blob: a559a2c70f5d6bd541ab329cfe78afa3526c70ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.14
import 'util.dart';
import 'generated/datatype.dart';
typedef TestFunction<T> = void Function(T, Counter);
typedef DataFunction = List<T> Function<T>(List<T>);
class Counter {
int _value = 0;
int get value => _value;
void inc() {
const Strategy ifThenElseStrategy = Strategy('if-then-else', '''
Implements functionality in helper method. Invocation is done by an if-then-else
sequence that uses is-tests to match functionality with subclasses.''');
const Strategy dynamicDispatchStrategy = Strategy('dynamic-dispatch', '''
Implements functionality by adding a method to each subclass that implements an
interface method. Invocation is done as a dynamic dispatch on the interface
const Strategy visitorStrategy = Strategy('visitor', '''
Implements functionality in helper method. Invocation is done by an if-then-else
sequence that uses is-tests to match functionality with subclasses.''');
const Scenario increasingScenario = Scenario('increasing', '''
Implementation is called equally between all subclasses.''');
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should Zipf's Law be used for 'first' and 'last'
// scenarios?
const Scenario firstScenario = Scenario('first', '''
Implementation is only called for the first two subclasses. For the
'if-then-else' strategy, this mimics when the order of the subclasses in the
if-then-else sequence aligns with the frequency of use, always finding a
matching case early in the if-then-else sequence.''');
const Scenario lastScenario = Scenario('last', '''
Implementation is only called for the last two subclasses. For the
'if-then-else' strategy, this mimics when the order of the subclasses in the
if-then-else sequence *mis-aligns* with the frequency of use, always finding a
matching case late in the if-then-else sequence.''');
Map<Scenario, DataFunction> scenarios = {
increasingScenario: <T>(List<T> data) => data,
firstScenario: <T>(List<T> data) {
if (data.length < 2) {
return [data.first, data.first];
} else {
return data.take(2).toList();
lastScenario: <T>(List<T> data) {
if (data.length < 2) {
return [data.last, data.last];
} else {
return data.skip(data.length - 2).toList();
class Test<T> {
final int size;
final List<T> Function() createData;
final Map<Strategy, TestFunction<T>> strategies;
const Test(this.size, this.createData, this.strategies);
void _test(Registry registry, SeriesKey key, int runs, int iterations,
List<T> data, TestFunction<T> testFunction) {
int length = data.length;
for (int run = 0; run < runs; run++) {
Counter counter = new Counter();
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
T value = data[i % length];
testFunction(value, counter);
registry.registerData(key, size, sw.elapsedMicroseconds);
if (counter.value != iterations) {
throw 'Counter mismatch: '
'Expected $iterations, actual ${counter.value}';
void performTest(
{required Registry registry,
required int runs,
required int iterations,
required Map<Scenario, DataFunction> scenarios}) {
List<T> data = createData();
for (MapEntry<Scenario, DataFunction> scenario in scenarios.entries) {
List<T> scenarioData = scenario.value(data);
for (MapEntry<Strategy, TestFunction<T>> entry in strategies.entries) {
_test(registry, new SeriesKey(entry.key, scenario.key), runs,
iterations, scenarioData, entry.value);
void main() {
// Dry run
for (Test test in tests) {
registry: new Registry(),
runs: 5,
iterations: 10,
scenarios: scenarios);
// Actual test
Registry registry = new Registry();
for (Test test in tests) {
registry: registry, runs: 10, iterations: 100000, scenarios: scenarios);
SeriesSet seriesSet = registry.generateSeriesSet();
print('== Raw data ==');
for (Scenario scenario in scenarios.keys) {
print('== Reduced averages ==');
SeriesSet reducedSeriesSet = seriesSet.filter((list) => removeMax(list, 3));
for (Scenario scenario in scenarios.keys) {