blob: 38a9f4b5467281ba6277ba1beec307e974b8e171 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'api.dart';
import 'bootstrap.dart'; // For doc comments only.
import 'executor_shared/serialization.dart';
/// Exposes a platform specific [MacroExecutor], through a top level
/// `Future<MacroExecutor> start()` function.
/// TODO: conditionally load isolate_mirrors_executor.dart once conditional
/// imports of mirrors are supported in AOT (issue #48057).
import 'fake_executor/fake_executor.dart'
if (dart.library.isolate) 'isolated_executor/isolated_executor.dart'
as executor_impl show start;
/// The interface used by Dart language implementations, in order to load
/// and execute macros, as well as produce library augmentations from those
/// macro applications.
/// This class more clearly defines the role of a Dart language implementation
/// during macro discovery and expansion, and unifies how augmentation libraries
/// are produced.
abstract class MacroExecutor {
/// Returns a platform specific [MacroExecutor]. On unsupported platforms this
/// will be a fake executor object, which will throw an [UnsupportedError] if
/// used.
/// Note that some implementations will also require calls to [loadMacro]
/// to pass a `precompiledKernelUri`.
static Future<MacroExecutor> start() => executor_impl.start();
/// Invoked when an implementation discovers a new macro definition in a
/// [library] with [name], and prepares this executor to run the macro.
/// May be invoked more than once for the same macro, which will cause the
/// macro to be re-loaded. Previous [MacroClassIdentifier]s and
/// [MacroInstanceIdentifier]s given for this macro will be invalid after
/// that point and should be discarded.
/// The [precompiledKernelUri] if passed must point to a kernel program for
/// the given macro. A bootstrap Dart program can be generated with the
/// [bootstrapMacroIsolate] function, and the result should be compiled to
/// kernel and passed here.
/// Some implementations may require [precompiledKernelUri] to be passed, and
/// will throw an [UnsupportedError] if it is not.
/// Throws an exception if the macro fails to load.
Future<MacroClassIdentifier> loadMacro(Uri library, String name,
{Uri? precompiledKernelUri});
/// Creates an instance of [macroClass] in the executor, and returns an
/// identifier for that instance.
/// Throws an exception if an instance is not created.
Future<MacroInstanceIdentifier> instantiateMacro(
MacroClassIdentifier macroClass, String constructor, Arguments arguments);
/// Runs the type phase for [macro] on a given [declaration].
/// Throws an exception if there is an error executing the macro.
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeTypesPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro, Declaration declaration);
/// Runs the declarations phase for [macro] on a given [declaration].
/// Throws an exception if there is an error executing the macro.
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDeclarationsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
Declaration declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector);
/// Runs the definitions phase for [macro] on a given [declaration].
/// Throws an exception if there is an error executing the macro.
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDefinitionsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
Declaration declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector,
TypeDeclarationResolver typeDeclarationResolver);
/// Combines multiple [MacroExecutionResult]s into a single library
/// augmentation file, and returns a [String] representing that file.
Future<String> buildAugmentationLibrary(
Iterable<MacroExecutionResult> macroResults);
/// Tell the executor to shut down and clean up any resources it may have
/// allocated.
void close();
/// The arguments passed to a macro constructor.
/// All argument instances must be of type [Code] or a built-in value type that
/// is serializable (num, bool, String, null, etc).
class Arguments implements Serializable {
final List<Object?> positional;
final Map<String, Object?> named;
Arguments(this.positional, this.named);
factory Arguments.deserialize(Deserializer deserializer) {
List<Object?> positionalArgs = [
for (bool hasNext = deserializer.moveNext();
hasNext = deserializer.moveNext())
_deserializeArg(deserializer, alreadyMoved: true),
Map<String, Object?> namedArgs = {
for (bool hasNext = deserializer.moveNext();
hasNext = deserializer.moveNext())
deserializer.expectString(): _deserializeArg(deserializer),
return new Arguments(positionalArgs, namedArgs);
static Object? _deserializeArg(Deserializer deserializer,
{bool alreadyMoved = false}) {
if (!alreadyMoved) deserializer.moveNext();
_ArgumentKind kind = _ArgumentKind.values[deserializer.expectNum()];
switch (kind) {
case _ArgumentKind.nil:
return null;
case _ArgumentKind.string:
return deserializer.expectString();
case _ArgumentKind.bool:
return deserializer.expectBool();
case _ArgumentKind.num:
return deserializer.expectNum();
case _ArgumentKind.list:
return [
for (bool hasNext = deserializer.moveNext();
hasNext = deserializer.moveNext())
_deserializeArg(deserializer, alreadyMoved: true),
return {
for (bool hasNext = deserializer.moveNext();
hasNext = deserializer.moveNext())
_deserializeArg(deserializer, alreadyMoved: true):
void serialize(Serializer serializer) {
for (Object? arg in positional) {
_serializeArg(arg, serializer);
for (MapEntry<String, Object?> arg in named.entries) {
_serializeArg(arg.value, serializer);
static void _serializeArg(Object? arg, Serializer serializer) {
if (arg == null) {
} else if (arg is String) {
} else if (arg is num) {
} else if (arg is bool) {
} else if (arg is List) {
for (Object? item in arg) {
_serializeArg(item, serializer);
} else if (arg is Map) {
for (MapEntry<Object?, Object?> entry in arg.entries) {
_serializeArg(entry.key, serializer);
_serializeArg(entry.value, serializer);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported argument type $arg');
/// An opaque identifier for a macro class, retrieved by
/// [MacroExecutor.loadMacro].
/// Used to execute or reload this macro in the future.
abstract class MacroClassIdentifier implements Serializable {}
/// An opaque identifier for an instance of a macro class, retrieved by
/// [MacroExecutor.instantiateMacro].
/// Used to execute or reload this macro in the future.
abstract class MacroInstanceIdentifier implements Serializable {}
/// A summary of the results of running a macro in a given phase.
/// All modifications are expressed in terms of library augmentation
/// declarations.
abstract class MacroExecutionResult implements Serializable {
/// Any library imports that should be added to support the code used in
/// the augmentations.
Iterable<DeclarationCode> get imports;
/// Any augmentations that should be applied as a result of executing a macro.
Iterable<DeclarationCode> get augmentations;
/// Each of the different macro execution phases.
enum Phase {
/// Only new types are added in this phase.
/// New non-type declarations are added in this phase.
/// This phase allows augmenting existing declarations.
/// Used for serializing and deserializing arguments.
enum _ArgumentKind { string, bool, num, list, map, nil }