blob: 53003ad903251beddb1f37146772a7867bed42e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// These 10 should be OK.
class X {}
// They should also be OK in various places for instance:
typedef F<@abstract T> = int Function<@abstract X>(@abstract int);
typedef F<@foo.abstract T> = int Function<@foo.abstract X>(@foo.abstract int);
typedef F< T> = int Function< X>( int);
typedef F<@foo("hello") T> = int Function<@foo("hello") X>(@foo("hello") int);
typedef F<@foo.abstract("hello") T> = int Function<@foo.abstract("hello") X>(@foo.abstract("hello") int);
typedef F<"hello") T> = int Function<"hello") X>("hello") int);
typedef F<@foo<int>("hello") T> = int Function<@foo<int>("hello") X>(@foo<int>("hello") int);
typedef F<@foo<int>.abstract("hello") T> = int Function<@foo<int>.abstract("hello") X>(@foo<int>.abstract("hello") int);
typedef F<<int>("hello") T> = int Function<<int>("hello") X>(<int>("hello") int);
typedef F<<int>.abstract("hello") T> = int Function<<int>.abstract("hello") X>(<int>.abstract("hello") int);
// These 9 should fail because they start with a built in which is an
// identifier but not a typeIdentifier.
// We don't necessarily expect that parser to give the error though, the further
// pipeline will give an error because there's no class, variable etc with that
// name.
class Y {}