blob: cafd607aca0a13e54e5c742dd69e0c9303946074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'native_testing.dart';
// Test to see if novel HTML tags are interpreted as HTMLElement.
class Element {
String dartMethod(int x) => 'dartMethod(${nativeMethod(x + 1)})';
String nativeMethod(int x) native;
makeE() native;
makeF() native;
void setup() {
JS('', r"""
// A novel HTML element.
function HTMLGoofyElement(){}
HTMLGoofyElement.prototype.nativeMethod = function(a) {
return 'Goofy.nativeMethod(' + a + ')';
self.makeE = function(){return new HTMLGoofyElement()};
// A non-HTML element with a misleading name.
function HTMLFakeyElement(){}
HTMLFakeyElement.prototype.nativeMethod = function(a) {
return 'Fakey.nativeMethod(' + a + ')';
self.makeF = function(){return new HTMLFakeyElement()};
main() {
var e = makeE();
Expect.equals('Goofy.nativeMethod(10)', e.nativeMethod(10));
Expect.equals('dartMethod(Goofy.nativeMethod(11))', e.dartMethod(10));
var f = makeF();
Expect.throws(() => f.nativeMethod(20), (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError,
'fake HTML Element must not run Dart method on native class');
Expect.throws(() => f.dartMethod(20), (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError,
'fake HTML Element must not run native method on native class');