect(upstreamNodes, destinationNode, kind, origin);
_edgeOrigins[edge] = origin;
return edge;
/// Representation of a single node in the nullability inference graph.
/// Initially, this is just a wrapper over constraint variables, and the
/// nullability inference graph is encoded into the wrapped constraint
/// variables. Over time this will be replaced by a first class representation
/// of the nullability inference graph.
abstract class NullabilityNode implements NullabilityNodeInfo {
LateCondition _lateCondition = LateCondition.notLate;
final hintActions = <HintActionKind, Map<int?, List<AtomicEdit>>>{};
bool _isPossiblyOptional = false;
/// List of [NullabilityEdge] objects describing this node's relationship to
/// other nodes that are "downstream" from it (meaning that if a key node is
/// nullable, then all the nodes in the corresponding value will either have
/// to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
final _downstreamEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
/// List of edges that have this node as their destination.
final _upstreamEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
/// List of compound nodes wrapping this node.
final List<NullabilityNodeCompound> outerCompoundNodes =
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type comes from an already-migrated library.
factory NullabilityNode.forAlreadyMigrated(NullabilityNodeTarget target) =>
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of an expression
/// which is nullable iff two other nullability nodes are both nullable.
/// The caller is required to create the appropriate graph edges to ensure
/// that the appropriate relationship between the nodes' nullabilities holds.
factory NullabilityNode.forGLB() => _NullabilityNodeSimple(
NullabilityNodeTarget.text('(greatest lower bound)'));
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is determined by the `??` operator.
factory NullabilityNode.forIfNotNull(AstNode node) => _NullabilityNodeSimple(
NullabilityNodeTarget.text('?? operator').withCodeRef(node));
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is determined by type inference.
factory NullabilityNode.forInferredType(NullabilityNodeTarget target) =>
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of an
/// expression which is nullable iff either [a] or [b] is nullable.
factory NullabilityNode.forLUB(
NullabilityNode? left, NullabilityNode? right) = NullabilityNodeForLUB._;
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// substitution where [outerNode] is the nullability node for the type
/// variable being eliminated by the substitution, and [innerNode] is the
/// nullability node for the type being substituted in its place.
/// If either [innerNode] or [outerNode] is `null`, then the other node is
/// returned.
factory NullabilityNode.forSubstitution(
NullabilityNode? innerNode, NullabilityNode? outerNode) {
if (innerNode == null) return outerNode!;
if (outerNode == null) return innerNode;
return NullabilityNodeForSubstitution._(innerNode, outerNode);
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// annotation appearing explicitly in the user's program.
factory NullabilityNode.forTypeAnnotation(NullabilityNodeTarget target) =>
CodeReference? get codeReference => null;
/// Gets a string that can be appended to a type name during debugging to help
/// annotate the nullability of that type.
String get debugSuffix => '?($this)';
/// Gets a name for the nullability node that is suitable for display to the
/// user.
String get displayName;
Iterable<EdgeInfo> get downstreamEdges => _downstreamEdges;
/// After nullability propagation, this getter can be used to query whether
/// the type associated with this node should be considered "exact nullable".
bool get isExactNullable;
/// After nullability propagation, this getter can be used to query whether
/// the type associated with this node should be considered nullable.
bool get isNullable;
/// Indicates whether this node is associated with a named parameter for which
/// nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or required.
bool get isPossiblyOptional => _isPossiblyOptional;
/// Indicates whether this node is associated with a variable declaration
/// which should be annotated with "late".
LateCondition get lateCondition => _lateCondition;
/// After nullability propagation, this getter can be used to query the node's
/// non-null intent state.
NonNullIntent get nonNullIntent;
Iterable<EdgeInfo> get upstreamEdges => _upstreamEdges;
UpstreamPropagationStep? get whyNotNullable;
Nullability? get _nullability;
/// Records the fact that an invocation was made to a function with named
/// parameters, and the named parameter associated with this node was not
/// supplied.
void recordNamedParameterNotSupplied(List<NullabilityNode?> guards,
NullabilityGraph graph, NamedParameterNotSuppliedOrigin origin) {
if (isPossiblyOptional) {
graph.connect(graph.always, this, origin, guards: guards);
/// Reset the state of this node to what it was before the graph was solved.
void resetState();
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) {
var name = displayName;
if (idMapper == null) {
return name;
} else {
return '${idMapper.idForNode(this)}: $name';
/// Tracks the possibility that this node is associated with a named parameter
/// for which nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or
/// required.
void trackPossiblyOptional() {
_isPossiblyOptional = true;
/// Base class for nullability nodes that are nullable if at least one of a set
/// of other nodes is nullable, and non-nullable otherwise; the set of other
/// nodes are called "components".
abstract class NullabilityNodeCompound extends NullabilityNodeMutable {
NullabilityNodeCompound() : super._();
/// A map describing each of the node's components by name.
Map<String, NullabilityNode?> get componentsByName;
bool get isExactNullable => _components.any((c) => c!.isExactNullable);
bool get isNullable => _components.any((c) => c!.isNullable);
Iterable<NullabilityNode?> get _components;
/// Derived class for nullability nodes that arise from the least-upper-bound
/// implied by a conditional expression.
class NullabilityNodeForLUB extends NullabilityNodeCompound {
final NullabilityNode? left;
final NullabilityNode? right;
NullabilityNodeForLUB._(this.left, this.right) {
Map<String, NullabilityNode?> get componentsByName =>
{'left': left, 'right': right};
String get displayName => '${left!.displayName} or ${right!.displayName}';
Iterable<NullabilityNode?> get _components => [left, right];
void resetState() {
/// Derived class for nullability nodes that arise from type variable
/// substitution.
class NullabilityNodeForSubstitution extends NullabilityNodeCompound
implements SubstitutionNodeInfo {
final NullabilityNode innerNode;
final NullabilityNode outerNode;
NullabilityNodeForSubstitution._(this.innerNode, this.outerNode) {
Map<String, NullabilityNode> get componentsByName =>
{'inner': innerNode, 'outer': outerNode};
String get displayName =>
'${innerNode.displayName} or ${outerNode.displayName}';
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get _components => [innerNode, outerNode];
void resetState() {
/// Base class for nullability nodes whose state can be mutated safely.
/// Nearly all nullability nodes derive from this class; the only exceptions are
/// the fixed nodes "always "never".
abstract class NullabilityNodeMutable extends NullabilityNode {
Nullability? _nullability;
NonNullIntent _nonNullIntent;
DownstreamPropagationStep? _whyNullable;
UpstreamPropagationStep? _whyNotNullable;
{Nullability initialNullability = Nullability.nonNullable})
: _nullability = initialNullability,
_nonNullIntent = NonNullIntent.none,
bool get isExactNullable => _nullability!.isExactNullable;
bool get isImmutable => false;
bool get isNullable => _nullability!.isNullable;
NonNullIntent get nonNullIntent => _nonNullIntent;
UpstreamPropagationStep? get whyNotNullable => _whyNotNullable;
DownstreamPropagationStepInfo? get whyNullable => _whyNullable;
void resetState() {
_nullability = Nullability.nonNullable;
_nonNullIntent = NonNullIntent.none;
_whyNullable = null;
/// Information produced by [NullabilityGraph.propagate] about the results of
/// graph propagation.
class PropagationResult {
/// A list of all edges that couldn't be satisfied. May contain duplicates.
final List<NullabilityEdge> unsatisfiedEdges = [];
/// A list of all substitution nodes that couldn't be satisfied.
final List<NullabilityNodeForSubstitution> unsatisfiedSubstitutions = [];
/// Class representing a step taken by the nullability propagation algorithm.
abstract class PropagationStep implements PropagationStepInfo {
/// The location in the source code that caused this step to be necessary,
/// or `null` if not known.
CodeReference? get codeReference => null;
/// The previous propagation step that led to this one, or `null` if there was
/// no previous step.
PropagationStep? get principalCause;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper});
/// Propagation step where we consider mark one of the components of a
/// substitution node as nullable because the substitution node itself is
/// nullable.
class ResolveSubstitutionPropagationStep extends ExactNullablePropagationStep {
final DownstreamPropagationStep principalCause;
/// The substitution node that needed resolution.
final NullabilityNodeForSubstitution node;
ResolveSubstitutionPropagationStep(this.principalCause, this.node);
EdgeInfo? get edge => null;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) =>
'${targetNode!.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} becomes $newState due to '
'${node.toString(idMapper: idMapper)}';
/// Propagation step where we mark the destination of an edge as nullable, due
/// to its sources becoming nullable.
class SimpleDownstreamPropagationStep extends DownstreamPropagationStep {
final DownstreamPropagationStep? principalCause;
final NullabilityEdge edge;
SimpleDownstreamPropagationStep(this.principalCause, this.edge);
CodeReference? get codeReference => edge.codeReference;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) =>
'${targetNode!.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} becomes $newState due to '
'${edge.toString(idMapper: idMapper)}';
/// Propagation step where we mark the source of an edge as exact nullable, due
/// to its destination becoming exact nullable.
class SimpleExactNullablePropagationStep extends ExactNullablePropagationStep {
final ExactNullablePropagationStep principalCause;
final NullabilityEdge edge;
SimpleExactNullablePropagationStep(this.principalCause, this.edge);
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) =>
'${targetNode!.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} becomes $newState due to '
'${edge.toString(idMapper: idMapper)}';
/// Propagation step where we mark a node as having non-null intent due to it
/// being upstream from another node with non-null intent.
class UpstreamPropagationStep extends PropagationStep
implements UpstreamPropagationStepInfo {
final UpstreamPropagationStep? principalCause;
/// The node being marked as having non-null intent.
final NullabilityNode node;
/// The new state of the node's non-null intent.
final NonNullIntent newNonNullIntent;
/// The nullability edge connecting [node] to the node it is upstream from, if
/// any.
final NullabilityEdge? edge;
final bool isStartingPoint;
this.principalCause, this.node, this.newNonNullIntent, this.edge,
{this.isStartingPoint = false});
CodeReference? get codeReference => edge?.codeReference;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper? idMapper}) =>
'${node.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} becomes $newNonNullIntent';
/// Kinds of nullability edges
enum _NullabilityEdgeKind {
/// Soft edge. Propagates nullability downstream only. May be overridden by
/// suggestions that the user intends non-nullability.
/// Uncheckable edge. Propagates nullability downstream only. May not be
/// overridden by suggestions that the user intends non-nullability.
/// Hard edge. Propagates nullability downstream and non-nullability
/// upstream.
/// Union edge. Indicates that two nodes should have exactly the same
/// nullability.
/// Uncheckable hard edge. Propagates nullability downstream and
/// non-nullability upstream. May not be overridden by suggestions that the
/// user intends non-nullability.
/// Dummy edge. Indicates that two edges are connected in a way that should
/// not propagate (non-)nullability in either direction.
class _NullabilityNodeImmutable extends NullabilityNode {
final String displayName;
final bool isNullable;
_NullabilityNodeImmutable(this.displayName, this.isNullable) : super._();
String get debugSuffix => isNullable ? '?' : '';
Map<HintActionKind, Map<int?, List<AtomicEdit>>> get hintActions => const {};
// Note: the node "always" is not exact nullable, because exact nullability is
// a concept for contravariant generics which propagates upstream instead of
// downstream. "always" is not a contravariant generic, and does not have any
// upstream nodes, so it should not be considered *exact* nullable.
bool get isExactNullable => false;
bool get isImmutable => true;
NonNullIntent get nonNullIntent =>
isNullable ? NonNullIntent.none :;
UpstreamPropagationStep? get whyNotNullable => null;
DownstreamPropagationStepInfo? get whyNullable => null;
Nullability get _nullability =>
isNullable ? Nullability.ordinaryNullable : Nullability.nonNullable;
void resetState() {
// There is no state to reset.
class _NullabilityNodeSimple extends NullabilityNodeMutable {
final NullabilityNodeTarget target;
_NullabilityNodeSimple( : super._();
CodeReference? get codeReference => target.codeReference;
String get displayName => target.displayName;
/// Workspace for performing graph propagation.
/// Graph propagation is performed immediately upon construction, so as soon as
/// the caller has constructed this object, the graph has been propagated and
/// the results of propagation can be retrieved from [result].
class _PropagationState {
/// The result of propagation, for sharing with the client.
final PropagationResult result = PropagationResult._();
/// The graph's one and only "always" node.
final NullabilityNode _always;
/// The graph's one and only "never" node.
final NullabilityNode _never;
/// During any given stage of nullability propagation, a queue of all the
/// edges that need to be examined before the stage is complete.
final Queue<SimpleDownstreamPropagationStep> _pendingDownstreamSteps =
/// During execution of [_propagateDownstream], a list of all the substitution
/// nodes that have not yet been resolved.
List<ResolveSubstitutionPropagationStep> _pendingSubstitutions = [];
_PropagationState(this._always, this._never) {
/// Propagates nullability downstream.
void _propagateDownstream() {
for (var edge in _always._downstreamEdges) {
_pendingDownstreamSteps.add(SimpleDownstreamPropagationStep(null, edge));
while (true) {
while (_pendingDownstreamSteps.isNotEmpty) {
var step = _pendingDownstreamSteps.removeFirst();
var edge = step.edge;
if (!edge.isTriggered) continue;
var node = edge.destinationNode;
if (edge.isUninit! && !node.isNullable) {
// [edge] is an edge from always to an uninitialized variable
// declaration.
var isSetupAssigned = node.upstreamEdges
.any((e) => e is NullabilityEdge && e.isSetupAssignment!);
// Whether all downstream edges go to nodes with non-null intent.
var allDownstreamHaveNonNullIntent = false;
if (node.downstreamEdges.isNotEmpty) {
allDownstreamHaveNonNullIntent = node.downstreamEdges.every((e) {
var destination = e.destinationNode;
return destination is NullabilityNode &&
if (allDownstreamHaveNonNullIntent) {
node._lateCondition = LateCondition.possiblyLate;
} else if (isSetupAssigned) {
node._lateCondition = LateCondition.possiblyLateDueToTestSetup;
var nonNullIntent = node.nonNullIntent;
if (nonNullIntent.isPresent) {
if (edge.isCheckable) {
// The node has already been marked as having non-null intent, and
// the edge can be addressed by adding a null check, so we prefer to
// leave the edge unsatisfied and let the null check happen.
if (nonNullIntent.isDirect) {
// The node has direct non-null intent so we aren't in a position to
// mark it as nullable.
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable && !node.isNullable) {
assert(step.targetNode == null);
step.targetNode = node;
step.newState = Nullability.ordinaryNullable;
node._lateCondition = LateCondition.notLate;
if (_pendingSubstitutions.isEmpty) break;
var oldPendingSubstitutions = _pendingSubstitutions;
_pendingSubstitutions = [];
for (var step in oldPendingSubstitutions) {
/// Propagates non-null intent upstream along unconditional control flow
/// lines.
void _propagateUpstream() {
Queue<UpstreamPropagationStep> pendingSteps = Queue();
null, _never,, null,
isStartingPoint: true));
while (pendingSteps.isNotEmpty) {
var cause = pendingSteps.removeFirst();
var pendingNode = cause.node;
for (var edge in pendingNode._upstreamEdges) {
// We only propagate for nodes that are "upstream triggered". At this
// point of propagation, a node is upstream triggered if it is hard.
assert(edge.isUpstreamTriggered == edge.isHard);
if (!edge.isHard) continue;
var node = edge.sourceNode;
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable) {
var oldNonNullIntent = node._nonNullIntent;
NonNullIntent newNonNullIntent;
if (edge.isUnion && edge.destinationNode == _never) {
// If a node is unioned with "never" then it's considered to have
// direct non-null intent.
newNonNullIntent =;
} else {
newNonNullIntent = oldNonNullIntent.addIndirect();
var step =
UpstreamPropagationStep(cause, node, newNonNullIntent, edge);
if (!oldNonNullIntent.isPresent) {
// We did not previously have non-null intent, so we need to
// propagate.
// If any compound node is forced to be non-nullable by this change,
// propagate to it.
for (var node in pendingNode.outerCompoundNodes) {
if (node._components
.any((component) => !component!.nonNullIntent.isPresent)) {
var oldNonNullIntent = node._nonNullIntent;
var newNonNullIntent = oldNonNullIntent.addIndirect();
var step = UpstreamPropagationStep(cause, node, newNonNullIntent, null);
if (!oldNonNullIntent.isPresent) {
// We did not previously have non-null intent, so we need to
// propagate.
void _resolvePendingSubstitution(ResolveSubstitutionPropagationStep step) {
NullabilityNodeForSubstitution substitutionNode = step.node;
// If both nodes pointed to by the substitution node have non-null intent,
// then no resolution is needed; the substitution node can’t be satisfied.
if (substitutionNode.innerNode.nonNullIntent.isPresent &&
substitutionNode.outerNode.nonNullIntent.isPresent) {
// Otherwise, if the outer node is in a nullable state, then no resolution
// is needed because the substitution node is already satisfied.
if (substitutionNode.outerNode.isNullable) {
// Otherwise, if the inner node has non-null intent, then we set the outer
// node to the ordinary nullable state.
if (substitutionNode.innerNode.nonNullIntent.isPresent) {
assert(step.targetNode == null);
step.targetNode = substitutionNode.outerNode as NullabilityNodeMutable;
step.newState = Nullability.ordinaryNullable;
// Otherwise, we set the inner node to the exact nullable state, and we
// propagate this state upstream as far as possible using the following
// rule: if there is an edge A → B, where A is in the undetermined or
// ordinary nullable state, and B is in the exact nullable state, then A’s
// state is changed to exact nullable.
var pendingExactNullableSteps = <SimpleExactNullablePropagationStep>[];
var node = substitutionNode.innerNode;
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable) {
assert(step.targetNode == null);
step.targetNode = node;
step.newState = Nullability.exactNullable;
var oldNullability = _setNullable(step);
if (!oldNullability.isExactNullable) {
// Was not previously in the "exact nullable" state. Need to
// propagate.
for (var edge in node._upstreamEdges) {
.add(SimpleExactNullablePropagationStep(step, edge));
// TODO(mfairhurst): should this propagate back up outerContainerNodes?
while (pendingExactNullableSteps.isNotEmpty) {
var step = pendingExactNullableSteps.removeLast();
var edge = step.edge;
var node = edge.sourceNode;
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable &&
!edge.isCheckable &&
!node.nonNullIntent.isPresent) {
assert(step.targetNode == null);
step.targetNode = node;
step.newState = Nullability.exactNullable;
var oldNullability = _setNullable(step);
if (!oldNullability.isExactNullable) {
// Was not previously in the "exact nullable" state. Need to
// propagate.
for (var edge in node._upstreamEdges) {
.add(SimpleExactNullablePropagationStep(step, edge));
void _setNonNullIntent(UpstreamPropagationStep step) {
var node = step.node as NullabilityNodeMutable;
var newNonNullIntent = step.newNonNullIntent;
var oldNonNullIntent = node.nonNullIntent;
node._nonNullIntent = newNonNullIntent;
if (!oldNonNullIntent.isPresent) {
node._whyNotNullable = step;
Nullability _setNullable(DownstreamPropagationStep step) {
var node = step.targetNode!;
var newState = step.newState;
var oldState = node._nullability!;
node._nullability = newState;
if (!oldState.isNullable) {
node._whyNullable = step;
// Was not previously nullable, so we need to propagate.
for (var edge in node._downstreamEdges) {
.add(SimpleDownstreamPropagationStep(step, edge));
if (node is NullabilityNodeForSubstitution) {
.add(ResolveSubstitutionPropagationStep(step, node));
return oldState;