blob: cf544f1e2eab4bc29ca39cdc88ad11c8260c4181 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "native_testing.dart";
// Test for dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer, getTag hook.
class T1A {}
class T1B {}
class T1C {}
makeT1A() native;
makeT1B() native;
makeT1C() native;
int getTagCallCount() native;
void setup() {
JS('', r'''
function T1A() { } // Normal native class.
function T1CrazyB() { } // Native class with different constructor name.
var T1fakeA = (function(){
function T1A() {} // Native class with adversarial constructor name.
return T1A;
// Make constructors visible on 'window' for prepatching.
if (typeof window == "undefined") window = {};
window.T1A = T1A;
window.T1CrazyB = T1CrazyB;
self.makeT1A = function(){return new T1A()};
self.makeT1B = function(){return new T1CrazyB()};
self.makeT1C = function(){return new T1fakeA()};
self.nativeConstructor(T1A, undefined, true);
self.nativeConstructor(T1CrazyB, undefined, true);
self.nativeConstructor(T1fakeA, undefined, true);
var getTagCount = 0;
getTagCallCount = function() { return getTagCount; };
function transformer1(hooks) {
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
function getTagNew(obj) {
// If something looks like a different native type we can check in advance
// of the default algorithm.
if (obj instanceof T1fakeA) return "T1C";
var tag = getTag(obj);
// New constructor names can be mapped here.
if (tag == "T1CrazyB") return "T1B";
return tag;
hooks.getTag = getTagNew;
dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer = [transformer1];
applyTestExtensions(['T1A', 'T1CrazyB', 'T1fakeA']);
main() {
var t1a = makeT1A();
var t1b = makeT1B();
var t1c = makeT1C();
Expect.equals(true, t1a is T1A, '$t1a is T1A');
Expect.equals(true, t1b is T1B, '$t1b is T1B');
Expect.equals(true, t1c is T1C, '$t1c is T1C');
Expect.equals(2, getTagCallCount());
Expect.equals(true, confuse(t1a) is T1A, '$t1a is T1A');
Expect.equals(true, confuse(t1b) is T1B, '$t1b is T1B');
Expect.equals(true, confuse(t1c) is T1C, '$t1c is T1C');
Expect.equals(2, getTagCallCount());