blob: 27fc39d76f3a7ce4f3a65c2cac2ce04f527a9a75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/abi.h"
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
#include "vm/zone_text_buffer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) && !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
PrimitiveType PrimitiveTypeFromSizeInBytes(intptr_t size) {
ASSERT(size <= 8);
ASSERT(size > 0);
switch (size) {
case 1:
return kUint8;
case 2:
return kUint16;
case 4:
return kUint32;
case 8:
// Dart unboxed Representation for unsigned and signed is equal.
return kInt64;
const NativePrimitiveType& NativeType::AsPrimitive() const {
return static_cast<const NativePrimitiveType&>(*this);
const NativeArrayType& NativeType::AsArray() const {
return static_cast<const NativeArrayType&>(*this);
const NativeCompoundType& NativeType::AsCompound() const {
return static_cast<const NativeCompoundType&>(*this);
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsInt() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kUint8:
case kInt16:
case kUint16:
case kInt32:
case kUint32:
case kInt64:
case kUint64:
return true;
return false;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsFloat() const {
return representation_ == kFloat || representation_ == kDouble ||
representation_ == kHalfDouble;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsVoid() const {
return representation_ == kVoid;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsSigned() const {
ASSERT(IsInt() || IsFloat());
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kInt16:
case kInt32:
case kInt64:
case kFloat:
case kDouble:
case kHalfDouble:
return true;
case kUint8:
case kUint16:
case kUint32:
case kUint64:
return false;
static const intptr_t fundamental_size_in_bytes[kVoid + 1] = {
1, // kInt8,
1, // kUint8,
2, // kInt16,
2, // kUint16,
4, // kInt32,
4, // kUint32,
8, // kInt64,
8, // kUint64,
4, // kFloat,
8, // kDouble,
4, // kHalfDouble
0, // kVoid,
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::SizeInBytes() const {
return fundamental_size_in_bytes[representation_];
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::AlignmentInBytesStack() const {
switch (CallingConventions::kArgumentStackAlignment) {
case kAlignedToWordSize:
// The default is to align stack arguments to word size.
return compiler::target::kWordSize;
case kAlignedToWordSizeAndValueSize:
// However, arm32+riscv32 align to the greater of word size or value size.
return Utils::Maximum(SizeInBytes(),
case kAlignedToValueSize:
// iOS on arm64 only aligns to size.
return SizeInBytes();
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::AlignmentInBytesField() const {
switch (CallingConventions::kFieldAlignment) {
case kAlignedToValueSize:
// The default is to align fields to their own size.
return SizeInBytes();
case kAlignedToValueSizeBut8AlignedTo4: {
// However, on some 32-bit architectures, 8-byte fields are only aligned
// to 4 bytes.
if (SizeInBytes() == 8) {
return 4;
return SizeInBytes();
static bool ContainsHomogenuousFloatsInternal(const NativeTypes& types);
// Keep consistent with
// pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi_definitions.dart:StructLayout:_calculateLayout.
NativeStructType& NativeStructType::FromNativeTypes(Zone* zone,
const NativeTypes& members,
intptr_t member_packing) {
intptr_t offset = 0;
const intptr_t kAtLeast1ByteAligned = 1;
// If this struct is nested in another struct, it should be aligned to the
// largest alignment of its members.
intptr_t alignment_field = kAtLeast1ByteAligned;
// If this struct is passed on the stack, it should be aligned to the largest
// alignment of its members when passing those members on the stack.
intptr_t alignment_stack = kAtLeast1ByteAligned;
#if (defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS_IOS) || defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS)) && \
// On iOS64 and MacOS arm64 stack values can be less aligned than wordSize,
// which deviates from the arm64 ABI.
ASSERT(CallingConventions::kArgumentStackAlignment == kAlignedToValueSize);
// Because the arm64 ABI aligns primitives to word size on the stack, every
// struct will be automatically aligned to word size. iOS64 does not align
// the primitives to word size, so we set structs to align to word size for
// iOS64.
// However, homogenous structs are treated differently. They are aligned to
// their member alignment. (Which is 4 in case of a homogenous float).
// Source: manual testing.
if (!ContainsHomogenuousFloatsInternal(members)) {
alignment_stack = compiler::target::kWordSize;
auto& member_offsets =
*new (zone) ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>(zone, members.length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members.length(); i++) {
const NativeType& member = *members[i];
const intptr_t member_size = member.SizeInBytes();
const intptr_t member_align_field =
Utils::Minimum(member.AlignmentInBytesField(), member_packing);
intptr_t member_align_stack = member.AlignmentInBytesStack();
if (member_align_stack > member_packing &&
member_packing < compiler::target::kWordSize) {
member_align_stack = compiler::target::kWordSize;
offset = Utils::RoundUp(offset, member_align_field);
offset += member_size;
alignment_field = Utils::Maximum(alignment_field, member_align_field);
alignment_stack = Utils::Maximum(alignment_stack, member_align_stack);
const intptr_t size = Utils::RoundUp(offset, alignment_field);
return *new (zone) NativeStructType(members, member_offsets, size,
alignment_field, alignment_stack);
// Keep consistent with
// pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi_definitions.dart:StructLayout:_calculateLayout.
NativeUnionType& NativeUnionType::FromNativeTypes(Zone* zone,
const NativeTypes& members) {
intptr_t size = 0;
const intptr_t kAtLeast1ByteAligned = 1;
// If this union is nested in a struct, it should be aligned to the
// largest alignment of its members.
intptr_t alignment_field = kAtLeast1ByteAligned;
// If this union is passed on the stack, it should be aligned to the largest
// alignment of its members when passing those members on the stack.
intptr_t alignment_stack = kAtLeast1ByteAligned;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members.length(); i++) {
const NativeType& member = *members[i];
const intptr_t member_size = member.SizeInBytes();
const intptr_t member_align_field = member.AlignmentInBytesField();
const intptr_t member_align_stack = member.AlignmentInBytesStack();
size = Utils::Maximum(size, member_size);
alignment_field = Utils::Maximum(alignment_field, member_align_field);
alignment_stack = Utils::Maximum(alignment_stack, member_align_stack);
size = Utils::RoundUp(size, alignment_field);
return *new (zone)
NativeUnionType(members, size, alignment_field, alignment_stack);
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsExpressibleAsRepresentation() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kUint8:
case kInt16:
case kUint16:
case kHalfDouble:
return false;
case kInt32:
case kUint32:
case kInt64:
case kUint64: // We don't actually have a kUnboxedUint64.
case kFloat:
case kDouble:
return true;
case kVoid:
return true;
UNREACHABLE(); // Make MSVC happy.
Representation NativePrimitiveType::AsRepresentation() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt32:
return kUnboxedInt32;
case kUint32:
return kUnboxedUint32;
case kInt64:
case kUint64:
return kUnboxedInt64;
case kFloat:
return kUnboxedFloat;
case kDouble:
return kUnboxedDouble;
case kVoid:
return kUnboxedFfiIntPtr;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) && !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
bool NativePrimitiveType::Equals(const NativeType& other) const {
if (!other.IsPrimitive()) {
return false;
return other.AsPrimitive().representation_ == representation_;
bool NativeArrayType::Equals(const NativeType& other) const {
if (!other.IsArray()) {
return false;
return other.AsArray().length_ == length_ &&
bool NativeCompoundType::Equals(const NativeType& other) const {
if (!other.IsCompound()) {
return false;
const auto& other_compound = other.AsCompound();
const auto& other_members = other_compound.members_;
if (other_members.length() != members_.length()) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
if (!members_[i]->Equals(*other_members[i])) {
return false;
return true;
static PrimitiveType split_fundamental(PrimitiveType in) {
switch (in) {
case kInt16:
return kInt8;
case kInt32:
return kInt16;
case kInt64:
return kInt32;
case kUint16:
return kUint8;
case kUint32:
return kUint16;
case kUint64:
return kUint32;
case kDouble:
return kHalfDouble;
NativePrimitiveType& NativePrimitiveType::Split(Zone* zone,
intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index == 0 || index == 1);
auto new_rep = split_fundamental(representation());
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(new_rep);
static PrimitiveType TypeRepresentation(classid_t class_id) {
switch (class_id) {
case kFfiInt8Cid:
return kInt8;
case kFfiInt16Cid:
return kInt16;
case kFfiInt32Cid:
return kInt32;
case kFfiBoolCid:
case kFfiUint8Cid:
return kUint8;
case kFfiUint16Cid:
return kUint16;
case kFfiUint32Cid:
return kUint32;
case kFfiInt64Cid:
case kFfiUint64Cid:
return kInt64;
case kFfiFloatCid:
return kFloat;
case kFfiDoubleCid:
return kDouble;
case kPointerCid:
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kUint32 : kInt64;
case kFfiVoidCid:
return kVoid;
case kFfiHandleCid:
// We never expose this pointer as a Dart int, so no need to make it
// unsigned on 32 bit architectures.
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kInt32 : kInt64;
const NativeType& NativeType::FromTypedDataClassId(Zone* zone,
classid_t class_id) {
const auto fundamental_rep = TypeRepresentation(class_id);
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(fundamental_rep);
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
static const NativeType* CompoundFromPragma(Zone* zone,
const Instance& pragma,
bool is_struct,
const char** error) {
const auto& struct_layout = pragma;
const auto& clazz = Class::Handle(zone, struct_layout.clazz());
ASSERT(String::Handle(zone, clazz.UserVisibleName())
const auto& struct_layout_fields = Array::Handle(zone, clazz.fields());
ASSERT(struct_layout_fields.Length() == 2);
const auto& types_field =
Field::Handle(zone, Field::RawCast(struct_layout_fields.At(0)));
const auto& field_types =
Array::Handle(zone, Array::RawCast(struct_layout.GetField(types_field)));
const auto& packed_field =
Field::Handle(zone, Field::RawCast(struct_layout_fields.At(1)));
const auto& packed_value = Integer::Handle(
zone, Integer::RawCast(struct_layout.GetField(packed_field)));
const intptr_t member_packing =
packed_value.IsNull() ? kMaxInt32 : packed_value.AsInt64Value();
auto& field_instance = Instance::Handle(zone);
auto& field_type = AbstractType::Handle(zone);
auto& field_native_types = *new (zone) ZoneGrowableArray<const NativeType*>(
zone, field_types.Length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_types.Length(); i++) {
field_instance ^= field_types.At(i);
if (field_instance.IsAbstractType()) {
// Subtype of NativeType: Struct, native integer or native float.
field_type ^= field_types.At(i);
const auto& field_native_type =
NativeType::FromAbstractType(zone, field_type, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else {
// Inline array.
const auto& struct_layout_array_class =
Class::Handle(zone, field_instance.clazz());
ASSERT(String::Handle(zone, struct_layout_array_class.UserVisibleName())
const auto& struct_layout_array_fields =
Array::Handle(zone, struct_layout_array_class.fields());
ASSERT(struct_layout_array_fields.Length() == 2);
const auto& element_type_field =
Field::Handle(zone, Field::RawCast(struct_layout_array_fields.At(0)));
ASSERT(String::Handle(zone, element_type_field.UserVisibleName())
field_type ^= field_instance.GetField(element_type_field);
const auto& length_field =
Field::Handle(zone, Field::RawCast(struct_layout_array_fields.At(1)));
ASSERT(String::Handle(zone, length_field.UserVisibleName())
const auto& length = Smi::Handle(
zone, Smi::RawCast(field_instance.GetField(length_field)));
const auto element_type =
NativeType::FromAbstractType(zone, field_type, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto field_native_type =
new (zone) NativeArrayType(*element_type, length.AsInt64Value());
if (is_struct) {
return &NativeStructType::FromNativeTypes(zone, field_native_types,
} else {
return &NativeUnionType::FromNativeTypes(zone, field_native_types);
static const NativeType* AbiSpecificFromPragma(Zone* zone,
const Instance& pragma,
const Class& abi_specific_int,
const char** error) {
const auto& clazz = Class::Handle(zone, pragma.clazz());
const auto& fields = Array::Handle(zone, clazz.fields());
ASSERT(fields.Length() == 1);
const auto& native_types_field =
Field::Handle(zone, Field::RawCast(fields.At(0)));
const auto& native_types =
Array::Handle(zone, Array::RawCast(pragma.GetField(native_types_field)));
ASSERT(native_types.Length() == num_abis);
const int64_t abi_index = static_cast<int64_t>(TargetAbi());
const auto& abi_abstract_type = AbstractType::Handle(
zone, AbstractType::RawCast(native_types.At(abi_index)));
if (abi_abstract_type.IsNull()) {
*error = zone->PrintToString(
"AbiSpecificInteger '%s' is missing mapping for '%s'.",
abi_specific_int.UserVisibleNameCString(), target_abi_name);
return nullptr;
return NativeType::FromAbstractType(zone, abi_abstract_type, error);
const NativeType* NativeType::FromAbstractType(Zone* zone,
const AbstractType& type,
const char** error) {
const classid_t class_id = type.type_class_id();
if (IsFfiPredefinedClassId(class_id)) {
return &NativeType::FromTypedDataClassId(zone, class_id);
// User-defined structs, unions, or Abi-specific integers.
const auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone, type.type_class());
const auto& superClass = Class::Handle(zone, cls.SuperClass());
const bool is_struct = String::Handle(zone, superClass.UserVisibleName())
const bool is_union = String::Handle(zone, superClass.UserVisibleName())
const bool is_abi_specific_int =
String::Handle(zone, superClass.UserVisibleName())
RELEASE_ASSERT(is_struct || is_union || is_abi_specific_int);
auto& pragmas = Object::Handle(zone);
String& pragma_name = String::Handle(zone);
if (is_struct || is_union) {
pragma_name = Symbols::vm_ffi_struct_fields().ptr();
} else {
pragma_name = Symbols::vm_ffi_abi_specific_mapping().ptr();
Library::FindPragma(dart::Thread::Current(), /*only_core=*/false, cls,
pragma_name, /*multiple=*/true, &pragmas);
const auto& pragmas_array = GrowableObjectArray::Cast(pragmas);
auto& pragma = Instance::Handle(zone);
auto& clazz = Class::Handle(zone);
auto& library = Library::Handle(zone);
String& class_symbol = String::Handle(zone);
if (is_struct || is_union) {
class_symbol = Symbols::FfiStructLayout().ptr();
} else {
class_symbol = Symbols::FfiAbiSpecificMapping().ptr();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pragmas_array.Length(); i++) {
pragma ^= pragmas_array.At(i);
clazz ^= pragma.clazz();
library ^= clazz.library();
if (String::Handle(zone, clazz.UserVisibleName()).Equals(class_symbol) &&
String::Handle(zone, library.url()).Equals(Symbols::DartFfi())) {
if (is_struct || is_union) {
return CompoundFromPragma(zone, pragma, is_struct, error);
return AbiSpecificFromPragma(zone, pragma, cls, error);
static PrimitiveType fundamental_rep(Representation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case kUnboxedDouble:
return kDouble;
case kUnboxedFloat:
return kFloat;
case kUnboxedInt32:
return kInt32;
case kUnboxedUint32:
return kUint32;
case kUnboxedInt64:
return kInt64;
NativePrimitiveType& NativeType::FromUnboxedRepresentation(Zone* zone,
Representation rep) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(fundamental_rep(rep));
const NativeFunctionType* NativeFunctionType::FromUnboxedRepresentation(
Zone* zone,
intptr_t num_arguments,
Representation representation) {
const auto& intptr_type =
zone, representation);
auto& argument_representations =
*new (zone) ZoneGrowableArray<const compiler::ffi::NativeType*>(
zone, num_arguments);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
return new (zone)
compiler::ffi::NativeFunctionType(argument_representations, intptr_type);
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) && !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
const char* NativeType::ToCString(Zone* zone,
bool multi_line,
bool verbose) const {
ZoneTextBuffer textBuffer(zone);
PrintTo(&textBuffer, multi_line, verbose);
return textBuffer.buffer();
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
const char* NativeType::ToCString() const {
return ToCString(Thread::Current()->zone());
static const char* PrimitiveTypeToCString(PrimitiveType rep) {
switch (rep) {
case kInt8:
return "int8";
case kUint8:
return "uint8";
case kInt16:
return "int16";
case kUint16:
return "uint16";
case kInt32:
return "int32";
case kUint32:
return "uint32";
case kInt64:
return "int64";
case kUint64:
return "uint64";
case kFloat:
return "float";
case kDouble:
return "double";
case kHalfDouble:
return "half-double";
case kVoid:
return "void";
void NativeType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f,
bool multi_line,
bool verbose) const {
void NativePrimitiveType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f,
bool multi_line,
bool verbose) const {
f->Printf("%s", PrimitiveTypeToCString(representation_));
const char* NativeFunctionType::ToCString(Zone* zone) const {
ZoneTextBuffer textBuffer(zone);
return textBuffer.buffer();
void NativeArrayType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f,
bool multi_line,
bool verbose) const {
f->Printf("element type: ");
element_type_.PrintTo(f, /*multi_line*/ false, verbose);
f->Printf(", length: %" Pd "", length_);
void NativeCompoundType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f,
bool multi_line,
bool verbose) const {
f->Printf("size: %" Pd "", SizeInBytes());
if (verbose) {
f->Printf(", field alignment: %" Pd ", ", AlignmentInBytesField());
f->Printf("stack alignment: %" Pd ", ", AlignmentInBytesStack());
f->AddString("members: {");
if (multi_line) {
f->AddString("\n ");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (multi_line) {
f->AddString(",\n ");
} else {
f->AddString(", ");
PrintMemberOffset(f, i);
if (multi_line) {
if (multi_line) {
void NativeStructType::PrintCompoundType(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
void NativeUnionType::PrintCompoundType(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
void NativeStructType::PrintMemberOffset(BaseTextBuffer* f,
intptr_t member_index) const {
f->Printf("%" Pd ": ", member_offsets_[member_index]);
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
const char* NativeFunctionType::ToCString() const {
return ToCString(Thread::Current()->zone());
void NativeFunctionType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < argument_types_.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
f->AddString(", ");
f->AddString(") => ");
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() const {
return 1;
intptr_t NativeArrayType::NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() const {
return element_type_.NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() * length_;
intptr_t NativeStructType::NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() const {
intptr_t count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
count += members_[i]->NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive();
return count;
intptr_t NativeUnionType::NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() const {
intptr_t count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
count = Utils::Maximum(count, members_[i]->NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive());
return count;
const NativePrimitiveType& NativePrimitiveType::FirstPrimitiveMember() const {
return *this;
const NativePrimitiveType& NativeArrayType::FirstPrimitiveMember() const {
return element_type_.FirstPrimitiveMember();
const NativePrimitiveType& NativeCompoundType::FirstPrimitiveMember() const {
ASSERT(NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() >= 1);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members().length(); i++) {
if (members_[i]->NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() >= 1) {
return members_[i]->FirstPrimitiveMember();
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::PrimitivePairMembers(
const NativePrimitiveType** first,
const NativePrimitiveType** second,
intptr_t offset_in_members) const {
if (offset_in_members == 0) *first = this;
if (offset_in_members == 1) *second = this;
return offset_in_members + 1;
intptr_t NativeArrayType::PrimitivePairMembers(
const NativePrimitiveType** first,
const NativePrimitiveType** second,
intptr_t offset_in_members) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length_; i++) {
offset_in_members =
element_type_.PrimitivePairMembers(first, second, offset_in_members);
return offset_in_members;
intptr_t NativeCompoundType::PrimitivePairMembers(
const NativePrimitiveType** first,
const NativePrimitiveType** second,
intptr_t offset_in_members) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members().length(); i++) {
offset_in_members =
members_[i]->PrimitivePairMembers(first, second, offset_in_members);
return offset_in_members;
bool NativePrimitiveType::ContainsOnlyFloats(Range range) const {
const auto this_range = Range::StartAndEnd(0, SizeInBytes());
return IsFloat();
bool NativeArrayType::ContainsOnlyFloats(Range range) const {
const auto this_range = Range::StartAndEnd(0, SizeInBytes());
const intptr_t element_size_in_bytes = element_type_.SizeInBytes();
// Assess how many elements are (partially) covered by the range.
const intptr_t first_element_start = range.start() / element_size_in_bytes;
const intptr_t last_element_index =
range.end_inclusive() / element_size_in_bytes;
const intptr_t num_elements = last_element_index - first_element_start + 1;
ASSERT(num_elements >= 1);
if (num_elements > 2) {
// At least one full element covered.
return element_type_.ContainsOnlyFloats(
Range::StartAndLength(0, element_size_in_bytes));
// Check first element, which falls (partially) in range.
const intptr_t first_start = first_element_start * element_size_in_bytes;
const auto first_range =
Range::StartAndLength(first_start, element_size_in_bytes);
const auto first_range_clipped = range.Intersect(first_range);
const auto range_in_first = first_range_clipped.Translate(-first_start);
if (!element_type_.ContainsOnlyFloats(range_in_first)) {
// First element contains not only floats in specified range.
return false;
if (num_elements == 2) {
// Check the second (and last) element, which falls (partially) in range.
const intptr_t second_element_index = first_element_start + 1;
const intptr_t second_start = second_element_index * element_size_in_bytes;
const auto second_range =
Range::StartAndLength(second_start, element_size_in_bytes);
const auto second_range_clipped = range.Intersect(second_range);
const auto range_in_second = second_range_clipped.Translate(-second_start);
return element_type_.ContainsOnlyFloats(range_in_second);
return true;
bool NativeStructType::ContainsOnlyFloats(Range range) const {
const auto this_range = Range::StartAndEnd(0, SizeInBytes());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
const auto& member = *members_[i];
const intptr_t member_offset = member_offsets_[i];
const intptr_t member_size = member.SizeInBytes();
const auto member_range = Range::StartAndLength(member_offset, member_size);
if (range.Overlaps(member_range)) {
const auto member_range_clipped = member_range.Intersect(range);
const auto range_in_member =
if (!member.ContainsOnlyFloats(range_in_member)) {
// Member contains not only floats in specified range.
return false;
if (member_range.After(range)) {
// None of the remaining members fits the range.
return true;
bool NativeUnionType::ContainsOnlyFloats(Range range) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
const auto& member = *members_[i];
const intptr_t member_size = member.SizeInBytes();
const auto member_range = Range::StartAndLength(0, member_size);
if (member_range.Overlaps(range)) {
const auto member_range_clipped = member_range.Intersect(range);
if (!member.ContainsOnlyFloats(member_range_clipped)) {
return false;
return true;
intptr_t NativeCompoundType::NumberOfWordSizeChunksOnlyFloat() const {
// O(n^2) implementation, but only invoked for small structs.
ASSERT(SizeInBytes() <= 16);
const auto this_range = Range::StartAndEnd(0, SizeInBytes());
const intptr_t size = SizeInBytes();
intptr_t float_only_chunks = 0;
for (intptr_t offset = 0; offset < size;
offset += compiler::target::kWordSize) {
const auto chunk_range =
Range::StartAndLength(offset, compiler::target::kWordSize);
if (ContainsOnlyFloats(chunk_range.Intersect(this_range))) {
return float_only_chunks;
intptr_t NativeCompoundType::NumberOfWordSizeChunksNotOnlyFloat() const {
const intptr_t total_chunks =
Utils::RoundUp(SizeInBytes(), compiler::target::kWordSize) /
return total_chunks - NumberOfWordSizeChunksOnlyFloat();
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
bool NativePrimitiveType::ContainsUnalignedMembers(intptr_t offset) const {
return offset % AlignmentInBytesField() != 0;
bool NativeArrayType::ContainsUnalignedMembers(intptr_t offset) const {
const intptr_t element_size = element_type_.SizeInBytes();
// We're only checking the first two elements of the array.
// If the element size is divisible by the alignment of the largest type
// contained within the element type, the alignment of all elements is the
// same. If not, either the first or the second element is unaligned.
const intptr_t max_check = 2;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Utils::Minimum(length_, max_check); i++) {
const intptr_t element_offset = i * element_size;
if (element_type_.ContainsUnalignedMembers(offset + element_offset)) {
return true;
return false;
bool NativeStructType::ContainsUnalignedMembers(intptr_t offset) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
const auto& member = *members_.At(i);
const intptr_t member_offset = member_offsets_.At(i);
if (member.ContainsUnalignedMembers(offset + member_offset)) {
return true;
return false;
bool NativeUnionType::ContainsUnalignedMembers(intptr_t offset) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < members_.length(); i++) {
const auto& member = *members_.At(i);
if (member.ContainsUnalignedMembers(offset)) {
return true;
return false;
static void ContainsHomogenuousFloatsRecursive(const NativeTypes& types,
bool* only_float,
bool* only_double) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < types.length(); i++) {
const auto& type = *types.At(i);
const auto& member_type =
type.IsArray() ? type.AsArray().element_type() : type;
if (member_type.IsPrimitive()) {
PrimitiveType type = member_type.AsPrimitive().representation();
*only_float = *only_float && (type == kFloat);
*only_double = *only_double && (type == kDouble);
if (member_type.IsCompound()) {
only_float, only_double);
static bool ContainsHomogenuousFloatsInternal(const NativeTypes& types) {
bool only_float = true;
bool only_double = true;
ContainsHomogenuousFloatsRecursive(types, &only_float, &only_double);
return (only_double || only_float) && types.length() > 0;
bool NativeCompoundType::ContainsHomogenuousFloats() const {
return ContainsHomogenuousFloatsInternal(this->members());
const NativeType& NativeType::WidenTo4Bytes(Zone* zone) const {
if (IsInt() && SizeInBytes() <= 2) {
if (IsSigned()) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kInt32);
} else {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kUint32);
return *this;
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart