blob: f24a9fd7c3bc5bbc49d32bb8b74d67587c59cffe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Script used to extract symbols with locations from runtime/vm files using
// cquery. See for more information.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:xref_extractor/cquery_driver.dart';
import 'package:xref_extractor/xref_extractor.dart';
// Note: not using Directory.createTemp to reduce indexing costs.
const cqueryCachePath = '/tmp/cquery-cache-for-dart-sdk';
void main(List<String> args) async {
if (args.length != 1 || !File(args[0]).existsSync()) {
Usage: dart runtime/tools/wiki/xref_extractor/bin/main.dart <path-to-cquery>
final cqueryBinary = args[0];
// Sanity check that we are running from SDK checkout root.
final sdkCheckoutRoot = Directory.current.absolute;
final runtimeVmDirectory =
Directory(p.join(sdkCheckoutRoot.path, 'runtime/vm'));
final gitDirectory = Directory(p.join(sdkCheckoutRoot.path, '.git'));
if (!gitDirectory.existsSync() || !runtimeVmDirectory.existsSync()) {
print('This script expects to be run from SDK checkout root');
// Generate compile_commands.json from which cquery will extract compilation
// flags for individual C++ files.
await generateCompileCommands();
// Start cquery process and request indexing of runtimeVmDirectory.
final cquery = await CqueryDriver.start(cqueryBinary);
print('Indexing ${runtimeVmDirectory.path} with cquery');
cquery.progress.listen((files) =>
stdout.write('\rcquery is running ($files files left to index)'));
await cquery.request('initialize', params: {
'processId': 123,
'rootUri': sdkCheckoutRoot.uri.toString(),
'capabilities': {
'textDocument': {'codeLens': null}
'trace': 'on',
'initializationOptions': {
'cacheDirectory': cqueryCachePath,
'progressReportFrequencyMs': 1000,
'workspaceFolders': [
'uri': runtimeVmDirectory.uri.toString(),
'name': 'vm',
// Tell cquery to wait for the indexing to complete and then exit.
// Wait for cquery to exit.
final exitCode = await cquery.exitCode;
print('\r\x1b[K... completed (cquery exited with exit code ${exitCode})');
// Process cquery cache folder to extract symbolic information.
await generateXRef(cqueryCachePath, sdkCheckoutRoot.path,
(path) => path.startsWith('runtime/'));
/// Generate compile_commands.json for cquery so that it could index VM sources.
/// We ask ninja to produce compilation database for X64 release build and then
/// post process it to limit it to libdart_vm_precompiler_host_targeting_host
/// target, because otherwise we get duplicated compilation commands for the
/// same input C++ files and this greatly confuses cquery.
Future<void> generateCompileCommands() async {
print('Extracting compilation commands from build files for ReleaseX64');
final result = await'ninja', [
'${Platform.isMacOS ? 'xcodebuild' : 'out'}/ReleaseX64',
final List<dynamic> commands = jsonDecode(result.stdout);
final re = RegExp(r'/libdart(_vm)?_precompiler_host_targeting_host\.');
final filteredCommands = commands
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
.where((item) => item['command'].contains(re))
.toList(growable: false);
... generated compile_commands.json with ${filteredCommands.length} entries''');