blob: 8ce631df4a631d662ed263a97ce73c14509e398a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/adapters/dart.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/logging.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_stream.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm;
import 'test_server.dart';
/// A helper class to simplify acting as a client for interacting with the
/// [DapTestServer] in tests.
/// Methods on this class should map directly to protocol methods. Additional
/// helpers are available in [DapTestClientExtension].
class DapTestClient {
final ByteStreamServerChannel _channel;
late final StreamSubscription<String> _subscription;
final Logger? _logger;
final bool captureVmServiceTraffic;
final _requestWarningDuration = const Duration(seconds: 10);
final Map<int, _OutgoingRequest> _pendingRequests = {};
final _eventController = StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
int _seq = 1;
/// Functions provided by tests to handle requests that may come from the
/// server (such as `runInTerminal`).
final _serverRequestHandlers =
<String, FutureOr<Object?> Function(Object?)>{};
late final Future<Uri?> vmServiceUri;
this._logger, {
this.captureVmServiceTraffic = false,
}) {
// Set up a future that will complete when the 'dart.debuggerUris' event is
// emitted by the debug adapter so tests have easy access to it.
vmServiceUri = event('dart.debuggerUris').then<Uri?>((event) {
final body = event.body as Map<String, Object?>;
return Uri.parse(body['vmServiceUri'] as String);
}).catchError((e) => null);
_subscription = _channel.listen(
onDone: () {
if (_pendingRequests.isNotEmpty) {
'Application terminated without a response to ${_pendingRequests.length} requests');
_pendingRequests.forEach((id, request) => request.completer.completeError(
'Application terminated without a response to request $id (${})'));
/// Returns a stream of [OutputEventBody] events.
Stream<OutputEventBody> get outputEvents => events('output')
.map((e) => OutputEventBody.fromJson(e.body as Map<String, Object?>));
/// Returns a stream of custom 'dart.serviceExtensionAdded' events.
Stream<Map<String, Object?>> get serviceExtensionAddedEvents =>
.map((e) => e.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Returns a stream of custom 'dart.serviceRegistered' events.
Stream<Map<String, Object?>> get serviceRegisteredEvents =>
.map((e) => e.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Returns a stream of 'dart.testNotification' custom events from the
/// package:test JSON reporter.
Stream<Map<String, Object?>> get testNotificationEvents =>
.map((e) => e.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Send an attachRequest to the server, asking it to attach to an existing
/// Dart program.
Future<Response> attach({
required bool autoResume,
String? vmServiceUri,
String? vmServiceInfoFile,
String? cwd,
List<String>? additionalProjectPaths,
bool? debugSdkLibraries,
bool? debugExternalPackageLibraries,
bool? evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
bool? evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
}) async {
(vmServiceUri == null) != (vmServiceInfoFile == null),
'Provide exactly one of vmServiceUri/vmServiceInfoFile',
// When attaching, the paused VM will not be automatically unpaused, but
// instead send a Stopped(reason: 'entry') event. Respond to this by
// resuming (if requested).
final resumeFuture = autoResume
? expectStop('entry').then((event) => continue_(event.threadId!))
: null;
final attachResponse = sendRequest(
vmServiceUri: vmServiceUri,
vmServiceInfoFile: vmServiceInfoFile,
cwd: cwd,
additionalProjectPaths: additionalProjectPaths,
debugSdkLibraries: debugSdkLibraries,
debugExternalPackageLibraries: debugExternalPackageLibraries,
evaluateGettersInDebugViews: evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
evaluateToStringInDebugViews: evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
// When running out of process, VM Service traffic won't be available
// to the client-side logger, so force logging on which sends VM Service
// traffic in a custom event.
sendLogsToClient: captureVmServiceTraffic,
// We can't automatically pick the command when using a custom type
// (DartAttachRequestArguments).
overrideCommand: 'attach',
// If we were expecting a pause and to resume, ensure that happens.
await resumeFuture;
return attachResponse;
/// Calls a service method via a custom request.
Future<Response> callService(String name, Object? params) {
return custom('callService', {'method': name, 'params': params});
/// Sends a continue request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> continue_(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(ContinueArguments(threadId: threadId));
/// Sends a custom request to the server and waits for a response.
Future<Response> custom(String name, [Object? args]) async {
return sendRequest(args, overrideCommand: name);
Future<Response> disconnect() => sendRequest(DisconnectArguments());
/// Sends an evaluate request for the given [expression], optionally for a
/// specific [frameId].
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> evaluate(
String expression, {
int? frameId,
String? context,
}) {
return sendRequest(EvaluateArguments(
expression: expression,
frameId: frameId,
context: context,
/// Returns a Future that completes with the next [event] event.
Future<Event> event(String event) => _logIfSlow(
'Event "$event"', => e.event == event,
orElse: () =>
throw 'Did not recieve $event event before stream closed'));
/// Returns a stream for [event] events.
Stream<Event> events(String event) {
return => e.event == event);
/// Records a handler for when the server sends a [request] request.
void handleRequest(
String request,
FutureOr<Object?> Function(Object?) handler,
) {
_serverRequestHandlers[request] = handler;
/// Send a custom 'hotReload' request to the server.
Future<Response> hotReload() async {
return custom('hotReload');
/// Send an initialize request to the server.
/// This occurs before the request to start running/debugging a script and is
/// used to exchange capabilities and send breakpoints and other settings.
Future<Response> initialize({
String exceptionPauseMode = 'None',
bool? supportsRunInTerminalRequest,
}) async {
final responses = await Future.wait([
adapterID: 'test',
supportsRunInTerminalRequest: supportsRunInTerminalRequest,
filters: [exceptionPauseMode],
await sendRequest(ConfigurationDoneArguments());
return responses[1] as Response; // Return the initialize response.
/// Send a launchRequest to the server, asking it to start a Dart program.
Future<Response> launch(
String program, {
List<String>? args,
List<String>? toolArgs,
String? cwd,
bool? noDebug,
List<String>? additionalProjectPaths,
String? console,
bool? debugSdkLibraries,
bool? debugExternalPackageLibraries,
bool? evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
bool? evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
bool? sendLogsToClient,
}) {
return sendRequest(
noDebug: noDebug,
program: program,
cwd: cwd,
args: args,
toolArgs: toolArgs,
additionalProjectPaths: additionalProjectPaths,
console: console,
debugSdkLibraries: debugSdkLibraries,
debugExternalPackageLibraries: debugExternalPackageLibraries,
evaluateGettersInDebugViews: evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
evaluateToStringInDebugViews: evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
// When running out of process, VM Service traffic won't be available
// to the client-side logger, so force logging on which sends VM Service
// traffic in a custom event.
sendLogsToClient: sendLogsToClient ?? captureVmServiceTraffic,
// We can't automatically pick the command when using a custom type
// (DartLaunchRequestArguments).
overrideCommand: 'launch',
/// Sends a next (step over) request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> next(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(NextArguments(threadId: threadId));
/// Sends a request to the server for variables scopes available for a given
/// stack frame.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> scopes(int frameId) {
return sendRequest(ScopesArguments(frameId: frameId));
/// Sends an arbitrary request to the server.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> sendRequest(Object? arguments,
{bool allowFailure = false, String? overrideCommand}) {
final command = overrideCommand ?? commandTypes[arguments.runtimeType]!;
final request =
Request(seq: _seq++, command: command, arguments: arguments);
final completer = Completer<Response>();
_pendingRequests[request.seq] =
_OutgoingRequest(completer, command, allowFailure);
return _logIfSlow('Request "$command"', completer.future);
/// Sends a response to the server.
/// This is used to respond to server-to-client requests such as
/// `runInTerminal`.
void sendResponse(Request request, Object? responseBody) {
final response = Response(
success: true,
requestSeq: request.seq,
seq: _seq++,
command: request.command,
body: responseBody,
/// Sends a source request to the server to request source code for a [source]
/// reference that may have come from a stack frame or similar.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> source(Source source) => sendRequest(
source: source,
sourceReference: source.sourceReference!,
/// Sends a stackTrace request to the server to request the call stack for a
/// given thread.
/// If [startFrame] and/or [numFrames] are supplied, only a slice of the
/// frames will be returned.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stackTrace(int threadId,
{int? startFrame, int? numFrames}) =>
threadId: threadId, startFrame: startFrame, levels: numFrames));
/// Initializes the debug adapter and launches [file] or calls the custom
/// [launch] method.
Future<void> start({
File? file,
Future<Object?> Function()? launch,
}) {
return Future.wait([
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(file!.path),
], eagerError: true);
/// Sends a stepIn request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stepIn(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(StepInArguments(threadId: threadId));
/// Sends a stepOut request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stepOut(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(StepOutArguments(threadId: threadId));
Future<void> stop() async {
await _subscription.cancel();
Future<Response> terminate() => sendRequest(TerminateArguments());
/// Sends a threads request to the server to request the list of active
/// threads (isolates).
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> threads() => sendRequest(null, overrideCommand: 'threads');
/// Sends a request for child variables (fields/list elements/etc.) for the
/// variable with reference [variablesReference].
/// If [start] and/or [count] are supplied, only a slice of the variables will
/// be returned. This is used to allow the client to page through large Lists
/// or Maps without needing all of the data immediately.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> variables(
int variablesReference, {
int? start,
int? count,
}) {
return sendRequest(VariablesArguments(
variablesReference: variablesReference,
start: start,
count: count,
/// Handles an incoming message from the server, completing the relevant request
/// of raising the appropriate event.
Future<void> _handleMessage(message) async {
if (message is Response) {
final pendingRequest = _pendingRequests.remove(message.requestSeq);
if (pendingRequest == null) {
final completer = pendingRequest.completer;
if (message.success || pendingRequest.allowFailure) {
} else {
} else if (message is Event && !_eventController.isClosed) {
// When we see a terminated event, close the event stream so if any
// tests are waiting on something that will never come, they fail at
// a useful location.
if (message.event == 'terminated') {
} else if (message is Request) {
// The server sent a request to the client. Call the handler and then send
// back its result in a response.
final command = message.command;
final args = message.arguments;
final handler = _serverRequestHandlers[command];
if (handler == null) {
throw 'Test did not configure a handler for servers request: $command';
final result = await handler(args);
sendResponse(message, result);
/// Prints a warning if [future] takes longer than [_requestWarningDuration]
/// to complete.
/// Returns [future].
Future<T> _logIfSlow<T>(String name, Future<T> future) {
var didComplete = false;
Future.delayed(_requestWarningDuration).then((_) {
if (!didComplete) {
'$name has taken longer than ${_requestWarningDuration.inSeconds}s');
return future.whenComplete(() => didComplete = true);
/// Creates a [DapTestClient] that connects the server listening on
/// [host]:[port].
static Future<DapTestClient> connect(
DapTestServer server, {
bool captureVmServiceTraffic = false,
Logger? logger,
}) async {
final channel = ByteStreamServerChannel(, server.sink, logger);
return DapTestClient._(channel, logger,
captureVmServiceTraffic: captureVmServiceTraffic);
/// Useful events produced by the debug adapter during a debug session.
class TestEvents {
final List<OutputEventBody> output;
final List<Map<String, Object?>> testNotifications;
required this.output,
required this.testNotifications,
class _OutgoingRequest {
final Completer<Response> completer;
final String name;
final bool allowFailure;
_OutgoingRequest(this.completer,, this.allowFailure);
/// Additional helper method for tests to simplify interaction with [DapTestClient].
/// Unlike the methods on [DapTestClient] these methods might not map directly
/// onto protocol methods. They may call multiple protocol methods and/or
/// simplify assertion specific conditions/results.
extension DapTestClientExtension on DapTestClient {
/// Sets a breakpoint at [line] in [file] and expects to hit it after running
/// the script.
/// Launch options can be customised by passing a custom [launch] function that
/// will be used instead of calling `launch(file.path)`.
Future<StoppedEventBody> hitBreakpoint(
File file,
int line, {
File? entryFile,
String? condition,
String? cwd,
List<String>? args,
Future<Response> Function()? launch,
}) async {
entryFile ??= file;
final stop = expectStop('breakpoint', file: file, line: line);
await Future.wait([
setBreakpoint(file, line, condition: condition),
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(entryFile.path, cwd: cwd, args: args),
], eagerError: true);
return stop;
/// Sets a breakpoint at [line] in [file].
Future<void> setBreakpoint(File file, int line, {String? condition}) async {
await sendRequest(
source: Source(path: file.path),
breakpoints: [SourceBreakpoint(line: line, condition: condition)],
/// Sets the exception pause mode to [pauseMode] and expects to pause after
/// running the script.
/// Launch options can be customised by passing a custom [launch] function that
/// will be used instead of calling `launch(file.path)`.
Future<StoppedEventBody> pauseOnException(
File file, {
String? exceptionPauseMode, // All, Unhandled, None
Future<Response> Function()? launch,
}) async {
final stop = expectStop('exception', file: file);
await Future.wait([
filters: [if (exceptionPauseMode != null) exceptionPauseMode],
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(file.path),
], eagerError: true);
return stop;
/// Sets a breakpoint at [line] in [file] and expects _not_ to hit it after
/// running the script (instead the script is expected to terminate).
/// Launch options can be customised by passing a custom [launch] function that
/// will be used instead of calling `launch(file.path)`.
Future<void> doNotHitBreakpoint(
File file,
int line, {
String? condition,
String? logMessage,
Future<Response> Function()? launch,
}) async {
await Future.wait([
source: Source(path: file.path),
breakpoints: [
line: line,
condition: condition,
logMessage: logMessage,
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(file.path),
], eagerError: true);
/// Returns whether DDS is available for the VM Service the debug adapter
/// is connected to.
Future<bool> get ddsAvailable async {
final response = await custom(
// For convenience, use the ProtocolList to deserialise the custom
// response to check if included DDS.
final protocolList =
vm.ProtocolList.parse(response.body as Map<String, Object?>?);
final ddsProtocol = protocolList?.protocols?.singleWhereOrNull(
(protocol) => protocol.protocolName == 'DDS',
return ddsProtocol != null;
/// Runs a script and expects to pause at an exception in [file].
Future<StoppedEventBody> hitException(
File file, [
String exceptionPauseMode = 'Unhandled',
int? line,
]) async {
final stop = expectStop('exception', file: file, line: line);
await Future.wait([
initialize(exceptionPauseMode: exceptionPauseMode),
], eagerError: true);
return stop;
/// Expects a 'stopped' event for [reason].
/// If [file] or [line] are provided, they will be checked against the stop
/// location for the top stack frame.
Future<StoppedEventBody> expectStop(
String reason, {
File? file,
int? line,
String? sourceName,
}) async {
final e = await event('stopped');
final stop = StoppedEventBody.fromJson(e.body as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(stop.reason, equals(reason));
final result =
await getValidStack(stop.threadId!, startFrame: 0, numFrames: 1);
if (file != null || line != null || sourceName != null) {
expect(result.stackFrames, hasLength(1));
final frame = result.stackFrames[0];
if (file != null) {
expect(frame.source?.path, equals(file.path));
if (sourceName != null) {
expect(frame.source?.name, equals(sourceName));
if (line != null) {
expect(frame.line, equals(line));
return stop;
/// Fetches a stack trace and asserts it was a valid response.
Future<StackTraceResponseBody> getValidStack(int threadId,
{required int startFrame, required int numFrames}) async {
final response = await stackTrace(threadId,
startFrame: startFrame, numFrames: numFrames);
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('stackTrace'));
return StackTraceResponseBody.fromJson(
response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Fetches source for a sourceReference and asserts it was a valid response.
Future<SourceResponseBody> getValidSource(Source source) async {
final response = await this.source(source);
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('source'));
return SourceResponseBody.fromJson(response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Fetches threads and asserts a valid response.
Future<ThreadsResponseBody> getValidThreads() async {
final response = await threads();
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('threads'));
return ThreadsResponseBody.fromJson(response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Collects all output events until the program terminates.
/// These results include all events in the order they are recieved, including
/// console, stdout and stderr.
/// Only one of [start] or [launch] may be provided. Use [start] to customise
/// the whole start of the session (including initialise) or [launch] to only
/// customise the [launchRequest].
Future<List<OutputEventBody>> collectOutput({
File? file,
Future<Response> Function()? start,
Future<Response> Function()? launch,
}) async {
start == null || launch == null,
'Only one of "start" or "launch" may be provided',
final outputEventsFuture = outputEvents.toList();
if (start != null) {
await start();
} else {
await this.start(file: file, launch: launch);
return outputEventsFuture;
/// Collects all output and test events until the program terminates.
/// These results include all events in the order they are recieved, including
/// console, stdout, stderr and test notifications from the test JSON reporter.
/// Only one of [start] or [launch] may be provided. Use [start] to customise
/// the whole start of the session (including initialise) or [launch] to only
/// customise the [launchRequest].
Future<TestEvents> collectTestOutput({
File? file,
Future<Response> Function()? start,
Future<Object?> Function()? launch,
}) async {
start == null || launch == null,
'Only one of "start" or "launch" may be provided',
final outputEventsFuture = outputEvents.toList();
final testNotificationEventsFuture = testNotificationEvents.toList();
if (start != null) {
await start();
} else {
await this.start(file: file, launch: launch);
return TestEvents(
output: await outputEventsFuture,
testNotifications: await testNotificationEventsFuture,
/// A helper that fetches scopes for a frame, checks for one with the name
/// [expectedName] and verifies its variables.
Future<Scope> expectScopeVariables(
int frameId,
String expectedName,
String expectedVariables, {
bool ignorePrivate = true,
Set<String>? ignore,
}) async {
final scope = await getValidScope(frameId, expectedName);
await expectVariables(
ignorePrivate: ignorePrivate,
ignore: ignore,
return scope;
/// Requests variables scopes for a frame returns one with a specific name.
Future<Scope> getValidScope(int frameId, String name) async {
final scopes = await getValidScopes(frameId);
return scopes.scopes.singleWhere(
(s) => == name,
orElse: () => throw 'Did not find scope with name $name',
/// A helper that finds a named variable in the Variables scope for the top
/// frame and asserts its child variables (fields/getters/etc) match.
Future<VariablesResponseBody> expectLocalVariable(
int threadId, {
required String expectedName,
required String expectedDisplayString,
required String expectedVariables,
int? start,
int? count,
bool ignorePrivate = true,
Set<String>? ignore,
}) async {
final stack = await getValidStack(
startFrame: 0,
numFrames: 1,
final topFrame = stack.stackFrames.first;
final variablesScope = await getValidScope(, 'Locals');
final variables =
await getValidVariables(variablesScope.variablesReference);
final expectedVariable = variables.variables
.singleWhere((variable) => == expectedName);
// Check the display string.
expect(expectedVariable.value, equals(expectedDisplayString));
// Check the child fields.
return expectVariables(
start: start,
count: count,
ignorePrivate: ignorePrivate,
ignore: ignore,
/// Requests variables scopes for a frame and asserts a valid response.
Future<ScopesResponseBody> getValidScopes(int frameId) async {
final response = await scopes(frameId);
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('scopes'));
return ScopesResponseBody.fromJson(response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// Requests variables by reference and asserts a valid response.
Future<VariablesResponseBody> getValidVariables(
int variablesReference, {
int? start,
int? count,
}) async {
final response = await variables(
start: start,
count: count,
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('variables'));
return VariablesResponseBody.fromJson(
response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
/// A helper that verifies the variables list matches [expectedVariables].
/// [expectedVariables] is a simple text format of `name: value` for each
/// variable with some additional annotations to simplify writing tests.
Future<VariablesResponseBody> expectVariables(
int variablesReference,
String expectedVariables, {
int? start,
int? count,
bool ignorePrivate = true,
Set<String>? ignore,
}) async {
final expectedLines =
expectedVariables.trim().split('\n').map((l) => l.trim()).toList();
final variables = await getValidVariables(
start: start,
count: count,
// If a variable was set to be ignored but wasn't in the list, that's
// likely an error in the test.
if (ignore != null) {
final variableNames = =>;
for (final ignored in ignore) {
reason: 'Variable "$ignored" should be ignored but was '
'not in the results ($variableNames)',
/// Helper to format the variables into a simple text representation that's
/// easy to maintain in tests.
String toSimpleTextRepresentation(Variable v) {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
final evaluateName = v.evaluateName;
final indexedVariables = v.indexedVariables;
final namedVariables = v.namedVariables;
final value = v.value;
final type = v.type;
final presentationHint = v.presentationHint;
buffer.write('${}: $value');
if (evaluateName != null) {
buffer.write(', eval: $evaluateName');
if (indexedVariables != null) {
buffer.write(', $indexedVariables items');
if (namedVariables != null) {
buffer.write(', $namedVariables named items');
if (type != null) {
buffer.write(', $type');
if (presentationHint != null) {
buffer.write(', $presentationHint');
return buffer.toString();
final actual = variables.variables
.where((v) => ignorePrivate ? !'_') : true)
.where((v) => !(ignore?.contains( ?? false))
// Always exclude hashCode because its value is not guaranteed.
.where((v) => != 'hashCode')
expect(actual.join('\n'), equals(expectedLines.join('\n')));
return variables;
Future<int> getTopFrameId(
int threadId,
) async {
final stack = await getValidStack(threadId, startFrame: 0, numFrames: 1);
/// Evalutes [expression] in frame [frameId] and expects a specific
/// [expectedResult].
Future<EvaluateResponseBody> expectEvalResult(
int frameId,
String expression,
String expectedResult,
) async {
final response = await evaluate(expression, frameId: frameId);
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('evaluate'));
final body =
EvaluateResponseBody.fromJson(response.body as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(body.result, equals(expectedResult));
return body;