blob: a2fe4608f78ffb3f78d88bdb24feac5211b07c3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../benchmarks.dart';
import 'memory_tests.dart';
class FlutterCompletionBenchmark extends Benchmark implements FlutterBenchmark {
static final das = FlutterCompletionBenchmark(
() => AnalysisServerBenchmarkTest(),
static final lsp = FlutterCompletionBenchmark(
() => LspAnalysisServerBenchmarkTest(),
final AbstractBenchmarkTest Function() testConstructor;
late final String flutterRepositoryPath;
FlutterCompletionBenchmark(String protocolName, this.testConstructor)
: super(
'Completion benchmarks with Flutter.',
kind: 'group',
int get maxIterations => 1;
Future<BenchMarkResult> run({
required String dartSdkPath,
bool quick = false,
bool verbose = false,
}) async {
if (!quick) {
var test = testConstructor();
if (verbose) {
final flutterPkgPath =
path.join(flutterRepositoryPath, 'packages', 'flutter');
// Open a small directory, but with the package config that allows us
// to analyze any file in `package:flutter`, including tests.
var startTimer = Stopwatch()..start();
await test.setUp(dartSdkPath, [
await test.analysisFinished;
var result = CompoundBenchMarkResult(id);
// This is a scenario of an easy case - the file is small, less than
// 3KB, and we insert a prefix with a good selectivity. So, everything
// should be fast. We should just make sure to don't spend too much
// time analyzing, and do apply the filter.
// Total number of suggestions: 2322.
// Filtered to: 82.
// Long name: completion-smallFile-body
var name = 'completion-1';
await _completionTiming(
filePath: '$flutterPkgPath/lib/src/material/flutter_logo.dart',
uniquePrefix: 'Widget build(BuildContext context) {',
insertStringGenerator: () => 'M',
name: name,
if (!quick) {
// This scenario is relatively easy - the file is small, less then 3KB.
// But we don't have any prefix to filter, so if we don't restrict the
// number of suggestions, we might spend too much time serializing into
// JSON in the server, and deserializing on the client.
// Total number of suggestions: 2322.
// Filtered to: 2322.
// Long name: completion-smallFile-body-withoutPrefix
name = 'completion-2';
await _completionTiming(
filePath: '$flutterPkgPath/lib/src/material/flutter_logo.dart',
uniquePrefix: 'Widget build(BuildContext context) {',
insertStringGenerator: null,
name: name,
// The key part of this scenario is that we work in a relatively large
// file, about 340KB. So, it is expensive to parse and resolve. And
// we simulate changing it by typing a prefix, as users often do.
// The target method body is small, so something could be optimized.
// Total number of suggestions: 4654.
// Filtered to: 182.
// Long name: completion-smallLibraryCycle-largeFile-smallBody
name = 'completion-3';
await _completionTiming(
filePath: '$flutterPkgPath/test/material/text_field_test.dart',
uniquePrefix: 'getOpacity(WidgetTester tester, Finder finder) {',
insertStringGenerator: () => 'M',
name: name,
// In this scenario we change a file that is in a library cycle
// with 69 libraries. So, the implementation might discard information
// about all these libraries. We change a method body, so the API
// signature is the same, and we are able to reload these libraries
// from bytes. But this still costs something.
// Total number of suggestions: 3429.
// Filtered to: 133.
// Long name: completion-mediumLibraryCycle-mediumFile-smallBody
name = 'completion-4';
await _completionTiming(
filePath: '$flutterPkgPath/lib/src/material/app_bar.dart',
uniquePrefix: 'computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) {',
insertStringGenerator: () => 'M',
name: name,
// In this scenario is that we change a file that is in a library cycle
// with 69 libraries. Moreover, we change the API - the type of a
// formal parameter. So, potentially we need to relink the whole library
// cycle. This is expensive.
// Total number of suggestions: 1510.
// Filtered to: 0.
// Long name: completion-mediumLibraryCycle-mediumFile-api-parameterType
name = 'completion-5';
await _completionTiming(
filePath: '$flutterPkgPath/lib/src/material/app_bar.dart',
uniquePrefix: 'computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints',
insertStringGenerator: _IncrementingStringGenerator(),
name: name,
await test.shutdown();
return result;
/// Perform completion in [filePath] at the end of the [uniquePrefix].
/// If [insertStringGenerator] is not `null`, insert it, and complete after
/// it. So, we can simulate user typing to start completion.
Future<int> _completionTiming(
AbstractBenchmarkTest test, {
required String filePath,
required String uniquePrefix,
required String Function()? insertStringGenerator,
String? name,
}) async {
final fileContent = File(filePath).readAsStringSync();
final prefixOffset = fileContent.indexOf(uniquePrefix);
if (prefixOffset == -1) {
throw StateError('Cannot find: $uniquePrefix');
if (fileContent.contains(uniquePrefix, prefixOffset + 1)) {
throw StateError('Not unique: $uniquePrefix');
final prefixEnd = prefixOffset + uniquePrefix.length;
await test.openFile(filePath, fileContent);
Future<void> perform({required bool isWarmUp}) async {
var completionOffset = prefixEnd;
if (insertStringGenerator != null) {
final insertString = insertStringGenerator();
completionOffset += insertString.length;
var newCode = fileContent.substring(0, prefixEnd) +
insertString +
await test.updateFile(
await test.complete(filePath, completionOffset, isWarmUp: isWarmUp);
if (insertStringGenerator != null) {
await test.updateFile(filePath, fileContent);
// Perform warm-up.
// The cold start does not matter.
// The sustained performance is much more important.
const kWarmUpCount = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < kWarmUpCount; i++) {
await perform(isWarmUp: true);
const kRepeatCount = 5;
final timer = Stopwatch()..start();
for (var i = 0; i < kRepeatCount; i++) {
await perform(isWarmUp: false);
await test.closeFile(filePath);
return timer.elapsedMicroseconds ~/ kRepeatCount;
class _IncrementingStringGenerator {
int _value = 0;
String call() {
return '${_value++}';