blob: ab4b8f9c4d98c7eef98c52b45b2d6539e25d92cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/deferred_closure_heuristic.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() {
test('single', () {
// If there is just a single closure and no type variables, it is selected.
var f = Closure('f');
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: [], closures: [f])
test('simple dependency', () {
// If f depends on g, then g is selected first, and then f.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T'], closures: [f, g])
test('long chain', () {
// If f depends on g and g depends on h, then we do three separate stages:
// h, then g, then f.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['U'], retTypes: ['T']);
var h = Closure('h', retTypes: ['U']);
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h])
test('unrelated closure', () {
// Closures that are independent of all the others are inferred during the
// first stage.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
var h = Closure('h');
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h])
{g, h},
test('independent chains', () {
// If f depends on g, and h depends on i, then g and i are selected first,
// and then f and h.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['U']);
var i = Closure('i', retTypes: ['U']);
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
{g, i},
{f, h}
test('diamond', () {
// Test a diamond dependency shape: f depends on g and h; g and h both
// depend on i.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T', 'U']);
var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['V'], retTypes: ['T']);
var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['V'], retTypes: ['U']);
var i = Closure('i', retTypes: ['V']);
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U', 'V'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
{g, h},
test('cycle', () {
// A dependency cycle is inferred all at once.
var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['U']);
var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['U'], retTypes: ['T']);
var i = Closure('i', argTypes: ['T'], retTypes: ['U']);
_TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
{h, i},
{f, g}
class Closure {
final String name;
final List<String> argTypes;
final List<String> retTypes;
Closure(, {this.argTypes = const [], this.retTypes = const []});
String toString() => name;
class _TestClosureDeps extends ClosureDependencies<String, Closure> {
final List<String> typeVars;
final List<Closure> closures;
_TestClosureDeps({required this.typeVars, required this.closures})
: super(closures, typeVars);
Set<String> typeVarsFreeInClosureArguments(Closure closure) =>
Set<String> typeVarsFreeInClosureReturns(Closure closure) =>