blob: ebe54745932287e272045205f823833f8e53d634 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The tests in this file will only succeed when isolate groups are enabled
// (hence the VMOptions above).
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'fast_object_copy_test.dart' show ClassWithNativeFields;
main() async {
final rp = ReceivePort();
final si = StreamIterator(rp);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
Expect.isTrue(await si.moveNext());
Expect.equals(42, (si.current)());
si.cancel(); // closes the port
testNormalEnclosingFunction(ReceivePort rp) {
final invalidObject = ClassWithNativeFields();
final normalObject = Object();
captureInvalidObject() => invalidObject;
captureNormalObject() => normalObject;
captureNothing() => 42;
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureInvalidObject));
// TODO( Avoid capturing more than needed.
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureNormalObject));
// Should not throw, since the [captureNothing] closure should not have a
// parent context and therefore not transitively refer [rp].
testNormalNestedEnclosingFunction(ReceivePort rp) {
final invalidObject = ClassWithNativeFields();
final normalObject = Object();
nested() {
captureInvalidObject() => invalidObject;
captureNormalObject() => normalObject;
captureNothing() => 42;
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureInvalidObject));
// TODO( Avoid capturing more than needed.
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureNormalObject));
// Should not throw, since the [captureNothing] closure should not have a
// parent context and therefore not transitively refer [rp].
testNormalNestedEnclosingFunction2(ReceivePort rp) {
final invalidObject = ClassWithNativeFields();
final normalObject = Object();
captureInvalidObject() {
local() => invalidObject;
return local;
captureNormalObject() {
local() => normalObject;
return local;
captureNothing() => 42;
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureInvalidObject));
// TODO( Avoid capturing more than needed.
Expect.throwsArgumentError(() => rp.sendPort.send(captureNormalObject));
// Should not throw, since the [captureNothing] closure should not have a
// parent context and therefore not transitively refer [rp].