blob: c7515423445ce55bafb80af855e548439e77eece [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode, jsonEncode;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/client_capabilities.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../test/integration/lsp_server/integration_tests.dart';
import '../../test/integration/support/integration_tests.dart';
import '../../test/lsp/server_abstract.dart' show ClientCapabilitiesHelperMixin;
/// A server protocol-agnostic interface to the memory test, allowing the same
/// benchmarks to run for both the original protocol and LSP.
abstract class AbstractBenchmarkTest {
Future<void> get analysisFinished;
Future<void> closeFile(String filePath);
Future<void> complete(String filePath, int offset, {required bool isWarmUp});
void debugStdio();
Future<int> getMemoryUsage();
Future<void> openFile(String filePath, String contents);
Future<void> setUp(String dartSdkPath, List<String> roots);
Future<void> shutdown();
Future<void> updateFile(String filePath, String contents);
/// An implementation of [AbstractBenchmarkTest] for a original protocol memory
/// test.
class AnalysisServerBenchmarkTest extends AbstractBenchmarkTest {
final _test = AnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest();
Future<void> get analysisFinished => _test.analysisFinished;
Future<void> closeFile(String filePath) =>
_test.sendAnalysisUpdateContent({filePath: RemoveContentOverlay()});
Future<void> complete(
String filePath,
int offset, {
required bool isWarmUp,
}) async {
await _test.sendCompletionGetSuggestions2(filePath, offset, 100,
timeout: isWarmUp ? 60 * 1000 : 0);
void debugStdio() => _test.debugStdio();
Future<int> getMemoryUsage() => _test.getMemoryUsage();
Future<void> openFile(String filePath, String contents) async {
await _test
.sendAnalysisUpdateContent({filePath: AddContentOverlay(contents)});
await _test.sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles([filePath]);
Future<void> setUp(String dartSdkPath, List<String> roots) async {
_test.dartSdkPath = dartSdkPath;
await _test.setUp();
await _test.subscribeToStatusNotifications();
await _test.sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(roots, []);
Future<void> shutdown() => _test.shutdown();
Future<void> updateFile(String filePath, String contents) =>
_test.sendAnalysisUpdateContent({filePath: AddContentOverlay(contents)});
/// Base class for analysis server memory usage tests.
class AnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest
extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest with ServerMemoryUsageMixin {
/// Send the server an 'analysis.setAnalysisRoots' command directing it to
/// analyze [sourceDirectory].
Future setAnalysisRoot() =>
sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots([sourceDirectory.path], []);
/// The server is automatically started before every test.
Future setUp() async {
_vmServicePort = await ServiceProtocol._findAvailableSocketPort();
onAnalysisErrors.listen((AnalysisErrorsParams params) {
currentAnalysisErrors[params.file] = params.errors;
onServerError.listen((ServerErrorParams params) {
// A server error should never happen during an integration test.
var serverConnected = Completer();
onServerConnected.listen((_) {
outOfTestExpect(serverConnected.isCompleted, isFalse);
return startServer(servicesPort: _vmServicePort).then((_) {
server.exitCode.then((_) {
skipShutdown = true;
return serverConnected.future;
/// After every test, the server is stopped.
Future shutdown() async => await shutdownIfNeeded();
/// Enable [ServerService.STATUS] notifications so that [analysisFinished]
/// can be used.
Future subscribeToStatusNotifications() async {
await sendServerSetSubscriptions([ServerService.STATUS]);
/// An implementation of [AbstractBenchmarkTest] for an LSP memory test.
class LspAnalysisServerBenchmarkTest extends AbstractBenchmarkTest
with ClientCapabilitiesHelperMixin {
final _test = LspAnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest();
final PrintableLogger _logger = PrintableLogger();
/// Track the file contents so we can easily convert offsets (used in
/// the interface) to Positions required by LSP without having to keep
/// passing in the contents.
final Map<String, String> _fileContents = {};
int _fileVersion = 1;
Future<void> get analysisFinished => _test.waitForAnalysisComplete();
Future<void> closeFile(String filePath) {
return _test.closeFile(Uri.file(filePath));
Future<void> complete(String filePath, int offset, {required bool isWarmUp}) {
final contents = _fileContents[filePath]!;
final position = _test.positionFromOffset(offset, contents);
return _test.getCompletion(Uri.file(filePath), position);
void debugStdio() => _logger.debugStdio();
Future<int> getMemoryUsage() => _test.getMemoryUsage();
Future<void> openFile(String filePath, String contents) {
_fileContents[filePath] = contents;
return _test.openFile(Uri.file(filePath), contents,
version: _fileVersion++);
Future<void> setUp(String dartSdkPath, List<String> roots) async {
_test.dartSdkPath = dartSdkPath;
_test.instrumentationService = InstrumentationLogAdapter(_logger);
await _test.setUp();
_test.projectFolderPath = roots.single;
_test.projectFolderUri = Uri.file(_test.projectFolderPath);
// Use some reasonable default client capabilities that will activate
// features that will excercise more code that benchmarks should measure
// (such as applyEdit to allow suggestion sets results to be merged in).
await _test.initialize(
textDocumentCapabilities: withCompletionItemSnippetSupport(
workspaceCapabilities: withDocumentChangesSupport(
Future<void> shutdown() async {
Future<void> updateFile(String filePath, String contents) {
_fileContents[filePath] = contents;
return _test.replaceFile(_fileVersion++, Uri.file(filePath), contents);
/// Base class for LSP analysis server memory usage tests.
class LspAnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest
extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerIntegrationTest
with ServerMemoryUsageMixin {
Map<String, List<lsp.Diagnostic>> currentAnalysisErrors = {};
void expect(Object? actual, Matcher matcher, {String? reason}) =>
outOfTestExpect(actual, matcher, reason: reason);
/// The server is automatically started before every test.
Future<void> setUp() async {
_vmServicePort = await ServiceProtocol._findAvailableSocketPort();
await super.setUp();
errorNotificationsFromServer.listen((lsp.NotificationMessage error) {
// A server error should never happen during an integration test.
/// After every test, the server is stopped.
Future shutdown() async => this.tearDown();
mixin ServerMemoryUsageMixin {
late int _vmServicePort;
Future<int> getMemoryUsage() async {
var uri = Uri.parse('ws://$_vmServicePort/ws');
var service = await ServiceProtocol.connect(uri);
var vm = await'getVM');
var total = 0;
var isolateGroupsRefs = vm['isolateGroups'] as List<Object?>;
for (var isolateGroupRef in isolateGroupsRefs.cast<Map>()) {
final heapUsage = await'getIsolateGroupMemoryUsage',
{'isolateGroupId': isolateGroupRef['id']});
total += heapUsage['heapUsage'] + heapUsage['externalUsage'] as int;
return total;
class ServiceProtocol {
final WebSocket socket;
int _id = 0;
final Map<String, Completer<Map>> _completers = {};
ServiceProtocol._(this.socket) {
Future<Map> call(String method, [Map args = const {}]) {
var id = '${++_id}';
var completer = Completer<Map>();
_completers[id] = completer;
var m = <String, dynamic>{
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': id,
'method': method,
'args': args
m['params'] = args;
var message = jsonEncode(m);
return completer.future;
Future dispose() => socket.close();
void _handleMessage(dynamic message) {
if (message is! String) {
try {
var json = jsonDecode(message) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
if (json.containsKey('id')) {
var id = json['id'];
_completers[id]?.complete(json['result'] as Map<Object?, Object?>);
} catch (e) {
// ignore
static Future<ServiceProtocol> connect(Uri uri) async {
var socket = await WebSocket.connect(uri.toString());
return ServiceProtocol._(socket);
static Future<int> _findAvailableSocketPort() async {
var socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
try {
return socket.port;
} finally {
await socket.close();