blob: 567c642432c79ce5e8e3d9d9418692d1efd2dd39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'core_types.dart';
import 'kernel.dart';
import 'type_checker.dart' as type_checker;
import 'type_algebra.dart';
import 'type_environment.dart';
abstract class FailureListener {
void reportFailure(TreeNode node, String message);
void reportNotAssignable(TreeNode node, DartType first, DartType second);
void reportInvalidOverride(Member member, Member inherited, String message);
class NaiveTypeChecker extends type_checker.TypeChecker {
final FailureListener failures;
factory NaiveTypeChecker(FailureListener failures, Component component,
{bool ignoreSdk: false}) {
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
return new NaiveTypeChecker._(
new ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes,
onAmbiguousSupertypes: (Class cls, Supertype s0, Supertype s1) {
failures.reportFailure(cls, "$cls can't implement both $s1 and $s1");
NaiveTypeChecker._(this.failures, CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy, bool ignoreSdk)
: super(coreTypes, hierarchy, ignoreSdk: ignoreSdk);
// TODO(vegorov) this only gets called for immediate overrides which leads
// to less strict checking that Dart 2.0 specification demands for covariant
// parameters.
void checkOverride(
Class host, Member ownMember, Member superMember, bool isSetter) {
final bool ownMemberIsFieldOrAccessor =
ownMember is Field || (ownMember as Procedure).isAccessor;
final bool superMemberIsFieldOrAccessor =
superMember is Field || (superMember as Procedure).isAccessor;
// TODO: move to error reporting code
String _memberKind(Member m) {
if (m is Field) {
return 'field';
} else {
final Procedure p = m as Procedure;
if (p.isGetter) {
return 'getter';
} else if (p.isSetter) {
return 'setter';
} else {
return 'method';
// First check if we are overriding field/accessor with a normal method
// or other way around.
if (ownMemberIsFieldOrAccessor != superMemberIsFieldOrAccessor) {
return failures.reportInvalidOverride(ownMember, superMember, '''
${ownMember} is a ${_memberKind(ownMember)}
${superMember} is a ${_memberKind(superMember)}
if (ownMemberIsFieldOrAccessor) {
if (isSetter) {
final DartType ownType = setterType(host, ownMember);
final DartType superType = setterType(host, superMember);
final bool isCovariantByDeclaration = ownMember is Field
? ownMember.isCovariantByDeclaration
: ownMember
if (!_isValidParameterOverride(
isCovariantByDeclaration, ownType, superType)) {
if (isCovariantByDeclaration) {
return failures.reportInvalidOverride(ownMember, superMember, '''
${ownType} is neither a subtype nor supertype of ${superType}
} else {
return failures.reportInvalidOverride(ownMember, superMember, '''
${ownType} is not a subtype of ${superType}
} else {
final DartType ownType = getterType(host, ownMember);
final DartType superType = getterType(host, superMember);
if (!_isSubtypeOf(ownType, superType)) {
return failures.reportInvalidOverride(ownMember, superMember, '''
${ownType} is not a subtype of ${superType}
} else {
final String? msg =
_checkFunctionOverride(host, ownMember, superMember as Procedure);
if (msg != null) {
return failures.reportInvalidOverride(ownMember, superMember, msg);
/// Check if [subtype] is subtype of [supertype] after applying
/// type parameter [substitution].
bool _isSubtypeOf(DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
// TODO(cstefantsova): Remove this when ExtensionType is in ast.dart.
if (!_isKnownDartTypeImplementation(subtype) ||
!_isKnownDartTypeImplementation(supertype)) {
return true;
if (subtype is InvalidType || supertype is InvalidType) {
return true;
// TODO(cstefantsova): Find a way to tell the weak mode from strong mode to
// use [SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities] where necessary.
return environment.isSubtypeOf(
subtype, supertype, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities);
Substitution _makeSubstitutionForMember(Class host, Member member) {
final Supertype hostType =
hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(host, member.enclosingClass!)!;
return Substitution.fromSupertype(hostType);
/// Check if function node [ownMember] is a valid override for [superMember].
/// Returns [null] if override is valid or an error message.
/// Note: this function is a copy of [SubtypeTester._isFunctionSubtypeOf]
/// but it additionally accounts for parameter covariance.
String? _checkFunctionOverride(
Class host, Procedure ownMember, Procedure superMember) {
if (ownMember.isMemberSignature ||
(ownMember.isForwardingStub && !ownMember.isForwardingSemiStub)) {
// Synthesized members are not obligated to override super members.
return null;
final FunctionNode ownFunction = ownMember.function;
final FunctionNode superFunction = superMember.function;
Substitution ownSubstitution = _makeSubstitutionForMember(host, ownMember);
final Substitution superSubstitution =
_makeSubstitutionForMember(host, superMember);
if (ownFunction.requiredParameterCount >
superFunction.requiredParameterCount) {
return 'override has more required parameters';
if (ownFunction.positionalParameters.length <
superFunction.positionalParameters.length) {
return 'super method has more positional parameters';
if (ownFunction.typeParameters.length !=
superFunction.typeParameters.length) {
return 'methods have different type parameters counts';
if (ownFunction.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> typeParameterMap =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < ownFunction.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeParameter subParameter = ownFunction.typeParameters[i];
TypeParameter superParameter = superFunction.typeParameters[i];
typeParameterMap[subParameter] = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
subParameter, superParameter);
ownSubstitution = Substitution.combine(
ownSubstitution, Substitution.fromMap(typeParameterMap));
for (int i = 0; i < ownFunction.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeParameter subParameter = ownFunction.typeParameters[i];
TypeParameter superParameter = superFunction.typeParameters[i];
DartType subBound = ownSubstitution.substituteType(subParameter.bound);
if (!_isSubtypeOf(
superSubstitution.substituteType(superParameter.bound), subBound)) {
return 'type parameters have incompatible bounds';
if (!_isSubtypeOf(ownSubstitution.substituteType(ownFunction.returnType),
superSubstitution.substituteType(superFunction.returnType))) {
return 'return type of override ${ownFunction.returnType} is not a'
' subtype of ${superFunction.returnType}';
for (int i = 0; i < superFunction.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
final VariableDeclaration ownParameter =
final VariableDeclaration superParameter =
if (!_isValidParameterOverride(
superSubstitution.substituteType(superParameter.type))) {
return '''
type of parameter ${} is incompatible
override declares ${ownParameter.type}
super method declares ${superParameter.type}
if (superFunction.namedParameters.isEmpty) {
return null;
// Note: FunctionNode.namedParameters are not sorted so we convert them
// to map to make lookup faster.
final Map<String, VariableDeclaration> ownParameters =
new Map<String, VariableDeclaration>.fromIterable(
key: (v) =>;
for (VariableDeclaration superParameter in superFunction.namedParameters) {
final VariableDeclaration? ownParameter =
if (ownParameter == null) {
return 'override is missing ${} parameter';
if (!_isValidParameterOverride(
superSubstitution.substituteType(superParameter.type))) {
return '''
type of parameter ${} is incompatible
override declares ${ownParameter.type}
super method declares ${superParameter.type}
return null;
/// Checks whether parameter with [ownParameterType] type is a valid override
/// for parameter with [superParameterType] type taking into account its
/// covariance and applying type parameter [substitution] if necessary.
bool _isValidParameterOverride(bool isCovariantByDeclaration,
DartType ownParameterType, DartType superParameterType) {
if (_isSubtypeOf(superParameterType, ownParameterType)) {
return true;
} else if (isCovariantByDeclaration &&
_isSubtypeOf(ownParameterType, superParameterType)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void checkAssignable(TreeNode where, DartType from, DartType to) {
// Note: we permit implicit downcasts.
if (from != to && !_isSubtypeOf(from, to) && !_isSubtypeOf(to, from)) {
failures.reportNotAssignable(where, from, to);
void checkUnresolvedInvocation(DartType receiver, TreeNode where) {
while (receiver is TypeParameterType) {
TypeParameterType typeParameterType = receiver;
receiver = typeParameterType.bound;
if (receiver is DynamicType) {
if (receiver is InvalidType) {
if (receiver is NeverType &&
receiver.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
// Permit any invocation or tear-off of `call` on Function type.
if ((receiver == environment.coreTypes.functionLegacyRawType ||
receiver == environment.coreTypes.functionNonNullableRawType ||
receiver is FunctionType) &&
(where is InvocationExpression && == 'call') ||
where is FunctionTearOff) {
fail(where, 'Unresolved method invocation on ${receiver}');
void fail(TreeNode where, String message) {
failures.reportFailure(where, message);
bool _isKnownDartTypeImplementation(DartType type) {
return type is DynamicType ||
type is FunctionType ||
type is FutureOrType ||
type is InterfaceType ||
type is InvalidType ||
type is NeverType ||
type is NullType ||
type is TypeParameterType ||
type is TypedefType ||
type is VoidType;