blob: b39ba90d4fedecdce16812295cdde1d1ec1b65d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'feature.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'static_error.dart';
final _multitestRegExp = RegExp(r"//# \w+:(.*)");
final _vmOptionsRegExp = RegExp(r"// VMOptions=(.*)");
final _environmentRegExp = RegExp(r"// Environment=(.*)");
final _packagesRegExp = RegExp(r"// Packages=(.*)");
final _experimentRegExp = RegExp(r"^--enable-experiment=([a-z0-9,-]+)$");
List<String> _splitWords(String s) =>
s.split(' ').where((e) => e != '').toList();
List<T> _parseOption<T>(
String filePath, String contents, String name, T Function(String) convert,
{bool allowMultiple = false}) {
var matches = RegExp('// $name=(.*)').allMatches(contents);
if (!allowMultiple && matches.length > 1) {
throw Exception('More than one "// $name=" line in test $filePath');
var options = <T>[];
for (var match in matches) {
for (var option in _splitWords(match[1])) {
return options;
List<String> _parseStringOption(String filePath, String contents, String name,
{bool allowMultiple = false}) =>
_parseOption<String>(filePath, contents, name, (string) => string,
allowMultiple: allowMultiple);
abstract class _TestFileBase {
/// The test suite directory containing this test.
final Path _suiteDirectory;
/// The full path to the test file.
final Path path;
/// The path to the original multitest file this test was generated from.
/// If this test was not generated from a multitest, just returns [path].
Path get originPath;
/// The parsed error expectation markers in this test, if it is a static
/// error test.
final List<StaticError> expectedErrors;
/// The name of the multitest section this file corresponds to if it was
/// generated from a multitest. Otherwise, returns an empty string.
String get multitestKey;
/// If the test contains static error expectations, it's a "static error
/// test".
/// These tests exist to validate that a front end reports the right static
/// errors. Unless the expected errors are all warnings, a static error test
/// is skipped on configurations that are not purely front end.
bool get isStaticErrorTest => expectedErrors.isNotEmpty;
/// If the test contains any web-specific (`[web]`) static error expectations,
/// then it's a "web static error test".
/// These tests exist to validate that a Dart web compiler reports the right
/// expected errors.
bool get isWebStaticErrorTest =>
expectedErrors.any((error) => error.source == ErrorSource.web);
/// If the tests has no static error expectations, or all of the expectations
/// are warnings, then the test tests runtime semantics.
/// Note that this is *not* the negation of [isStaticErrorTest]. A test that
/// contains only warning expectations is both a static "error" test and a
/// runtime test. The test runner will validate that the front ends produce
/// the expected warnings *and* that a runtime also correctly executes the
/// test.
bool get isRuntimeTest => expectedErrors.every((error) => error.isWarning);
/// A hash code used to spread tests across shards.
int get shardHash {
// The VM C++ unit tests have a special fake TestFile with no suite
// directory or path. Don't crash in that case.
// TODO(rnystrom): Is there a cleaner solution? Should we use the C++ file
// as the path for the TestFile?
if (originPath == null) return 0;
return originPath.relativeTo(_suiteDirectory).toString().hashCode;
_TestFileBase(this._suiteDirectory, this.path, this.expectedErrors) {
// The VM C++ unit tests have a special fake TestFile with no path.
if (path != null) assert(path.isAbsolute);
/// The logical name of the test.
/// This is its path relative to the test suite directory containing it,
/// minus any file extension. If this test was split from a multitest,
/// it contains the multitest key.
String get name {
var testNamePath = originPath.relativeTo(_suiteDirectory);
var directory = testNamePath.directoryPath;
var filenameWithoutExt = testNamePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
String concat(String base, String part) {
if (base == "") return part;
if (part == "") return base;
return "$base/$part";
var result = "$directory";
result = concat(result, "$filenameWithoutExt");
result = concat(result, multitestKey);
return result;
/// Represents a single ".dart" file used as a test and the parsed metadata it
/// contains.
/// Special options for individual tests are currently specified in various
/// ways: with comments directly in test files, by using certain imports, or
/// by creating additional files in the test directories.
/// Here is a list of options that are used by 'test.dart' today:
/// * Flags can be passed to the VM process that runs the test by adding a
/// comment to the test file:
/// // VMOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to dart2js, VM or dartdevc by adding a comment to
/// the test file:
/// // SharedOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to dart2js by adding a comment to the test file:
/// // dart2jsOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to the dart script that contains the test also
/// using comments, as follows:
/// // DartOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Extra environment variables can be passed to the process that runs
/// the test by adding comment(s) to the test file:
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR1=foo bar
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR2=bazz
/// * Most tests are not web tests, but can (and will be) wrapped within an
/// HTML file and another script file to test them also on browser
/// environments (e.g. language and corelib tests are run this way). We
/// deduce that if a file with the same name as the test, but ending in
/// ".html" instead of ".dart" exists, the test was intended to be a web
/// test and no wrapping is necessary.
/// * This test requires, libfoobar.dylib or foobar.dll to be in
/// the system linker path of the VM.
/// // SharedObjects=foobar
/// * 'test.dart' assumes tests fail if the process returns a non-zero exit
/// code (in the case of web tests, we check for PASS/FAIL indications in
/// the test output).
class TestFile extends _TestFileBase {
/// Read the test file from the given [filePath].
factory suiteDirectory, String filePath) => TestFile.parse(
suiteDirectory, filePath, File(filePath).readAsStringSync());
/// Parse a test file with [contents].
factory TestFile.parse(
Path suiteDirectory, String filePath, String contents) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.dill')) {
return TestFile._(suiteDirectory, Path(filePath), [],
requirements: [],
vmOptions: [[]],
sharedOptions: [],
dart2jsOptions: [],
ddcOptions: [],
dartOptions: [],
packages: null,
hasSyntaxError: false,
hasCompileError: false,
hasRuntimeError: false,
hasStaticWarning: false,
hasCrash: false,
isMultitest: false,
sharedObjects: [],
otherResources: []);
// Required features.
var requirements =
_parseOption<Feature>(filePath, contents, 'Requirements', (name) {
for (var feature in Feature.all) {
if ( == name) return feature;
throw FormatException('Unknown feature "$name" in test $filePath');
final isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = filePath.endsWith('_il_test.dart');
// VM options.
var vmOptions = <List<String>>[];
var matches = _vmOptionsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (vmOptions.isEmpty) vmOptions.add(<String>[]);
// Other options.
var dartOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'DartOptions');
var sharedOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'SharedOptions');
var dart2jsOptions =
_parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'dart2jsOptions');
var ddcOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'dartdevcOptions');
var otherResources = _parseStringOption(
filePath, contents, 'OtherResources',
allowMultiple: true);
var sharedObjects = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'SharedObjects',
allowMultiple: true);
// Extract the experiments from the shared options.
// TODO(rnystrom): Either tests should stop specifying experiment flags
// entirely and use "// Requirements=", or we should come up with a better
// syntax. Parsing from "// SharedOptions=" for now since that's where they
// are currently specified.
var experiments = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < sharedOptions.length; i++) {
var sharedOption = sharedOptions[i];
if (sharedOption.contains("--enable-experiment")) {
var match = _experimentRegExp.firstMatch(sharedOption);
if (match == null) {
throw Exception(
"SharedOptions marker cannot mix experiment flags with other "
"flags. Was:\n$sharedOption");
// Environment.
Map<String, String> environment;
matches = _environmentRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
var envDef = match[1];
var pos = envDef.indexOf('=');
var name = (pos < 0) ? envDef : envDef.substring(0, pos);
var value = (pos < 0) ? '' : envDef.substring(pos + 1);
environment ??= {};
environment[name] = value;
// Packages.
String packages;
matches = _packagesRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (packages != null) {
throw Exception('More than one "// Package..." line in test $filePath');
packages = match[1];
if (packages != 'none') {
// Packages=none means that no packages option should be given. Any
// other value overrides packages.
packages =
var isMultitest = _multitestRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
// TODO(rnystrom): During the migration of the existing tests to Dart 2.0,
// we have a number of tests that used to both generate static type warnings
// and also validate some runtime behavior in an implementation that
// ignores those warnings. Those warnings are now errors. The test code
// validates the runtime behavior can and should be removed, but the code
// that causes the static warning should still be preserved since that is
// part of our coverage of the static type system.
// The test needs to indicate that it should have a static error. We could
// put that in the status file, but that makes it confusing because it
// would look like implementations that *don't* report the error are more
// correct. Eventually, we want to have a notation similar to what front_end
// is using for the inference tests where we can put a comment inside the
// test that says "This specific static error should be reported right by
// this token."
// That system isn't in place yet, so we do a crude approximation here in
// test.dart. If a test contains `/*@compile-error=`, which matches the
// beginning of the tag syntax that front_end uses, then we assume that
// this test must have a static error somewhere in it.
// Redo this code once we have a more precise test framework for detecting
// and locating these errors.
var hasSyntaxError = contents.contains("@syntax-error");
var hasCompileError = hasSyntaxError || contents.contains("@compile-error");
List<StaticError> errorExpectations;
try {
errorExpectations = StaticError.parseExpectations(contents);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid error expectation syntax in $filePath:\n$error");
return TestFile._(suiteDirectory, Path(filePath), errorExpectations,
packages: packages,
environment: environment,
isMultitest: isMultitest,
hasSyntaxError: hasSyntaxError,
hasCompileError: hasCompileError,
hasRuntimeError: contents.contains("@runtime-error"),
hasStaticWarning: contents.contains("@static-warning"),
hasCrash: false,
requirements: requirements,
sharedOptions: sharedOptions,
dartOptions: dartOptions,
dart2jsOptions: dart2jsOptions,
ddcOptions: ddcOptions,
vmOptions: vmOptions,
sharedObjects: sharedObjects,
otherResources: otherResources,
experiments: experiments,
isVmIntermediateLanguageTest: isVmIntermediateLanguageTest);
/// A special fake test file for representing a VM unit test written in C++.
: packages = null,
environment = null,
isMultitest = false,
requirements = [],
sharedOptions = [],
dartOptions = [],
dart2jsOptions = [],
ddcOptions = [],
vmOptions = [],
sharedObjects = [],
otherResources = [],
experiments = [],
isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = false,
super(null, null, []);
TestFile._(Path suiteDirectory, Path path, List<StaticError> expectedErrors,
this.isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = false})
: super(suiteDirectory, path, expectedErrors) {
assert(!isMultitest || dartOptions.isEmpty);
Path get originPath => path;
String get multitestKey => "";
final String packages;
final Map<String, String> environment;
final bool isMultitest;
final bool hasSyntaxError;
final bool hasCompileError;
final bool hasRuntimeError;
final bool hasStaticWarning;
final bool hasCrash;
final bool isVmIntermediateLanguageTest;
/// The features that a test configuration must support in order to run this
/// test.
/// If the current configuration does not support one or more of these
/// requirements, the test is implicitly skipped.
final List<Feature> requirements;
final List<String> sharedOptions;
final List<String> dartOptions;
final List<String> dart2jsOptions;
final List<String> ddcOptions;
final List<List<String>> vmOptions;
final List<String> sharedObjects;
final List<String> otherResources;
/// The experiments this test enables.
/// Parsed from a shared options line like:
/// // SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=flubber,gloop
final List<String> experiments;
/// Derive a multitest test section file from this multitest file with the
/// given [multitestKey] and expectations.
TestFile split(Path path, String multitestKey, String contents,
{bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
bool hasStaticWarning,
bool hasSyntaxError}) =>
this, path, multitestKey, StaticError.parseExpectations(contents),
hasCompileError: hasCompileError ?? false,
hasRuntimeError: hasRuntimeError ?? false,
hasStaticWarning: hasStaticWarning ?? false,
hasSyntaxError: hasSyntaxError ?? false);
String toString() => """TestFile(
packages: $packages
environment: $environment
isMultitest: $isMultitest
hasSyntaxError: $hasSyntaxError
hasCompileError: $hasCompileError
hasRuntimeError: $hasRuntimeError
hasStaticWarning: $hasStaticWarning
hasCrash: $hasCrash
requirements: $requirements
sharedOptions: $sharedOptions
dartOptions: $dartOptions
dart2jsOptions: $dart2jsOptions
ddcOptions: $ddcOptions
vmOptions: $vmOptions
sharedObjects: $sharedObjects
otherResources: $otherResources
experiments: $experiments
/// A [TestFile] for a single section file derived from a multitest.
/// This inherits most properties from the original test file, but overrides
/// the error flags based on the multitest section's expectation.
class _MultitestFile extends _TestFileBase implements TestFile {
/// The authored test file that was split to generate this multitest.
final TestFile _origin;
final String multitestKey;
final bool hasCompileError;
final bool hasRuntimeError;
final bool hasStaticWarning;
final bool hasSyntaxError;
bool get hasCrash => _origin.hasCrash;
bool get isVmIntermediateLanguageTest => _origin.isVmIntermediateLanguageTest;
_MultitestFile(this._origin, Path path, this.multitestKey,
List<StaticError> expectedErrors,
: super(_origin._suiteDirectory, path, expectedErrors);
Path get originPath => _origin.path;
String get packages => _origin.packages;
List<Feature> get requirements => _origin.requirements;
List<String> get dart2jsOptions => _origin.dart2jsOptions;
List<String> get dartOptions => _origin.dartOptions;
List<String> get ddcOptions => _origin.ddcOptions;
Map<String, String> get environment => _origin.environment;
bool get isMultitest => _origin.isMultitest;
List<String> get otherResources => _origin.otherResources;
List<String> get sharedObjects => _origin.sharedObjects;
List<String> get experiments => _origin.experiments;
List<String> get sharedOptions => _origin.sharedOptions;
List<List<String>> get vmOptions => _origin.vmOptions;
TestFile split(Path path, String multitestKey, String contents,
{bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
bool hasStaticWarning,
bool hasSyntaxError}) =>
throw UnsupportedError(
"Can't derive a test from one already derived from a multitest.");