blob: c68c792046c2f02afa89405af3064bc1a2efe84a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/code_observers.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/malloc_hooks.h"
#include "vm/native_symbol.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/tags.h"
#include "vm/thread_interrupter.h"
// Profiler sampling and stack walking support.
// NOTE: For service related code, see profile_service.h.
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class ProcessedSample;
class ProcessedSampleBuffer;
class Sample;
class AllocationSampleBuffer;
class SampleBlock;
class ProfileTrieNode;
V(bail_out_unknown_task) \
V(bail_out_jump_to_exception_handler) \
V(bail_out_check_isolate) \
V(single_frame_sample_deoptimizing) \
V(single_frame_sample_register_check) \
V(single_frame_sample_get_and_validate_stack_bounds) \
V(stack_walker_native) \
V(stack_walker_dart_exit) \
V(stack_walker_dart) \
V(stack_walker_none) \
V(incomplete_sample_fp_bounds) \
V(incomplete_sample_fp_step) \
V(incomplete_sample_bad_pc) \
V(failure_native_allocation_sample) \
struct ProfilerCounters {
#define DECLARE_PROFILER_COUNTER(name) RelaxedAtomic<int64_t> name;
class Profiler : public AllStatic {
static void Init();
static void InitAllocationSampleBuffer();
static void Cleanup();
static void SetSampleDepth(intptr_t depth);
static void SetSamplePeriod(intptr_t period);
// Restarts sampling with a given profile period. This is called after the
// profile period is changed via the service protocol.
static void UpdateSamplePeriod();
// Starts or shuts down the profiler after --profiler is changed via the
// service protocol.
static void UpdateRunningState();
static SampleBlockBuffer* sample_block_buffer() {
return sample_block_buffer_;
static void set_sample_block_buffer(SampleBlockBuffer* buffer) {
sample_block_buffer_ = buffer;
static AllocationSampleBuffer* allocation_sample_buffer() {
return allocation_sample_buffer_;
static void DumpStackTrace(void* context);
static void DumpStackTrace(bool for_crash = true);
static void SampleAllocation(Thread* thread,
intptr_t cid,
uint32_t identity_hash);
static Sample* SampleNativeAllocation(intptr_t skip_count,
uword address,
uintptr_t allocation_size);
// SampleThread is called from inside the signal handler and hence it is very
// critical that the implementation of SampleThread does not do any of the
// following:
// * Accessing TLS -- Because on Windows and Fuchsia the callback will be
// running in a different thread.
// * Allocating memory -- Because this takes locks which may already be
// held, resulting in a dead lock.
// * Taking a lock -- See above.
static void SampleThread(Thread* thread, const InterruptedThreadState& state);
static ProfilerCounters counters() {
// Copies the counter values.
return counters_;
inline static intptr_t Size();
static void DumpStackTrace(uword sp, uword fp, uword pc, bool for_crash);
// Calculates the sample buffer capacity. Returns
// SampleBuffer::kDefaultBufferCapacity if --sample-buffer-duration is not
// provided. Otherwise, the capacity is based on the sample rate, maximum
// sample stack depth, and the number of seconds of samples the sample buffer
// should be able to accomodate.
static intptr_t CalculateSampleBufferCapacity();
// Does not walk the thread's stack.
static void SampleThreadSingleFrame(Thread* thread,
Sample* sample,
uintptr_t pc);
static RelaxedAtomic<bool> initialized_;
static SampleBlockBuffer* sample_block_buffer_;
static AllocationSampleBuffer* allocation_sample_buffer_;
static ProfilerCounters counters_;
friend class Thread;
class SampleVisitor : public ValueObject {
explicit SampleVisitor(Dart_Port port) : port_(port), visited_(0) {}
virtual ~SampleVisitor() {}
virtual void VisitSample(Sample* sample) = 0;
virtual void Reset() { visited_ = 0; }
intptr_t visited() const { return visited_; }
void IncrementVisited() { visited_++; }
Dart_Port port() const { return port_; }
Dart_Port port_;
intptr_t visited_;
class SampleFilter : public ValueObject {
SampleFilter(Dart_Port port,
intptr_t thread_task_mask,
int64_t time_origin_micros,
int64_t time_extent_micros)
: port_(port),
time_extent_micros_(time_extent_micros) {
ASSERT(thread_task_mask != 0);
ASSERT(time_origin_micros_ >= -1);
ASSERT(time_extent_micros_ >= -1);
virtual ~SampleFilter() {}
// Override this function.
// Return |true| if |sample| passes the filter.
virtual bool FilterSample(Sample* sample) { return true; }
Dart_Port port() const { return port_; }
// Returns |true| if |sample| passes the time filter.
bool TimeFilterSample(Sample* sample);
// Returns |true| if |sample| passes the thread task filter.
bool TaskFilterSample(Sample* sample);
static const intptr_t kNoTaskFilter = -1;
Dart_Port port_;
intptr_t thread_task_mask_;
int64_t time_origin_micros_;
int64_t time_extent_micros_;
class ClearProfileVisitor : public SampleVisitor {
explicit ClearProfileVisitor(Isolate* isolate);
virtual void VisitSample(Sample* sample);
// Each Sample holds a stack trace from an isolate.
class Sample {
Sample() = default;
void Init(Dart_Port port, int64_t timestamp, ThreadId tid) {
timestamp_ = timestamp;
tid_ = tid;
port_ = port;
next_ = nullptr;
Dart_Port port() const { return port_; }
// Thread sample was taken on.
ThreadId tid() const { return tid_; }
void Clear() {
timestamp_ = 0;
tid_ = OSThread::kInvalidThreadId;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kStackBufferSizeInWords; i++) {
stack_buffer_[i] = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kPCArraySizeInWords; i++) {
pc_array_[i] = 0;
vm_tag_ = VMTag::kInvalidTagId;
user_tag_ = UserTags::kDefaultUserTag;
state_ = 0;
next_ = nullptr;
allocation_identity_hash_ = 0;
#if defined(DART_USE_TCMALLOC) && defined(DEBUG)
native_allocation_address_ = 0;
native_allocation_size_bytes_ = 0;
next_free_ = NULL;
// Timestamp sample was taken at.
int64_t timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
// Top most pc.
uword pc() const { return At(0); }
// Get stack trace entry.
uword At(intptr_t i) const {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPCArraySizeInWords);
return pc_array_[i];
// Set stack trace entry.
void SetAt(intptr_t i, uword pc) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPCArraySizeInWords);
pc_array_[i] = pc;
void DumpStackTrace() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kPCArraySizeInWords; ++i) {
uintptr_t start = 0;
uword pc = At(i);
char* native_symbol_name =
NativeSymbolResolver::LookupSymbolName(pc, &start);
if (native_symbol_name == NULL) {
OS::PrintErr(" [0x%" Pp "] Unknown symbol\n", pc);
} else {
OS::PrintErr(" [0x%" Pp "] %s\n", pc, native_symbol_name);
uword vm_tag() const { return vm_tag_; }
void set_vm_tag(uword tag) {
ASSERT(tag != VMTag::kInvalidTagId);
vm_tag_ = tag;
uword user_tag() const { return user_tag_; }
void set_user_tag(uword tag) { user_tag_ = tag; }
bool leaf_frame_is_dart() const { return LeafFrameIsDart::decode(state_); }
void set_leaf_frame_is_dart(bool leaf_frame_is_dart) {
state_ = LeafFrameIsDart::update(leaf_frame_is_dart, state_);
bool ignore_sample() const { return IgnoreBit::decode(state_); }
void set_ignore_sample(bool ignore_sample) {
state_ = IgnoreBit::update(ignore_sample, state_);
bool exit_frame_sample() const { return ExitFrameBit::decode(state_); }
void set_exit_frame_sample(bool exit_frame_sample) {
state_ = ExitFrameBit::update(exit_frame_sample, state_);
bool missing_frame_inserted() const {
return MissingFrameInsertedBit::decode(state_);
void set_missing_frame_inserted(bool missing_frame_inserted) {
state_ = MissingFrameInsertedBit::update(missing_frame_inserted, state_);
bool truncated_trace() const { return TruncatedTraceBit::decode(state_); }
void set_truncated_trace(bool truncated_trace) {
state_ = TruncatedTraceBit::update(truncated_trace, state_);
bool is_allocation_sample() const {
return ClassAllocationSampleBit::decode(state_);
void set_is_allocation_sample(bool allocation_sample) {
state_ = ClassAllocationSampleBit::update(allocation_sample, state_);
uint32_t allocation_identity_hash() const {
return allocation_identity_hash_;
void set_allocation_identity_hash(uint32_t hash) {
allocation_identity_hash_ = hash;
#if defined(DART_USE_TCMALLOC) && defined(DEBUG)
uword native_allocation_address() const { return native_allocation_address_; }
void set_native_allocation_address(uword address) {
native_allocation_address_ = address;
uintptr_t native_allocation_size_bytes() const {
return native_allocation_size_bytes_;
void set_native_allocation_size_bytes(uintptr_t size) {
native_allocation_size_bytes_ = size;
Sample* next_free() const { return next_free_; }
void set_next_free(Sample* next_free) { next_free_ = next_free; }
uword native_allocation_address() const { return 0; }
void set_native_allocation_address(uword address) { UNREACHABLE(); }
uintptr_t native_allocation_size_bytes() const { return 0; }
void set_native_allocation_size_bytes(uintptr_t size) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Sample* next_free() const { return nullptr; }
void set_next_free(Sample* next_free) { UNREACHABLE(); }
#endif // defined(DART_USE_TCMALLOC) && defined(DEBUG)
Thread::TaskKind thread_task() const { return ThreadTaskBit::decode(state_); }
void set_thread_task(Thread::TaskKind task) {
state_ = ThreadTaskBit::update(task, state_);
bool is_continuation_sample() const {
return ContinuationSampleBit::decode(state_);
void SetContinuation(Sample* next) {
ASSERT(next_ == nullptr);
state_ = ContinuationSampleBit::update(true, state_);
next_ = next;
Sample* continuation_sample() const { return next_; }
intptr_t allocation_cid() const {
return metadata();
void set_head_sample(bool head_sample) {
state_ = HeadSampleBit::update(head_sample, state_);
bool head_sample() const { return HeadSampleBit::decode(state_); }
intptr_t metadata() const { return MetadataBits::decode(state_); }
void set_metadata(intptr_t metadata) {
state_ = MetadataBits::update(metadata, state_);
void SetAllocationCid(intptr_t cid) {
static constexpr int kPCArraySizeInWords = 32;
uword* GetPCArray() { return &pc_array_[0]; }
static constexpr int kStackBufferSizeInWords = 2;
uword* GetStackBuffer() { return &stack_buffer_[0]; }
enum StateBits {
kHeadSampleBit = 0,
kLeafFrameIsDartBit = 1,
kIgnoreBit = 2,
kExitFrameBit = 3,
kMissingFrameInsertedBit = 4,
kTruncatedTraceBit = 5,
kClassAllocationSampleBit = 6,
kContinuationSampleBit = 7,
kThreadTaskBit = 8, // 7 bits.
kMetadataBit = 15, // 16 bits.
kNextFreeBit = 31,
class HeadSampleBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kHeadSampleBit, 1> {};
class LeafFrameIsDart
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kLeafFrameIsDartBit, 1> {};
class IgnoreBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kIgnoreBit, 1> {};
class ExitFrameBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kExitFrameBit, 1> {};
class MissingFrameInsertedBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kMissingFrameInsertedBit, 1> {};
class TruncatedTraceBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kTruncatedTraceBit, 1> {};
class ClassAllocationSampleBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kClassAllocationSampleBit, 1> {};
class ContinuationSampleBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kContinuationSampleBit, 1> {};
class ThreadTaskBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, Thread::TaskKind, kThreadTaskBit, 7> {};
class MetadataBits : public BitField<uint32_t, intptr_t, kMetadataBit, 16> {};
int64_t timestamp_;
Dart_Port port_;
ThreadId tid_;
uword stack_buffer_[kStackBufferSizeInWords];
uword pc_array_[kPCArraySizeInWords];
uword vm_tag_;
uword user_tag_;
uint32_t state_;
Sample* next_;
uint32_t allocation_identity_hash_;
#if defined(DART_USE_TCMALLOC) && defined(DEBUG)
uword native_allocation_address_;
uintptr_t native_allocation_size_bytes_;
Sample* next_free_;
class NativeAllocationSampleFilter : public SampleFilter {
NativeAllocationSampleFilter(int64_t time_origin_micros,
int64_t time_extent_micros)
: SampleFilter(ILLEGAL_PORT,
time_extent_micros) {}
bool FilterSample(Sample* sample) {
// If the sample is an allocation sample, we need to check that the
// memory at the address hasn't been freed, and if the address associated
// with the allocation has been freed and then reissued.
void* alloc_address =
ASSERT(alloc_address != NULL);
Sample* recorded_sample = MallocHooks::GetSample(alloc_address);
return (sample == recorded_sample);
class AbstractCode {
explicit AbstractCode(ObjectPtr code) : code_(Object::Handle(code)) {
ASSERT(code_.IsNull() || code_.IsCode());
ObjectPtr ptr() const { return code_.ptr(); }
const Object* handle() const { return &code_; }
uword PayloadStart() const {
return Code::Cast(code_).PayloadStart();
uword Size() const {
return Code::Cast(code_).Size();
int64_t compile_timestamp() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).compile_timestamp();
} else {
return 0;
const char* Name() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).Name();
} else {
return "";
const char* QualifiedName() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).QualifiedName(
} else {
return "";
bool IsStubCode() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).IsStubCode();
} else {
return false;
bool IsAllocationStubCode() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).IsAllocationStubCode();
} else {
return false;
bool IsTypeTestStubCode() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).IsTypeTestStubCode();
} else {
return false;
ObjectPtr owner() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).owner();
} else {
return Object::null();
bool IsNull() const { return code_.IsNull(); }
bool IsCode() const { return code_.IsCode(); }
bool is_optimized() const {
if (code_.IsCode()) {
return Code::Cast(code_).is_optimized();
} else {
return false;
const Object& code_;
// A Code object descriptor.
class CodeDescriptor : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit CodeDescriptor(const AbstractCode code);
uword Start() const;
uword Size() const;
int64_t CompileTimestamp() const;
const AbstractCode code() const { return code_; }
const char* Name() const { return code_.Name(); }
bool Contains(uword pc) const {
uword end = Start() + Size();
return (pc >= Start()) && (pc < end);
static int Compare(CodeDescriptor* const* a, CodeDescriptor* const* b) {
uword a_start = (*a)->Start();
uword b_start = (*b)->Start();
if (a_start < b_start) {
return -1;
} else if (a_start > b_start) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
const AbstractCode code_;
// Fast lookup of Dart code objects.
class CodeLookupTable : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit CodeLookupTable(Thread* thread);
intptr_t length() const { return code_objects_.length(); }
const CodeDescriptor* At(intptr_t index) const {
return code_objects_.At(index);
const CodeDescriptor* FindCode(uword pc) const;
void Build(Thread* thread);
void Add(const Object& code);
// Code objects sorted by entry.
ZoneGrowableArray<CodeDescriptor*> code_objects_;
friend class CodeLookupTableBuilder;
// Interface for a class that can create a ProcessedSampleBuffer.
class ProcessedSampleBufferBuilder {
virtual ~ProcessedSampleBufferBuilder() = default;
virtual ProcessedSampleBuffer* BuildProcessedSampleBuffer(
SampleFilter* filter,
ProcessedSampleBuffer* buffer = nullptr) = 0;
class SampleBuffer : public ProcessedSampleBufferBuilder {
SampleBuffer() = default;
virtual ~SampleBuffer() = default;
virtual void Init(Sample* samples, intptr_t capacity) {
ASSERT(samples != nullptr);
ASSERT(capacity > 0);
samples_ = samples;
capacity_ = capacity;
void VisitSamples(SampleVisitor* visitor) {
ASSERT(visitor != NULL);
const intptr_t length = capacity();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Sample* sample = At(i);
if (!sample->head_sample()) {
// An inner sample in a chain of samples.
if (sample->ignore_sample()) {
// Bad sample.
if (sample->port() != visitor->port()) {
// Another isolate.
if (sample->timestamp() == 0) {
// Empty.
if (sample->At(0) == 0) {
// No frames.
virtual Sample* ReserveSample() = 0;
virtual Sample* ReserveSampleAndLink(Sample* previous) = 0;
Sample* At(intptr_t idx) const {
ASSERT(idx >= 0);
ASSERT(idx < capacity_);
return &samples_[idx];
intptr_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
virtual ProcessedSampleBuffer* BuildProcessedSampleBuffer(
SampleFilter* filter,
ProcessedSampleBuffer* buffer = nullptr);
Sample* Next(Sample* sample);
ProcessedSample* BuildProcessedSample(Sample* sample,
const CodeLookupTable& clt);
Sample* samples_;
intptr_t capacity_;
class SampleBlock : public SampleBuffer {
// The default number of samples per block. Overridden by some tests.
static const intptr_t kSamplesPerBlock = 100;
SampleBlock() = default;
virtual ~SampleBlock() = default;
void Clear() {
allocation_block_ = false;
cursor_ = 0;
full_ = false;
evictable_ = false;
next_free_ = nullptr;
// Returns the number of samples contained within this block.
intptr_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
// Specify whether or not this block is used for assigning allocation
// samples.
void set_is_allocation_block(bool is_allocation_block) {
allocation_block_ = is_allocation_block;
Isolate* owner() const { return owner_; }
void set_owner(Isolate* isolate) { owner_ = isolate; }
// Manually marks the block as full so it can be processed and added back to
// the pool of available blocks.
void release_block() {; }
// When true, this sample block is considered complete and will no longer be
// used to assign new Samples. This block is **not** available for
// re-allocation simply because it's full. It must be processed by
// SampleBlockBuffer::ProcessCompletedBlocks before it can be considered
// evictable and available for re-allocation.
bool is_full() const { return full_.load(); }
// When true, this sample block is available for re-allocation.
bool evictable() const { return evictable_.load(); }
virtual Sample* ReserveSample();
virtual Sample* ReserveSampleAndLink(Sample* previous);
Isolate* owner_ = nullptr;
bool allocation_block_ = false;
intptr_t index_;
RelaxedAtomic<int> cursor_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<bool> full_ = false;
RelaxedAtomic<bool> evictable_ = false;
SampleBlock* next_free_ = nullptr;
friend class SampleBlockListProcessor;
friend class SampleBlockBuffer;
friend class Isolate;
class SampleBlockBuffer : public ProcessedSampleBufferBuilder {
static const intptr_t kDefaultBlockCount = 600;
// Creates a SampleBlockBuffer with a predetermined number of blocks.
// Defaults to kDefaultBlockCount blocks. Block size is fixed to
// SampleBlock::kSamplesPerBlock samples per block, except for in tests.
explicit SampleBlockBuffer(
intptr_t blocks = kDefaultBlockCount,
intptr_t samples_per_block = SampleBlock::kSamplesPerBlock);
virtual ~SampleBlockBuffer();
void VisitSamples(SampleVisitor* visitor) {
ASSERT(visitor != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < cursor_.load(); ++i) {
// Returns true when there is at least a single block that needs to be
// processed.
// NOTE: this should only be called from the interrupt handler as
// invocation will have the side effect of clearing the underlying flag.
bool process_blocks() { return; }
// Iterates over the blocks in the buffer and processes blocks marked as
// full. Processing consists of sending a service event with the samples from
// completed, unprocessed blocks and marking these blocks are evictable
// (i.e., safe to be re-allocated and re-used).
void ProcessCompletedBlocks();
// Reserves a sample for a CPU profile.
// Returns nullptr when a sample can't be reserved.
Sample* ReserveCPUSample(Isolate* isolate);
// Reserves a sample for a Dart object allocation profile.
// Returns nullptr when a sample can't be reserved.
Sample* ReserveAllocationSample(Isolate* isolate);
intptr_t Size() const { return memory_->size(); }
virtual ProcessedSampleBuffer* BuildProcessedSampleBuffer(
SampleFilter* filter,
ProcessedSampleBuffer* buffer = nullptr);
Sample* ReserveSampleImpl(Isolate* isolate, bool allocation_sample);
// Returns nullptr if there are no available blocks.
SampleBlock* ReserveSampleBlock();
void FreeBlock(SampleBlock* block) {
ASSERT(block->next_free_ == nullptr);
MutexLocker ml(&free_block_lock_);
if (free_list_head_ == nullptr) {
free_list_head_ = block;
free_list_tail_ = block;
free_list_tail_->next_free_ = block;
free_list_tail_ = block;
SampleBlock* GetFreeBlock() {
MutexLocker ml(&free_block_lock_);
if (free_list_head_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
SampleBlock* block = free_list_head_;
free_list_head_ = block->next_free_;
if (free_list_head_ == nullptr) {
free_list_tail_ = nullptr;
block->next_free_ = nullptr;
return block;
Mutex free_block_lock_;
RelaxedAtomic<bool> can_process_block_ = false;
// Sample block management.
RelaxedAtomic<int> cursor_;
SampleBlock* blocks_;
intptr_t capacity_;
SampleBlock* free_list_head_;
SampleBlock* free_list_tail_;
// Sample buffer management.
VirtualMemory* memory_;
Sample* sample_buffer_;
friend class Isolate;
class SampleBlockListProcessor : public ProcessedSampleBufferBuilder {
explicit SampleBlockListProcessor(SampleBlock* head) : head_(head) {}
virtual ProcessedSampleBuffer* BuildProcessedSampleBuffer(
SampleFilter* filter,
ProcessedSampleBuffer* buffer = nullptr);
SampleBlock* head_;
class AllocationSampleBuffer : public SampleBuffer {
explicit AllocationSampleBuffer(intptr_t capacity = 60000);
virtual ~AllocationSampleBuffer();
virtual Sample* ReserveSample();
virtual Sample* ReserveSampleAndLink(Sample* previous);
void FreeAllocationSample(Sample* sample);
intptr_t Size() { return memory_->size(); }
intptr_t ReserveSampleSlotLocked();
Mutex mutex_;
Sample* free_sample_list_;
VirtualMemory* memory_;
RelaxedAtomic<int> cursor_ = 0;
intptr_t Profiler::Size() {
intptr_t size = 0;
if (sample_block_buffer_ != nullptr) {
size += sample_block_buffer_->Size();
if (allocation_sample_buffer_ != nullptr) {
size += allocation_sample_buffer_->Size();
return size;
// A |ProcessedSample| is a combination of 1 (or more) |Sample|(s) that have
// been merged into a logical sample. The raw data may have been processed to
// improve the quality of the stack trace.
class ProcessedSample : public ZoneAllocated {
// Add |pc| to stack trace.
void Add(uword pc) { pcs_.Add(pc); }
// Insert |pc| at |index|.
void InsertAt(intptr_t index, uword pc) { pcs_.InsertAt(index, pc); }
// Number of pcs in stack trace.
intptr_t length() const { return pcs_.length(); }
// Get |pc| at |index|.
uword At(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < length());
return pcs_[index];
// Timestamp sample was taken at.
int64_t timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
void set_timestamp(int64_t timestamp) { timestamp_ = timestamp; }
ThreadId tid() const { return tid_; }
void set_tid(ThreadId tid) { tid_ = tid; }
// The VM tag.
uword vm_tag() const { return vm_tag_; }
void set_vm_tag(uword tag) { vm_tag_ = tag; }
// The user tag.
uword user_tag() const { return user_tag_; }
void set_user_tag(uword tag) { user_tag_ = tag; }
// The class id if this is an allocation profile sample. -1 otherwise.
intptr_t allocation_cid() const { return allocation_cid_; }
void set_allocation_cid(intptr_t cid) { allocation_cid_ = cid; }
// The identity hash code of the allocated object if this is an allocation
// profile sample. -1 otherwise.
uint32_t allocation_identity_hash() const {
return allocation_identity_hash_;
void set_allocation_identity_hash(uint32_t hash) {
allocation_identity_hash_ = hash;
bool IsAllocationSample() const { return allocation_cid_ > 0; }
bool is_native_allocation_sample() const {
return native_allocation_size_bytes_ != 0;
uintptr_t native_allocation_size_bytes() const {
return native_allocation_size_bytes_;
void set_native_allocation_size_bytes(uintptr_t allocation_size) {
native_allocation_size_bytes_ = allocation_size;
// Was the stack trace truncated?
bool truncated() const { return truncated_; }
void set_truncated(bool truncated) { truncated_ = truncated; }
// Was the first frame in the stack trace executing?
bool first_frame_executing() const { return first_frame_executing_; }
void set_first_frame_executing(bool first_frame_executing) {
first_frame_executing_ = first_frame_executing;
ProfileTrieNode* timeline_code_trie() const { return timeline_code_trie_; }
void set_timeline_code_trie(ProfileTrieNode* trie) {
ASSERT(timeline_code_trie_ == NULL);
timeline_code_trie_ = trie;
ProfileTrieNode* timeline_function_trie() const {
return timeline_function_trie_;
void set_timeline_function_trie(ProfileTrieNode* trie) {
ASSERT(timeline_function_trie_ == NULL);
timeline_function_trie_ = trie;
void FixupCaller(const CodeLookupTable& clt,
uword pc_marker,
uword* stack_buffer);
void CheckForMissingDartFrame(const CodeLookupTable& clt,
const CodeDescriptor* code,
uword pc_marker,
uword* stack_buffer);
ZoneGrowableArray<uword> pcs_;
int64_t timestamp_;
ThreadId tid_;
uword vm_tag_;
uword user_tag_;
intptr_t allocation_cid_;
uint32_t allocation_identity_hash_;
bool truncated_;
bool first_frame_executing_;
uword native_allocation_address_;
uintptr_t native_allocation_size_bytes_;
ProfileTrieNode* timeline_code_trie_;
ProfileTrieNode* timeline_function_trie_;
friend class SampleBuffer;
// A collection of |ProcessedSample|s.
class ProcessedSampleBuffer : public ZoneAllocated {
void Add(ProcessedSample* sample) { samples_.Add(sample); }
intptr_t length() const { return samples_.length(); }
ProcessedSample* At(intptr_t index) { return samples_.At(index); }
const CodeLookupTable& code_lookup_table() const {
return *code_lookup_table_;
ZoneGrowableArray<ProcessedSample*> samples_;
CodeLookupTable* code_lookup_table_;
class SampleBlockProcessor : public AllStatic {
static void Init();
static void Startup();
static void Cleanup();
static const intptr_t kMaxThreads = 4096;
static bool initialized_;
static bool shutdown_;
static bool thread_running_;
static ThreadJoinId processor_thread_id_;
static Monitor* monitor_;
static void ThreadMain(uword parameters);
} // namespace dart