blob: 4d657528f2a4c204909142856ba5e9ed279525b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "native_testing.dart";
// Additional Dart code may be 'placed on' hidden native classes. With
// inheritance, the superclass method must not be reached by a call on the
// subclass.
class A {
var _field;
int get X => _field;
void set X(int x) {
_field = x;
int method(int z) => _field + z;
class B extends A {
var _field2;
int get X => _field2;
void set X(int x) {
_field2 = x;
int method(int z) => _field2 + z;
A makeA() native;
B makeB() native;
void setup() {
JS('', r"""
function inherits(child, parent) {
if (child.prototype.__proto__) {
child.prototype.__proto__ = parent.prototype;
} else {
function tmp() {};
tmp.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new tmp();
child.prototype.constructor = child;
function A(){}
function B(){}
inherits(B, A);
self.makeA = function(){return new A()};
self.makeB = function(){return new B()};
applyTestExtensions(['A', 'B']);
testBasicA_dynamic() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
var a = [makeA()][0];
a.X = 100;
Expect.equals(100, a._field);
Expect.equals(100, a.X);
Expect.equals(150, a.method(50));
testBasicA_typed() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
A a = makeA();
a.X = 100;
Expect.equals(100, a._field);
Expect.equals(100, a.X);
Expect.equals(150, a.method(50));
testBasicB_dynamic() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
var b = [makeB()][0];
b._field = 1;
b.X = 123;
Expect.equals(1, b._field);
Expect.equals(123, b._field2);
Expect.equals(123, b.X);
Expect.equals(200, b.method(77));
testBasicB_typed() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
B b = makeB();
b._field = 1;
b.X = 123;
Expect.equals(1, b._field);
Expect.equals(123, b._field2);
Expect.equals(123, b.X);
Expect.equals(200, b.method(77));
testAB_dynamic() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
var things = <dynamic>[makeA(), makeB()];
var a = things[0];
var b = things[1];
a.X = 100;
Expect.equals(100, a._field);
Expect.equals(100, a.X);
Expect.equals(150, a.method(50));
b._field = 1;
b._field2 = 2;
b.X = 123;
Expect.equals(1, b._field);
Expect.equals(123, b._field2);
Expect.equals(123, b.X);
Expect.equals(200, b.method(77));
testAB_typed() {
setup(); // Fresh constructors.
A a = makeA();
B b = makeB();
a.X = 100;
Expect.equals(100, a._field);
Expect.equals(100, a.X);
Expect.equals(150, a.method(50));
b._field = 1;
b._field2 = 2;
b.X = 123;
Expect.equals(1, b._field);
Expect.equals(123, b._field2);
Expect.equals(123, b.X);
Expect.equals(200, b.method(77));
main() {