blob: 8c0337d4cb828bd8a3600d851c25cfd06cad38e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart';
import 'coverage.dart';
/// Helper class used to generate ASTs that contain all different nodes.
class NodeCreator {
final Uri _uri;
/// File offset counter.
/// Used to generate distinct file offsets through [_needFileOffset].
int _fileOffset = 0;
/// The parent [Component] for all created libraries, classes, extensions,
/// typedefs and members.
final Component _component = new Component();
/// These fields contain maps of requested nodes different kinds that are
/// still pending. The mapped values are used to track how many nodes of the
/// specific kind have been created. When all variants of a kind have been
/// created, the entry is removed from the map.
final Map<ExpressionKind, int> _pendingExpressions;
final Map<StatementKind, int> _pendingStatements;
final Map<DartTypeKind, int> _pendingDartTypes;
final Map<ConstantKind, int> _pendingConstants;
final Map<InitializerKind, int> _pendingInitializers;
final Map<MemberKind, int> _pendingMembers;
final Map<NodeKind, int> _pendingNodes;
/// The set of all kinds of nodes created by this node creator.
final Set<Object> _createdKinds = {};
/// These fields contain list of nodes needed for the creation of other nodes.
/// Needed nodes are nodes that need to exist prior to the node that required
/// it. For instance, to create an [InterfaceType] node, a [Class] node must
/// exist for the [InterfaceType] to reference.
/// Needed nodes are added to the context of the created nodes. For instance,
/// a needed [Class] is added to the [_component] and a needed
/// [VariableDeclaration] is added to a enclosing [Block].
List<Library> _neededLibraries = [];
List<Class> _neededClasses = [];
List<Extension> _neededExtensions = [];
List<Typedef> _neededTypedefs = [];
List<TypeParameter> _neededTypeParameters = [];
List<Constructor> _neededConstructors = [];
List<Procedure> _neededRedirectingFactories = [];
List<Procedure> _neededProcedures = [];
List<Field> _neededFields = [];
List<LibraryDependency> _neededLibraryDependencies = [];
List<VariableDeclaration> _neededVariableDeclarations = [];
List<LabeledStatement> _neededLabeledStatements = [];
List<FunctionDeclaration> _neededFunctionDeclarations = [];
List<SwitchCase> _neededSwitchCases = [];
/// Creates a [NodeCreator] requested to create nodes of the specified kinds.
Iterable<ExpressionKind> expressions: ExpressionKind.values,
Iterable<StatementKind> statements: StatementKind.values,
Iterable<DartTypeKind> dartTypes: DartTypeKind.values,
Iterable<ConstantKind> constants: ConstantKind.values,
Iterable<InitializerKind> initializers: InitializerKind.values,
Iterable<MemberKind> members: MemberKind.values,
Iterable<NodeKind> nodes: NodeKind.values,
}) : _pendingExpressions = new Map<ExpressionKind, int>.fromIterables(
expressions, new List<int>.filled(expressions.length, 0)),
_pendingStatements = new Map<StatementKind, int>.fromIterables(
statements, new List<int>.filled(statements.length, 0)),
_pendingDartTypes = new Map<DartTypeKind, int>.fromIterables(
dartTypes, new List<int>.filled(dartTypes.length, 0)),
_pendingConstants = new Map<ConstantKind, int>.fromIterables(
constants, new List<int>.filled(constants.length, 0)),
_pendingInitializers = new Map<InitializerKind, int>.fromIterables(
initializers, new List<int>.filled(initializers.length, 0)),
_pendingMembers = new Map<MemberKind, int>.fromIterables(
members, new List<int>.filled(members.length, 0)),
_pendingNodes = new Map<NodeKind, int>.fromIterables(
nodes, new List<int>.filled(nodes.length, 0)),
_uri = Uri.parse('test:uri') {
/// The kinds created by this node creator.
Iterable<Object> get createdKinds => _createdKinds;
/// Wraps [statement] in nodes needed in the statement context.
/// For instance, if a [LabeledStatement] was needed for the creation of
/// [statement], [statement] is wrapped inside the labeled statement.
Statement _ensureContext(Statement statement) {
if (_neededSwitchCases.isNotEmpty) {
statement = SwitchStatement(NullLiteral(), [
SwitchCase([NullLiteral()], [TreeNode.noOffset], Block([statement]))
for (LabeledStatement labeledStatement in _neededLabeledStatements) {
labeledStatement.body = statement;
statement = labeledStatement;
statement = Block([
return statement;
/// Adds [statement] to [statements] including any nodes needed in the
/// context.
void _addStatement(List<Statement> statements, Statement statement) {
/// Adds [expression] to [statements] including any nodes needed in the
/// context.
void _addExpression(List<Statement> statements, Expression expression) {
_addStatement(statements, ExpressionStatement(expression));
/// Adds [type] to [statements] including any nodes needed in the context.
void _addDartType(List<Statement> statements, DartType type) {
_addExpression(statements, TypeLiteral(type));
/// Adds [constant] to [statements] including any nodes needed in the context.
void _addConstant(List<Statement> statements, Constant constant) {
_addExpression(statements, ConstantExpression(constant));
/// Generates a list of [Statement] containing all pending in-body nodes.
List<Statement> _generateBodies() {
List<Statement> statements = [];
while (_pendingStatements.isNotEmpty) {
_addStatement(statements, _createStatement());
while (_pendingExpressions.isNotEmpty) {
_addExpression(statements, _createExpression());
while (_pendingDartTypes.isNotEmpty) {
_addDartType(statements, _createDartType());
while (_pendingConstants.isNotEmpty) {
_addConstant(statements, _createConstant());
for (NodeKind kind in inBodyNodeKinds) {
while (_pendingNodes.containsKey(kind)) {
Node node = _createNodeFromKind(kind);
switch (kind) {
case NodeKind.Name:
DynamicGet(DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic, _createExpression(),
node as Name));
case NodeKind.Arguments:
_createExpression(), _createName(), node as Arguments));
case NodeKind.Catch:
statements, TryCatch(_createStatement(), [node as Catch]));
case NodeKind.FunctionNode:
statements, FunctionExpression(node as FunctionNode));
case NodeKind.MapLiteralEntry:
_addExpression(statements, MapLiteral([node as MapLiteralEntry]));
case NodeKind.NamedExpression:
Arguments([], named: [node as NamedExpression])));
case NodeKind.NamedType:
FunctionType([], _createDartType(), Nullability.nonNullable,
namedParameters: [node as NamedType]));
case NodeKind.SwitchCase:
SwitchStatement(_createExpression(), [node as SwitchCase]));
case NodeKind.TypeParameter:
typeParameters: [node as TypeParameter])));
throw new UnimplementedError('Unhandled in body node $kind.');
return statements;
/// Generates [Statement]s containing occurrences of all requested nodes.
List<Statement> generateBodies() {
List<Statement> statements = _generateBodies();
Set<Object> unsupportedKinds = {};
if (_pendingInitializers.isNotEmpty) {
if (_pendingMembers.isNotEmpty) {
if (_pendingNodes.isNotEmpty) {
_pendingNodes.keys.every((kind) => !inBodyNodeKinds.contains(kind)));
if (unsupportedKinds.isNotEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot create these node in a body context: '
'${unsupportedKinds.join(', ')}');
return statements;
/// Generates a [Component] containing occurrences of all requested and needed
/// nodes.
Component generateComponent() {
Class cls = _needClass();
for (Statement statement in _generateBodies()) {
_createName(), ProcedureKind.Method, FunctionNode(statement),
fileUri: _uri));
while (_pendingInitializers.isNotEmpty) {
Initializer initializer = _createInitializer();
name: _createName(), fileUri: _uri, initializers: [initializer]));
while (_pendingMembers.isNotEmpty) {
Member member = _createMember();
if (member is Procedure) {
} else if (member is Field) {
} else if (member is Constructor) {
} else if (member is RedirectingFactory) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Unexpected member $member (${member.runtimeType})');
while (_pendingNodes.isNotEmpty) {
NodeKind kind = _pendingNodes.keys.first;
Node node = _createNodeFromKind(kind);
switch (kind) {
case NodeKind.Name:
case NodeKind.Arguments:
case NodeKind.Catch:
case NodeKind.FunctionNode:
case NodeKind.MapLiteralEntry:
case NodeKind.NamedExpression:
case NodeKind.NamedType:
case NodeKind.SwitchCase:
case NodeKind.TypeParameter:
throw new UnimplementedError('Expected in body node $kind.');
case NodeKind.Class:
_needLibrary().addClass(node as Class);
case NodeKind.Combinator:
combinators: [node as Combinator]));
case NodeKind.Component:
assert(identical(node, _component),
"Cannot create multiple Component nodes.");
case NodeKind.Extension:
_needLibrary().addExtension(node as Extension);
case NodeKind.Library:
_component.libraries.add(node as Library);
case NodeKind.LibraryDependency:
_needLibrary().addDependency(node as LibraryDependency);
case NodeKind.LibraryPart:
_needLibrary().addPart(node as LibraryPart);
case NodeKind.Supertype:
Class(name: 'foo', fileUri: _uri, supertype: node as Supertype));
case NodeKind.Typedef:
_needLibrary().addTypedef(node as Typedef);
return _component;
/// Returns a [Library] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Library] exists in [_neededLibraries], a new [Library] is
/// created and added to [_neededLibraries].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Library _needLibrary() {
for (Library library in _neededLibraries) {
return library;
Library library = Library(_uri, fileUri: _uri);
return library;
/// Returns a [LibraryDependency] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [LibraryDependency] exists in [_neededLibraryDependencies], a
/// new [LibraryDependency] is created and added to
/// [_neededLibraryDependencies].
LibraryDependency _needLibraryDependency({bool deferred: false}) {
for (LibraryDependency libraryDependency in _neededLibraryDependencies) {
if (!deferred || libraryDependency.isDeferred) {
return libraryDependency;
LibraryDependency libraryDependency = deferred
? LibraryDependency.deferredImport(_needLibrary(), 'foo')
: LibraryDependency.import(_needLibrary());
return libraryDependency;
/// Returns a [Class] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Class] exists in [_neededClasses], a new [Class] is
/// created and added to [_neededClasses].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Class _needClass() {
for (Class cls in _neededClasses) {
return cls;
Class cls = Class(name: 'Foo', fileUri: _uri);
return cls;
/// Returns a [Extension] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Extension] exists in [_neededExtensions], a new [Extension] is
/// created and added to [_neededExtensions].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Extension _needExtension() {
for (Extension extension in _neededExtensions) {
return extension;
Extension extension = Extension(name: 'foo', fileUri: _uri)
..onType = DynamicType();
return extension;
/// Returns a [Typedef] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Typedef] exists in [_neededTypedefs], a new [Typedef] is
/// created and added to [_neededTypedefs].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Typedef _needTypedef() {
for (Typedef typedef in _neededTypedefs) {
return typedef;
Typedef typedef = Typedef('foo', DynamicType(), fileUri: _uri);
return typedef;
/// Returns a [TypeParameter] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [TypeParameter] exists in [_neededTypeParameters], a new
/// [TypeParameter] is created and added to [_neededTypeParameters].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
TypeParameter _needTypeParameter() {
for (TypeParameter typeParameter in _neededTypeParameters) {
return typeParameter;
TypeParameter typeParameter =
TypeParameter('foo', DynamicType(), DynamicType());
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add the type parameter to a context; class, method
// or function type.
return typeParameter;
/// Returns a [Procedure] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Procedure] exists in [_neededProcedures], a new [Library] is
/// created and added to [_neededProcedures].
/// [index] is used to create multiple distinct [Procedure] nodes even when
/// these have the same requirements.
Procedure _needProcedure({int? index, bool? isStatic}) {
for (Procedure procedure in _neededProcedures) {
if (isStatic == null || isStatic == procedure.isStatic) {
if (index == null || index == 0) {
return procedure;
} else {
isStatic ??= true;
Procedure procedure = Procedure(
Name('foo'), ProcedureKind.Method, FunctionNode(Block([])),
fileUri: _uri, isStatic: isStatic);
if (isStatic) {
} else {
return procedure;
/// Returns a [Constructor] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Constructor] exists in [_neededConstructors], a new
/// [Constructor] is created and added to [_neededConstructors].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Constructor _needConstructor() {
for (Constructor constructor in _neededConstructors) {
return constructor;
Constructor constructor =
Constructor(FunctionNode(null), name: Name('foo'), fileUri: _uri);
return constructor;
/// Returns a redirecting factory [Procedure] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Library] exists in [_neededRedirectingFactories], a new
/// [Procedure] is created and added to [_neededRedirectingFactories].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
Procedure _needRedirectingFactory() {
for (Procedure redirectingFactory in _neededRedirectingFactories) {
return redirectingFactory;
Procedure redirectingFactory = Procedure(
Name('foo'), ProcedureKind.Method, FunctionNode(null),
fileUri: _uri)
..isRedirectingFactory = true;
return redirectingFactory;
/// Returns a [Field] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [Field] exists in [_neededFields], a new [Field] is
/// created and added to [_neededFields].
/// [index] is used to create multiple distinct [Field] nodes even when
/// these have the same requirements.
Field _needField({int? index, bool? isStatic, bool? hasSetter}) {
for (Field field in _neededFields) {
if (isStatic == null ||
isStatic == field.isStatic && hasSetter == null ||
hasSetter == field.hasSetter) {
if (index == null || index == 0) {
return field;
} else {
hasSetter ??= false;
isStatic ??= true;
Field field = hasSetter
? new Field.immutable(Name('foo'), fileUri: _uri, isStatic: isStatic)
: new Field.mutable(Name('foo'), fileUri: _uri, isStatic: isStatic);
if (isStatic) {
} else {
return field;
/// Returns a [VariableDeclaration] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [VariableDeclaration] exists in [_neededVariableDeclarations],
/// a new [VariableDeclaration] is created and added to
/// [_neededVariableDeclarations].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
VariableDeclaration _needVariableDeclaration() {
for (VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration
in _neededVariableDeclarations) {
return variableDeclaration;
VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration('foo');
return variableDeclaration;
/// Returns a [LabeledStatement] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [LabeledStatement] exists in [_neededLabeledStatements], a new
/// [LabeledStatement] is created and added to [_neededLabeledStatements].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
LabeledStatement _needLabeledStatement() {
for (LabeledStatement labeledStatement in _neededLabeledStatements) {
return labeledStatement;
LabeledStatement labeledStatement = LabeledStatement(null);
return labeledStatement;
/// Returns a [SwitchCase] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [SwitchCase] exists in [_neededSwitchCases], a new [SwitchCase]
/// is created and added to [_neededSwitchCases].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
SwitchCase _needSwitchCase() {
for (SwitchCase switchCase in _neededSwitchCases) {
return switchCase;
SwitchCase switchCase =
SwitchCase([NullLiteral()], [TreeNode.noOffset], EmptyStatement());
return switchCase;
/// Returns a [FunctionDeclaration] node that fits the requirements.
/// If no such [FunctionDeclaration] exists in [_neededFunctionDeclarations],
/// a new [FunctionDeclaration] is created and added to
/// [_neededFunctionDeclarations].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add requirements when/where needed.
FunctionDeclaration _needFunctionDeclaration() {
for (FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration
in _neededFunctionDeclarations) {
return functionDeclaration;
FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration = FunctionDeclaration(
VariableDeclaration('foo'), FunctionNode(Block([])));
return functionDeclaration;
/// Returns a fresh file offset value.
int _needFileOffset() => _fileOffset++;
/// Creates an [Expression] node.
/// If there are any pending expressions, one of these is created.
Expression _createExpression() {
if (_pendingExpressions.isEmpty) {
return NullLiteral()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
ExpressionKind kind = _pendingExpressions.keys.first;
return _createExpressionFromKind(kind);
/// Creates an [Expression] node of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending expressions of this [kind], one of these is
/// created.
Expression _createExpressionFromKind(ExpressionKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingExpressions.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case ExpressionKind.AsExpression:
return AsExpression(_createExpression(), _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.AwaitExpression:
return AwaitExpression(_createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.BlockExpression:
return BlockExpression(
_createStatementFromKind(StatementKind.Block) as Block,
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.BoolLiteral:
return BoolLiteral(true)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.CheckLibraryIsLoaded:
return CheckLibraryIsLoaded(_needLibraryDependency(deferred: true))
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.ConditionalExpression:
return ConditionalExpression(_createExpression(), _createExpression(),
_createExpression(), _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.ConstantExpression:
return ConstantExpression(_createConstant(), _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.ConstructorInvocation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => ConstructorInvocation(_needConstructor(), _createArguments(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ConstructorInvocation(_needConstructor(), _createArguments(),
isConst: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.ConstructorTearOff:
return ConstructorTearOff(_needConstructor())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.DoubleLiteral:
return DoubleLiteral(42.5)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.DynamicGet:
return DynamicGet(
DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic, _createExpression(), _createName())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.DynamicInvocation:
return DynamicInvocation(DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic, _createExpression(),
_createName(), _createArguments())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.DynamicSet:
return DynamicSet(DynamicAccessKind.Dynamic, _createExpression(),
_createName(), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.EqualsCall:
return EqualsCall(_createExpression(), _createExpression(),
functionType: _createFunctionType(),
interfaceTarget: _needProcedure())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.EqualsNull:
return EqualsNull(_createExpression())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.FileUriExpression:
return FileUriExpression(_createExpression(), _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.FunctionExpression:
return FunctionExpression(_createFunctionNode())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.FunctionInvocation:
return FunctionInvocation(FunctionAccessKind.FunctionType,
_createExpression(), _createArguments(),
functionType: _createFunctionType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.FunctionTearOff:
return FunctionTearOff(_createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InstanceCreation:
return InstanceCreation(_needClass().reference, [], {}, [], [])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InstanceGet:
return InstanceGet(
InstanceAccessKind.Instance, _createExpression(), _createName(),
interfaceTarget: _needField(), resultType: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InstanceGetterInvocation:
return InstanceGetterInvocation(InstanceAccessKind.Instance,
_createExpression(), _createName(), _createArguments(),
interfaceTarget: _needField(), functionType: _createFunctionType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InstanceInvocation:
return InstanceInvocation(InstanceAccessKind.Instance,
_createExpression(), _createName(), _createArguments(),
interfaceTarget: _needProcedure(),
functionType: _createFunctionType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset()
..isBoundsSafe = true;
case ExpressionKind.InstanceSet:
return InstanceSet(InstanceAccessKind.Instance, _createExpression(),
_createName(), _createExpression(),
interfaceTarget: _needField())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InstanceTearOff:
return InstanceTearOff(
InstanceAccessKind.Instance, _createExpression(), _createName(),
interfaceTarget: _needProcedure(), resultType: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.Instantiation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => Instantiation(_createExpression(), [])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Instantiation(_createExpression(), [_createDartType()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Instantiation(
_createExpression(), [_createDartType(), _createDartType()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.IntLiteral:
return IntLiteral(42)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.InvalidExpression:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => InvalidExpression(null)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => InvalidExpression('foo')..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => InvalidExpression('foo', _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.IsExpression:
return IsExpression(
)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.Let:
return Let(
as VariableDeclaration,
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.ListConcatenation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => ListConcatenation([], typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ListConcatenation([_createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ListConcatenation([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset()
case ExpressionKind.ListLiteral:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => ListLiteral([], typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ListLiteral([_createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ListLiteral([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ListLiteral([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.LoadLibrary:
return LoadLibrary(_needLibraryDependency(deferred: true))
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.LocalFunctionInvocation:
return LocalFunctionInvocation(
_needFunctionDeclaration().variable, _createArguments(),
functionType: _createFunctionType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.LogicalExpression:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => LogicalExpression(_createExpression(),
LogicalExpressionOperator.AND, _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => LogicalExpression(_createExpression(),
LogicalExpressionOperator.OR, _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.MapConcatenation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => MapConcatenation([],
keyType: _createDartType(), valueType: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => MapConcatenation([_createExpression()],
keyType: _createDartType(), valueType: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => MapConcatenation([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
keyType: _createDartType(), valueType: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.MapLiteral:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => MapLiteral([],
keyType: _createDartType(),
valueType: _createDartType(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => MapLiteral([_createMapLiteralEntry()],
keyType: _createDartType(),
valueType: _createDartType(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => MapLiteral([
keyType: _createDartType(),
valueType: _createDartType(),
isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => MapLiteral([
keyType: _createDartType(),
valueType: _createDartType(),
isConst: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.Not:
return Not(_createExpression())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.NullCheck:
return NullCheck(_createExpression())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.NullLiteral:
return NullLiteral();
case ExpressionKind.RedirectingFactoryTearOff:
return RedirectingFactoryTearOff(_needRedirectingFactory())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.Rethrow:
return Rethrow()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.SetConcatenation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => SetConcatenation([], typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SetConcatenation([_createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SetConcatenation([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.SetLiteral:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => SetLiteral([], typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SetLiteral([_createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SetLiteral([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SetLiteral([_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
typeArgument: _createDartType(), isConst: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.StaticGet:
return StaticGet(_needField())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.StaticInvocation:
return StaticInvocation(_needProcedure(), _createArguments())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.StaticSet:
return StaticSet(_needField(), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.StaticTearOff:
return StaticTearOff(_needProcedure())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.StringConcatenation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => StringConcatenation([])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => StringConcatenation([_createExpression()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => StringConcatenation([_createExpression(), _createExpression()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.StringLiteral:
return StringLiteral('foo');
case ExpressionKind.SuperMethodInvocation:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => SuperMethodInvocation(_createName(), _createArguments())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SuperMethodInvocation(
_createName(), _createArguments(), _needProcedure())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.SuperPropertyGet:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => SuperPropertyGet(_createName())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SuperPropertyGet(_createName(), _needField())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.SuperPropertySet:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => SuperPropertySet(_createName(), _createExpression(), null)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() =>
SuperPropertySet(_createName(), _createExpression(), _needField())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.SymbolLiteral:
return SymbolLiteral('foo')..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.ThisExpression:
return ThisExpression()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.Throw:
return Throw(_createExpression())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.TypeLiteral:
return TypeLiteral(_createDartType())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.TypedefTearOff:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return TypedefTearOff([], _createExpression(), [])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case ExpressionKind.VariableGet:
return _createOneOf(_pendingExpressions, kind, index, [
() => VariableGet(_needVariableDeclaration())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => VariableGet(_needVariableDeclaration(), _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case ExpressionKind.VariableSet:
return VariableSet(_needVariableDeclaration(), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
/// Creates a [Statement] node.
/// If there are any pending statements, one of these is created.
Statement _createStatement() {
if (_pendingStatements.isEmpty) {
return EmptyStatement()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
StatementKind kind = _pendingStatements.keys.first;
return _createStatementFromKind(kind);
/// Creates a [Statement] of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending statements of this [kind], one of these is
/// created.
Statement _createStatementFromKind(StatementKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingStatements.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case StatementKind.AssertBlock:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => AssertBlock([])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() =>
AssertBlock([_createStatement()])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => AssertBlock([_createStatement(), _createStatement()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.AssertStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => AssertStatement(_createExpression(),
conditionStartOffset: _needFileOffset(),
conditionEndOffset: _needFileOffset())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => AssertStatement(_createExpression(),
message: _createExpression(),
conditionStartOffset: _needFileOffset(),
conditionEndOffset: _needFileOffset())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.Block:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => Block([])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Block([_createStatement()])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Block([_createStatement(), _createStatement()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.BreakStatement:
return BreakStatement(_needLabeledStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.ContinueSwitchStatement:
return ContinueSwitchStatement(_needSwitchCase())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.DoStatement:
return DoStatement(_createStatement(), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.EmptyStatement:
return EmptyStatement()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.ExpressionStatement:
return ExpressionStatement(_createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.ForInStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => ForInStatement(_createVariableDeclaration(),
_createExpression(), _createStatement(),
isAsync: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ForInStatement(_createVariableDeclaration(),
_createExpression(), _createStatement(),
isAsync: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.ForStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => ForStatement([], null, [], _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ForStatement([_createVariableDeclaration()],
_createExpression(), [_createExpression()], _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ForStatement(
[_createVariableDeclaration(), _createVariableDeclaration()],
[_createExpression(), _createExpression()],
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.FunctionDeclaration:
return FunctionDeclaration(
VariableDeclaration(null), _createFunctionNode())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.IfStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => IfStatement(_createExpression(), _createStatement(), null)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => IfStatement(
_createExpression(), _createStatement(), _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.LabeledStatement:
return LabeledStatement(_createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.ReturnStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => ReturnStatement()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => ReturnStatement(_createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.SwitchStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => SwitchStatement(_createExpression(), [])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SwitchStatement(_createExpression(), [_createSwitchCase()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => SwitchStatement(
_createExpression(), [_createSwitchCase(), _createSwitchCase()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.TryCatch:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() =>
TryCatch(_createStatement(), [])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => TryCatch(_createStatement(), [_createCatch()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => TryCatch(_createStatement(), [_createCatch(), _createCatch()])
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.TryFinally:
return TryFinally(_createStatement(), _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.VariableDeclaration:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => VariableDeclaration('foo')..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => VariableDeclaration('foo', initializer: _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => VariableDeclaration('foo', type: _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case StatementKind.WhileStatement:
return WhileStatement(_createExpression(), _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case StatementKind.YieldStatement:
return _createOneOf(_pendingStatements, kind, index, [
() => YieldStatement(_createExpression(), isYieldStar: false)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => YieldStatement(_createExpression(), isYieldStar: true)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
/// Creates a [VariableDeclaration] node.
/// If there are any pending [VariableDeclaration] nodes, one of these is
/// created.
VariableDeclaration _createVariableDeclaration() {
return _createStatementFromKind(StatementKind.VariableDeclaration)
as VariableDeclaration;
/// Creates a [DartType] node.
/// If there are any pending types, one of these is created.
DartType _createDartType() {
if (_pendingDartTypes.isEmpty) {
return VoidType();
DartTypeKind kind = _pendingDartTypes.keys.first;
return _createDartTypeFromKind(kind);
/// Creates a [DartType] node of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending types of this [kind], one of these is created.
DartType _createDartTypeFromKind(DartTypeKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingDartTypes.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case DartTypeKind.DynamicType:
return DynamicType();
case DartTypeKind.ExtensionType:
return ExtensionType(_needExtension(), Nullability.nonNullable);
case DartTypeKind.FunctionType:
return _createOneOf(_pendingDartTypes, kind, index, [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Create non-trivial cases.
() => FunctionType([], _createDartType(), Nullability.nonNullable),
case DartTypeKind.FutureOrType:
return FutureOrType(_createDartType(), Nullability.nonNullable);
case DartTypeKind.InterfaceType:
return _createOneOf(_pendingDartTypes, kind, index, [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Create non-trivial cases.
() => InterfaceType(_needClass(), Nullability.nonNullable, []),
case DartTypeKind.InvalidType:
return InvalidType();
case DartTypeKind.NeverType:
return NeverType.nonNullable();
case DartTypeKind.NullType:
return NullType();
case DartTypeKind.TypeParameterType:
return _createOneOf(_pendingDartTypes, kind, index, [
() =>
TypeParameterType(_needTypeParameter(), Nullability.nonNullable),
() => TypeParameterType(
_needTypeParameter(), Nullability.nonNullable, _createDartType()),
case DartTypeKind.TypedefType:
return _createOneOf(_pendingDartTypes, kind, index, [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Create non-trivial cases.
() => TypedefType(_needTypedef(), Nullability.nonNullable, []),
case DartTypeKind.VoidType:
return VoidType();
/// Creates a [FunctionType] node.
/// If there are any pending [FunctionType] nodes, one of these is created.
FunctionType _createFunctionType() {
return _createDartTypeFromKind(DartTypeKind.FunctionType) as FunctionType;
/// Creates a [Constant] node.
/// If there are any pending constants, one of these is created.
Constant _createConstant() {
if (_pendingConstants.isEmpty) {
return NullConstant();
ConstantKind kind = _pendingConstants.keys.first;
return _createConstantFromKind(kind);
/// Creates a [Constant] node of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending constants of this [kind], one of these is
/// created.
Constant _createConstantFromKind(ConstantKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingConstants.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case ConstantKind.BoolConstant:
return BoolConstant(true);
case ConstantKind.ConstructorTearOffConstant:
return ConstructorTearOffConstant(_needConstructor());
case ConstantKind.DoubleConstant:
return DoubleConstant(42.5);
case ConstantKind.InstanceConstant:
return _createOneOf(_pendingConstants, kind, index, [
() => InstanceConstant(_needClass().reference, [], {}),
() => InstanceConstant(_needClass().reference, [
], {
_needField(isStatic: false, hasSetter: false).getterReference:
() => InstanceConstant(_needClass().reference, [
], {
_needField(index: 0, isStatic: false, hasSetter: false)
.getterReference: _createConstant(),
_needField(index: 1, isStatic: false, hasSetter: false)
.getterReference: _createConstant()
case ConstantKind.InstantiationConstant:
return InstantiationConstant(_createConstant(), [_createDartType()]);
case ConstantKind.IntConstant:
return IntConstant(42);
case ConstantKind.ListConstant:
return _createOneOf(_pendingConstants, kind, index, [
() => ListConstant(_createDartType(), []),
() => ListConstant(_createDartType(), [_createConstant()]),
() => ListConstant(
_createDartType(), [_createConstant(), _createConstant()]),
case ConstantKind.MapConstant:
return _createOneOf(_pendingConstants, kind, index, [
() => MapConstant(_createDartType(), _createDartType(), []),
() => MapConstant(_createDartType(), _createDartType(),
[ConstantMapEntry(_createConstant(), _createConstant())]),
() => MapConstant(_createDartType(), _createDartType(), [
ConstantMapEntry(_createConstant(), _createConstant()),
ConstantMapEntry(_createConstant(), _createConstant())
case ConstantKind.NullConstant:
return NullConstant();
case ConstantKind.RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant:
return RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(_needRedirectingFactory());
case ConstantKind.SetConstant:
return _createOneOf(_pendingConstants, kind, index, [
() => SetConstant(_createDartType(), []),
() => SetConstant(_createDartType(), [_createConstant()]),
() => SetConstant(
_createDartType(), [_createConstant(), _createConstant()]),
case ConstantKind.StaticTearOffConstant:
return StaticTearOffConstant(_needProcedure());
case ConstantKind.StringConstant:
return StringConstant('foo');
case ConstantKind.SymbolConstant:
return _createOneOf(_pendingConstants, kind, index, [
() => SymbolConstant('foo', null),
() => SymbolConstant('_foo', _needLibrary().reference),
case ConstantKind.TypeLiteralConstant:
return TypeLiteralConstant(_createDartType());
case ConstantKind.TypedefTearOffConstant:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return TypedefTearOffConstant(
as TearOffConstant,
case ConstantKind.UnevaluatedConstant:
return UnevaluatedConstant(_createExpression());
/// Creates an [Initializer] node.
/// If there are any pending initializers, one of these is created.
Initializer _createInitializer() {
if (_pendingInitializers.isEmpty) {
return InvalidInitializer()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
InitializerKind kind = _pendingInitializers.keys.first;
return _createInitializerFromKind(kind);
/// Creates an [Initializer] node of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending initializers of this [kind], one of these is
/// created.
Initializer _createInitializerFromKind(InitializerKind kind) {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
int? index = _pendingInitializers.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case InitializerKind.AssertInitializer:
return AssertInitializer(
as AssertStatement)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case InitializerKind.FieldInitializer:
return FieldInitializer(
_needField(isStatic: false), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case InitializerKind.InvalidInitializer:
return InvalidInitializer()..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case InitializerKind.LocalInitializer:
return LocalInitializer(_createVariableDeclaration())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case InitializerKind.RedirectingInitializer:
return RedirectingInitializer(_needConstructor(), _createArguments())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case InitializerKind.SuperInitializer:
return SuperInitializer(_needConstructor(), _createArguments())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
/// Creates a [Member] node.
/// If there are any pending members, one of these is created.
Member _createMember() {
if (_pendingMembers.isEmpty) {
return Field.immutable(_createName(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
MemberKind kind = _pendingMembers.keys.first;
return _createMemberKind(kind);
/// Creates a [Member] node of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending members of this [kind], one of these is created.
Member _createMemberKind(MemberKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingMembers.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case MemberKind.Constructor:
return Constructor(_createFunctionNode(),
name: _createName(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case MemberKind.Field:
return _createOneOf(_pendingMembers, kind, index, [
() => Field.mutable(_createName(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Field.immutable(_createName(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case MemberKind.Procedure:
return _createOneOf(_pendingMembers, kind, index, [
() => Procedure(
_createName(), ProcedureKind.Method, _createFunctionNode(),
fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Procedure(
_createName(), ProcedureKind.Operator, _createFunctionNode(),
fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Procedure(
_createName(), ProcedureKind.Getter, _createFunctionNode(),
fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Procedure(
_createName(), ProcedureKind.Setter, _createFunctionNode(),
fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case MemberKind.RedirectingFactory:
return RedirectingFactory(null,
name: _createName(), function: _createFunctionNode(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
/// Creates an [Arguments] node.
/// If there are any pending [Arguments] nodes, one of these is created.
Arguments _createArguments() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.Arguments) as Arguments;
/// Creates a [Name] node.
/// If there are any pending [Name] nodes, one of these is created.
Name _createName() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.Name) as Name;
/// Creates a [FunctionNode] node.
/// If there are any pending [FunctionNode] nodes, one of these is created.
FunctionNode _createFunctionNode() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.FunctionNode) as FunctionNode;
/// Creates a [MapLiteralEntry] node.
/// If there are any pending [MapLiteralEntry] nodes, one of these is created.
MapLiteralEntry _createMapLiteralEntry() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.MapLiteralEntry) as MapLiteralEntry;
/// Creates a [SwitchCase] node.
/// If there are any pending [SwitchCase] nodes, one of these is created.
SwitchCase _createSwitchCase() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.SwitchCase) as SwitchCase;
/// Creates a [Catch] node.
/// If there are any pending [Catch] nodes, one of these is created.
Catch _createCatch() {
return _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind.Catch) as Catch;
/// Creates a [Node] of the specified [kind].
/// If there are any pending nodes of this [kind], one of these is created.
Node _createNodeFromKind(NodeKind kind) {
int? index = _pendingNodes.remove(kind);
switch (kind) {
case NodeKind.Arguments:
return _createOneOf(_pendingNodes, kind, index, [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
() => Arguments([])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case NodeKind.Catch:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return Catch(null, _createStatement())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.Class:
return Class(name: 'foo', fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.Combinator:
return _createOneOf(_pendingNodes, kind, index, [
() =>[])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() =>['foo'])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() =>['foo', 'bar'])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Combinator.hide([])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Combinator.hide(['foo'])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => Combinator.hide(['foo', 'bar'])..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case NodeKind.Component:
return _component;
case NodeKind.Extension:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return Extension(name: 'foo', fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset()
..onType = _createDartType();
case NodeKind.FunctionNode:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return FunctionNode(_createStatement())..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.Library:
return Library(_uri, fileUri: _uri)..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.LibraryDependency:
return _createOneOf(_pendingNodes, kind, index, [
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add more cases.
() => LibraryDependency.import(_needLibrary())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => LibraryDependency.import(_needLibrary(), name: 'foo')
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
() => LibraryDependency.export(_needLibrary())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset(),
case NodeKind.LibraryPart:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Do we need to use a valid part uri?
return LibraryPart([], 'foo')..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.MapLiteralEntry:
return MapLiteralEntry(_createExpression(), _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.Name:
return _createOneOf(_pendingNodes, kind, index, [
() => Name('foo'),
() => Name('_foo', _needLibrary()),
case NodeKind.NamedExpression:
return NamedExpression('foo', _createExpression())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.NamedType:
return NamedType('foo', _createDartType());
case NodeKind.Supertype:
return _createOneOf(_pendingNodes, kind, index, [
() => Supertype(_needClass(), []),
() => Supertype(_needClass(), [_createDartType()]),
() => Supertype(_needClass(), [_createDartType(), _createDartType()]),
case NodeKind.SwitchCase:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add non-trivial cases.
return SwitchCase(
[NullLiteral()], [TreeNode.noOffset], _createStatement())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.TypeParameter:
return TypeParameter('foo', _createDartType(), _createDartType())
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
case NodeKind.Typedef:
return Typedef('foo', _createDartType(), fileUri: _uri)
..fileOffset = _needFileOffset();
/// Helper that creates a node of type [V] using the list of [creators].
/// The [index] indicates how many nodes of the [kind] that have currently
/// been created. If there are more [creators] left after having created the
/// [index]th node, [pending] is updated with the next pending index. If all
/// pending nodes of the given [kind] have been created, [index] is `null` and
/// the first [creators] function is used.
V _createOneOf<K, V>(
Map<K, int> pending, K kind, int? index, List<V Function()> creators) {
if (index == null) {
// All pending nodes have been created so we just create the first.
return creators[0]();
if (index + 1 < creators.length) {
pending[kind] = index + 1;
return creators[index]();
/// [NodeKind]s for nodes that can occur inside member bodies.
const Set<NodeKind> inBodyNodeKinds = {