blob: 4c868c7635e8a995ac9dd7e958ec607be118e86e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// Everything the front end needs to know to tell the server to perform a hint
/// action.
class HintAction {
final HintActionKind kind;
final int? nodeId;
HintAction(this.kind, this.nodeId);
HintAction.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json)
: nodeId = json['nodeId'] as int?,
kind = HintActionKind.values
.singleWhere((action) => action.index == json['kind']);
Map<String, Object?> toJson() => {
'nodeId': nodeId,
'kind': kind.index,
/// Enum describing the possible hints that can be performed on an edge or a
/// node.
/// Which actions are available can be built by other visitors, and the hint can
/// be applied by visitors such as EditPlanner when the user requests it from
/// the front end.
enum HintActionKind {
/// Add a `/*?*/` hint to a type.
/// Add a `/*!*/` hint to a type.
/// Change a `/*!*/` hint to a `/*?*/` hint.
/// Change a `/*?*/` hint to a `/*!*/` hint.
/// Remove a `/*?*/` hint.
/// Remove a `/*!*/` hint.
/// Extension methods to make [HintActionKind] act as a smart enum.
extension HintActionKindBehaviors on HintActionKind {
/// Get the text description of a [HintActionKind], for display to users.
String? get description {
switch (this) {
case HintActionKind.addNullableHint:
return 'Add /*?*/ hint';
case HintActionKind.addNonNullableHint:
return 'Add /*!*/ hint';
case HintActionKind.removeNullableHint:
return 'Remove /*?*/ hint';
case HintActionKind.removeNonNullableHint:
return 'Remove /*!*/ hint';
case HintActionKind.changeToNullableHint:
return 'Change to /*?*/ hint';
case HintActionKind.changeToNonNullableHint:
return 'Change to /*!*/ hint';