blob: 4b4964faa016b7e16c77559cf3ec36317dbbaa28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library fasta.test.suite_utils;
import 'package:testing/testing.dart' show Step, TestDescription;
import 'package:testing/src/chain.dart' show CreateContext;
import 'package:testing/src/log.dart' show Logger, StdoutLogger;
import 'package:testing/src/suite.dart' as testing show Suite;
import 'testing/suite.dart';
Future<void> internalMain(CreateContext createContext,
{List<String> arguments = const [], int shards = 1, int shard = 0}) async {
Logger logger = const StdoutLogger();
if (arguments.contains("--traceStepTiming")) {
logger = new TracingLogger();
arguments = arguments.toList()..remove("--traceStepTiming");
await runMe(
configurationPath: "../../testing.json",
shards: shards,
shard: shard,
logger: logger,
class TracingLogger extends StdoutLogger {
Map<TestDescription, Map<Step, Stopwatch>> stopwatches = {};
void logStepStart(int completed, int failed, int total, testing.Suite? suite,
TestDescription description, Step step) {
Map<Step, Stopwatch> map = stopwatches[description] ??= {};
Stopwatch stopwatch = map[step] ??= new Stopwatch();
if (stopwatch.isRunning) throw "unexpectedly already running @ $step";
super.logStepStart(completed, failed, total, suite, description, step);
void logStepComplete(int completed, int failed, int total,
testing.Suite? suite, TestDescription description, Step step) {
Map<Step, Stopwatch> map = stopwatches[description]!;
Stopwatch stopwatch = map[step] = map[step]!;
if (!stopwatch.isRunning) throw "unexpectedly not running";
super.logStepComplete(completed, failed, total, suite, description, step);
void logSuiteComplete(testing.Suite suite) {
Map<String, Duration> totalRuntimesForSteps = {};
// Make sure not to overwrite existing text about number of tests run,
// failures etc.
for (MapEntry<TestDescription, Map<Step, Stopwatch>> entryMap
in stopwatches.entries) {
for (MapEntry<Step, Stopwatch> entry in entryMap.value.entries) {
if (entry.value.isRunning) throw "unexpectedly already running";
entry.value.elapsed + entry.value.elapsed;
totalRuntimesForSteps[] =
(totalRuntimesForSteps[] ?? new Duration()) +
List<MapEntry<String, Duration>> entries =
entries.sort((a, b) => a.value.compareTo(b.value));
for (MapEntry<String, Duration> entry in entries) {
const int maxLength = 25;
String key = (entry.key.length > maxLength)
? entry.key.substring(0, maxLength)
: entry.key.padLeft(maxLength);
print("$key: ${entry.value} ms");