blob: ac4f62f191023b74e60cb1d6d31548deb08cbbf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart' hide Printer;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart' show SourceLocation;
import 'js_ast.dart';
/// A source map marker signaling that there is no new source information from
/// a node and the previous source mapping can continue through it.
/// Conceptually this works exactly the same as `foo.sourceInformation = null`
/// but allows the AST emitter to signal there is no new information in a way
/// that null aware assignments don't override the lack of sourcemap information
/// later.
class _ContinueSourceMap {
const _ContinueSourceMap();
const continueSourceMap = _ContinueSourceMap();
class NodeEnd {
final SourceLocation end;
String toString() => '#<NodeEnd $end>';
class NodeSpan {
final SourceLocation start, end;
NodeSpan(this.start, this.end);
String toString() => '#<NodeSpan $start to $end>';
class HoverComment {
final SourceLocation start, end;
final Expression expression;
HoverComment(this.expression, this.start, this.end);
String toString() => '#<HoverComment `$expression` @ $start to $end>';
class SourceMapPrintingContext extends SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext {
/// Current line in the buffer.
int _line = 0;
/// Current column in the buffer.
int _column = 0;
/// The source_maps builder we write JavaScript code to.
final sourceMap = SourceMapBuilder();
/// The last marked line in the buffer.
int _previousDartOffset = -1;
SourceLocation? _pendingDartOffset;
SourceLocation? _pendingJSLocation;
void emit(String code) {
var chars = code.runes.toList();
var length = chars.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var c = chars[i];
if (c == _LF || (c == _CR && (i + 1 == length || chars[i + 1] != _LF))) {
// Return not followed by line-feed is treated as a new line.
_column = 0;
} else {
void enterNode(Node node) {
var srcInfo = node.sourceInformation;
if (srcInfo == null || srcInfo == continueSourceMap) return;
SourceLocation? dartStart;
if (srcInfo is SourceLocation) {
dartStart = srcInfo;
} else if (srcInfo is NodeSpan) {
dartStart = srcInfo.start;
} else if (srcInfo is HoverComment) {
} else if (srcInfo is! NodeEnd) {
throw StateError(
'wrong kind of source map data: `$srcInfo` <${srcInfo.runtimeType}>');
if (dartStart != null) {
if (node is Expression) {
} else {
void exitNode(Node node) {
if (node is! Expression) _flushPendingMarks();
var srcInfo = node.sourceInformation;
if (srcInfo == null || srcInfo == continueSourceMap) return;
SourceLocation? dartEnd;
if (srcInfo is NodeSpan) {
dartEnd = srcInfo.end;
} else if (srcInfo is NodeEnd) {
dartEnd = srcInfo.end;
} else if (srcInfo is! SourceLocation && srcInfo is! HoverComment) {
throw StateError(
'wrong kind of source map data: `$srcInfo` <${srcInfo.runtimeType}>');
if (dartEnd != null) {
if (node is Fun || node is Method || node is NamedFunction) {
// Mark the exit point of a function. V8 steps to the end of a function
// at its exit, so this provides a mapping for that location.
var column = _column - 1;
if (column >= 0) {
// Adjust the colum, because any ending brace or semicolon is already in
// the output.
var jsEnd =
SourceLocation(buffer.length - 1, line: _line, column: column);
_mark(dartEnd, jsEnd);
} else {
/// Marks that we entered a Dart node at this offset.
/// Multiple nested Dart expressions will appear to start at the same Dart
/// location, but they can have different JavaScript locations. For example:
/// get foo => && _baz;
/// // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ binary-op, JS code `dart.test(...) && ...`
/// // ^^^^^^^^ property access, JS code `this[_foo].bar`
/// // ^^^^ identifier, JS code `this[_foo]`
/// To ensure hover works, we must not include `dart.test` at the start of
/// `_foo`. Also to ensure `_foo` and `` works, we must mark the end
/// of `_foo`.
void _markExpressionStart(SourceLocation dartOffset) {
if (_pendingDartOffset != dartOffset) _flushPendingMarks();
_pendingDartOffset = dartOffset;
_pendingJSLocation = _getJSLocation();
/// Mark any pending marks from [_markExpressionStart].
/// This ensures we get the innermost JS offset for a given Dart offset.
void _flushPendingMarks() {
var pending = _pendingDartOffset;
if (pending != null) {
_markInternal(pending, _pendingJSLocation!);
_pendingDartOffset = null;
_pendingJSLocation = null;
void _mark(SourceLocation dartLocation, [SourceLocation? jsLocation]) {
jsLocation ??= _getJSLocation();
_markInternal(dartLocation, jsLocation);
void _markInternal(SourceLocation dartLocation, SourceLocation jsLocation) {
// Don't mark the same JS location to two different Dart locations.
if (_previousDartOffset == dartLocation.offset) return;
_previousDartOffset = dartLocation.offset;
sourceMap.addLocation(dartLocation, jsLocation, null);
SourceLocation _getJSLocation() =>
SourceLocation(buffer.length, line: _line, column: _column);
const int _LF = 10;
const int _CR = 13;