
Merge commit '7359264b1351a1567360dca4506945be0dae6453' into 'dev'
diff --git a/ b/
index 79ffbe8..1b9b280 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,6 +12,18 @@
   error with an existing stack trace, instead of creating
   a new stack trace.
+#### `dart:io`
+- **Breaking Change** [#47769](
+The `Platform.packageRoot` API has been removed. It had been marked deprecated
+in 2018, as it doesn't work with any Dart 2.x release.
+#### `dart:isolate`
+- **Breaking Change** [#47769](
+The `Isolate.packageRoot` API has been removed. It had been marked deprecated
+in 2018, as it doesn't work with any Dart 2.x release.
 ### Tools
 #### Dart command line
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index cec2977..4925dd5 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   # co19 is a cipd package. Use in tests/co19[_2] to update these
   # hashes. It requires access to the dart-build-access group, which EngProd
   # has.
-  "co19_rev": "4ef349830b971c22d8ddb2970c4ba9002806fd85",
+  "co19_rev": "a4144628905e0d3326b2549c9a1425bfca06c681",
   # This line prevents conflicts when both packages are rolled simultaneously.
   "co19_2_rev": "995745937abffe9fc3a6441f9f0db27b2d706e4c",
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
   "package_config_rev": "fb736aa12316dd2d882b202a438a6946a4b4bea0",
   "path_rev": "c20d73c3516d3a0061c90f14b761ff532b9bf707",
   "pedantic_rev": "66f2f6c27581c7936482e83be80b27be2719901c",
-  "platform_rev": "c20e6fa315e9f8820e51c0ae721f63aff33b8e17",
+  "platform_rev": "1ffad63428bbd1b3ecaa15926bacfb724023648c",
   "ply_rev": "604b32590ffad5cbb82e4afef1d305512d06ae93",
   "pool_rev": "7abe634002a1ba8a0928eded086062f1307ccfae",
   "process_rev": "56ece43b53b64c63ae51ec184b76bd5360c28d0b",
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/parser/type_info_impl.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/parser/type_info_impl.dart
index 07d1752..099319f 100644
--- a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/parser/type_info_impl.dart
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/parser/type_info_impl.dart
@@ -451,7 +451,6 @@
 bool looksLikeName(Token token) {
   return token.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN ||
       optional('this', token) ||
-      optional('super', token) ||
       (token.isIdentifier &&
           // Although `typedef` is a legal identifier,
           // type `typedef` identifier is not legal and in this situation
@@ -795,9 +794,7 @@
         if (optional('?', next)) {
           next =!;
-        if (!(next.isIdentifier ||
-            optional('this', next) ||
-            optional('super', next))) {
+        if (!(next.isIdentifier || optional('this', next))) {
           break; // `Function` used as the name in a function declaration.
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/lint/analysis.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/lint/analysis.dart
index 2e6974e..7eb9520 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/lint/analysis.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/lint/analysis.dart
@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@
   /// The path to a `.packages` configuration file
   String? packageConfigPath;
-  /// The path to the package root.
-  @Deprecated('')
-  String? packageRootPath;
   /// Whether to use Dart's Strong Mode analyzer.
   bool strongMode = true;
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
index 7693ddd..e307a4f 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
@@ -1192,7 +1192,6 @@
     bool errorsAreFatal = true,
     bool? checked,
     Map<String, String>? environment,
-    @deprecated Uri? packageRoot,
     Uri? packageConfig,
     bool automaticPackageResolution = false,
     String? debugName,
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/utilities_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/utilities_test.dart
index 348bd17..a95e1f4 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/utilities_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/utilities_test.dart
@@ -2152,6 +2152,7 @@
         node, Getter_NodeReplacerTest_test_superConstructorInvocation_2());
+  @FailingTest(issue: '')
   void test_superFormalParameter() {
     var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
 class A {
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/summary/resynthesize_common.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/summary/resynthesize_common.dart
index bdfa95c..6463ec1 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/src/summary/resynthesize_common.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/src/summary/resynthesize_common.dart
@@ -119,764 +119,6 @@
-  test_class_alias() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C = D with E, F, G;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-class F {}
-class G {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @6
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-          F
-          G
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @32
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @43
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class F @54
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class G @65
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_abstract() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-abstract class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      abstract class alias C @15
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @35
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @46
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_documented() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
- * Docs
- */
-class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @22
-        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @43
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @54
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_documented_tripleSlash() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-/// aaa
-/// b
-/// cc
-class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @27
-        documentationComment: /// aaa\n/// b\n/// cc
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @48
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @59
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_documented_withLeadingNonDocumentation() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
- * Docs
- */
-class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}''');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @66
-        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @87
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @98
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class Z = A with B<int>, C<double>;
-class A {}
-class B<B1> {}
-class C<C1> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias Z @6
-        supertype: A
-        mixins
-          B<int>
-          C<double>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class A @42
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class B @53
-        typeParameters
-          covariant B1 @55
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class C @68
-        typeParameters
-          covariant C1 @70
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T extends C> = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class alias C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            bound: C<dynamic>
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @39
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @50
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_type_parameter_bound() async {
-    // If no bounds are specified, then the class is simply bounded by syntax
-    // alone, so there is no reason to assign it a slot.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T> = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @29
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @40
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_simple_non_generic() async {
-    // If no type parameters are specified, then the class is simply bounded, so
-    // there is no reason to assign it a slot.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @6
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @26
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @37
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_alias_with_const_constructors() async {
-    testFile = convertPath('/home/test/lib/test.dart');
-    addLibrarySource('/home/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
-class Base {
-  const Base._priv();
-  const Base();
-  const Base.named();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import "a.dart";
-class M {}
-class MixinApp = Base with M;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    package:test/a.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class M @23
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class alias MixinApp @34
-        supertype: Base
-        mixins
-          M
-        constructors
-          synthetic const @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic const named @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::named
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: named @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::named
-                superKeyword: super @0
-  }
-  test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors() async {
-    testFile = convertPath('/home/test/lib/test.dart');
-    addLibrarySource('/home/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
-class Base {
-  bool x = true;
-  Base._priv();
-  Base();
-  Base.noArgs();
-  Base.requiredArg(x);
-  Base.positionalArg([bool x = true]);
-  Base.positionalArg2([this.x = true]);
-  Base.namedArg({int x = 42});
-  Base.namedArg2({this.x = true});
-  factory Base.fact() => Base();
-  factory Base.fact2() = Base.noArgs;
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import "a.dart";
-class M {}
-class MixinApp = Base with M;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    package:test/a.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class M @23
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class alias MixinApp @34
-        supertype: Base
-        mixins
-          M
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic noArgs @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::noArgs
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: noArgs @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::noArgs
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic requiredArg @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional x @-1
-                type: dynamic
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: x@-1
-                      staticType: dynamic
-                      token: x @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::requiredArg
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: requiredArg @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::requiredArg
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic positionalArg @-1
-            parameters
-              optionalPositional x @-1
-                type: bool
-                constantInitializer
-                  BooleanLiteral
-                    literal: true @127
-                    staticType: bool
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: x@-1
-                      staticType: bool
-                      token: x @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: positionalArg @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic positionalArg2 @-1
-            parameters
-              optionalPositional final x @-1
-                type: bool
-                constantInitializer
-                  BooleanLiteral
-                    literal: true @167
-                    staticType: bool
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: x@-1
-                      staticType: bool
-                      token: x @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg2
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: positionalArg2 @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg2
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic namedArg @-1
-            parameters
-              optionalNamed x @-1
-                type: int
-                constantInitializer
-                  IntegerLiteral
-                    literal: 42 @200
-                    staticType: int
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: x@-1
-                      staticType: int
-                      token: x @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: namedArg @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg
-                superKeyword: super @0
-          synthetic namedArg2 @-1
-            parameters
-              optionalNamed final x @-1
-                type: bool
-                constantInitializer
-                  BooleanLiteral
-                    literal: true @233
-                    staticType: bool
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: x@-1
-                      staticType: bool
-                      token: x @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg2
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: namedArg2 @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg2
-                superKeyword: super @0
-  }
-  test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class Base<T> {
-  Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
-class M {}
-class MixinApp = Base with M;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class Base @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @11
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          ctor @23
-            periodOffset: 22
-            nameEnd: 27
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional t @30
-                type: T
-              requiredPositional l @41
-                type: List<T>
-      class M @53
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class alias MixinApp @64
-        supertype: Base<dynamic>
-        mixins
-          M
-        constructors
-          synthetic ctor @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional t @-1
-                type: dynamic
-              requiredPositional l @-1
-                type: List<dynamic>
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: t@-1
-                      staticType: dynamic
-                      token: t @-1
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: l@-1
-                      staticType: List<dynamic>
-                      token: l @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: ctor @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
-                superKeyword: super @0
-  }
-  test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution_complex() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class Base<T> {
-  Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
-class M {}
-class MixinApp<U> = Base<List<U>> with M;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class Base @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @11
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          ctor @23
-            periodOffset: 22
-            nameEnd: 27
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional t @30
-                type: T
-              requiredPositional l @41
-                type: List<T>
-      class M @53
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class alias MixinApp @64
-        typeParameters
-          covariant U @73
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: Base<List<U>>
-        mixins
-          M
-        constructors
-          synthetic ctor @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional t @-1
-                type: List<U>
-              requiredPositional l @-1
-                type: List<List<U>>
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: t@-1
-                      staticType: List<U>
-                      token: t @-1
-                    SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: l@-1
-                      staticType: List<List<U>>
-                      token: l @-1
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: ctor @-1
-                period: . @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
-                superKeyword: super @0
-  }
-  test_class_alias_with_mixin_members() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C = D with E;
-class D {}
-class E {
-  int get a => null;
-  void set b(int i) {}
-  void f() {}
-  int x;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class alias C @6
-        supertype: D
-        mixins
-          E
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
-                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @0
-      class D @26
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class E @37
-        fields
-          x @105
-            type: int
-          synthetic a @-1
-            type: int
-          synthetic b @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set x @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _x @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-          get a @51
-            returnType: int
-          set b @73
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional i @79
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-        methods
-          f @92
-            returnType: void
-  }
   test_class_constructor_const() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { const C(); }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -901,6 +143,25 @@
+  test_class_constructor_documented() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  /**
+   * Docs
+   */
+  C();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          @34
+            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
+  }
   test_class_constructor_explicit_named() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C {; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -1492,6 +753,700 @@
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional x @24
+                type: int
+            constantInitializers
+              AssertInitializer
+                assertKeyword: assert @29
+                condition: BinaryExpression
+                  leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
+                    staticElement: x@24
+                    staticType: int
+                    token: x @36
+                  operator: >= @38
+                  rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
+                    literal: 42 @41
+                    staticType: int
+                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::>=
+                  staticInvokeType: bool Function(num)
+                  staticType: bool
+                leftParenthesis: ( @35
+                rightParenthesis: ) @43
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation_message() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42, 'foo');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional x @24
+                type: int
+            constantInitializers
+              AssertInitializer
+                assertKeyword: assert @29
+                condition: BinaryExpression
+                  leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
+                    staticElement: x@24
+                    staticType: int
+                    token: x @36
+                  operator: >= @38
+                  rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
+                    literal: 42 @41
+                    staticType: int
+                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::>=
+                  staticInvokeType: bool Function(num)
+                  staticType: bool
+                leftParenthesis: ( @35
+                message: SimpleStringLiteral
+                  literal: 'foo' @45
+                rightParenthesis: ) @50
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_field() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x;
+  const C() : x = 42;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @29
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @37
+                expression: IntegerLiteral
+                  literal: 42 @39
+                  staticType: int
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: x @35
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_field_notConst() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x;
+  const C() : x = foo();
+int foo() => 42;
+''', allowErrors: true);
+    // It is OK to keep non-constant initializers.
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @29
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @37
+                expression: MethodInvocation
+                  argumentList: ArgumentList
+                    leftParenthesis: ( @42
+                    rightParenthesis: ) @43
+                  methodName: SimpleIdentifier
+                    staticElement: self::@function::foo
+                    staticType: int Function()
+                    token: foo @39
+                  staticInvokeType: int Function()
+                  staticType: int
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: x @35
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+    functions
+      foo @52
+        returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_field_optionalPositionalParameter() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  final int _f;
+  const A([int f = 0]) : _f = f;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        fields
+          final _f @22
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          const @34
+            parameters
+              optionalPositional f @41
+                type: int
+                constantInitializer
+                  IntegerLiteral
+                    literal: 0 @45
+                    staticType: int
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @54
+                expression: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•::@parameter::f
+                  staticType: int
+                  token: f @56
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@field::_f
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: _f @51
+        accessors
+          synthetic get _f @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_field_withParameter() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x;
+  const C(int p) : x = 1 + p;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @29
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional p @35
+                type: int
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @42
+                expression: BinaryExpression
+                  leftOperand: IntegerLiteral
+                    literal: 1 @44
+                    staticType: int
+                  operator: + @46
+                  rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
+                    staticElement: p@35
+                    staticType: int
+                    token: p @48
+                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
+                  staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
+                  staticType: int
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: x @40
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_genericFunctionType() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A<T> {
+  const A();
+class B {
+  const B(dynamic x);
+  const B.f()
+   : this(A<Function()>());
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @21
+      class B @34
+        constructors
+          const @46
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional x @56
+                type: dynamic
+          const f @70
+            periodOffset: 69
+            nameEnd: 71
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    InstanceCreationExpression
+                      argumentList: ArgumentList
+                        leftParenthesis: ( @97
+                        rightParenthesis: ) @98
+                      constructorName: ConstructorName
+                        staticElement: ConstructorMember
+                          base: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                          substitution: {T: dynamic Function()}
+                        type: NamedType
+                          name: SimpleIdentifier
+                            staticElement: self::@class::A
+                            staticType: null
+                            token: A @84
+                          type: A<dynamic Function()>
+                          typeArguments: TypeArgumentList
+                            arguments
+                              GenericFunctionType
+                                declaredElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+                                  parameters
+                                  returnType: dynamic
+                                  type: dynamic Function()
+                                functionKeyword: Function @86
+                                parameters: FormalParameterList
+                                  leftParenthesis: ( @94
+                                  rightParenthesis: ) @95
+                                type: dynamic Function()
+                            leftBracket: < @85
+                            rightBracket: > @96
+                      staticType: A<dynamic Function()>
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @83
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @99
+                staticElement: self::@class::B::@constructor::•
+                thisKeyword: this @79
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::B::@constructor::•
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_argumentContextType() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const A(List<String> values);
+class B extends A {
+  const B() : super(const []);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional values @33
+                type: List<String>
+      class B @50
+        supertype: A
+        constructors
+          const @72
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    ListLiteral
+                      constKeyword: const @84
+                      leftBracket: [ @90
+                      rightBracket: ] @91
+                      staticType: List<String>
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @83
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @92
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @78
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const p);
+class C extends A {
+  const C() :;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const aaa @20
+            periodOffset: 19
+            nameEnd: 23
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional p @28
+                type: int
+      class C @40
+        supertype: A
+        constructors
+          const @62
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 42 @78
+                      staticType: int
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @77
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @80
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: aaa @74
+                period: . @73
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
+                superKeyword: super @68
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named_underscore() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const A._();
+class B extends A {
+  const B() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const _ @20
+            periodOffset: 19
+            nameEnd: 21
+      class B @33
+        supertype: A
+        constructors
+          const @55
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @68
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @69
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::_
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: _ @67
+                period: . @66
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::_
+                superKeyword: super @61
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_namedExpression() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const, {int b});
+class C extends A {
+  const C() :, b: 2);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const aaa @20
+            periodOffset: 19
+            nameEnd: 23
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional a @24
+                type: dynamic
+              optionalNamed b @32
+                type: int
+      class C @45
+        supertype: A
+        constructors
+          const @67
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 1 @83
+                      staticType: int
+                    NamedExpression
+                      name: Label
+                        label: SimpleIdentifier
+                          staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa::@parameter::b
+                          staticType: null
+                          token: b @86
+                      expression: IntegerLiteral
+                        literal: 2 @89
+                        staticType: int
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @82
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @90
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: aaa @79
+                period: . @78
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
+                superKeyword: super @73
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_unnamed() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const A(int p);
+class C extends A {
+  const C.ccc() : super(42);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional p @24
+                type: int
+      class C @36
+        supertype: A
+        constructors
+          const ccc @60
+            periodOffset: 59
+            nameEnd: 63
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 42 @74
+                      staticType: int
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @73
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @76
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @68
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_argumentContextType() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  const A(List<String> values);
+  const A.empty() : this(const []);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional values @33
+                type: List<String>
+          const empty @52
+            periodOffset: 51
+            nameEnd: 57
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    ListLiteral
+                      constKeyword: const @67
+                      leftBracket: [ @73
+                      rightBracket: ] @74
+                      staticType: List<String>
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @66
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @75
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                thisKeyword: this @62
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_named() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C() : this.named(1, 'bbb');
+  const C.named(int a, String b);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 1 @35
+                      staticType: int
+                    SimpleStringLiteral
+                      literal: 'bbb' @38
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @43
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: named @29
+                period: . @28
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                thisKeyword: this @24
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+          const named @56
+            periodOffset: 55
+            nameEnd: 61
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional a @66
+                type: int
+              requiredPositional b @76
+                type: String
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_namedExpression() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C() : this.named(1, b: 2);
+  const C.named(a, {int b});
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 1 @35
+                      staticType: int
+                    NamedExpression
+                      name: Label
+                        label: SimpleIdentifier
+                          staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named::@parameter::b
+                          staticType: null
+                          token: b @38
+                      expression: IntegerLiteral
+                        literal: 2 @41
+                        staticType: int
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @42
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: named @29
+                period: . @28
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                thisKeyword: this @24
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+          const named @55
+            periodOffset: 54
+            nameEnd: 60
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional a @61
+                type: dynamic
+              optionalNamed b @69
+                type: int
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C.named() : this(1, 'bbb');
+  const C(int a, String b);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const named @20
+            periodOffset: 19
+            nameEnd: 25
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    IntegerLiteral
+                      literal: 1 @35
+                      staticType: int
+                    SimpleStringLiteral
+                      literal: 'bbb' @38
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @43
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+                thisKeyword: this @30
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+          const @54
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional a @60
+                type: int
+              requiredPositional b @70
+                type: String
+  }
   test_class_constructor_params() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { C(x, int y); }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -1509,6 +1464,843 @@
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  factory C() = D.named;
+  C._();
+class D extends C {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          factory @20
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::D::@constructor::named
+          _ @39
+            periodOffset: 38
+            nameEnd: 40
+      class D @52
+        supertype: C
+        constructors
+          named @70
+            periodOffset: 69
+            nameEnd: 75
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
+  C._();
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @11
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @26
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: self::@class::D::@constructor::named
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @51
+            periodOffset: 50
+            nameEnd: 52
+      class D @64
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @66
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @69
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: C<U, T>
+        constructors
+          named @94
+            periodOffset: 93
+            nameEnd: 99
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_generic_viaTypeAlias() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef A<T, U> = C<T, U>;
+class B<T, U> {
+  factory B() = A<U, T>.named;
+  B._();
+class C<T, U> extends A<U, T> {
+  C.named() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class B @33
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @35
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @38
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @53
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @78
+            periodOffset: 77
+            nameEnd: 79
+      class C @91
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @93
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @96
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: C<U, T>
+          aliasElement: self::@typeAlias::A
+          aliasArguments
+            U
+            T
+        constructors
+          named @121
+            periodOffset: 120
+            nameEnd: 126
+    typeAliases
+      A @8
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @10
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @13
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: C<T, U>
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D extends C {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart';
+class C {
+  factory C() = D.named;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @25
+        constructors
+          factory @39
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
+          _ @58
+            periodOffset: 57
+            nameEnd: 59
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported_generic() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart';
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @25
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @27
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @30
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @45
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @70
+            periodOffset: 69
+            nameEnd: 71
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D extends C {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart' as foo;
+class C {
+  factory C() = foo.D.named;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart as foo @21
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @32
+        constructors
+          factory @46
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
+          _ @69
+            periodOffset: 68
+            nameEnd: 70
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed_generic() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D.named() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart' as foo;
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = foo.D<U, T>.named;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart as foo @21
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @32
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @34
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @37
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @52
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @81
+            periodOffset: 80
+            nameEnd: 82
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_class() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<E> {
+  factory C() = D.named<E>;
+''', allowErrors: true);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant E @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @23
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_constructor() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class D {}
+class C<E> {
+  factory C() = D.named<E>;
+''', allowErrors: true);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class D @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class C @17
+        typeParameters
+          covariant E @19
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @34
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  factory C() = D;
+  C._();
+class D extends C {
+  D() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          factory @20
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+          _ @33
+            periodOffset: 32
+            nameEnd: 34
+      class D @46
+        supertype: C
+        constructors
+          @62
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = D<U, T>;
+  C._();
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @11
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @26
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @45
+            periodOffset: 44
+            nameEnd: 46
+      class D @58
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @60
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @63
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: C<U, T>
+        constructors
+          @86
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_generic_viaTypeAlias() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef A<T, U> = C<T, U>;
+class B<T, U> {
+  factory B() = A<U, T>;
+  B_();
+class C<T, U> extends B<U, T> {
+  C() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class B @33
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @35
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @38
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @53
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+        methods
+          abstract B_ @70
+            returnType: dynamic
+      class C @84
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @86
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @89
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: B<U, T>
+        constructors
+          @112
+    typeAliases
+      A @8
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @10
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @13
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: C<T, U>
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D extends C {
+  D() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart';
+class C {
+  factory C() = D;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @25
+        constructors
+          factory @39
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
+          _ @52
+            periodOffset: 51
+            nameEnd: 53
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported_generic() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart';
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = D<U, T>;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @25
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @27
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @30
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @45
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @64
+            periodOffset: 63
+            nameEnd: 65
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported_viaTypeAlias() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+typedef A = B;
+class B extends C {
+  B() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart';
+class C {
+  factory C() = A;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @25
+        constructors
+          factory @39
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::B::@constructor::•
+          _ @52
+            periodOffset: 51
+            nameEnd: 53
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D extends C {
+  D() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart' as foo;
+class C {
+  factory C() = foo.D;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart as foo @21
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @32
+        constructors
+          factory @46
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
+          _ @63
+            periodOffset: 62
+            nameEnd: 64
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed_generic() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
+  D() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart' as foo;
+class C<T, U> {
+  factory C() = foo.D<U, T>;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart as foo @21
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @32
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @34
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @37
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @52
+            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
+              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
+              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
+          _ @75
+            periodOffset: 74
+            nameEnd: 76
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed_viaTypeAlias() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
+import 'test.dart';
+typedef A = B;
+class B extends C {
+  B() : super._();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import 'foo.dart' as foo;
+class C {
+  factory C() = foo.A;
+  C._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    foo.dart as foo @21
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @32
+        constructors
+          factory @46
+            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::B::@constructor::•
+          _ @63
+            periodOffset: 62
+            nameEnd: 64
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_unresolved() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<E> {
+  factory C() = D<E>;
+''', allowErrors: true);
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant E @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          factory @23
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_viaTypeAlias() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef A = C;
+class B {
+  factory B() = A;
+  B._();
+class C extends B {
+  C() : super._();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class B @21
+        constructors
+          factory @35
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+          _ @48
+            periodOffset: 47
+            nameEnd: 49
+      class C @61
+        supertype: B
+        constructors
+          @77
+    typeAliases
+      A @8
+        aliasedType: C
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C.named();
+  const C() : this.named();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const named @20
+            periodOffset: 19
+            nameEnd: 25
+          const @37
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @53
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @54
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: named @48
+                period: . @47
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                thisKeyword: this @43
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T> {
+  const C.named();
+  const C() : this.named();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const named @23
+            periodOffset: 22
+            nameEnd: 28
+          const @40
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @56
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @57
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: named @51
+                period: . @50
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+                thisKeyword: this @46
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_notConst() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  C.named();
+  C() : this.named();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          named @14
+            periodOffset: 13
+            nameEnd: 19
+          @25
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  const C();
+  const C.named() : this();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          const @18
+          const named @33
+            periodOffset: 32
+            nameEnd: 38
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @47
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @48
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+                thisKeyword: this @43
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T> {
+  const C();
+  const C.named() : this();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @21
+          const named @36
+            periodOffset: 35
+            nameEnd: 41
+            constantInitializers
+              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @50
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @51
+                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+                thisKeyword: this @46
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_notConst() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  C();
+  C.named() : this();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          @12
+          named @21
+            periodOffset: 20
+            nameEnd: 26
+            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+  }
   test_class_constructor_unnamed_implicit() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C {}');
@@ -1525,6 +2317,120 @@
         withDisplayName: true);
+  test_class_constructor_withCycles_const() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x;
+  const C() : x = const D();
+class D {
+  final x;
+  const D() : x = const C();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @29
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @37
+                expression: InstanceCreationExpression
+                  argumentList: ArgumentList
+                    leftParenthesis: ( @46
+                    rightParenthesis: ) @47
+                  constructorName: ConstructorName
+                    staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                    type: NamedType
+                      name: SimpleIdentifier
+                        staticElement: self::@class::D
+                        staticType: null
+                        token: D @45
+                      type: D
+                  keyword: const @39
+                  staticType: D
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: x @35
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+      class D @58
+        fields
+          final x @70
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @81
+            constantInitializers
+              ConstructorFieldInitializer
+                equals: = @89
+                expression: InstanceCreationExpression
+                  argumentList: ArgumentList
+                    leftParenthesis: ( @98
+                    rightParenthesis: ) @99
+                  constructorName: ConstructorName
+                    staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
+                    type: NamedType
+                      name: SimpleIdentifier
+                        staticElement: self::@class::C
+                        staticType: null
+                        token: C @97
+                      type: C
+                  keyword: const @91
+                  staticType: C
+                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::D::@field::x
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: x @87
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_class_constructor_withCycles_nonConst() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x;
+  C() : x = new D();
+class D {
+  final x;
+  D() : x = new C();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          @23
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+      class D @50
+        fields
+          final x @62
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          @67
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+  }
   test_class_constructors_named() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 class C {
@@ -1873,6 +2779,33 @@
+  test_class_field_abstract() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+abstract class C {
+  abstract int i;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      abstract class C @15
+        fields
+          abstract i @34
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic abstract get i @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic abstract set i @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _i @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_field_const() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static const int i = 0; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -1918,6 +2851,224 @@
+  test_class_field_covariant() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  covariant int x;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          covariant x @26
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set x @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional covariant _x @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_documented() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  /**
+   * Docs
+   */
+  var x;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          x @38
+            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: dynamic
+          synthetic set x @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _x @-1
+                type: dynamic
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_external() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+abstract class C {
+  external int i;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      abstract class C @15
+        fields
+          external i @34
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get i @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set i @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _i @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_final_hasInitializer_hasConstConstructor() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x = 42;
+  const C();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: int
+            constantInitializer
+              IntegerLiteral
+                literal: 42 @22
+                staticType: int
+        constructors
+          const @34
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_final_hasInitializer_hasConstConstructor_genericFunctionType() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A<T> {
+  const A();
+class B {
+  final f = const A<int Function(double a)>();
+  const B();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          const @21
+      class B @34
+        fields
+          final f @46
+            type: A<int Function(double)>
+            constantInitializer
+              InstanceCreationExpression
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @81
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @82
+                constructorName: ConstructorName
+                  staticElement: ConstructorMember
+                    base: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                    substitution: {T: int Function(double)}
+                  type: NamedType
+                    name: SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: self::@class::A
+                      staticType: null
+                      token: A @56
+                    type: A<int Function(double)>
+                    typeArguments: TypeArgumentList
+                      arguments
+                        GenericFunctionType
+                          declaredElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+                            parameters
+                              a
+                                kind: required positional
+                                type: double
+                            returnType: int
+                            type: int Function(double)
+                          functionKeyword: Function @62
+                          parameters: FormalParameterList
+                            leftParenthesis: ( @70
+                            parameters
+                              SimpleFormalParameter
+                                declaredElement: a@78
+                                declaredElementType: double
+                                identifier: SimpleIdentifier
+                                  staticElement: a@78
+                                  staticType: null
+                                  token: a @78
+                                type: NamedType
+                                  name: SimpleIdentifier
+                                    staticElement: dart:core::@class::double
+                                    staticType: null
+                                    token: double @71
+                                  type: double
+                            rightParenthesis: ) @79
+                          returnType: NamedType
+                            name: SimpleIdentifier
+                              staticElement: dart:core::@class::int
+                              staticType: null
+                              token: int @58
+                            type: int
+                          type: int Function(double)
+                      leftBracket: < @57
+                      rightBracket: > @80
+                keyword: const @50
+                staticType: A<int Function(double)>
+        constructors
+          const @93
+        accessors
+          synthetic get f @-1
+            returnType: A<int Function(double)>
+  }
+  test_class_field_final_hasInitializer_noConstConstructor() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x = 42;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
   test_class_field_final_withSetter() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 class A {
@@ -1950,6 +3101,43 @@
+  test_class_field_formal_param_inferred_type_implicit() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { var v; C(this.v); }'
+        ' abstract class D { int get v; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        supertype: D
+        fields
+          v @24
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          @27
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional final this.v @34
+                type: int
+        accessors
+          synthetic get v @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set v @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _v @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+      abstract class D @55
+        fields
+          synthetic v @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          abstract get v @67
+            returnType: int
+  }
   test_class_field_implicit_type() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -1996,6 +3184,167 @@
+  test_class_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_explicit_initialized() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num v = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          v @14
+            type: num
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get v @-1
+            returnType: num
+          synthetic set v @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _v @-1
+                type: num
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_initialized() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var v = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          v @14
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get v @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set v @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _v @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_uninitialized() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(
+        'class C extends D { var v; } abstract class D { int get v; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        supertype: D
+        fields
+          v @24
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get v @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set v @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _v @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+      abstract class D @44
+        fields
+          synthetic v @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          abstract get v @56
+            returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_inherited_resolveInitializer() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+const a = 0;
+abstract class A {
+  const A();
+  List<int> get f;
+class B extends A {
+  const B();
+  final f = [a];
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      abstract class A @28
+        fields
+          synthetic f @-1
+            type: List<int>
+        constructors
+          const @40
+        accessors
+          abstract get f @61
+            returnType: List<int>
+      class B @72
+        supertype: A
+        fields
+          final f @107
+            type: List<int>
+            constantInitializer
+              ListLiteral
+                elements
+                  SimpleIdentifier
+                    staticElement: self::@getter::a
+                    staticType: int
+                    token: a @112
+                leftBracket: [ @111
+                rightBracket: ] @113
+                staticType: List<int>
+        constructors
+          const @94
+        accessors
+          synthetic get f @-1
+            returnType: List<int>
+    topLevelVariables
+      static const a @6
+        type: int
+        constantInitializer
+          IntegerLiteral
+            literal: 0 @10
+            staticType: int
+    accessors
+      synthetic static get a @-1
+        returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_inferred_type_static_implicit_initialized() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static var v = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          static v @21
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic static get v @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic static set v @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _v @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_field_inheritedContextType_double() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 abstract class A {
@@ -2037,6 +3386,132 @@
+  test_class_field_propagatedType_const_noDep() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  static const x = 0;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          static const x @25
+            type: int
+            constantInitializer
+              IntegerLiteral
+                literal: 0 @29
+                staticType: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic static get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() async {
+    addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import "a.dart";
+class C {
+  final b = a / 2;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    a.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @23
+        fields
+          final b @35
+            type: double
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get b @-1
+            returnType: double
+  }
+  test_class_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() async {
+    addSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+library lib;
+part "a.dart";
+class C {
+  final b = a / 2;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  name: lib
+  nameOffset: 8
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @34
+        fields
+          final b @46
+            type: double
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get b @-1
+            returnType: double
+  parts
+    a.dart
+      topLevelVariables
+        static final a @19
+          type: int
+      accessors
+        synthetic static get a @-1
+          returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_instance() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  final x = 0;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          final x @18
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
+  test_class_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_static() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  static final x = 0;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          static final x @25
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic static get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
   test_class_field_static() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static int i; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -2083,6 +3558,24 @@
+  test_class_field_static_final_untyped() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static final x = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          static final x @23
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic static get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+  }
   test_class_field_static_late() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static late int i; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -2106,6 +3599,116 @@
+  test_class_field_type_inferred_Never() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+class C {
+  var a = throw 42;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          a @16
+            type: Never
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get a @-1
+            returnType: Never
+          synthetic set a @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _a @-1
+                type: Never
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_type_inferred_nonNullify() async {
+    addSource('/a.dart', '''
+// @dart = 2.7
+var a = 0;
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+import 'a.dart';
+class C {
+  var b = a;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    a.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @23
+        fields
+          b @33
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get b @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set b @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _b @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_typed() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          x @14
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set x @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _x @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_field_untyped() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x = 0; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          x @14
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set x @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _x @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_fields() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int i; int j; }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -2554,6 +4157,72 @@
+  test_class_method_async() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+import 'dart:async';
+class C {
+  Future f() async {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    dart:async
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @27
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @40 async
+            returnType: Future<dynamic>
+  }
+  test_class_method_asyncStar() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+import 'dart:async';
+class C {
+  Stream f() async* {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    dart:async
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @27
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @40 async*
+            returnType: Stream<dynamic>
+  }
+  test_class_method_documented() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  /**
+   * Docs
+   */
+  f() {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @34
+            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
+            returnType: dynamic
+  }
   test_class_method_external() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { external f(); }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -2569,6 +4238,86 @@
+  test_class_method_hasImplicitReturnType_false() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  int m() => 0;
+    var c = library.definingCompilationUnit.classes.single;
+    var m = c.methods.single;
+    expect(m.hasImplicitReturnType, isFalse);
+  }
+  test_class_method_hasImplicitReturnType_true() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  m() => 0;
+    var c = library.definingCompilationUnit.classes.single;
+    var m = c.methods.single;
+    expect(m.hasImplicitReturnType, isTrue);
+  }
+  test_class_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(value) {} }'
+        ' abstract class D { void f(int value); }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        supertype: D
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional value @27
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+      abstract class D @54
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          abstract f @63
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional value @69
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_return() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C extends D {
+  f() => null;
+abstract class D {
+  int f();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        supertype: D
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @22
+            returnType: int
+      abstract class D @52
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          abstract f @62
+            returnType: int
+  }
   test_class_method_namedAsSupertype() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 class A {}
@@ -2647,6 +4396,106 @@
+  test_class_method_syncStar() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+class C {
+  Iterable<int> f() sync* {
+    yield 42;
+  }
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @26 sync*
+            returnType: Iterable<int>
+  }
+  test_class_method_type_parameter() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { T f<T, U>(U u) => null; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @12
+            typeParameters
+              covariant T @14
+              covariant U @17
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional u @22
+                type: U
+            returnType: T
+  }
+  test_class_method_type_parameter_in_generic_class() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T, U> {
+  V f<V, W>(T t, U u, W w) => null;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @11
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @20
+            typeParameters
+              covariant V @22
+              covariant W @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional t @30
+                type: T
+              requiredPositional u @35
+                type: U
+              requiredPositional w @40
+                type: W
+            returnType: V
+  }
+  test_class_method_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {} }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          f @15
+            typeParameters
+              covariant T @17
+              covariant U @20
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional x @25
+                type: T Function(U)
+                parameters
+                  requiredPositional u @29
+                    type: U
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_methods() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f() {} g() {} }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -3154,6 +5003,153 @@
+  test_class_operator() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('class C { C operator+(C other) => null; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          + @20
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional other @24
+                type: C
+            returnType: C
+  }
+  test_class_operator_equal() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  bool operator==(Object other) => false;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          == @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional other @35
+                type: Object
+            returnType: bool
+  }
+  test_class_operator_external() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('class C { external C operator+(C other); }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          external + @29
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional other @33
+                type: C
+            returnType: C
+  }
+  test_class_operator_greater_equal() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  bool operator>=(C other) => false;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          >= @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional other @30
+                type: C
+            returnType: bool
+  }
+  test_class_operator_index() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('class C { bool operator[](int i) => null; }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          [] @23
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional i @30
+                type: int
+            returnType: bool
+  }
+  test_class_operator_index_set() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  void operator[]=(int i, bool v) {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          []= @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional i @33
+                type: int
+              requiredPositional v @41
+                type: bool
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_operator_less_equal() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  bool operator<=(C other) => false;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        methods
+          <= @25
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional other @30
+                type: C
+            returnType: bool
+  }
   test_class_ref_nullability_none() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 class C {}
@@ -3255,6 +5251,28 @@
+  test_class_setter_covariant() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('class C { void set x(covariant int value); }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          synthetic x @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          abstract set x @19
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional covariant value @35
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_setter_external() async {
     var library =
         await checkLibrary('class C { external void set x(int value); }');
@@ -3319,6 +5337,136 @@
+  test_class_setter_inferred_type_conflictingInheritance() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class A {
+  int t;
+class B extends A {
+  double t;
+class C extends A implements B {
+class D extends C {
+  void set t(p) {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class A @6
+        fields
+          t @16
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get t @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set t @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _t @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+      class B @27
+        supertype: A
+        fields
+          t @50
+            type: double
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get t @-1
+            returnType: double
+          synthetic set t @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _t @-1
+                type: double
+            returnType: void
+      class C @61
+        supertype: A
+        interfaces
+          B
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class D @96
+        supertype: C
+        fields
+          synthetic t @-1
+            type: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          set t @121
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional p @123
+                type: dynamic
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_setter_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(value) {} }'
+            ' abstract class D { void set f(int value); }');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        supertype: D
+        fields
+          synthetic f @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          set f @29
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional value @31
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+      abstract class D @58
+        fields
+          synthetic f @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          abstract set f @71
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional value @77
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
+  test_class_setter_inferred_type_static_implicit_return() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C {
+  static set f(int value) {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class C @6
+        fields
+          synthetic static f @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          static set f @23
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional value @29
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_class_setter_invalid_named_parameter() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x({a}) {} }');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -3559,7 +5707,7 @@
-  test_class_type_parameters() async {
+  test_class_typeParameters() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -3576,7 +5724,7 @@
-  test_class_type_parameters_bound() async {
+  test_class_typeParameters_bound() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 class C<T extends Object, U extends D> {}
 class D {}
@@ -3601,7 +5749,7 @@
-  test_class_type_parameters_cycle_1of1() async {
+  test_class_typeParameters_cycle_1of1() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends T> {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -3617,7 +5765,7 @@
-  test_class_type_parameters_cycle_2of3() async {
+  test_class_typeParameters_cycle_2of3() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 class C<T extends V, U, V extends T> {}
@@ -3640,42 +5788,6 @@
-  test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends List<U>, U> {}');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            bound: List<U>
-            defaultType: List<dynamic>
-          covariant U @27
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
-  test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends U, U> {}');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            bound: U
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @21
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-  }
   test_class_typeParameters_defaultType_cycle_genericFunctionType() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 class A<T extends void Function(A)> {}
@@ -4069,6 +6181,42 @@
+  test_class_typeParameters_f_bound_complex() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends List<U>, U> {}');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            bound: List<U>
+            defaultType: List<dynamic>
+          covariant U @27
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_class_typeParameters_f_bound_simple() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends U, U> {}');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            bound: U
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @21
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
   test_class_typeParameters_variance_contravariant() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C<in T> {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -4133,6 +6281,764 @@
+  test_classAlias() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C = D with E, F, G;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+class F {}
+class G {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @6
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+          F
+          G
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @32
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @43
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class F @54
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class G @65
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_abstract() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+abstract class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      abstract class alias C @15
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @35
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @46
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_documented() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+ * Docs
+ */
+class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @22
+        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @43
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @54
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_documented_tripleSlash() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+/// aaa
+/// b
+/// cc
+class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @27
+        documentationComment: /// aaa\n/// b\n/// cc
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @48
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @59
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_documented_withLeadingNonDocumentation() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
+ * Docs
+ */
+class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}''');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @66
+        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @87
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @98
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class Z = A with B<int>, C<double>;
+class A {}
+class B<B1> {}
+class C<C1> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias Z @6
+        supertype: A
+        mixins
+          B<int>
+          C<double>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class A @42
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class B @53
+        typeParameters
+          covariant B1 @55
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class C @68
+        typeParameters
+          covariant C1 @70
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T extends C> = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class alias C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            bound: C<dynamic>
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @39
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @50
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_type_parameter_bound() async {
+    // If no bounds are specified, then the class is simply bounded by syntax
+    // alone, so there is no reason to assign it a slot.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C<T> = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @8
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @29
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @40
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_notSimplyBounded_simple_non_generic() async {
+    // If no type parameters are specified, then the class is simply bounded, so
+    // there is no reason to assign it a slot.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @6
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @26
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @37
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+  }
+  test_classAlias_with_const_constructors() async {
+    testFile = convertPath('/home/test/lib/test.dart');
+    addLibrarySource('/home/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
+class Base {
+  const Base._priv();
+  const Base();
+  const Base.named();
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import "a.dart";
+class M {}
+class MixinApp = Base with M;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    package:test/a.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class M @23
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class alias MixinApp @34
+        supertype: Base
+        mixins
+          M
+        constructors
+          synthetic const @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic const named @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::named
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: named @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::named
+                superKeyword: super @0
+  }
+  test_classAlias_with_forwarding_constructors() async {
+    testFile = convertPath('/home/test/lib/test.dart');
+    addLibrarySource('/home/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
+class Base {
+  bool x = true;
+  Base._priv();
+  Base();
+  Base.noArgs();
+  Base.requiredArg(x);
+  Base.positionalArg([bool x = true]);
+  Base.positionalArg2([this.x = true]);
+  Base.namedArg({int x = 42});
+  Base.namedArg2({this.x = true});
+  factory Base.fact() => Base();
+  factory Base.fact2() = Base.noArgs;
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+import "a.dart";
+class M {}
+class MixinApp = Base with M;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  imports
+    package:test/a.dart
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class M @23
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class alias MixinApp @34
+        supertype: Base
+        mixins
+          M
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic noArgs @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::noArgs
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: noArgs @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::noArgs
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic requiredArg @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional x @-1
+                type: dynamic
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: x@-1
+                      staticType: dynamic
+                      token: x @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::requiredArg
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: requiredArg @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::requiredArg
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic positionalArg @-1
+            parameters
+              optionalPositional x @-1
+                type: bool
+                constantInitializer
+                  BooleanLiteral
+                    literal: true @127
+                    staticType: bool
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: x@-1
+                      staticType: bool
+                      token: x @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: positionalArg @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic positionalArg2 @-1
+            parameters
+              optionalPositional final x @-1
+                type: bool
+                constantInitializer
+                  BooleanLiteral
+                    literal: true @167
+                    staticType: bool
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: x@-1
+                      staticType: bool
+                      token: x @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg2
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: positionalArg2 @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::positionalArg2
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic namedArg @-1
+            parameters
+              optionalNamed x @-1
+                type: int
+                constantInitializer
+                  IntegerLiteral
+                    literal: 42 @200
+                    staticType: int
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: x@-1
+                      staticType: int
+                      token: x @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: namedArg @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg
+                superKeyword: super @0
+          synthetic namedArg2 @-1
+            parameters
+              optionalNamed final x @-1
+                type: bool
+                constantInitializer
+                  BooleanLiteral
+                    literal: true @233
+                    staticType: bool
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: x@-1
+                      staticType: bool
+                      token: x @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg2
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: namedArg2 @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: package:test/a.dart::@class::Base::@constructor::namedArg2
+                superKeyword: super @0
+  }
+  test_classAlias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class Base<T> {
+  Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
+class M {}
+class MixinApp = Base with M;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class Base @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @11
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          ctor @23
+            periodOffset: 22
+            nameEnd: 27
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional t @30
+                type: T
+              requiredPositional l @41
+                type: List<T>
+      class M @53
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class alias MixinApp @64
+        supertype: Base<dynamic>
+        mixins
+          M
+        constructors
+          synthetic ctor @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional t @-1
+                type: dynamic
+              requiredPositional l @-1
+                type: List<dynamic>
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: t@-1
+                      staticType: dynamic
+                      token: t @-1
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: l@-1
+                      staticType: List<dynamic>
+                      token: l @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: ctor @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
+                superKeyword: super @0
+  }
+  test_classAlias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution_complex() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class Base<T> {
+  Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
+class M {}
+class MixinApp<U> = Base<List<U>> with M;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class Base @6
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @11
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        constructors
+          ctor @23
+            periodOffset: 22
+            nameEnd: 27
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional t @30
+                type: T
+              requiredPositional l @41
+                type: List<T>
+      class M @53
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class alias MixinApp @64
+        typeParameters
+          covariant U @73
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        supertype: Base<List<U>>
+        mixins
+          M
+        constructors
+          synthetic ctor @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional t @-1
+                type: List<U>
+              requiredPositional l @-1
+                type: List<List<U>>
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  arguments
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: t@-1
+                      staticType: List<U>
+                      token: t @-1
+                    SimpleIdentifier
+                      staticElement: l@-1
+                      staticType: List<List<U>>
+                      token: l @-1
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
+                  staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
+                  staticType: null
+                  token: ctor @-1
+                period: . @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::Base::@constructor::ctor
+                superKeyword: super @0
+  }
+  test_classAlias_with_mixin_members() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+class C = D with E;
+class D {}
+class E {
+  int get a => null;
+  void set b(int i) {}
+  void f() {}
+  int x;
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class alias C @6
+        supertype: D
+        mixins
+          E
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+            constantInitializers
+              SuperConstructorInvocation
+                argumentList: ArgumentList
+                  leftParenthesis: ( @0
+                  rightParenthesis: ) @0
+                staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
+                superKeyword: super @0
+      class D @26
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+      class E @37
+        fields
+          x @105
+            type: int
+          synthetic a @-1
+            type: int
+          synthetic b @-1
+            type: int
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+        accessors
+          synthetic get x @-1
+            returnType: int
+          synthetic set x @-1
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional _x @-1
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+          get a @51
+            returnType: int
+          set b @73
+            parameters
+              requiredPositional i @79
+                type: int
+            returnType: void
+        methods
+          f @92
+            returnType: void
+  }
   test_classes() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('class C {} class D {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -12308,1670 +15214,6 @@
-  test_constructor_documented() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  /**
-   * Docs
-   */
-  C();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          @34
-            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional x @24
-                type: int
-            constantInitializers
-              AssertInitializer
-                assertKeyword: assert @29
-                condition: BinaryExpression
-                  leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
-                    staticElement: x@24
-                    staticType: int
-                    token: x @36
-                  operator: >= @38
-                  rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
-                    literal: 42 @41
-                    staticType: int
-                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::>=
-                  staticInvokeType: bool Function(num)
-                  staticType: bool
-                leftParenthesis: ( @35
-                rightParenthesis: ) @43
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation_message() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42, 'foo');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional x @24
-                type: int
-            constantInitializers
-              AssertInitializer
-                assertKeyword: assert @29
-                condition: BinaryExpression
-                  leftOperand: SimpleIdentifier
-                    staticElement: x@24
-                    staticType: int
-                    token: x @36
-                  operator: >= @38
-                  rightOperand: IntegerLiteral
-                    literal: 42 @41
-                    staticType: int
-                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::>=
-                  staticInvokeType: bool Function(num)
-                  staticType: bool
-                leftParenthesis: ( @35
-                message: SimpleStringLiteral
-                  literal: 'foo' @45
-                rightParenthesis: ) @50
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_field() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x;
-  const C() : x = 42;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @29
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @37
-                expression: IntegerLiteral
-                  literal: 42 @39
-                  staticType: int
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: x @35
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_field_notConst() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x;
-  const C() : x = foo();
-int foo() => 42;
-''', allowErrors: true);
-    // It is OK to keep non-constant initializers.
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @29
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @37
-                expression: MethodInvocation
-                  argumentList: ArgumentList
-                    leftParenthesis: ( @42
-                    rightParenthesis: ) @43
-                  methodName: SimpleIdentifier
-                    staticElement: self::@function::foo
-                    staticType: int Function()
-                    token: foo @39
-                  staticInvokeType: int Function()
-                  staticType: int
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: x @35
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-    functions
-      foo @52
-        returnType: int
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_field_optionalPositionalParameter() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  final int _f;
-  const A([int f = 0]) : _f = f;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        fields
-          final _f @22
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          const @34
-            parameters
-              optionalPositional f @41
-                type: int
-                constantInitializer
-                  IntegerLiteral
-                    literal: 0 @45
-                    staticType: int
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @54
-                expression: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•::@parameter::f
-                  staticType: int
-                  token: f @56
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@field::_f
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: _f @51
-        accessors
-          synthetic get _f @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_field_withParameter() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x;
-  const C(int p) : x = 1 + p;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @29
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional p @35
-                type: int
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @42
-                expression: BinaryExpression
-                  leftOperand: IntegerLiteral
-                    literal: 1 @44
-                    staticType: int
-                  operator: + @46
-                  rightOperand: SimpleIdentifier
-                    staticElement: p@35
-                    staticType: int
-                    token: p @48
-                  staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
-                  staticInvokeType: num Function(num)
-                  staticType: int
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: x @40
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_genericFunctionType() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A<T> {
-  const A();
-class B {
-  const B(dynamic x);
-  const B.f()
-   : this(A<Function()>());
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @21
-      class B @34
-        constructors
-          const @46
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional x @56
-                type: dynamic
-          const f @70
-            periodOffset: 69
-            nameEnd: 71
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    InstanceCreationExpression
-                      argumentList: ArgumentList
-                        leftParenthesis: ( @97
-                        rightParenthesis: ) @98
-                      constructorName: ConstructorName
-                        staticElement: ConstructorMember
-                          base: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                          substitution: {T: dynamic Function()}
-                        type: NamedType
-                          name: SimpleIdentifier
-                            staticElement: self::@class::A
-                            staticType: null
-                            token: A @84
-                          type: A<dynamic Function()>
-                          typeArguments: TypeArgumentList
-                            arguments
-                              GenericFunctionType
-                                declaredElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-                                  parameters
-                                  returnType: dynamic
-                                  type: dynamic Function()
-                                functionKeyword: Function @86
-                                parameters: FormalParameterList
-                                  leftParenthesis: ( @94
-                                  rightParenthesis: ) @95
-                                type: dynamic Function()
-                            leftBracket: < @85
-                            rightBracket: > @96
-                      staticType: A<dynamic Function()>
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @83
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @99
-                staticElement: self::@class::B::@constructor::•
-                thisKeyword: this @79
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::B::@constructor::•
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_argumentContextType() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const A(List<String> values);
-class B extends A {
-  const B() : super(const []);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional values @33
-                type: List<String>
-      class B @50
-        supertype: A
-        constructors
-          const @72
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    ListLiteral
-                      constKeyword: const @84
-                      leftBracket: [ @90
-                      rightBracket: ] @91
-                      staticType: List<String>
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @83
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @92
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @78
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const p);
-class C extends A {
-  const C() :;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const aaa @20
-            periodOffset: 19
-            nameEnd: 23
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional p @28
-                type: int
-      class C @40
-        supertype: A
-        constructors
-          const @62
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 42 @78
-                      staticType: int
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @77
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @80
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: aaa @74
-                period: . @73
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
-                superKeyword: super @68
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named_underscore() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const A._();
-class B extends A {
-  const B() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const _ @20
-            periodOffset: 19
-            nameEnd: 21
-      class B @33
-        supertype: A
-        constructors
-          const @55
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @68
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @69
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::_
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: _ @67
-                period: . @66
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::_
-                superKeyword: super @61
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_namedExpression() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const, {int b});
-class C extends A {
-  const C() :, b: 2);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const aaa @20
-            periodOffset: 19
-            nameEnd: 23
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional a @24
-                type: dynamic
-              optionalNamed b @32
-                type: int
-      class C @45
-        supertype: A
-        constructors
-          const @67
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 1 @83
-                      staticType: int
-                    NamedExpression
-                      name: Label
-                        label: SimpleIdentifier
-                          staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa::@parameter::b
-                          staticType: null
-                          token: b @86
-                      expression: IntegerLiteral
-                        literal: 2 @89
-                        staticType: int
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @82
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @90
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: aaa @79
-                period: . @78
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::aaa
-                superKeyword: super @73
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_unnamed() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const A(int p);
-class C extends A {
-  const C.ccc() : super(42);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional p @24
-                type: int
-      class C @36
-        supertype: A
-        constructors
-          const ccc @60
-            periodOffset: 59
-            nameEnd: 63
-            constantInitializers
-              SuperConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 42 @74
-                      staticType: int
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @73
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @76
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                superKeyword: super @68
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_argumentContextType() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  const A(List<String> values);
-  const A.empty() : this(const []);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional values @33
-                type: List<String>
-          const empty @52
-            periodOffset: 51
-            nameEnd: 57
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    ListLiteral
-                      constKeyword: const @67
-                      leftBracket: [ @73
-                      rightBracket: ] @74
-                      staticType: List<String>
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @66
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @75
-                staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                thisKeyword: this @62
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_named() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C() : this.named(1, 'bbb');
-  const C.named(int a, String b);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 1 @35
-                      staticType: int
-                    SimpleStringLiteral
-                      literal: 'bbb' @38
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @43
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: named @29
-                period: . @28
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                thisKeyword: this @24
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-          const named @56
-            periodOffset: 55
-            nameEnd: 61
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional a @66
-                type: int
-              requiredPositional b @76
-                type: String
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_namedExpression() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C() : this.named(1, b: 2);
-  const C.named(a, {int b});
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 1 @35
-                      staticType: int
-                    NamedExpression
-                      name: Label
-                        label: SimpleIdentifier
-                          staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named::@parameter::b
-                          staticType: null
-                          token: b @38
-                      expression: IntegerLiteral
-                        literal: 2 @41
-                        staticType: int
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @42
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: named @29
-                period: . @28
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                thisKeyword: this @24
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-          const named @55
-            periodOffset: 54
-            nameEnd: 60
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional a @61
-                type: dynamic
-              optionalNamed b @69
-                type: int
-  }
-  test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C.named() : this(1, 'bbb');
-  const C(int a, String b);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const named @20
-            periodOffset: 19
-            nameEnd: 25
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  arguments
-                    IntegerLiteral
-                      literal: 1 @35
-                      staticType: int
-                    SimpleStringLiteral
-                      literal: 'bbb' @38
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @34
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @43
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-                thisKeyword: this @30
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-          const @54
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional a @60
-                type: int
-              requiredPositional b @70
-                type: String
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  factory C() = D.named;
-  C._();
-class D extends C {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          factory @20
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::D::@constructor::named
-          _ @39
-            periodOffset: 38
-            nameEnd: 40
-      class D @52
-        supertype: C
-        constructors
-          named @70
-            periodOffset: 69
-            nameEnd: 75
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
-  C._();
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @11
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @26
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: self::@class::D::@constructor::named
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @51
-            periodOffset: 50
-            nameEnd: 52
-      class D @64
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @66
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @69
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: C<U, T>
-        constructors
-          named @94
-            periodOffset: 93
-            nameEnd: 99
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_generic_viaTypeAlias() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef A<T, U> = C<T, U>;
-class B<T, U> {
-  factory B() = A<U, T>.named;
-  B._();
-class C<T, U> extends A<U, T> {
-  C.named() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class B @33
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @35
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @38
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @53
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @78
-            periodOffset: 77
-            nameEnd: 79
-      class C @91
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @93
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @96
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: C<U, T>
-          aliasElement: self::@typeAlias::A
-          aliasArguments
-            U
-            T
-        constructors
-          named @121
-            periodOffset: 120
-            nameEnd: 126
-    typeAliases
-      A @8
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @10
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @13
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: C<T, U>
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D extends C {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart';
-class C {
-  factory C() = D.named;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @25
-        constructors
-          factory @39
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
-          _ @58
-            periodOffset: 57
-            nameEnd: 59
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported_generic() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart';
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @25
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @27
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @30
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @45
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @70
-            periodOffset: 69
-            nameEnd: 71
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D extends C {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart' as foo;
-class C {
-  factory C() = foo.D.named;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart as foo @21
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @32
-        constructors
-          factory @46
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
-          _ @69
-            periodOffset: 68
-            nameEnd: 70
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed_generic() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D.named() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart' as foo;
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = foo.D<U, T>.named;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart as foo @21
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @32
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @34
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @37
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @52
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::named
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @81
-            periodOffset: 80
-            nameEnd: 82
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_class() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<E> {
-  factory C() = D.named<E>;
-''', allowErrors: true);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant E @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @23
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_constructor() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class D {}
-class C<E> {
-  factory C() = D.named<E>;
-''', allowErrors: true);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class D @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class C @17
-        typeParameters
-          covariant E @19
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @34
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  factory C() = D;
-  C._();
-class D extends C {
-  D() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          factory @20
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-          _ @33
-            periodOffset: 32
-            nameEnd: 34
-      class D @46
-        supertype: C
-        constructors
-          @62
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = D<U, T>;
-  C._();
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @11
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @26
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @45
-            periodOffset: 44
-            nameEnd: 46
-      class D @58
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @60
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @63
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: C<U, T>
-        constructors
-          @86
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_generic_viaTypeAlias() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef A<T, U> = C<T, U>;
-class B<T, U> {
-  factory B() = A<U, T>;
-  B_();
-class C<T, U> extends B<U, T> {
-  C() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class B @33
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @35
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @38
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @53
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-        methods
-          abstract B_ @70
-            returnType: dynamic
-      class C @84
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @86
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @89
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        supertype: B<U, T>
-        constructors
-          @112
-    typeAliases
-      A @8
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @10
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @13
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: C<T, U>
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D extends C {
-  D() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart';
-class C {
-  factory C() = D;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @25
-        constructors
-          factory @39
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
-          _ @52
-            periodOffset: 51
-            nameEnd: 53
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported_generic() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart';
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = D<U, T>;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @25
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @27
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @30
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @45
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @64
-            periodOffset: 63
-            nameEnd: 65
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported_viaTypeAlias() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-typedef A = B;
-class B extends C {
-  B() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart';
-class C {
-  factory C() = A;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @25
-        constructors
-          factory @39
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::B::@constructor::•
-          _ @52
-            periodOffset: 51
-            nameEnd: 53
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D extends C {
-  D() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart' as foo;
-class C {
-  factory C() = foo.D;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart as foo @21
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @32
-        constructors
-          factory @46
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
-          _ @63
-            periodOffset: 62
-            nameEnd: 64
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed_generic() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
-  D() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart' as foo;
-class C<T, U> {
-  factory C() = foo.D<U, T>;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart as foo @21
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @32
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @34
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @37
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @52
-            redirectedConstructor: ConstructorMember
-              base: foo.dart::@class::D::@constructor::•
-              substitution: {T: U, U: T}
-          _ @75
-            periodOffset: 74
-            nameEnd: 76
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed_viaTypeAlias() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
-import 'test.dart';
-typedef A = B;
-class B extends C {
-  B() : super._();
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import 'foo.dart' as foo;
-class C {
-  factory C() = foo.A;
-  C._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    foo.dart as foo @21
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @32
-        constructors
-          factory @46
-            redirectedConstructor: foo.dart::@class::B::@constructor::•
-          _ @63
-            periodOffset: 62
-            nameEnd: 64
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_unresolved() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<E> {
-  factory C() = D<E>;
-''', allowErrors: true);
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant E @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          factory @23
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_viaTypeAlias() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef A = C;
-class B {
-  factory B() = A;
-  B._();
-class C extends B {
-  C() : super._();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class B @21
-        constructors
-          factory @35
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-          _ @48
-            periodOffset: 47
-            nameEnd: 49
-      class C @61
-        supertype: B
-        constructors
-          @77
-    typeAliases
-      A @8
-        aliasedType: C
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C.named();
-  const C() : this.named();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const named @20
-            periodOffset: 19
-            nameEnd: 25
-          const @37
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @53
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @54
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: named @48
-                period: . @47
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                thisKeyword: this @43
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T> {
-  const C.named();
-  const C() : this.named();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const named @23
-            periodOffset: 22
-            nameEnd: 28
-          const @40
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @56
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @57
-                constructorName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: named @51
-                period: . @50
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-                thisKeyword: this @46
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_notConst() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  C.named();
-  C() : this.named();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          named @14
-            periodOffset: 13
-            nameEnd: 19
-          @25
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::named
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  const C();
-  const C.named() : this();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          const @18
-          const named @33
-            periodOffset: 32
-            nameEnd: 38
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @47
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @48
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-                thisKeyword: this @43
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T> {
-  const C();
-  const C.named() : this();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @21
-          const named @36
-            periodOffset: 35
-            nameEnd: 41
-            constantInitializers
-              RedirectingConstructorInvocation
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @50
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @51
-                staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-                thisKeyword: this @46
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-  }
-  test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_notConst() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  C();
-  C.named() : this();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          @12
-          named @21
-            periodOffset: 20
-            nameEnd: 26
-            redirectedConstructor: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-  }
-  test_constructor_withCycles_const() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x;
-  const C() : x = const D();
-class D {
-  final x;
-  const D() : x = const C();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @29
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @37
-                expression: InstanceCreationExpression
-                  argumentList: ArgumentList
-                    leftParenthesis: ( @46
-                    rightParenthesis: ) @47
-                  constructorName: ConstructorName
-                    staticElement: self::@class::D::@constructor::•
-                    type: NamedType
-                      name: SimpleIdentifier
-                        staticElement: self::@class::D
-                        staticType: null
-                        token: D @45
-                      type: D
-                  keyword: const @39
-                  staticType: D
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::C::@field::x
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: x @35
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-      class D @58
-        fields
-          final x @70
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @81
-            constantInitializers
-              ConstructorFieldInitializer
-                equals: = @89
-                expression: InstanceCreationExpression
-                  argumentList: ArgumentList
-                    leftParenthesis: ( @98
-                    rightParenthesis: ) @99
-                  constructorName: ConstructorName
-                    staticElement: self::@class::C::@constructor::•
-                    type: NamedType
-                      name: SimpleIdentifier
-                        staticElement: self::@class::C
-                        staticType: null
-                        token: C @97
-                      type: C
-                  keyword: const @91
-                  staticType: C
-                fieldName: SimpleIdentifier
-                  staticElement: self::@class::D::@field::x
-                  staticType: null
-                  token: x @87
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_constructor_withCycles_nonConst() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x;
-  C() : x = new D();
-class D {
-  final x;
-  D() : x = new C();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          @23
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-      class D @50
-        fields
-          final x @62
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          @67
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-  }
   test_defaultValue_eliminateTypeParameters() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 class A<T> {
@@ -15964,745 +17206,6 @@
-  test_field_abstract() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-abstract class C {
-  abstract int i;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      abstract class C @15
-        fields
-          abstract i @34
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic abstract get i @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic abstract set i @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _i @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_covariant() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  covariant int x;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          covariant x @26
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set x @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional covariant _x @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_documented() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  /**
-   * Docs
-   */
-  var x;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          x @38
-            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: dynamic
-          synthetic set x @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _x @-1
-                type: dynamic
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_external() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-abstract class C {
-  external int i;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      abstract class C @15
-        fields
-          external i @34
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get i @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set i @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _i @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_final_hasInitializer_hasConstConstructor() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x = 42;
-  const C();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: int
-            constantInitializer
-              IntegerLiteral
-                literal: 42 @22
-                staticType: int
-        constructors
-          const @34
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_final_hasInitializer_hasConstConstructor_genericFunctionType() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A<T> {
-  const A();
-class B {
-  final f = const A<int Function(double a)>();
-  const B();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          const @21
-      class B @34
-        fields
-          final f @46
-            type: A<int Function(double)>
-            constantInitializer
-              InstanceCreationExpression
-                argumentList: ArgumentList
-                  leftParenthesis: ( @81
-                  rightParenthesis: ) @82
-                constructorName: ConstructorName
-                  staticElement: ConstructorMember
-                    base: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
-                    substitution: {T: int Function(double)}
-                  type: NamedType
-                    name: SimpleIdentifier
-                      staticElement: self::@class::A
-                      staticType: null
-                      token: A @56
-                    type: A<int Function(double)>
-                    typeArguments: TypeArgumentList
-                      arguments
-                        GenericFunctionType
-                          declaredElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-                            parameters
-                              a
-                                kind: required positional
-                                type: double
-                            returnType: int
-                            type: int Function(double)
-                          functionKeyword: Function @62
-                          parameters: FormalParameterList
-                            leftParenthesis: ( @70
-                            parameters
-                              SimpleFormalParameter
-                                declaredElement: a@78
-                                declaredElementType: double
-                                identifier: SimpleIdentifier
-                                  staticElement: a@78
-                                  staticType: null
-                                  token: a @78
-                                type: NamedType
-                                  name: SimpleIdentifier
-                                    staticElement: dart:core::@class::double
-                                    staticType: null
-                                    token: double @71
-                                  type: double
-                            rightParenthesis: ) @79
-                          returnType: NamedType
-                            name: SimpleIdentifier
-                              staticElement: dart:core::@class::int
-                              staticType: null
-                              token: int @58
-                            type: int
-                          type: int Function(double)
-                      leftBracket: < @57
-                      rightBracket: > @80
-                keyword: const @50
-                staticType: A<int Function(double)>
-        constructors
-          const @93
-        accessors
-          synthetic get f @-1
-            returnType: A<int Function(double)>
-  }
-  test_field_final_hasInitializer_noConstConstructor() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x = 42;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_formal_param_inferred_type_implicit() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { var v; C(this.v); }'
-        ' abstract class D { int get v; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        supertype: D
-        fields
-          v @24
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          @27
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional final this.v @34
-                type: int
-        accessors
-          synthetic get v @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set v @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _v @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-      abstract class D @55
-        fields
-          synthetic v @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          abstract get v @67
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_explicit_initialized() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num v = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          v @14
-            type: num
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get v @-1
-            returnType: num
-          synthetic set v @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _v @-1
-                type: num
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_initialized() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var v = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          v @14
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get v @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set v @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _v @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_uninitialized() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(
-        'class C extends D { var v; } abstract class D { int get v; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        supertype: D
-        fields
-          v @24
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get v @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set v @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _v @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-      abstract class D @44
-        fields
-          synthetic v @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          abstract get v @56
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_inherited_resolveInitializer() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-const a = 0;
-abstract class A {
-  const A();
-  List<int> get f;
-class B extends A {
-  const B();
-  final f = [a];
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      abstract class A @28
-        fields
-          synthetic f @-1
-            type: List<int>
-        constructors
-          const @40
-        accessors
-          abstract get f @61
-            returnType: List<int>
-      class B @72
-        supertype: A
-        fields
-          final f @107
-            type: List<int>
-            constantInitializer
-              ListLiteral
-                elements
-                  SimpleIdentifier
-                    staticElement: self::@getter::a
-                    staticType: int
-                    token: a @112
-                leftBracket: [ @111
-                rightBracket: ] @113
-                staticType: List<int>
-        constructors
-          const @94
-        accessors
-          synthetic get f @-1
-            returnType: List<int>
-    topLevelVariables
-      static const a @6
-        type: int
-        constantInitializer
-          IntegerLiteral
-            literal: 0 @10
-            staticType: int
-    accessors
-      synthetic static get a @-1
-        returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_inferred_type_static_implicit_initialized() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static var v = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          static v @21
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic static get v @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic static set v @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _v @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_propagatedType_const_noDep() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  static const x = 0;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          static const x @25
-            type: int
-            constantInitializer
-              IntegerLiteral
-                literal: 0 @29
-                staticType: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic static get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() async {
-    addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-import "a.dart";
-class C {
-  final b = a / 2;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    a.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @23
-        fields
-          final b @35
-            type: double
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get b @-1
-            returnType: double
-  }
-  test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() async {
-    addSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-library lib;
-part "a.dart";
-class C {
-  final b = a / 2;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  name: lib
-  nameOffset: 8
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @34
-        fields
-          final b @46
-            type: double
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get b @-1
-            returnType: double
-  parts
-    a.dart
-      topLevelVariables
-        static final a @19
-          type: int
-      accessors
-        synthetic static get a @-1
-          returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_instance() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  final x = 0;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          final x @18
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_static() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  static final x = 0;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          static final x @25
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic static get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_static_final_untyped() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static final x = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          static final x @23
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic static get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_field_type_inferred_Never() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-class C {
-  var a = throw 42;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          a @16
-            type: Never
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get a @-1
-            returnType: Never
-          synthetic set a @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _a @-1
-                type: Never
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_type_inferred_nonNullify() async {
-    addSource('/a.dart', '''
-// @dart = 2.7
-var a = 0;
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-import 'a.dart';
-class C {
-  var b = a;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    a.dart
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @23
-        fields
-          b @33
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get b @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set b @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _b @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_typed() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          x @14
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set x @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _x @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_field_untyped() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x = 0; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          x @14
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get x @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set x @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _x @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_finalField_hasConstConstructor() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-class C1  {
-  final List<int> f1 = const [];
-  const C1();
-class C2  {
-  final List<int> f2 = const [];
-  C2();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C1 @6
-        fields
-          final f1 @30
-            type: List<int>
-            constantInitializer
-              ListLiteral
-                constKeyword: const @35
-                leftBracket: [ @41
-                rightBracket: ] @42
-                staticType: List<int>
-        constructors
-          const @53
-        accessors
-          synthetic get f1 @-1
-            returnType: List<int>
-      class C2 @67
-        fields
-          final f2 @91
-            type: List<int>
-        constructors
-          @108
-        accessors
-          synthetic get f2 @-1
-            returnType: List<int>
-  }
   test_function_async() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 import 'dart:async';
@@ -21779,71 +22282,6 @@
-  test_member_function_async() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-import 'dart:async';
-class C {
-  Future f() async {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    dart:async
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @27
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @40 async
-            returnType: Future<dynamic>
-  }
-  test_member_function_asyncStar() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-import 'dart:async';
-class C {
-  Stream f() async* {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  imports
-    dart:async
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @27
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @40 async*
-            returnType: Stream<dynamic>
-  }
-  test_member_function_syncStar() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-class C {
-  Iterable<int> f() sync* {
-    yield 42;
-  }
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @26 sync*
-            returnType: Iterable<int>
-  }
   test_metadata_class_field_first() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 const a = 0;
@@ -25931,187 +26369,6 @@
-  test_method_documented() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  /**
-   * Docs
-   */
-  f() {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @34
-            documentationComment: /**\n   * Docs\n   */
-            returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_method_hasImplicitReturnType_false() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  int m() => 0;
-    var c = library.definingCompilationUnit.classes.single;
-    var m = c.methods.single;
-    expect(m.hasImplicitReturnType, isFalse);
-  }
-  test_method_hasImplicitReturnType_true() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  m() => 0;
-    var c = library.definingCompilationUnit.classes.single;
-    var m = c.methods.single;
-    expect(m.hasImplicitReturnType, isTrue);
-  }
-  test_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(value) {} }'
-        ' abstract class D { void f(int value); }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        supertype: D
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional value @27
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-      abstract class D @54
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          abstract f @63
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional value @69
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_return() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C extends D {
-  f() => null;
-abstract class D {
-  int f();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        supertype: D
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @22
-            returnType: int
-      abstract class D @52
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          abstract f @62
-            returnType: int
-  }
-  test_method_type_parameter() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { T f<T, U>(U u) => null; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @12
-            typeParameters
-              covariant T @14
-              covariant U @17
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional u @22
-                type: U
-            returnType: T
-  }
-  test_method_type_parameter_in_generic_class() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C<T, U> {
-  V f<V, W>(T t, U u, W w) => null;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @8
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @11
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @20
-            typeParameters
-              covariant V @22
-              covariant W @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional t @30
-                type: T
-              requiredPositional u @35
-                type: U
-              requiredPositional w @40
-                type: W
-            returnType: V
-  }
-  test_method_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {} }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          f @15
-            typeParameters
-              covariant T @17
-              covariant U @20
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional x @25
-                type: T Function(U)
-                parameters
-                  requiredPositional u @29
-                    type: U
-            returnType: void
-  }
   test_methodInvocation_implicitCall() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 class A {
@@ -27586,203 +27843,6 @@
         withNonSynthetic: true);
-  test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef void F<T extends F>();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
-        typeParameters
-          unrelated T @15
-            bound: dynamic
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_because_non_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef void F();
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_bounds() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T>();');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
-        typeParameters
-          unrelated T @15
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_operator() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('class C { C operator+(C other) => null; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          + @20
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional other @24
-                type: C
-            returnType: C
-  }
-  test_operator_equal() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  bool operator==(Object other) => false;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          == @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional other @35
-                type: Object
-            returnType: bool
-  }
-  test_operator_external() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('class C { external C operator+(C other); }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          external + @29
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional other @33
-                type: C
-            returnType: C
-  }
-  test_operator_greater_equal() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  bool operator>=(C other) => false;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          >= @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional other @30
-                type: C
-            returnType: bool
-  }
-  test_operator_index() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('class C { bool operator[](int i) => null; }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          [] @23
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional i @30
-                type: int
-            returnType: bool
-  }
-  test_operator_index_set() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  void operator[]=(int i, bool v) {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          []= @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional i @33
-                type: int
-              requiredPositional v @41
-                type: bool
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_operator_less_equal() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  bool operator<=(C other) => false;
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        methods
-          <= @25
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional other @30
-                type: C
-            returnType: bool
-  }
   test_parameter() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('void main(int p) {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -28292,28 +28352,6 @@
-  test_setter_covariant() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('class C { void set x(covariant int value); }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          synthetic x @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          abstract set x @19
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional covariant value @35
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
   test_setter_documented() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
 // Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
@@ -28354,136 +28392,6 @@
-  test_setter_inferred_type_conflictingInheritance() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class A {
-  int t;
-class B extends A {
-  double t;
-class C extends A implements B {
-class D extends C {
-  void set t(p) {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class A @6
-        fields
-          t @16
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get t @-1
-            returnType: int
-          synthetic set t @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _t @-1
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-      class B @27
-        supertype: A
-        fields
-          t @50
-            type: double
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          synthetic get t @-1
-            returnType: double
-          synthetic set t @-1
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional _t @-1
-                type: double
-            returnType: void
-      class C @61
-        supertype: A
-        interfaces
-          B
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-      class D @96
-        supertype: C
-        fields
-          synthetic t @-1
-            type: dynamic
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          set t @121
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional p @123
-                type: dynamic
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_setter_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(value) {} }'
-            ' abstract class D { void set f(int value); }');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        supertype: D
-        fields
-          synthetic f @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          set f @29
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional value @31
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-      abstract class D @58
-        fields
-          synthetic f @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          abstract set f @71
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional value @77
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
-  test_setter_inferred_type_static_implicit_return() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-class C {
-  static set f(int value) {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class C @6
-        fields
-          synthetic static f @-1
-            type: int
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-        accessors
-          static set f @23
-            parameters
-              requiredPositional value @29
-                type: int
-            returnType: void
-  }
   test_setter_inferred_type_top_level_implicit_return() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('set f(int value) {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -31012,26 +30920,7 @@
-  test_typedef_documented() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
- * Docs
- */
-typedef F();''');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @68
-        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_generic() async {
+  test_typedef_function_generic() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(
         'typedef F<T> = int Function<S>(List<S> list, num Function<A>(A), T);');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
@@ -31057,7 +30946,7 @@
-  test_typedef_generic_asFieldType() async {
+  test_typedef_function_generic_asFieldType() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
 typedef Foo<S> = S Function<T>(T x);
 class A {
@@ -31107,31 +30996,635 @@
-  test_typedef_generic_invalid() async {
+  test_typedef_function_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_name_included() async {
+    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
+    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
     var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef F = int;
-F f;
+typedef F = void Function(C c);
+class C<T extends C<T>> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @38
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @40
+            bound: C<T>
+            defaultType: C<dynamic>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      notSimplyBounded F @8
+        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional c @28
+              type: C<C<dynamic>>
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_function_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_name_omitted() async {
+    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
+    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef F = void Function(C);
+class C<T extends C<T>> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @36
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @38
+            bound: C<T>
+            defaultType: C<dynamic>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      notSimplyBounded F @8
+        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional @-1
+              type: C<C<dynamic>>
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_function_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type() async {
+    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
+    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef F = C Function();
+class C<T extends C<T>> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @32
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @34
+            bound: C<T>
+            defaultType: C<dynamic>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      notSimplyBounded F @8
+        aliasedType: C<C<dynamic>> Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: C<C<dynamic>>
+  }
+  test_typedef_function_typeParameters_f_bound_simple() async {
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      notSimplyBounded F @8
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @10
+            bound: U
+            defaultType: Never
+          covariant U @23
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @41
+              type: T
+          returnType: U
+  }
+  test_typedef_function_typeParameters_f_bound_simple_legacy() async {
+    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
+    var library =
+        await checkLibrary('typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      notSimplyBounded F @8
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @10
+            bound: U*
+            defaultType: Null*
+          covariant U @23
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @41
+              type: T*
+          returnType: U*
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_documented() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
+ * Docs
+ */
+typedef F();''');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @68
+        documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type() async {
+    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
+    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef void F(C c);
+class C<T extends C<T>> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @27
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @29
+            bound: C<T>
+            defaultType: C<dynamic>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
+        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional c @17
+              type: C<C<dynamic>>
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type() async {
+    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
+    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef C F();
+class C<T extends C<T>> {}
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      notSimplyBounded class C @21
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @23
+            bound: C<T>
+            defaultType: C<dynamic>
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
+        aliasedType: C<C<dynamic>> Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: C<C<dynamic>>
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef void F<T extends F>();
     checkElementText(library, r'''
-      F @8
-        aliasedType: int
-    topLevelVariables
-      static f @19
-        type: int
-          aliasElement: self::@typeAlias::F
-    accessors
-      synthetic static get f @-1
-        returnType: int
-          aliasElement: self::@typeAlias::F
-      synthetic static set f @-1
-        parameters
-          requiredPositional _f @-1
-            type: int
-              aliasElement: self::@typeAlias::F
-        returnType: void
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
+        typeParameters
+          unrelated T @15
+            bound: dynamic
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_notSimplyBounded_simple_because_non_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('''
+typedef void F();
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_bounds() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T>();');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
+        typeParameters
+          unrelated T @15
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_hasImplicitType() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
+typedef void F(int a, b, [int c, d]);
+    var F = library.definingCompilationUnit.typeAliases.single;
+    var function = F.aliasedElement as GenericFunctionTypeElement;
+    // TODO(scheglov) Use better textual presentation with all information.
+    expect(function.parameters[0].hasImplicitType, false);
+    expect(function.parameters[1].hasImplicitType, true);
+    expect(function.parameters[2].hasImplicitType, false);
+    expect(function.parameters[3].hasImplicitType, true);
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_parameters() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(g(x, y));');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic))
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional g @10
+              type: dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic)
+              parameters
+                requiredPositional x @12
+                  type: dynamic
+                requiredPositional y @15
+                  type: dynamic
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<A, B>(A g(B x));');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant A @10
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant B @13
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(A Function(B))
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional g @18
+              type: A Function(B)
+              parameters
+                requiredPositional x @22
+                  type: B
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_return_type() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int g());');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(int Function())
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional g @14
+              type: int Function()
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_type() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int i);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(int)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional i @14
+              type: int
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameter_type_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<T>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @10
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @15
+              type: T
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameters() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(x, y);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional x @10
+              type: dynamic
+            requiredPositional y @13
+              type: dynamic
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_parameters_named() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F({y, z, x});');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function({dynamic x, dynamic y, dynamic z})
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            optionalNamed y @11
+              type: dynamic
+            optionalNamed z @14
+              type: dynamic
+            optionalNamed x @17
+              type: dynamic
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_return_type() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef int F();');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @12
+        aliasedType: int Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: int
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_return_type_generic() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef T F<T>();');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
+        typeParameters
+          covariant T @12
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: T Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: T
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_return_type_implicit() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F();');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
+        aliasedType: dynamic Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: dynamic
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_return_type_void() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F();');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            defaultType: dynamic
+          covariant U @15
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @20
+              type: T
+          returnType: U
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_bound() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary(
+        'typedef U F<T extends Object, U extends D>(T t); class D {}');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    classes
+      class D @55
+        constructors
+          synthetic @-1
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            bound: Object
+            defaultType: Object
+          covariant U @30
+            bound: D
+            defaultType: D
+        aliasedType: U Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @45
+              type: T
+          returnType: U
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_bound_recursive() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends F>();');
+    // Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
+        typeParameters
+          unrelated T @15
+            bound: dynamic
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_bound_recursive2() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends List<F>>();');
+    // Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
+        typeParameters
+          unrelated T @15
+            bound: List<dynamic>
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: void Function()
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          returnType: void
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_f_bound_complex() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            bound: List<U>
+            defaultType: List<Never>
+          covariant U @31
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @36
+              type: T
+          returnType: U
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_f_bound_complex_legacy() async {
+    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            bound: List<U*>*
+            defaultType: List<Null*>*
+          covariant U @31
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @36
+              type: T*
+          returnType: U*
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_f_bound_simple() async {
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            bound: U
+            defaultType: Never
+          covariant U @25
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U Function(T)
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @30
+              type: T
+          returnType: U
+  }
+  test_typedef_legacy_typeParameters_f_bound_simple_legacy() async {
+    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
+    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
+    checkElementText(library, r'''
+  definingUnit
+    typeAliases
+      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
+        typeParameters
+          contravariant T @12
+            bound: U*
+            defaultType: Null*
+          covariant U @25
+            defaultType: dynamic
+        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
+        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
+          parameters
+            requiredPositional t @30
+              type: T*
+          returnType: U*
@@ -32074,569 +32567,6 @@
-  test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_new_style_name_included() async {
-    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
-    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef F = void Function(C c);
-class C<T extends C<T>> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @38
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @40
-            bound: C<T>
-            defaultType: C<dynamic>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      notSimplyBounded F @8
-        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional c @28
-              type: C<C<dynamic>>
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_new_style_name_omitted() async {
-    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
-    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef F = void Function(C);
-class C<T extends C<T>> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @36
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @38
-            bound: C<T>
-            defaultType: C<dynamic>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      notSimplyBounded F @8
-        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional @-1
-              type: C<C<dynamic>>
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_old_style() async {
-    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
-    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef void F(C c);
-class C<T extends C<T>> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @27
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @29
-            bound: C<T>
-            defaultType: C<dynamic>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
-        aliasedType: void Function(C<C<dynamic>>)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional c @17
-              type: C<C<dynamic>>
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type_new_style() async {
-    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
-    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef F = C Function();
-class C<T extends C<T>> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @32
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @34
-            bound: C<T>
-            defaultType: C<dynamic>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      notSimplyBounded F @8
-        aliasedType: C<C<dynamic>> Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: C<C<dynamic>>
-  }
-  test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type_old_style() async {
-    // F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
-    // refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
-    var library = await checkLibrary('''
-typedef C F();
-class C<T extends C<T>> {}
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      notSimplyBounded class C @21
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @23
-            bound: C<T>
-            defaultType: C<dynamic>
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
-        aliasedType: C<C<dynamic>> Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: C<C<dynamic>>
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_hasImplicitType() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
-typedef void F(int a, b, [int c, d]);
-    var F = library.definingCompilationUnit.typeAliases.single;
-    var function = F.aliasedElement as GenericFunctionTypeElement;
-    // TODO(scheglov) Use better textual presentation with all information.
-    expect(function.parameters[0].hasImplicitType, false);
-    expect(function.parameters[1].hasImplicitType, true);
-    expect(function.parameters[2].hasImplicitType, false);
-    expect(function.parameters[3].hasImplicitType, true);
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_parameters() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(g(x, y));');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic))
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional g @10
-              type: dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic)
-              parameters
-                requiredPositional x @12
-                  type: dynamic
-                requiredPositional y @15
-                  type: dynamic
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<A, B>(A g(B x));');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant A @10
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant B @13
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(A Function(B))
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional g @18
-              type: A Function(B)
-              parameters
-                requiredPositional x @22
-                  type: B
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_return_type() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int g());');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(int Function())
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional g @14
-              type: int Function()
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_type() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int i);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(int)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional i @14
-              type: int
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameter_type_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<T>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @10
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @15
-              type: T
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameters() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(x, y);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function(dynamic, dynamic)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional x @10
-              type: dynamic
-            requiredPositional y @13
-              type: dynamic
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_parameters_named() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F({y, z, x});');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function({dynamic x, dynamic y, dynamic z})
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            optionalNamed y @11
-              type: dynamic
-            optionalNamed z @14
-              type: dynamic
-            optionalNamed x @17
-              type: dynamic
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_return_type() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef int F();');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @12
-        aliasedType: int Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: int
-  }
-  test_typedef_return_type_generic() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef T F<T>();');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
-        typeParameters
-          covariant T @12
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: T Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: T
-  }
-  test_typedef_return_type_implicit() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F();');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @8
-        aliasedType: dynamic Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: dynamic
-  }
-  test_typedef_return_type_void() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F();');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @13
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            defaultType: dynamic
-          covariant U @15
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @20
-              type: T
-          returnType: U
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_bound() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary(
-        'typedef U F<T extends Object, U extends D>(T t); class D {}');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    classes
-      class D @55
-        constructors
-          synthetic @-1
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            bound: Object
-            defaultType: Object
-          covariant U @30
-            bound: D
-            defaultType: D
-        aliasedType: U Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @45
-              type: T
-          returnType: U
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_bound_recursive() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends F>();');
-    // Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
-        typeParameters
-          unrelated T @15
-            bound: dynamic
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_bound_recursive2() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends List<F>>();');
-    // Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @13
-        typeParameters
-          unrelated T @15
-            bound: List<dynamic>
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: void Function()
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          returnType: void
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            bound: List<U>
-            defaultType: List<Never>
-          covariant U @31
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @36
-              type: T
-          returnType: U
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_complex_legacy() async {
-    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            bound: List<U*>*
-            defaultType: List<Null*>*
-          covariant U @31
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @36
-              type: T*
-          returnType: U*
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() async {
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            bound: U
-            defaultType: Never
-          covariant U @25
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @30
-              type: T
-          returnType: U
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple_legacy() async {
-    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
-    var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      functionTypeAliasBased notSimplyBounded F @10
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @12
-            bound: U*
-            defaultType: Null*
-          covariant U @25
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @30
-              type: T*
-          returnType: U*
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple_new_syntax() async {
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      notSimplyBounded F @8
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @10
-            bound: U
-            defaultType: Never
-          covariant U @23
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U Function(T)
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @41
-              type: T
-          returnType: U
-  }
-  test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple_new_syntax_legacy() async {
-    featureSet = FeatureSets.language_2_9;
-    var library =
-        await checkLibrary('typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);');
-    checkElementText(library, r'''
-  definingUnit
-    typeAliases
-      notSimplyBounded F @8
-        typeParameters
-          contravariant T @10
-            bound: U*
-            defaultType: Null*
-          covariant U @23
-            defaultType: dynamic
-        aliasedType: U* Function(T*)*
-        aliasedElement: GenericFunctionTypeElement
-          parameters
-            requiredPositional t @41
-              type: T*
-          returnType: U*
-  }
   test_typedefs() async {
     var library = await checkLibrary('f() {} g() {}');
     checkElementText(library, r'''
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_utilities/lib/tools.dart b/pkg/analyzer_utilities/lib/tools.dart
index a072d85..00724c7 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_utilities/lib/tools.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_utilities/lib/tools.dart
@@ -283,14 +283,8 @@
     if (generateNeeded) {
       print('Please regenerate using:');
       var executable = Platform.executable;
-      var packageRoot = '';
-      // ignore: deprecated_member_use
-      if (Platform.packageRoot != null) {
-        // ignore: deprecated_member_use
-        packageRoot = ' --package-root=${Platform.packageRoot}';
-      }
       var generateScript = normalize(joinAll(posix.split(generatorPath)));
-      print('  $executable$packageRoot $generateScript ${args.join(" ")}');
+      print('  $executable $generateScript ${args.join(" ")}');
       fail('Error codes need to be generated');
     } else {
       print('All generated files up to date.');
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/options.dart b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/options.dart
index d78db4c..088ef9c 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/lib/src/options.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/lib/src/options.dart
@@ -168,8 +168,6 @@
   /// Location of the package configuration file.
-  ///
-  /// If not null then [packageRoot] should be null.
   Uri? packageConfig;
   /// List of kernel files to load.
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/test/end_to_end/launch_helper.dart b/pkg/compiler/test/end_to_end/launch_helper.dart
index 7d5a2c5..f0eef27 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/test/end_to_end/launch_helper.dart
+++ b/pkg/compiler/test/end_to_end/launch_helper.dart
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
 List<String> dart2JsCommand(List<String> args) {
@@ -16,9 +17,7 @@
   String dart2jsPath =
       path.normalize(path.join(basePath, 'pkg/compiler/lib/src/dart2js.dart'));
   List command = <String>[];
-  if (Platform.packageRoot != null) {
-    command.add('--package-root=${Platform.packageRoot}');
-  } else if (Platform.packageConfig != null) {
+  if (Platform.packageConfig != null) {
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_fields.dart.intertwined.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
index 04790ba..769412a 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
@@ -1471,27 +1471,28 @@
                 listener: beginMetadataStar(int)
                 listener: endMetadataStar(0)
               listener: beginMember()
-              recoverFromInvalidMember(int, ;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-                parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', super, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass, false)
-                  listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;)
-                  listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
-                  listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
-                  listener: handleType(int, null)
-                  ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, fieldDeclaration, false)
-                    reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
-                      listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
-                    listener: handleIdentifier(super, fieldDeclaration)
-                  parseFieldInitializerOpt(super, super, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-                    listener: beginFieldInitializer(=)
-                    parseExpression(=)
-                      parsePrecedenceExpression(=, 1, true)
-                        parseUnaryExpression(=, true)
-                          parsePrimary(=, expression)
-                            parseLiteralInt(=)
-                              listener: handleLiteralInt(42)
-                    listener: endFieldInitializer(=, ;)
-                  listener: endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, int, ;)
-                listener: endMember()
+              isReservedKeyword(super)
+              indicatesMethodOrField(=)
+              parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', super, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass, true)
+                listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;)
+                listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
+                listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
+                listener: handleType(int, null)
+                ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, fieldDeclaration, true)
+                  reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
+                    listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
+                  listener: handleIdentifier(super, fieldDeclaration)
+                parseFieldInitializerOpt(super, super, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
+                  listener: beginFieldInitializer(=)
+                  parseExpression(=)
+                    parsePrecedenceExpression(=, 1, true)
+                      parseUnaryExpression(=, true)
+                        parsePrimary(=, expression)
+                          parseLiteralInt(=)
+                            listener: handleLiteralInt(42)
+                  listener: endFieldInitializer(=, ;)
+                listener: endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, int, ;)
+              listener: endMember()
             notEofOrValue(}, int)
             parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(;, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.expect
index eb90b675..bf58a68 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.expect
@@ -308,14 +308,6 @@
   int super(int x) {
-parser/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods:282:7: Expected ';' after this.
-  int super(int x) {
-      ^^^^^
-parser/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods:282:12: Expected an identifier, but got '('.
-  int super(int x) {
-           ^
 parser/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods:287:7: 'switch' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword.
   int switch(int x) {
@@ -3891,23 +3883,12 @@
-          beginFields(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, null, })
+          beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, super)
             handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
             handleType(int, null)
             handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
-            handleIdentifier(super, fieldDeclaration)
-            handleNoFieldInitializer(()
-            handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}], super, super)
-          endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, int, ;)
-        endMember()
-        beginMetadataStar(()
-        endMetadataStar(0)
-        beginMember()
-          beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, ()
-            handleNoType(;)
-            handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifier, Expected an identifier, but got '('., Try inserting an identifier before '('., {lexeme: (}], (, ()
-            handleIdentifier(, methodDeclaration)
+            handleIdentifier(super, methodDeclaration)
             beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
@@ -3956,7 +3937,7 @@
               endReturnStatement(true, return, ;)
             endBlockFunctionBody(2, {, })
-          endClassMethod(null, , (, null, })
+          endClassMethod(null, int, (, null, })
@@ -4762,7 +4743,7 @@
             endBlockFunctionBody(2, {, })
           endClassMethod(null, int, (, null, })
-      endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 71, {, })
+      endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 70, {, })
     endClassDeclaration(class, })
 endCompilationUnit(1, )
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.intertwined.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
index 08d5d98..22c9cba 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
@@ -8560,164 +8560,141 @@
                 listener: beginMetadataStar(int)
                 listener: endMetadataStar(0)
               listener: beginMember()
-              recoverFromInvalidMember(int, }, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'SimpleType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-                parseFields(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'SimpleType', super, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass, false)
-                  listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, null, })
-                  listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
-                  listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
-                  listener: handleType(int, null)
-                  ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, fieldDeclaration, false)
-                    reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
-                      listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
-                    listener: handleIdentifier(super, fieldDeclaration)
-                  parseFieldInitializerOpt(super, super, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-                    listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(()
-                  ensureSemicolon(super)
-                    reportRecoverableError(super, Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}])
-                      listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}], super, super)
-                    rewriter()
-                  listener: endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, int, ;)
-                listener: endMember()
-            notEofOrValue(}, ()
-            parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(;, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-              parseMetadataStar(;)
-                listener: beginMetadataStar(()
-                listener: endMetadataStar(0)
-              listener: beginMember()
-              recoverFromInvalidMember(;, ;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
-                parseMethod(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'NoType', null, (, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass, false)
-                  listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, ()
-                  listener: handleNoType(;)
-                  ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(;, methodDeclaration, false)
-                    insertSyntheticIdentifier(;, methodDeclaration, message: null, messageOnToken: null)
-                      reportRecoverableError((, Message[ExpectedIdentifier, Expected an identifier, but got '('., Try inserting an identifier before '('., {lexeme: (}])
-                        listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifier, Expected an identifier, but got '('., Try inserting an identifier before '('., {lexeme: (}], (, ()
-                      rewriter()
-                    listener: handleIdentifier(, methodDeclaration)
-                  parseQualifiedRestOpt(, methodDeclarationContinuation)
-                  parseMethodTypeVar()
-                    listener: handleNoTypeVariables(()
-                  parseGetterOrFormalParameters(, (, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                    parseFormalParameters(, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                      parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                        listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                        parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                          parseMetadataStar(()
-                            listener: beginMetadataStar(int)
-                            listener: endMetadataStar(0)
-                          listener: beginFormalParameter(int, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod, null, null, null)
-                          listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
-                          listener: handleNoTypeArguments(x)
-                          listener: handleType(int, null)
-                          ensureIdentifier(int, formalParameterDeclaration)
-                            listener: handleIdentifier(x, formalParameterDeclaration)
-                          listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue())
-                          listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, x, null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                        listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
-                  parseInitializersOpt())
-                    listener: handleNoInitializers()
-                  parseAsyncModifierOpt())
-                    listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null)
-                    inPlainSync()
+              isReservedKeyword(super)
+              indicatesMethodOrField(()
+              parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'SimpleType', null, super, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass, true)
+                listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, super)
+                listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
+                listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
+                listener: handleType(int, null)
+                ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, methodDeclaration, true)
+                  reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
+                    listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
+                  listener: handleIdentifier(super, methodDeclaration)
+                parseQualifiedRestOpt(super, methodDeclarationContinuation)
+                parseMethodTypeVar(super)
+                  listener: handleNoTypeVariables(()
+                parseGetterOrFormalParameters(super, super, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                  parseFormalParameters(super, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                    parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                      listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                      parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                        parseMetadataStar(()
+                          listener: beginMetadataStar(int)
+                          listener: endMetadataStar(0)
+                        listener: beginFormalParameter(int, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod, null, null, null)
+                        listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
+                        listener: handleNoTypeArguments(x)
+                        listener: handleType(int, null)
+                        ensureIdentifier(int, formalParameterDeclaration)
+                          listener: handleIdentifier(x, formalParameterDeclaration)
+                        listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue())
+                        listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, x, null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                      listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod)
+                parseInitializersOpt())
+                  listener: handleNoInitializers()
+                parseAsyncModifierOpt())
+                  listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null)
-                  parseFunctionBody(), false, true)
-                    listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({)
-                    notEofOrValue(}, if)
-                    parseStatement({)
-                      parseStatementX({)
-                        parseIfStatement({)
-                          listener: beginIfStatement(if)
-                          ensureParenthesizedCondition(if)
-                            parseExpressionInParenthesisRest(()
-                              parseExpression(()
-                                parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true)
-                                  parseUnaryExpression((, true)
-                                    parsePrimary((, expression)
-                                      parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression)
-                                        parseSend((, expression)
-                                          isNextIdentifier(()
-                                          ensureIdentifier((, expression)
-                                            listener: handleIdentifier(x, expression)
-                                          listener: handleNoTypeArguments(==)
-                                          parseArgumentsOpt(x)
-                                            listener: handleNoArguments(==)
-                                          listener: handleSend(x, ==)
-                                  listener: beginBinaryExpression(==)
-                                  parsePrecedenceExpression(==, 8, true)
-                                    parseUnaryExpression(==, true)
-                                      parsePrimary(==, expression)
-                                        parseLiteralInt(==)
-                                          listener: handleLiteralInt(0)
-                                  listener: endBinaryExpression(==)
-                              ensureCloseParen(0, ()
-                            listener: handleParenthesizedCondition(()
-                          listener: beginThenStatement(return)
-                          parseStatement())
-                            parseStatementX())
-                              parseReturnStatement())
-                                listener: beginReturnStatement(return)
-                                parseExpression(return)
-                                  parsePrecedenceExpression(return, 1, true)
-                                    parseUnaryExpression(return, true)
-                                      parsePrimary(return, expression)
-                                        parseLiteralInt(return)
-                                          listener: handleLiteralInt(42)
-                                ensureSemicolon(42)
-                                listener: endReturnStatement(true, return, ;)
-                                inGenerator()
-                          listener: endThenStatement(;)
-                          listener: endIfStatement(if, null)
-                    notEofOrValue(}, return)
-                    parseStatement(;)
-                      parseStatementX(;)
-                        parseReturnStatement(;)
-                          listener: beginReturnStatement(return)
-                          parseExpression(return)
-                            parsePrecedenceExpression(return, 1, true)
-                              parseUnaryExpression(return, true)
-                                parsePrimary(return, expression)
-                                  parseSuperExpression(return, expression)
-                                    listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression)
-                                    listener: handleNoTypeArguments(()
-                                    parseArguments(super)
-                                      parseArgumentsRest(()
-                                        listener: beginArguments(()
-                                        parseExpression(()
-                                          parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true)
-                                            parseUnaryExpression((, true)
-                                              parsePrimary((, expression)
-                                                parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression)
-                                                  parseSend((, expression)
-                                                    isNextIdentifier(()
-                                                    ensureIdentifier((, expression)
-                                                      listener: handleIdentifier(x, expression)
-                                                    listener: handleNoTypeArguments(-)
-                                                    parseArgumentsOpt(x)
-                                                      listener: handleNoArguments(-)
-                                                    listener: handleSend(x, -)
-                                            listener: beginBinaryExpression(-)
-                                            parsePrecedenceExpression(-, 14, true)
-                                              parseUnaryExpression(-, true)
-                                                parsePrimary(-, expression)
-                                                  parseLiteralInt(-)
-                                                    listener: handleLiteralInt(1)
-                                            listener: endBinaryExpression(-)
-                                        listener: endArguments(1, (, ))
-                                    listener: handleSend(super, +)
-                              listener: beginBinaryExpression(+)
-                              parsePrecedenceExpression(+, 14, true)
-                                parseUnaryExpression(+, true)
-                                  parsePrimary(+, expression)
-                                    parseLiteralInt(+)
-                                      listener: handleLiteralInt(1)
-                              listener: endBinaryExpression(+)
-                          ensureSemicolon(1)
-                          listener: endReturnStatement(true, return, ;)
-                          inGenerator()
-                    notEofOrValue(}, })
-                    listener: endBlockFunctionBody(2, {, })
-                  listener: endClassMethod(null, , (, null, })
-                listener: endMember()
+                inPlainSync()
+                parseFunctionBody(), false, true)
+                  listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({)
+                  notEofOrValue(}, if)
+                  parseStatement({)
+                    parseStatementX({)
+                      parseIfStatement({)
+                        listener: beginIfStatement(if)
+                        ensureParenthesizedCondition(if)
+                          parseExpressionInParenthesisRest(()
+                            parseExpression(()
+                              parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true)
+                                parseUnaryExpression((, true)
+                                  parsePrimary((, expression)
+                                    parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression)
+                                      parseSend((, expression)
+                                        isNextIdentifier(()
+                                        ensureIdentifier((, expression)
+                                          listener: handleIdentifier(x, expression)
+                                        listener: handleNoTypeArguments(==)
+                                        parseArgumentsOpt(x)
+                                          listener: handleNoArguments(==)
+                                        listener: handleSend(x, ==)
+                                listener: beginBinaryExpression(==)
+                                parsePrecedenceExpression(==, 8, true)
+                                  parseUnaryExpression(==, true)
+                                    parsePrimary(==, expression)
+                                      parseLiteralInt(==)
+                                        listener: handleLiteralInt(0)
+                                listener: endBinaryExpression(==)
+                            ensureCloseParen(0, ()
+                          listener: handleParenthesizedCondition(()
+                        listener: beginThenStatement(return)
+                        parseStatement())
+                          parseStatementX())
+                            parseReturnStatement())
+                              listener: beginReturnStatement(return)
+                              parseExpression(return)
+                                parsePrecedenceExpression(return, 1, true)
+                                  parseUnaryExpression(return, true)
+                                    parsePrimary(return, expression)
+                                      parseLiteralInt(return)
+                                        listener: handleLiteralInt(42)
+                              ensureSemicolon(42)
+                              listener: endReturnStatement(true, return, ;)
+                              inGenerator()
+                        listener: endThenStatement(;)
+                        listener: endIfStatement(if, null)
+                  notEofOrValue(}, return)
+                  parseStatement(;)
+                    parseStatementX(;)
+                      parseReturnStatement(;)
+                        listener: beginReturnStatement(return)
+                        parseExpression(return)
+                          parsePrecedenceExpression(return, 1, true)
+                            parseUnaryExpression(return, true)
+                              parsePrimary(return, expression)
+                                parseSuperExpression(return, expression)
+                                  listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression)
+                                  listener: handleNoTypeArguments(()
+                                  parseArguments(super)
+                                    parseArgumentsRest(()
+                                      listener: beginArguments(()
+                                      parseExpression(()
+                                        parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true)
+                                          parseUnaryExpression((, true)
+                                            parsePrimary((, expression)
+                                              parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression)
+                                                parseSend((, expression)
+                                                  isNextIdentifier(()
+                                                  ensureIdentifier((, expression)
+                                                    listener: handleIdentifier(x, expression)
+                                                  listener: handleNoTypeArguments(-)
+                                                  parseArgumentsOpt(x)
+                                                    listener: handleNoArguments(-)
+                                                  listener: handleSend(x, -)
+                                          listener: beginBinaryExpression(-)
+                                          parsePrecedenceExpression(-, 14, true)
+                                            parseUnaryExpression(-, true)
+                                              parsePrimary(-, expression)
+                                                parseLiteralInt(-)
+                                                  listener: handleLiteralInt(1)
+                                          listener: endBinaryExpression(-)
+                                      listener: endArguments(1, (, ))
+                                  listener: handleSend(super, +)
+                            listener: beginBinaryExpression(+)
+                            parsePrecedenceExpression(+, 14, true)
+                              parseUnaryExpression(+, true)
+                                parsePrimary(+, expression)
+                                  parseLiteralInt(+)
+                                    listener: handleLiteralInt(1)
+                            listener: endBinaryExpression(+)
+                        ensureSemicolon(1)
+                        listener: endReturnStatement(true, return, ;)
+                        inGenerator()
+                  notEofOrValue(}, })
+                  listener: endBlockFunctionBody(2, {, })
+                listener: endClassMethod(null, int, (, null, })
+              listener: endMember()
             notEofOrValue(}, int)
             parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, WrapperClass)
@@ -10789,7 +10766,7 @@
                 listener: endClassMethod(null, int, (, null, })
               listener: endMember()
             notEofOrValue(}, })
-            listener: endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 71, {, })
+            listener: endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 70, {, })
           listener: endClassDeclaration(class, })
   listener: endTopLevelDeclaration()
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.parser.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.parser.expect
index 5eaa7cd..70d958e 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.parser.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_class_methods.dart.parser.expect
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
 return static(x-1) + 1;
-int super;*synthetic*(int x) {
+int super(int x) {
 if (x == 0) return 42;
 return super(x-1) + 1;
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
 return[KeywordToken] static[KeywordToken]([BeginToken]x[StringToken]-[SimpleToken]1[StringToken])[SimpleToken] +[SimpleToken] 1[StringToken];[SimpleToken]
-int[StringToken] super[KeywordToken];[SyntheticToken][SyntheticStringToken]([BeginToken]int[StringToken] x[StringToken])[SimpleToken] {[BeginToken]
+int[StringToken] super[KeywordToken]([BeginToken]int[StringToken] x[StringToken])[SimpleToken] {[BeginToken]
 if[KeywordToken] ([BeginToken]x[StringToken] ==[SimpleToken] 0[StringToken])[SimpleToken] return[KeywordToken] 42[StringToken];[SimpleToken]
 return[KeywordToken] super[KeywordToken]([BeginToken]x[StringToken]-[SimpleToken]1[StringToken])[SimpleToken] +[SimpleToken] 1[StringToken];[SimpleToken]
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_fields.dart.intertwined.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
index a0b0eaa..b2228b8 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_fields.dart.intertwined.expect
@@ -1444,12 +1444,14 @@
       listener: endMetadataStar(0)
       listener: beginTopLevelMember(int)
-      parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', super, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false)
+      isReservedKeyword(super)
+      indicatesMethodOrField(=)
+      parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', super, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, true)
         listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;)
         listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
         listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
         listener: handleType(int, null)
-        ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, topLevelVariableDeclaration, false)
+        ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, topLevelVariableDeclaration, true)
           reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
             listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
           listener: handleIdentifier(super, topLevelVariableDeclaration)
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_methods.dart.intertwined.expect b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
index 09deafa..bad4dea 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
+++ b/pkg/front_end/parser_testcases/error_recovery/keyword_named_top_level_methods.dart.intertwined.expect
@@ -8308,12 +8308,14 @@
       listener: endMetadataStar(0)
       listener: beginTopLevelMember(int)
-      parseTopLevelMethod(}, null, }, Instance of 'SimpleType', null, super, false)
+      isReservedKeyword(super)
+      indicatesMethodOrField(()
+      parseTopLevelMethod(}, null, }, Instance of 'SimpleType', null, super, true)
         listener: beginTopLevelMethod(}, null)
         listener: handleIdentifier(int, typeReference)
         listener: handleNoTypeArguments(super)
         listener: handleType(int, null)
-        ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false)
+        ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(int, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, true)
           reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(super, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>')
             listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifierButGotKeyword, 'super' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword., Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword., {lexeme: super}], super, super)
           listener: handleIdentifier(super, topLevelFunctionDeclaration)
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a0f94cc..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-class A1 {
-  final int foo;
-  A1(int;
-class B1 extends A1 {
-  B1(int;
-class A2 {
-  final int Function(int) foo;
-  A2(int Function(int);
-class B2 extends A2 {
-  B2(int Function(int);
-class A3 {
-  final int Function(int) foo;
-  A3(int;
-class B3 extends A3 {
-  B3(int;
-class A4 {
-  final void Function() Function(void Function()) foo;
-  A4(void Function() Function()));
-class B4 extends A4 {
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-class A5 {
-  final void Function() Function(void Function()) foo;
-  A5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-class B5 extends A5 {
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index aecf2d6..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
-// Problems in library:
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B1(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B2(int Function(int);
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B3(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B4(void Function() Function()));
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-//   ^^
-import self as self;
-import "dart:core" as core;
-class A1 extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int foo;
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::A1
-    : self::A1::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B1 extends self::A1 {
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::B1
-    : final dynamic #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B1(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A2 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::A2
-    : self::A2::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B2 extends self::A2 {
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::B2
-    : final dynamic #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B2(int Function(int);
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A3 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::A3
-    : self::A3::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B3 extends self::A3 {
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::B3
-    : final dynamic #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B3(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A4 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A4
-    : self::A4::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B4 extends self::A4 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B4
-    : final dynamic #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A5 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A5
-    : self::A5::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B5 extends self::A5 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B5
-    : final dynamic #t5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-  ^^"
-    ;
-static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.transformed.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index aecf2d6..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.strong.transformed.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
-// Problems in library:
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B1(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B2(int Function(int);
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B3(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B4(void Function() Function()));
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-//   ^^
-import self as self;
-import "dart:core" as core;
-class A1 extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int foo;
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::A1
-    : self::A1::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B1 extends self::A1 {
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::B1
-    : final dynamic #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B1(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A2 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::A2
-    : self::A2::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B2 extends self::A2 {
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::B2
-    : final dynamic #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B2(int Function(int);
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A3 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::A3
-    : self::A3::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B3 extends self::A3 {
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::B3
-    : final dynamic #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B3(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A4 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A4
-    : self::A4::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B4 extends self::A4 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B4
-    : final dynamic #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A5 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A5
-    : self::A5::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B5 extends self::A5 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B5
-    : final dynamic #t5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-  ^^"
-    ;
-static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.textual_outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.textual_outline.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index f29b981..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.textual_outline.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-class A1 {
-  final int foo;
-  A1(int;
-class B1 extends A1 {
-  B1(int;
-class A2 {
-  final int Function(int) foo;
-  A2(int Function(int);
-class B2 extends A2 {
-  B2(int Function(int);
-class A3 {
-  final int Function(int) foo;
-  A3(int;
-class B3 extends A3 {
-  B3(int;
-class A4 {
-  final void Function() Function(void Function()) foo;
-  A4(void Function() Function()));
-class B4 extends A4 {
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-class A5 {
-  final void Function() Function(void Function()) foo;
-  A5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-class B5 extends A5 {
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-main() {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index aecf2d6..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
-// Problems in library:
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B1(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B2(int Function(int);
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B3(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B4(void Function() Function()));
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-//   ^^
-import self as self;
-import "dart:core" as core;
-class A1 extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int foo;
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::A1
-    : self::A1::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B1 extends self::A1 {
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::B1
-    : final dynamic #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B1(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A2 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::A2
-    : self::A2::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B2 extends self::A2 {
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::B2
-    : final dynamic #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B2(int Function(int);
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A3 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::A3
-    : self::A3::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B3 extends self::A3 {
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::B3
-    : final dynamic #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B3(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A4 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A4
-    : self::A4::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B4 extends self::A4 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B4
-    : final dynamic #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A5 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A5
-    : self::A5::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B5 extends self::A5 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B5
-    : final dynamic #t5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-  ^^"
-    ;
-static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.outline.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.outline.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b9d6e..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.outline.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
-import self as self;
-import "dart:core" as core;
-class A1 extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int foo;
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::A1
-    ;
-class B1 extends self::A1 {
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::B1
-    ;
-class A2 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::A2
-    ;
-class B2 extends self::A2 {
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::B2
-    ;
-class A3 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::A3
-    ;
-class B3 extends self::A3 {
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::B3
-    ;
-class A4 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A4
-    ;
-class B4 extends self::A4 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B4
-    ;
-class A5 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A5
-    ;
-class B5 extends self::A5 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B5
-    ;
-static method main() → dynamic
-  ;
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.transformed.expect b/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.transformed.expect
deleted file mode 100644
index aecf2d6..0000000
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart.weak.transformed.expect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
-// Problems in library:
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B1(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B2(int Function(int);
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B3(int;
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B4(void Function() Function()));
-//   ^^
-// pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-//   B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-//   ^^
-import self as self;
-import "dart:core" as core;
-class A1 extends core::Object {
-  final field core::int foo;
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::A1
-    : self::A1::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B1 extends self::A1 {
-  constructor •(core::int foo) → self::B1
-    : final dynamic #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:11:3: Error: The superclass, 'A1', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B1(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A2 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::A2
-    : self::A2::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B2 extends self::A2 {
-  constructor •((core::int) → core::int foo) → self::B2
-    : final dynamic #t2 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:20:3: Error: The superclass, 'A2', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B2(int Function(int);
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A3 extends core::Object {
-  final field (core::int) → core::int foo;
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::A3
-    : self::A3::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B3 extends self::A3 {
-  constructor •((dynamic) → core::int foo) → self::B3
-    : final dynamic #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:29:3: Error: The superclass, 'A3', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B3(int;
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A4 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A4
-    : self::A4::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B4 extends self::A4 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B4
-    : final dynamic #t4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:38:3: Error: The superclass, 'A4', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B4(void Function() Function()));
-  ^^"
-    ;
-class A5 extends core::Object {
-  final field (() → void) → () → void foo;
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::A5
-    : self::A5::foo = foo, super core::Object::•()
-    ;
-class B5 extends self::A5 {
-  constructor •((() → void) → () → void foo) → self::B5
-    : final dynamic #t5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/super_parameters/typed_super_parameter.dart:48:3: Error: The superclass, 'A5', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
-  B5(void Function() Function(void Function());
-  ^^"
-    ;
-static method main() → dynamic {}
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/testcases/textual_outline.status b/pkg/front_end/testcases/textual_outline.status
index bed6b86..956276e 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/testcases/textual_outline.status
+++ b/pkg/front_end/testcases/textual_outline.status
@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@
 regress/issue_41265.crash: Crash
 regress/issue_41265.crash: FormatterCrash
 super_parameters/simple: FormatterCrash
-super_parameters/typed_super_parameter: FormatterCrash
 triple_shift/invalid_operator: FormatterCrash
 variance/class_type_parameter_modifier: FormatterCrash
 variance/generic_covariance_sound_variance: FormatterCrash
diff --git a/sdk/lib/io/platform.dart b/sdk/lib/io/platform.dart
index 296456f..93bcbd4 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/io/platform.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/io/platform.dart
@@ -205,11 +205,6 @@
   /// Provides a new list every time the value is read.
   static List<String> get executableArguments => _Platform.executableArguments;
-  /// This returns `null`, as `packages/` directories are no longer supported.
-  ///
-  @Deprecated('packages/ directory resolution is not supported in Dart 2')
-  static String? get packageRoot => null; // TODO(mfairhurst): remove this
   /// The `--packages` flag passed to the executable used to run the script
   /// in this isolate.
diff --git a/sdk/lib/isolate/isolate.dart b/sdk/lib/isolate/isolate.dart
index 438e967..48c046f 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/isolate/isolate.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/isolate/isolate.dart
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 /// {@category VM}
 library dart.isolate;
-import "dart:async";
 import "dart:_internal" show Since;
+import "dart:async";
 import "dart:typed_data" show ByteBuffer, TypedData, Uint8List;
 part "capability.dart";
@@ -158,13 +158,6 @@
   /// is a sure way to hang your program.
   external static Isolate get current;
-  /// The package root of the current isolate, if any.
-  ///
-  /// This getter returns `null`, as the `packages/` directory is not supported
-  /// in Dart 2.
-  @Deprecated('packages/ directory resolution is not supported in Dart 2.')
-  external static Future<Uri?> get packageRoot;
   /// The location of the package configuration of the current isolate, if any.
   /// If the isolate has not been setup for package resolution,
diff --git a/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status b/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
index 2073134..26b0647 100644
--- a/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
 LibTest/core/int/parse_A01_t02: SkipByDesign # uses integer literal not representable as JavaScript number
 LibTest/core/int/remainder_A01_t03: SkipByDesign # Division by zero is not an error in JavaScript
 LibTest/ffi/*: SkipByDesign # dart:ffi is not supported
-LibTest/html/HttpRequest/responseText_A01_t02: Skip #
 LibTest/html/HttpRequestUpload/*: Skip #
 LibTest/io/*: SkipByDesign # dart:io not supported.
 LibTest/isolate/*: SkipByDesign # dart:isolate not supported.
diff --git a/tests/co19/co19-dartdevc.status b/tests/co19/co19-dartdevc.status
index 7e761f2..4fa6538 100644
--- a/tests/co19/co19-dartdevc.status
+++ b/tests/co19/co19-dartdevc.status
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
 LibTest/core/int/parse_A01_t02: SkipByDesign # big integers cannot be represented in JavaScript
 LibTest/core/int/remainder_A01_t03: SkipByDesign # Division by zero is not an error in JavaScript
 LibTest/ffi/*: SkipByDesign # dart:ffi is not supported
-LibTest/html/HttpRequest/responseText_A01_t02: Skip #
 LibTest/html/HttpRequestUpload/*: Skip #
 LibTest/io/*: SkipByDesign # dart:io not supported.
 LibTest/isolate/*: SkipByDesign # dart:isolate not supported.
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3cbf7..0000000
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'dart:isolate';
-final PACKAGE_URI = "package:foo/bar.dart";
-main([args, port]) async {
-  if (port != null) {
-    testPackageResolution(port);
-    return;
-  }
-  var p = new RawReceivePort();
-  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort,
-      automaticPackageResolution: true);
-  p.handler = (msg) {
-    p.close();
-    if (msg is! List) {
-      print(msg.runtimeType);
-      throw "Failure return from spawned isolate:\n\n$msg";
-    }
-    if (msg[0] != null) {
-      throw "Bad package root in child isolate: ${msg[0]}.\n"
-          "Expected: null";
-    }
-    if (msg[1] != null) {
-      throw "Package path not matching: ${msg[1]}\n"
-          "Expected: null";
-    }
-    print("SUCCESS");
-  };
-  print("Spawning isolate's package root: ${await Isolate.packageRoot}");
-testPackageResolution(port) async {
-  try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
-    var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
-    var packageRoot = await Isolate.packageRoot;
-    var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(PACKAGE_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
-    print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
-    print("Spawned isolate's loaded package root: $packageRoot");
-    print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
-    port.send([packageRoot?.toString(), resolvedPkg?.toString()]);
-  } catch (e, s) {
-    port.send("$e\n$s\n");
-  }
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
index dee6d10..4b2eba6 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
@@ -32,16 +32,13 @@
-  print("Spawning isolate's package root: ${await Isolate.packageRoot}");
 testPackageResolution(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(PACKAGE_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
index 5866729..1242b21 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
@@ -31,12 +31,10 @@
 testBadResolvePackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var badPackageUri = Uri.parse("package:asdf/qwerty.dart");
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(badPackageUri);
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
index 034881b..47f4d3d 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:isolate';
-import "package:foo/foo.dart";
 import "package:bar/bar.dart";
+import "package:foo/foo.dart";
 var CONFIG_URI = "package:bar/spawned_packages/";
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
   var p = new RawReceivePort();
-  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort,
-      packageRoot: Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
+  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort);
   p.handler = (msg) {
     if (msg is! List) {
@@ -45,11 +44,9 @@
 testCorrectBarPackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
index 9e5b603..6118d26 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
@@ -45,11 +45,9 @@
 testCorrectBarPackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ae200..0000000
--- a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_root/package_resolve_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// @dart = 2.9
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'dart:isolate';
-final PACKAGE_URI = "package:foo/bar.dart";
-main([args, port]) async {
-  if (port != null) {
-    testPackageResolution(port);
-    return;
-  }
-  var p = new RawReceivePort();
-  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort,
-      automaticPackageResolution: true);
-  p.handler = (msg) {
-    p.close();
-    if (msg is! List) {
-      print(msg.runtimeType);
-      throw "Failure return from spawned isolate:\n\n$msg";
-    }
-    if (msg[0] != null) {
-      throw "Bad package root in child isolate: ${msg[0]}.\n"
-          "Expected: null";
-    }
-    if (msg[1] != null) {
-      throw "Package path not matching: ${msg[1]}\n"
-          "Expected: null";
-    }
-    print("SUCCESS");
-  };
-  print("Spawning isolate's package root: ${await Isolate.packageRoot}");
-testPackageResolution(port) async {
-  try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
-    var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
-    var packageRoot = await Isolate.packageRoot;
-    var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(PACKAGE_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
-    print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
-    print("Spawned isolate's loaded package root: $packageRoot");
-    print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
-    port.send([packageRoot?.toString(), resolvedPkg?.toString()]);
-  } catch (e, s) {
-    port.send("$e\n$s\n");
-  }
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
index 4e3cbbd..ccd9088 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test.dart
@@ -34,16 +34,13 @@
-  print("Spawning isolate's package root: ${await Isolate.packageRoot}");
 testPackageResolution(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(PACKAGE_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
index a17f089..ccc4856 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/bad_resolve_package/bad_resolve_package_test.dart
@@ -33,12 +33,10 @@
 testBadResolvePackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var badPackageUri = Uri.parse("package:asdf/qwerty.dart");
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(badPackageUri);
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
index 49ee784..03f1e0b 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_root/package_relative_root_test.dart
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:isolate';
-import "package:foo/foo.dart";
 import "package:bar/bar.dart";
+import "package:foo/foo.dart";
 var CONFIG_URI = "package:bar/spawned_packages/";
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
   var p = new RawReceivePort();
-  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort,
-      packageRoot: Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
+  Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort);
   p.handler = (msg) {
     if (msg is! List) {
@@ -47,11 +46,9 @@
 testCorrectBarPackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
index a4c96d6..c8c7ea6 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib_2/isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test.dart
@@ -47,11 +47,9 @@
 testCorrectBarPackage(port) async {
   try {
-    var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
     var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
     var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
     var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(CONFIG_URI));
-    print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
     print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
     print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index b2f9f59..67da428 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file