blob: 66641e2cc5a2febcc82d8949434ad7a12704aae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
part of view;
* Holds a number of child views. As you switch between views, the old
* view is pushed off to the side and the new view slides in from the other
* side.
class ConveyorView extends CompositeView {
// TODO(jmesserly): some places use this property to know when the slide
// transition is finished. It would be better to have an event that fires
// when we're done sliding
static const ANIMATE_SECONDS = 0.25;
View targetView;
// TODO(rnystrom): Should not be settable.
View selectedView;
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. Should use a real multicast event-like class.
// Or just have it depend on an Observable to select a view and indicate
// which view is selected? (e.g. the MVVM pattern)
Function viewSelected;
Timer animationTimer;
: animationTimer = null,
super('conveyor-view', true) {}
Element render() {
final result = super.render();
// TODO(rnystrom): Have to do this in render() because container doesn't
// exist before then. Hack. Should find a cleaner solution. One of:
// - Add a ctor param to CompositeView for container class name.
// - Make ConveyorView contain a CompositeView instead of subclass.
// - Add method to CompositeView to set class name.
container.attributes['class'] = 'conveyor-view-container';
return result;
void selectView(View targetView_, [bool animate = true]) {
selectedView = targetView_;
// Only animate if we're actually in the document now.
if (isRendered) {
void adjustOffset(bool animate) {
int index = getIndexOfSelectedView();
final durationSeconds = animate ? ANIMATE_SECONDS : 0.0;
final style =;
// TODO(jacobr): modify setTransitionDuration so the input is always
// specified in miliseconds rather than accepting a string.
style.transitionDuration = '${durationSeconds}s';
final xTranslationPercent = -index * 100;
style.transform = 'translate3d(${xTranslationPercent}%, 0px, 0px)';
if (animate) {
animationTimer = new Timer(
new Duration(milliseconds: ((durationSeconds * 1000).toInt())), () {
// TODO(mattsh), we should set the visibility to hide everything but the
// selected view.
int getIndexOfSelectedView() {
for (int i = 0; i < childViews.length; i++) {
if (childViews[i] == selectedView) {
return i;
throw "view not found";
* Adds a child view to the ConveyorView. The views are stacked horizontally
* in the order they are added.
View addChild(View view) {
view.transform = 'translate3d(${(childViews.length * 100)}%, 0, 0)';
return super.addChild(view);
void _onAnimationEnd() {
if (viewSelected != null) {