| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library kernel.ast_to_binary; |
| |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:developer'; |
| import 'dart:typed_data'; |
| |
| import '../ast.dart'; |
| import 'ast_from_binary.dart' show mergeCompilationModeOrThrow; |
| import 'tag.dart'; |
| |
| /// Writes to a binary file. |
| /// |
| /// A [BinaryPrinter] can be used to write one file and must then be |
| /// discarded. |
| class BinaryPrinter implements Visitor<void>, BinarySink { |
| VariableIndexer? _variableIndexer; |
| LabelIndexer? _labelIndexer; |
| SwitchCaseIndexer? _switchCaseIndexer; |
| TypeParameterIndexer _typeParameterIndexer = new TypeParameterIndexer(); |
| final StringIndexer stringIndexer; |
| final ConstantIndexer _constantIndexer; |
| final UriIndexer _sourceUriIndexer = new UriIndexer(); |
| bool _currentlyInNonimplementation = false; |
| final List<bool?> _sourcesFromRealImplementation = <bool?>[]; |
| final List<bool?> _sourcesUsedInLibrary = <bool?>[]; |
| Map<LibraryDependency, int> _libraryDependencyIndex = |
| <LibraryDependency, int>{}; |
| NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? compilationMode; |
| |
| List<_MetadataSubsection>? _metadataSubsections; |
| |
| final BufferedSink _mainSink; |
| final BufferedSink _metadataSink; |
| late BufferedSink _sink; |
| final bool includeSources; |
| final bool includeOffsets; |
| final LibraryFilter? libraryFilter; |
| |
| late List<int> libraryOffsets; |
| late List<int> classOffsets; |
| late List<int> procedureOffsets; |
| int _binaryOffsetForSourceTable = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForLinkTable = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForStringTable = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex = -1; |
| int _binaryOffsetForConstantTable = -1; |
| |
| late List<CanonicalName> _canonicalNameList; |
| bool _canonicalNameListDone = false; |
| Set<CanonicalName> _knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops = new Set<CanonicalName>(); |
| |
| Library? _currentLibrary; |
| |
| /// Create a printer that writes to the given [sink]. |
| /// |
| /// The BinaryPrinter will use its own buffer, so the [sink] does not need |
| /// one. |
| BinaryPrinter(Sink<List<int>> sink, |
| {this.libraryFilter, |
| StringIndexer? stringIndexer, |
| this.includeSources = true, |
| this.includeOffsets = true}) |
| : _mainSink = new BufferedSink(sink), |
| _metadataSink = new BufferedSink(new BytesSink()), |
| stringIndexer = stringIndexer ?? new StringIndexer(), |
| _constantIndexer = new ConstantIndexer() { |
| _sink = _mainSink; |
| } |
| |
| void _flush() { |
| _sink.flushAndDestroy(); |
| } |
| |
| int _getVariableIndex(VariableDeclaration variable) { |
| int? index = (_variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer())[variable]; |
| assert(index != null, "No index found for ${variable}"); |
| return index!; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeByte(int byte) { |
| assert((byte & 0xFF) == byte); |
| _sink.addByte(byte); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeBytes(List<int> bytes) { |
| _sink.addBytes(bytes); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| @pragma("vm:prefer-inline") |
| void writeUInt30(int value) { |
| assert(value >= 0 && value >> 30 == 0); |
| if (value < 0x80) { |
| _sink.addByte(value); |
| } else if (value < 0x4000) { |
| _sink.addByte2((value >> 8) | 0x80, value & 0xFF); |
| } else { |
| _sink.addByte4((value >> 24) | 0xC0, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, |
| (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeUInt32(int value) { |
| _sink.addByte4((value >> 24) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, |
| (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeByteList(List<int> bytes) { |
| writeUInt30(bytes.length); |
| writeBytes(bytes); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| int getBufferOffset() { |
| return _sink.offset; |
| } |
| |
| void writeStringTable(StringIndexer indexer) { |
| _binaryOffsetForStringTable = getBufferOffset(); |
| |
| // Containers for the WTF-8 encoded strings. |
| final List<Uint8List> data = <Uint8List>[]; |
| int totalLength = 0; |
| const int minLength = 1 << 16; |
| Uint8List? buffer; |
| int index = 0; |
| |
| // Write the end offsets. |
| writeUInt30(indexer.index.length); |
| for (String key in indexer.index.keys) { |
| if (key.isNotEmpty) { |
| int requiredMinLength = key.length; |
| int allocateMinLength = requiredMinLength * 3; |
| int newIndex; |
| while (true) { |
| if (buffer == null || index + requiredMinLength >= buffer.length) { |
| int newLength = minLength; |
| if (allocateMinLength > newLength) newLength = allocateMinLength; |
| if (buffer != null && index > 0) { |
| data.add(new Uint8List.view(buffer.buffer, 0, index)); |
| } |
| index = 0; |
| buffer = new Uint8List(newLength); |
| } |
| newIndex = _writeWtf8(buffer, index, key); |
| if (newIndex != -1) break; |
| requiredMinLength = allocateMinLength; |
| } |
| assert(newIndex >= 0); |
| totalLength += newIndex - index; |
| index = newIndex; |
| } |
| writeUInt30(totalLength); |
| } |
| if (buffer != null && index > 0) { |
| data.add(Uint8List.view(buffer.buffer, 0, index)); |
| } |
| |
| // Write the WTF-8 encoded strings. |
| for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { |
| writeBytes(data[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeStringReference(String string) { |
| writeUInt30(stringIndexer.put(string)); |
| } |
| |
| void writeStringReferenceList(List<String> strings) { |
| writeList(strings, writeStringReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeConstantReference(Constant constant) { |
| writeUInt30(_constantIndexer.put(constant)); |
| } |
| |
| void writeConstantTable() { |
| _binaryOffsetForConstantTable = getBufferOffset(); |
| |
| writeUInt30(_constantIndexer.entries.length); |
| assert(_constantIndexer.entries.length == _constantIndexer.offsets.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < _constantIndexer.entries.length; i++) { |
| final Constant entry = _constantIndexer.entries[i]; |
| _constantIndexer.offsets[i] = |
| getBufferOffset() - _binaryOffsetForConstantTable; |
| writeConstantTableEntry(entry); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeConstantTableIndex() { |
| _binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex = getBufferOffset(); |
| assert(identical(_sink, _mainSink)); |
| assert(_constantIndexer.entries.length == _constantIndexer.offsets.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < _constantIndexer.offsets.length; i++) { |
| final int relativeOffset = _constantIndexer.offsets[i]; |
| assert(relativeOffset >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(relativeOffset); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(_constantIndexer.entries.length); |
| } |
| |
| void writeConstantTableEntry(Constant constant) { |
| TypeParameterIndexer oldTypeParameterIndexer = _typeParameterIndexer; |
| _typeParameterIndexer = new TypeParameterIndexer(); |
| if (constant is NullConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.NullConstant); |
| } else if (constant is BoolConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.BoolConstant); |
| writeByte(constant.value ? 1 : 0); |
| } else if (constant is IntConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.IntConstant); |
| writeInteger(constant.value); |
| } else if (constant is DoubleConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.DoubleConstant); |
| writeDouble(constant.value); |
| } else if (constant is StringConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.StringConstant); |
| writeStringReference(constant.value); |
| } else if (constant is SymbolConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.SymbolConstant); |
| writeNullAllowedReference(constant.libraryReference); |
| writeStringReference(constant.name); |
| } else if (constant is MapConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.MapConstant); |
| writeDartType(constant.keyType); |
| writeDartType(constant.valueType); |
| writeUInt30(constant.entries.length); |
| for (final ConstantMapEntry entry in constant.entries) { |
| writeConstantReference(entry.key); |
| writeConstantReference(entry.value); |
| } |
| } else if (constant is ListConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.ListConstant); |
| writeDartType(constant.typeArgument); |
| writeUInt30(constant.entries.length); |
| constant.entries.forEach(writeConstantReference); |
| } else if (constant is SetConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.SetConstant); |
| writeDartType(constant.typeArgument); |
| writeUInt30(constant.entries.length); |
| constant.entries.forEach(writeConstantReference); |
| } else if (constant is InstanceConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.InstanceConstant); |
| writeClassReference(constant.classNode); |
| writeUInt30(constant.typeArguments.length); |
| constant.typeArguments.forEach(writeDartType); |
| writeUInt30(constant.fieldValues.length); |
| constant.fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Constant value) { |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(fieldRef.canonicalName!); |
| writeConstantReference(value); |
| }); |
| } else if (constant is InstantiationConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.InstantiationConstant); |
| writeConstantReference(constant.tearOffConstant); |
| final int length = constant.types.length; |
| writeUInt30(length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
| writeDartType(constant.types[i]); |
| } |
| } else if (constant is StaticTearOffConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.StaticTearOffConstant); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference( |
| constant.targetReference.canonicalName!); |
| } else if (constant is ConstructorTearOffConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.ConstructorTearOffConstant); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference( |
| constant.targetReference.canonicalName!); |
| } else if (constant is RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference( |
| constant.targetReference.canonicalName!); |
| } else if (constant is TypeLiteralConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.TypeLiteralConstant); |
| writeDartType(constant.type); |
| } else if (constant is UnevaluatedConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.UnevaluatedConstant); |
| writeNode(constant.expression); |
| } else if (constant is TypedefTearOffConstant) { |
| writeByte(ConstantTag.TypedefTearOffConstant); |
| enterScope(typeParameters: constant.parameters); |
| writeNodeList(constant.parameters); |
| writeConstantReference(constant.tearOffConstant); |
| final int length = constant.types.length; |
| writeUInt30(length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
| writeDartType(constant.types[i]); |
| } |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: constant.parameters); |
| } else { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Unsupported constant $constant'); |
| } |
| _typeParameterIndexer = oldTypeParameterIndexer; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeDartType(DartType type) { |
| type.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the new active file uri. |
| void writeUriReference(Uri uri) { |
| final int index = _sourceUriIndexer.put(uri); |
| writeUInt30(index); |
| if (!_currentlyInNonimplementation) { |
| if (_sourcesFromRealImplementation.length <= index) { |
| _sourcesFromRealImplementation.length = index + 1; |
| } |
| _sourcesFromRealImplementation[index] = true; |
| } |
| if (_sourcesUsedInLibrary.length <= index) { |
| _sourcesUsedInLibrary.length = index + 1; |
| } |
| _sourcesUsedInLibrary[index] = true; |
| } |
| |
| void writeList<T>(List<T> items, void writeItem(T x)) { |
| writeUInt30(items.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { |
| writeItem(items[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeNodeList(List<Node> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Node node = nodes[i]; |
| writeNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeProcedureNodeList(List<Procedure> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Procedure node = nodes[i]; |
| writeProcedureNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeFieldNodeList(List<Field> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Field node = nodes[i]; |
| writeFieldNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeClassNodeList(List<Class> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Class node = nodes[i]; |
| writeClassNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeExtensionNodeList(List<Extension> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Extension node = nodes[i]; |
| writeExtensionNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeConstructorNodeList(List<Constructor> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Constructor node = nodes[i]; |
| writeConstructorNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeRedirectingFactoryNodeList(List<RedirectingFactory> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final RedirectingFactory node = nodes[i]; |
| writeRedirectingFactoryNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeSwitchCaseNodeList(List<SwitchCase> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final SwitchCase node = nodes[i]; |
| writeSwitchCaseNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeCatchNodeList(List<Catch> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Catch node = nodes[i]; |
| writeCatchNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeTypedefNodeList(List<Typedef> nodes) { |
| final int len = nodes.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Typedef node = nodes[i]; |
| writeTypedefNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeNode(Node node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeArgumentsNode(Arguments node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryNode(Library node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeProcedureNode(Procedure node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeFieldNode(Field node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeClassNode(Class node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeExtensionNode(Extension node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeConstructorNode(Constructor node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeRedirectingFactoryNode(RedirectingFactory node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeSwitchCaseNode(SwitchCase node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeCatchNode(Catch node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeTypedefNode(Typedef node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void writeOptionalNode(Node? node) { |
| if (node == null) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Nothing); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.Something); |
| writeNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeLinkTable(Component component) { |
| _binaryOffsetForLinkTable = getBufferOffset(); |
| writeList(_canonicalNameList, writeCanonicalNameEntry); |
| _canonicalNameListDone = true; |
| } |
| |
| void indexLinkTable(Component component) { |
| _canonicalNameList = <CanonicalName>[]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < component.libraries.length; ++i) { |
| Library library = component.libraries[i]; |
| if (libraryFilter == null || libraryFilter!(library)) { |
| _indexLinkTableInternal(library.reference.canonicalName!); |
| _knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.add(library.reference.canonicalName!); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _indexLinkTableInternal(CanonicalName node) { |
| node.index = _canonicalNameList.length; |
| assert(!_canonicalNameListDone); |
| _canonicalNameList.add(node); |
| Iterable<CanonicalName>? children = node.childrenOrNull; |
| if (children != null) { |
| for (CanonicalName child in children) { |
| _indexLinkTableInternal(child); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Compute canonical names for the whole component or parts of it. |
| void computeCanonicalNames(Component component) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < component.libraries.length; ++i) { |
| Library library = component.libraries[i]; |
| if (libraryFilter == null || libraryFilter!(library)) { |
| component.computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(library); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeCanonicalNameEntry(CanonicalName node) { |
| assert(node.isConsistent, node.getInconsistency()); |
| CanonicalName parent = node.parent!; |
| if (parent.isRoot) { |
| writeUInt30(0); |
| } else { |
| writeUInt30(parent.index + 1); |
| } |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| } |
| |
| void writeComponentFile(Component component) { |
| Timeline.timeSync("BinaryPrinter.writeComponentFile", () { |
| compilationMode = component.mode; |
| computeCanonicalNames(component); |
| final int componentOffset = getBufferOffset(); |
| writeUInt32(Tag.ComponentFile); |
| writeUInt32(Tag.BinaryFormatVersion); |
| writeBytes(ascii.encode(expectedSdkHash)); |
| writeListOfStrings(component.problemsAsJson); |
| indexLinkTable(component); |
| _collectMetadata(component); |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadataImpl(component, componentOffset); |
| } |
| libraryOffsets = <int>[]; |
| Procedure? mainMethod = component.mainMethod; |
| if (mainMethod != null) { |
| checkCanonicalName(getCanonicalNameOfMemberGetter(mainMethod)); |
| } |
| writeLibraries(component); |
| writeUriToSource(component.uriToSource); |
| // Writing constants can add both strings and canonical names. |
| writeConstantTable(); |
| writeConstantTableIndex(); |
| // Writing canonical names can add strings. |
| writeLinkTable(component); |
| // Writing metadata sections can add strings. |
| _writeMetadataSection(component); |
| writeStringTable(stringIndexer); |
| List<Library> libraries = component.libraries; |
| if (libraryFilter != null) { |
| List<Library> librariesNew = <Library>[]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { |
| Library library = libraries[i]; |
| if (libraryFilter!(library)) librariesNew.add(library); |
| } |
| libraries = librariesNew; |
| } |
| writeComponentIndex(component, libraries); |
| |
| _flush(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void writeListOfStrings(List<String>? strings) { |
| writeUInt30(strings?.length ?? 0); |
| if (strings != null) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { |
| String s = strings[i]; |
| outputStringViaBuffer(s, new Uint8List(s.length * 3)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Collect metadata repositories associated with the component. |
| void _collectMetadata(Component component) { |
| if (component.metadata.isNotEmpty) { |
| // Component might be loaded lazily - meaning that we can't |
| // just skip empty repositories here, they might be populated by |
| // the serialization process. Instead we will filter empty repositories |
| // later before writing the section out. |
| _metadataSubsections = component.metadata.values |
| .map((MetadataRepository repository) => |
| new _MetadataSubsection(repository)) |
| .toList(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Writes metadata associated with the given [Node]. |
| void _writeNodeMetadata(Node node) { |
| _writeNodeMetadataImpl(node, getBufferOffset()); |
| } |
| |
| void _writeNodeMetadataImpl(Node node, int nodeOffset) { |
| for (_MetadataSubsection subsection in _metadataSubsections!) { |
| final MetadataRepository<Object?> repository = subsection.repository; |
| final Object? value = repository.mapping[node]; |
| if (value == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| if (!MetadataRepository.isSupported(node)) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| "Nodes of type ${node.runtimeType} can't have metadata."); |
| } |
| |
| if (!identical(_sink, _mainSink)) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| "Node written into metadata can't have metadata " |
| "(metadata: ${repository.tag}, node: ${node.runtimeType} $node)"); |
| } |
| |
| _sink = _metadataSink; |
| subsection.metadataMapping.add(nodeOffset); |
| subsection.metadataMapping.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| repository.writeToBinary(value, node, this); |
| _sink = _mainSink; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void enterScope( |
| {List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters, |
| bool memberScope: false, |
| bool variableScope: false}) { |
| if (typeParameters != null) { |
| _typeParameterIndexer.enter(typeParameters); |
| } |
| if (memberScope) { |
| _variableIndexer = null; |
| } |
| if (variableScope) { |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| _variableIndexer!.pushScope(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void leaveScope( |
| {List<TypeParameter>? typeParameters, |
| bool memberScope: false, |
| bool variableScope: false}) { |
| if (variableScope) { |
| _variableIndexer!.popScope(); |
| } |
| if (memberScope) { |
| _variableIndexer = null; |
| } |
| if (typeParameters != null) { |
| _typeParameterIndexer.exit(typeParameters); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _writeMetadataSection(Component component) { |
| // Make sure metadata payloads section is 8-byte aligned, |
| // so certain kinds of metadata can contain aligned data. |
| const int metadataPayloadsAlignment = 8; |
| int padding = ((getBufferOffset() + metadataPayloadsAlignment - 1) & |
| -metadataPayloadsAlignment) - |
| getBufferOffset(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) { |
| writeByte(0); |
| } |
| |
| _binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads = getBufferOffset(); |
| _metadataSubsections |
| ?.removeWhere((_MetadataSubsection s) => s.metadataMapping.isEmpty); |
| |
| if (_metadataSubsections == null || _metadataSubsections!.isEmpty) { |
| _binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings = getBufferOffset(); |
| writeUInt32(0); // Empty section. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| assert(identical(_sink, _mainSink)); |
| _metadataSink.flushAndDestroy(); |
| writeBytes((_metadataSink._sink as BytesSink).builder.takeBytes()); |
| |
| // RList<MetadataMapping> metadataMappings |
| _binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings = getBufferOffset(); |
| for (_MetadataSubsection subsection in _metadataSubsections!) { |
| // UInt32 tag |
| writeUInt32(stringIndexer.put(subsection.repository.tag)); |
| |
| // RList<Pair<UInt32, UInt32>> nodeOffsetToMetadataOffset |
| final int mappingLength = subsection.metadataMapping.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < mappingLength; i += 2) { |
| writeUInt32(subsection.metadataMapping[i]); // node offset |
| writeUInt32(subsection.metadataMapping[i + 1]); // metadata offset |
| } |
| writeUInt32(mappingLength ~/ 2); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(_metadataSubsections!.length); |
| } |
| |
| /// Write all of some of the libraries of the [component]. |
| void writeLibraries(Component component) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < component.libraries.length; ++i) { |
| Library library = component.libraries[i]; |
| if (libraryFilter == null || libraryFilter!(library)) { |
| writeLibraryNode(library); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeComponentIndex(Component component, List<Library> libraries) { |
| // It is allowed to concatenate several kernel binaries to create a |
| // multi-component kernel file. In order to maintain alignment of |
| // metadata sections within kernel binaries after concatenation, |
| // size of each kernel binary should be aligned. |
| // Component index is located at the end of a kernel binary, so padding |
| // is added before component index. |
| const int kernelFileAlignment = 8; |
| |
| // Keep this in sync with number of writeUInt32 below. |
| int numComponentIndexEntries = 10 + libraryOffsets.length + 3; |
| int componentIndexOffset = getBufferOffset(); |
| |
| int unalignedSize = componentIndexOffset + numComponentIndexEntries * 4; |
| int padding = |
| ((unalignedSize + kernelFileAlignment - 1) & -kernelFileAlignment) - |
| unalignedSize; |
| for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) { |
| writeByte(0); |
| } |
| |
| // Fixed-size ints at the end used as an index. |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForSourceTable >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForSourceTable); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForConstantTable >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForConstantTable); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForLinkTable >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForLinkTable); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings); |
| assert(_binaryOffsetForStringTable >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForStringTable); |
| assert(componentIndexOffset >= 0); |
| writeUInt32(componentIndexOffset); |
| |
| Procedure? mainMethod = component.mainMethod; |
| if (mainMethod == null) { |
| writeUInt32(0); |
| } else { |
| CanonicalName main = getCanonicalNameOfMemberGetter(mainMethod); |
| writeUInt32(main.index + 1); |
| } |
| assert(component.modeRaw != null, "Component mode not set."); |
| writeUInt32(component.mode.index); |
| |
| assert(libraryOffsets.length == libraries.length); |
| for (int offset in libraryOffsets) { |
| writeUInt32(offset); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(_binaryOffsetForSourceTable); // end of last library. |
| writeUInt32(libraries.length); |
| |
| writeUInt32(getBufferOffset() + 4); // total size. |
| } |
| |
| void writeUriToSource(Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource) { |
| _binaryOffsetForSourceTable = getBufferOffset(); |
| |
| int length = _sourceUriIndexer.index.length; |
| writeUInt32(length); |
| List<int> index = new List<int>.filled( |
| length, |
| // Dummy element value. |
| -1); |
| |
| // Write data. |
| int i = 0; |
| Uint8List buffer = new Uint8List(1 << 16); |
| for (Uri uri in _sourceUriIndexer.index.keys) { |
| index[i] = getBufferOffset(); |
| Source? source = uriToSource[uri]; |
| if (source == null || |
| !(includeSources && |
| _sourcesFromRealImplementation.length > i && |
| _sourcesFromRealImplementation[i] == true)) { |
| source = new Source( |
| <int>[], const <int>[], source?.importUri, source?.fileUri); |
| } |
| |
| String uriAsString = "$uri"; |
| outputStringViaBuffer(uriAsString, buffer); |
| |
| writeByteList(source.source); |
| |
| { |
| List<int> lineStarts = source.lineStarts!; |
| writeUInt30(lineStarts.length); |
| int previousLineStart = 0; |
| for (int j = 0; j < lineStarts.length; ++j) { |
| int lineStart = lineStarts[j]; |
| writeUInt30(lineStart - previousLineStart); |
| previousLineStart = lineStart; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String importUriAsString = |
| source.importUri == null ? "" : "${source.importUri}"; |
| outputStringViaBuffer(importUriAsString, buffer); |
| |
| { |
| Set<Reference>? coverage = source.constantCoverageConstructors; |
| if (coverage == null || coverage.isEmpty) { |
| writeUInt30(0); |
| } else { |
| writeUInt30(coverage.length); |
| for (Reference reference in coverage) { |
| writeNonNullReference(reference); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| i++; |
| } |
| |
| // Write index for random access. |
| for (int i = 0; i < index.length; ++i) { |
| writeUInt32(index[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void outputStringViaBuffer(String s, Uint8List buffer) { |
| int length = _writeWtf8(buffer, 0, s); |
| if (length >= 0) { |
| writeUInt30(length); |
| for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { |
| writeByte(buffer[j]); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Uncommon case with very long url. |
| outputStringViaBuffer(s, new Uint8List(s.length * 3)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryDependencyReference(LibraryDependency node) { |
| int? index = _libraryDependencyIndex[node]; |
| if (index == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Reference to library dependency $node out of scope'); |
| } |
| writeUInt30(index); |
| } |
| |
| void writeNullAllowedInstanceMemberReference(Reference? reference) { |
| writeNullAllowedReference(reference); |
| writeNullAllowedReference( |
| getMemberReferenceGetter(reference?.asMember.memberSignatureOrigin)); |
| } |
| |
| void writeNullAllowedReference(Reference? reference) { |
| if (reference == null) { |
| writeUInt30(0); |
| } else { |
| assert(reference.isConsistent, reference.getInconsistency()); |
| CanonicalName? name = reference.canonicalName; |
| if (name == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $reference'); |
| } |
| checkCanonicalName(name); |
| writeUInt30(name.index + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(Reference reference) { |
| writeNonNullReference(reference); |
| writeNullAllowedReference( |
| getMemberReferenceGetter(reference.asMember.memberSignatureOrigin)); |
| } |
| |
| void writeNonNullReference(Reference reference) { |
| // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison |
| if (reference == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Got null reference'); |
| } else { |
| assert(reference.isConsistent, reference.getInconsistency()); |
| CanonicalName? name = reference.canonicalName; |
| if (name == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $reference'); |
| } |
| checkCanonicalName(name); |
| writeUInt30(name.index + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void checkCanonicalName(CanonicalName node) { |
| if (_knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.contains(node.nonRootTop)) return; |
| if (node.isRoot) return; |
| if (node.index >= 0 && node.index < _canonicalNameList.length) { |
| CanonicalName claim = _canonicalNameList[node.index]; |
| if (node == claim) { |
| // Already has the claimed index. |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| checkCanonicalName(node.parent!); |
| node.index = _canonicalNameList.length; |
| assert(!_canonicalNameListDone); |
| _canonicalNameList.add(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(CanonicalName? name) { |
| if (name == null) { |
| writeUInt30(0); |
| } else { |
| checkCanonicalName(name); |
| writeUInt30(name.index + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(CanonicalName name) { |
| // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison |
| if (name == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Expected a canonical name to be valid but was `null`.'); |
| } else { |
| checkCanonicalName(name); |
| writeUInt30(name.index + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryReference(Library node, {bool allowNull: false}) { |
| if (node.reference.canonicalName == null && !allowNull) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Expected a library reference to be valid but was `null`.'); |
| } |
| writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(node.reference.canonicalName); |
| } |
| |
| void writeOffset(int offset) { |
| // TODO(jensj): Delta-encoding. |
| // File offset ranges from -1 and up, |
| // but is here saved as unsigned (thus the +1) |
| if (!includeOffsets) { |
| writeUInt30(0); |
| } else { |
| writeUInt30(offset + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeClassReference(Class class_) { |
| // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison |
| if (class_ == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Expected a class reference to be valid but was `null`.'); |
| } |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfClass(class_)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void writeName(Name node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| writeStringReference(node.text); |
| // TODO: Consider a more compressed format for private names within the |
| // enclosing library. |
| if (node.isPrivate) { |
| writeLibraryReference(node.library!); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool insideExternalLibrary = false; |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLibrary(Library node) { |
| _currentLibrary = node; |
| |
| libraryOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| |
| assert( |
| mergeCompilationModeOrThrow( |
| compilationMode, node.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode) == |
| compilationMode, |
| "Cannot have ${node.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode} " |
| "in component with mode $compilationMode"); |
| |
| writeUInt30(node.languageVersion.major); |
| writeUInt30(node.languageVersion.minor); |
| |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfLibrary(node)); |
| writeStringReference(node.name ?? ''); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeListOfStrings(node.problemsAsJson); |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeLibraryDependencies(node); |
| writeAdditionalExports(node.additionalExports); |
| writeLibraryParts(node); |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| |
| writeTypedefNodeList(node.typedefs); |
| classOffsets = <int>[]; |
| writeClassNodeList(node.classes); |
| classOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| writeExtensionNodeList(node.extensions); |
| writeFieldNodeList(node.fields); |
| procedureOffsets = <int>[]; |
| writeProcedureNodeList(node.procedures); |
| procedureOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| |
| // Dump all source-references used in this library; used by the VM. |
| int sourceReferencesOffset = getBufferOffset(); |
| int sourceReferencesCount = 0; |
| // Note: We start at 1 because 0 is the null-entry and we don't want to |
| // include that. |
| for (int i = 1; i < _sourcesUsedInLibrary.length; i++) { |
| if (_sourcesUsedInLibrary[i] == true) { |
| sourceReferencesCount++; |
| } |
| } |
| writeUInt30(sourceReferencesCount); |
| for (int i = 1; i < _sourcesUsedInLibrary.length; i++) { |
| if (_sourcesUsedInLibrary[i] == true) { |
| writeUInt30(i); |
| _sourcesUsedInLibrary[i] = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Fixed-size ints at the end used as an index. |
| writeUInt32(sourceReferencesOffset); |
| assert(classOffsets.length > 0); |
| for (int i = 0; i < classOffsets.length; ++i) { |
| int offset = classOffsets[i]; |
| writeUInt32(offset); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(classOffsets.length - 1); |
| |
| assert(procedureOffsets.length > 0); |
| for (int i = 0; i < procedureOffsets.length; ++i) { |
| int offset = procedureOffsets[i]; |
| writeUInt32(offset); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(procedureOffsets.length - 1); |
| |
| _currentLibrary = null; |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryDependencies(Library library) { |
| _libraryDependencyIndex = library.dependencies.isEmpty |
| ? const <LibraryDependency, int>{} |
| : <LibraryDependency, int>{}; |
| writeUInt30(library.dependencies.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < library.dependencies.length; ++i) { |
| LibraryDependency importNode = library.dependencies[i]; |
| _libraryDependencyIndex[importNode] = i; |
| writeLibraryDependency(importNode); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeAdditionalExports(List<Reference> additionalExports) { |
| writeUInt30(additionalExports.length); |
| for (Reference ref in additionalExports) { |
| writeNonNullReference(ref); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryDependency(LibraryDependency node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeLibraryReference(node.targetLibrary, allowNull: true); |
| writeStringReference(node.name ?? ''); |
| writeNodeList(node.combinators); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitCombinator(Combinator node) { |
| writeByte(node.isShow ? 1 : 0); |
| writeStringReferenceList(node.names); |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryParts(Library library) { |
| writeUInt30(library.parts.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < library.parts.length; ++i) { |
| LibraryPart partNode = library.parts[i]; |
| writeLibraryPart(partNode); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void writeLibraryPart(LibraryPart node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeStringReference(node.partUri); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedef(Typedef node) { |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfTypedef(node)); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters, variableScope: true); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeNode(node.type!); |
| |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParametersOfFunctionType); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParametersOfFunctionType); |
| writeVariableDeclarationList(node.positionalParameters); |
| writeVariableDeclarationList(node.namedParameters); |
| |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParametersOfFunctionType); |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters, variableScope: true); |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| } |
| |
| void writeAnnotation(Expression annotation) { |
| writeNode(annotation); |
| } |
| |
| void writeAnnotationList(List<Expression> annotations) { |
| final int len = annotations.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final Expression annotation = annotations[i]; |
| writeAnnotation(annotation); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitClass(Class node) { |
| classOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| |
| if (node.isAnonymousMixin) _currentlyInNonimplementation = true; |
| |
| if (node.reference.canonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| writeByte(Tag.Class); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfClass(node)); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.startFileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.supertype); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.mixedInType); |
| writeNodeList(node.implementedTypes); |
| writeFieldNodeList(node.fields); |
| writeConstructorNodeList(node.constructors); |
| procedureOffsets = <int>[]; |
| writeProcedureNodeList(node.procedures); |
| procedureOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| writeRedirectingFactoryNodeList(node.redirectingFactories); |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| |
| assert(procedureOffsets.length > 0); |
| for (int i = 0; i < procedureOffsets.length; ++i) { |
| int offset = procedureOffsets[i]; |
| writeUInt32(offset); |
| } |
| writeUInt32(procedureOffsets.length - 1); |
| _currentlyInNonimplementation = false; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructor(Constructor node) { |
| if (node.reference.canonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeByte(Tag.Constructor); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfMemberGetter(node)); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.startFileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| assert(node.function.typeParameters.isEmpty); |
| writeFunctionNode(node.function); |
| // Parameters are in scope in the initializers. |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| _variableIndexer!.restoreScope(node.function.positionalParameters.length + |
| node.function.namedParameters.length); |
| writeNodeList(node.initializers); |
| |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitProcedure(Procedure node) { |
| assert(!(node.isMemberSignature && node.stubTargetReference == null), |
| "No member signature origin for member signature $node."); |
| assert( |
| !(node.abstractForwardingStubTarget is Procedure && |
| (node.abstractForwardingStubTarget as Procedure).isMemberSignature), |
| "Forwarding stub interface target is member signature: $node."); |
| assert( |
| !(node.concreteForwardingStubTarget is Procedure && |
| (node.concreteForwardingStubTarget as Procedure).isMemberSignature), |
| "Forwarding stub super target is member signature: $node."); |
| |
| procedureOffsets.add(getBufferOffset()); |
| |
| CanonicalName? canonicalName = node.reference.canonicalName; |
| if (canonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| String? orphancy = node.reference.getOrphancyDescription(node); |
| if (orphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Trying to serialize orphaned procedure reference.\n' |
| 'Orphaned procedure ${node} (${node.runtimeType}:${node.hashCode})\n' |
| '${orphancy}'); |
| } |
| orphancy = canonicalName.getOrphancyDescription(node, node.reference); |
| if (orphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Trying to serialize orphaned procedure canonical name.\n' |
| 'Orphaned procedure ${node} (${node.runtimeType}:${node.hashCode})\n' |
| '${orphancy}'); |
| } |
| |
| final bool currentlyInNonimplementationSaved = |
| _currentlyInNonimplementation; |
| if (node.isNoSuchMethodForwarder || node.isSyntheticForwarder) { |
| _currentlyInNonimplementation = true; |
| } |
| |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeByte(Tag.Procedure); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfMemberGetter(node)); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.startFileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeByte(node.stubKind.index); |
| writeUInt30(node.flags); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeNullAllowedReference(node.stubTargetReference); |
| writeFunctionNode(node.function); |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| |
| _currentlyInNonimplementation = currentlyInNonimplementationSaved; |
| assert( |
| (node.concreteForwardingStubTarget != null) || |
| !(node.isForwardingStub && node.function.body != null), |
| "Invalid forwarding stub $node."); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitField(Field node) { |
| CanonicalName? getterCanonicalName = node.getterReference.canonicalName; |
| if (getterCanonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| String? getterOrphancy = node.getterReference.getOrphancyDescription(node); |
| if (getterOrphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Trying to serialize orphaned getter reference.\n' |
| '${getterOrphancy}'); |
| } |
| getterOrphancy = |
| getterCanonicalName.getOrphancyDescription(node, node.getterReference); |
| if (getterOrphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Trying to serialize orphaned getter canonical name.\n' |
| '(${node.runtimeType}:${node.hashCode})\n' |
| '${getterOrphancy}'); |
| } |
| |
| CanonicalName? setterCanonicalName; |
| if (node.hasSetter) { |
| Reference setterReference = node.setterReference!; |
| setterCanonicalName = setterReference.canonicalName; |
| if (setterCanonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| String? setterOrphancy = setterReference.getOrphancyDescription(node); |
| if (setterOrphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Trying to serialize orphaned setter reference.\n' |
| '${setterOrphancy}'); |
| } |
| setterOrphancy = |
| setterCanonicalName.getOrphancyDescription(node, setterReference); |
| if (setterOrphancy != null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError( |
| 'Trying to serialize orphaned setter canonical name.\n' |
| '${setterOrphancy}'); |
| } |
| } |
| enterScope(memberScope: true); |
| writeByte(Tag.Field); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getterCanonicalName); |
| writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(setterCanonicalName); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| writeUInt30(node.flags); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.initializer); |
| leaveScope(memberScope: true); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingFactory(RedirectingFactory node) { |
| if (node.reference.canonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| writeByte(Tag.RedirectingFactory); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfMemberGetter(node)); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference!); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| writeFunctionNode(node.function); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInvalidInitializer(InvalidInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InvalidInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FieldInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.fieldReference); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SuperInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingInitializer(RedirectingInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.RedirectingInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLocalInitializer(LocalInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.LocalInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node.variable); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.AssertInitializer); |
| writeByte(node.isSynthetic ? 1 : 0); |
| writeNode(node.statement); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionNode); |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters, variableScope: true); |
| LabelIndexer? oldLabels = _labelIndexer; |
| _labelIndexer = null; |
| SwitchCaseIndexer? oldCases = _switchCaseIndexer; |
| _switchCaseIndexer = null; |
| // Note: FunctionNode has no tag. |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| writeByte(node.asyncMarker.index); |
| writeByte(node.dartAsyncMarker.index); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeUInt30(node.positionalParameters.length + node.namedParameters.length); |
| writeUInt30(node.requiredParameterCount); |
| writeVariableDeclarationList(node.positionalParameters); |
| writeVariableDeclarationList(node.namedParameters); |
| writeNode(node.returnType); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.futureValueType); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.body); |
| _labelIndexer = oldLabels; |
| _switchCaseIndexer = oldCases; |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters, variableScope: true); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InvalidExpression); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeStringReference(node.message ?? ''); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) { |
| int index = _getVariableIndex(node.variable); |
| if (index & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask == index && |
| node.promotedType == null) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SpecializedVariableGet + index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(node.variable.binaryOffsetNoTag); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.VariableGet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(node.variable.binaryOffsetNoTag); |
| writeUInt30(index); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.promotedType); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) { |
| int index = _getVariableIndex(node.variable); |
| if (index & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask == index) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SpecializedVariableSet + index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(node.variable.binaryOffsetNoTag); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.VariableSet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(node.variable.binaryOffsetNoTag); |
| writeUInt30(index); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDynamicGet(DynamicGet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DynamicGet); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceGet(InstanceGet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceGet); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeDartType(node.resultType); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceTearOff(InstanceTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceTearOff); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeDartType(node.resultType); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDynamicSet(DynamicSet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DynamicSet); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceSet(InstanceSet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceSet); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SuperPropertyGet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeNullAllowedInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SuperPropertySet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| writeNullAllowedInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.StaticGet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorTearOff(ConstructorTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ConstructorTearOff); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingFactoryTearOff(RedirectingFactoryTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.RedirectingFactoryTearOff); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedefTearOff(TypedefTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TypedefTearOff); |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticTearOff(StaticTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.StaticTearOff); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.StaticSet); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDynamicInvocation(DynamicInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DynamicInvocation); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitEqualsCall(EqualsCall node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.EqualsCall); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.left); |
| writeNode(node.right); |
| writeDartType(node.functionType); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitEqualsNull(EqualsNull node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.EqualsNull); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionInvocation(FunctionInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionInvocation); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| // `const DynamicType()` is used to encode a missing function type. |
| writeDartType(node.functionType ?? const DynamicType()); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceInvocation(InstanceInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceInvocation); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| writeDartType(node.functionType); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceGetterInvocation(InstanceGetterInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceGetterInvocation); |
| writeByte(node.kind.index); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| // `const DynamicType()` is used to encode a missing function type. |
| writeDartType(node.functionType ?? const DynamicType()); |
| writeNonNullInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLocalFunctionInvocation(LocalFunctionInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.LocalFunctionInvocation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| int index = _getVariableIndex(node.variable); |
| writeUInt30(node.variable.binaryOffsetNoTag); |
| writeUInt30(index); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| writeDartType(node.functionType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SuperMethodInvocation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeName(node.name); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| writeNullAllowedInstanceMemberReference(node.interfaceTargetReference); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(node.isConst ? Tag.ConstStaticInvocation : Tag.StaticInvocation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) { |
| writeByte(node.isConst |
| ? Tag.ConstConstructorInvocation |
| : Tag.ConstructorInvocation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.targetReference); |
| writeArgumentsNode(node.arguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitArguments(Arguments node) { |
| writeUInt30(node.positional.length + node.named.length); |
| writeNodeList(node.types); |
| writeNodeList(node.positional); |
| writeNodeList(node.named); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) { |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNot(Not node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Not); |
| writeNode(node.operand); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullCheck(NullCheck node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.NullCheck); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.operand); |
| } |
| |
| int logicalOperatorIndex(LogicalExpressionOperator operator) { |
| switch (operator) { |
| case LogicalExpressionOperator.AND: |
| return 0; |
| case LogicalExpressionOperator.OR: |
| return 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.LogicalExpression); |
| writeNode(node.left); |
| writeByte(logicalOperatorIndex(node.operatorEnum)); |
| writeNode(node.right); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ConditionalExpression); |
| writeNode(node.condition); |
| writeNode(node.then); |
| writeNode(node.otherwise); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.staticType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.StringConcatenation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNodeList(node.expressions); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitListConcatenation(ListConcatenation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ListConcatenation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.typeArgument); |
| writeNodeList(node.lists); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSetConcatenation(SetConcatenation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SetConcatenation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.typeArgument); |
| writeNodeList(node.sets); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapConcatenation(MapConcatenation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.MapConcatenation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.keyType); |
| writeNode(node.valueType); |
| writeNodeList(node.maps); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceCreation(InstanceCreation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InstanceCreation); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.classReference); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| writeUInt30(node.fieldValues.length); |
| node.fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Expression value) { |
| writeNonNullReference(fieldRef); |
| writeNode(value); |
| }); |
| writeNodeList(node.asserts); |
| writeNodeList(node.unusedArguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFileUriExpression(FileUriExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FileUriExpression); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.IsExpression); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeNode(node.operand); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.AsExpression); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeNode(node.operand); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.StringLiteral); |
| writeStringReference(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node) { |
| writeInteger(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| void writeInteger(int value) { |
| int biasedValue = value + Tag.SpecializedIntLiteralBias; |
| if (biasedValue >= 0 && |
| biasedValue & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask == biasedValue) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SpecializedIntLiteral + biasedValue); |
| } else if (value.abs() >> 30 == 0) { |
| if (value < 0) { |
| writeByte(Tag.NegativeIntLiteral); |
| writeUInt30(-value); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.PositiveIntLiteral); |
| writeUInt30(value); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // TODO: Pick a better format for big int literals. |
| writeByte(Tag.BigIntLiteral); |
| writeStringReference('$value'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DoubleLiteral); |
| writeDouble(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| void writeDouble(double value) { |
| _sink.addDouble(value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(node.value ? Tag.TrueLiteral : Tag.FalseLiteral); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.NullLiteral); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SymbolLiteral); |
| writeStringReference(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TypeLiteral); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ThisExpression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRethrow(Rethrow node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Rethrow); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitThrow(Throw node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Throw); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(node.isConst ? Tag.ConstListLiteral : Tag.ListLiteral); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.typeArgument); |
| writeNodeList(node.expressions); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSetLiteral(SetLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(node.isConst ? Tag.ConstSetLiteral : Tag.SetLiteral); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.typeArgument); |
| writeNodeList(node.expressions); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) { |
| writeByte(node.isConst ? Tag.ConstMapLiteral : Tag.MapLiteral); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.keyType); |
| writeNode(node.valueType); |
| writeNodeList(node.entries); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry node) { |
| // Note: there is no tag on MapEntry |
| writeNode(node.key); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.AwaitExpression); |
| writeNode(node.operand); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionExpression); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeFunctionNode(node.function); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLet(Let node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Let); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node.variable); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBlockExpression(BlockExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.BlockExpression); |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeNodeList(node.body.statements); |
| writeNode(node.value); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstantiation(Instantiation node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Instantiation); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLoadLibrary(LoadLibrary node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.LoadLibrary); |
| writeLibraryDependencyReference(node.import); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.CheckLibraryIsLoaded); |
| writeLibraryDependencyReference(node.import); |
| } |
| |
| void writeStatementOrEmpty(Statement? node) { |
| if (node == null) { |
| writeByte(Tag.EmptyStatement); |
| } else { |
| writeNode(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ExpressionStatement); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBlock(Block node) { |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeByte(Tag.Block); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEndOffset); |
| writeNodeList(node.statements); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) { |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeByte(Tag.AssertBlock); |
| writeNodeList(node.statements); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.EmptyStatement); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.AssertStatement); |
| writeNode(node.condition); |
| writeOffset(node.conditionStartOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.conditionEndOffset); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.message); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { |
| LabelIndexer labelIndexer = _labelIndexer ??= new LabelIndexer(); |
| labelIndexer.enter(node); |
| writeByte(Tag.LabeledStatement); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| labelIndexer.exit(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ConstantExpression); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeDartType(node.type); |
| writeConstantReference(node.constant); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.BreakStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(_labelIndexer![node.target]!); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.WhileStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.condition); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DoStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| writeNode(node.condition); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitForStatement(ForStatement node) { |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeByte(Tag.ForStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeVariableDeclarationList(node.variables); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.condition); |
| writeNodeList(node.updates); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) { |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeByte(node.isAsync ? Tag.AsyncForInStatement : Tag.ForInStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.bodyOffset); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node.variable); |
| writeNode(node.iterable); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) { |
| SwitchCaseIndexer switchCaseIndexer = |
| _switchCaseIndexer ??= new SwitchCaseIndexer(); |
| switchCaseIndexer.enter(node); |
| writeByte(Tag.SwitchStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| writeSwitchCaseNodeList(node.cases); |
| switchCaseIndexer.exit(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) { |
| // Note: there is no tag on SwitchCase. |
| int length = node.expressions.length; |
| writeUInt30(length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
| writeOffset(node.expressionOffsets[i]); |
| writeNode(node.expressions[i]); |
| } |
| writeByte(node.isDefault ? 1 : 0); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ContinueSwitchStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeUInt30(_switchCaseIndexer![node.target]!); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.IfStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.condition); |
| writeNode(node.then); |
| writeStatementOrEmpty(node.otherwise); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.ReturnStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| int _encodeTryCatchFlags(bool needsStackTrace, bool isSynthetic) { |
| return (needsStackTrace ? 1 : 0) | (isSynthetic ? 2 : 0); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TryCatch); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| bool needsStackTrace = node.catches.any((Catch c) => c.stackTrace != null); |
| writeByte(_encodeTryCatchFlags(needsStackTrace, node.isSynthetic)); |
| writeCatchNodeList(node.catches); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitCatch(Catch node) { |
| // Note: there is no tag on Catch. |
| VariableIndexer variableIndexer = |
| _variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer(); |
| variableIndexer.pushScope(); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.guard); |
| writeOptionalVariableDeclaration(node.exception); |
| writeOptionalVariableDeclaration(node.stackTrace); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| variableIndexer.popScope(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TryFinally); |
| writeNode(node.body); |
| writeNode(node.finalizer); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.YieldStatement); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeNode(node.expression); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.VariableDeclaration); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node); |
| } |
| |
| void writeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { |
| if (_metadataSubsections != null) { |
| _writeNodeMetadata(node); |
| } |
| node.binaryOffsetNoTag = getBufferOffset(); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeOffset(node.fileEqualsOffset); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeStringReference(node.name ?? ''); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.initializer); |
| // Declare the variable after its initializer. It is not in scope in its |
| // own initializer. |
| (_variableIndexer ??= new VariableIndexer()).declare(node); |
| } |
| |
| void writeVariableDeclarationList(List<VariableDeclaration> nodes) { |
| writeList(nodes, writeVariableDeclaration); |
| } |
| |
| void writeOptionalVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration? node) { |
| if (node == null) { |
| writeByte(Tag.Nothing); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.Something); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionDeclaration); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeVariableDeclaration(node.variable); |
| writeFunctionNode(node.function); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNeverType(NeverType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.NeverType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.InvalidType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.DynamicType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVoidType(VoidType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.VoidType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) { |
| if (node.typeArguments.isEmpty) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SimpleInterfaceType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.className); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.InterfaceType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.className); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExtensionType(ExtensionType node) { |
| // TODO(dmitryas): Serialize ExtensionType. |
| node.onType.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) { |
| // TODO(dmitryas): Remove special treatment of FutureOr when the VM supports |
| // the new encoding: just write the tag. |
| assert(_knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.isNotEmpty); |
| CanonicalName root = _knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.first; |
| while (!root.isRoot) { |
| root = root.parent!; |
| } |
| CanonicalName canonicalNameOfFutureOr = |
| root.getChild("dart:async").getChild("FutureOr"); |
| writeByte(Tag.InterfaceType); |
| writeByte(node.declaredNullability.index); |
| checkCanonicalName(canonicalNameOfFutureOr); |
| writeUInt30(canonicalNameOfFutureOr.index + 1); |
| writeUInt30(1); // Type argument count. |
| writeNode(node.typeArgument); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullType(NullType node) { |
| // TODO(dmitryas): Remove special treatment of Null when the VM supports the |
| // new encoding: just write the tag. |
| assert(_knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.isNotEmpty); |
| CanonicalName root = _knownCanonicalNameNonRootTops.first; |
| while (!root.isRoot) { |
| root = root.parent!; |
| } |
| CanonicalName canonicalNameOfNull = |
| root.getChild("dart:core").getChild("Null"); |
| writeByte(Tag.SimpleInterfaceType); |
| writeByte(node.declaredNullability.index); |
| checkCanonicalName(canonicalNameOfNull); |
| writeUInt30(canonicalNameOfNull.index + 1); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSupertype(Supertype node) { |
| // Writing nullability below is only necessary because |
| // BinaryBuilder.readSupertype reads the supertype as an InterfaceType and |
| // breaks it into components afterwards, and reading an InterfaceType |
| // requires the nullability byte. |
| if (node.typeArguments.isEmpty) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SimpleInterfaceType); |
| writeByte(_currentLibrary!.nonNullable.index); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.className); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.InterfaceType); |
| writeByte(_currentLibrary!.nonNullable.index); |
| writeNonNullReference(node.className); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) { |
| if (node.requiredParameterCount == node.positionalParameters.length && |
| node.typeParameters.isEmpty && |
| node.namedParameters.isEmpty && |
| node.typedefType == null) { |
| writeByte(Tag.SimpleFunctionType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| writeNodeList(node.positionalParameters); |
| writeNode(node.returnType); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeUInt30(node.requiredParameterCount); |
| writeUInt30( |
| node.positionalParameters.length + node.namedParameters.length); |
| writeNodeList(node.positionalParameters); |
| writeNodeList(node.namedParameters); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.typedefType); |
| writeNode(node.returnType); |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNamedType(NamedType node) { |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| writeNode(node.type); |
| int flags = (node.isRequired ? NamedType.FlagRequiredNamedType : 0); |
| writeByte(flags); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TypeParameterType); |
| writeByte(node.declaredNullability.index); |
| writeUInt30(_typeParameterIndexer[node.parameter]); |
| writeOptionalNode(node.promotedBound); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.TypedefType); |
| writeByte(node.nullability.index); |
| writeNullAllowedReference(node.typedefReference); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeArguments); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) { |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| if (node.isLegacyCovariant) { |
| writeByte(TypeParameter.legacyCovariantSerializationMarker); |
| } else { |
| writeByte(node.variance); |
| } |
| writeStringReference(node.name ?? ''); |
| writeNode(node.bound); |
| writeNode(node.defaultType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExtension(Extension node) { |
| if (node.reference.canonicalName == null) { |
| throw new ArgumentError('Missing canonical name for $node'); |
| } |
| writeByte(Tag.Extension); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfExtension(node)); |
| writeStringReference(node.name); |
| writeAnnotationList(node.annotations); |
| writeUriReference(node.fileUri); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeByte(node.flags); |
| |
| enterScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| writeNodeList(node.typeParameters); |
| writeDartType(node.onType); |
| leaveScope(typeParameters: node.typeParameters); |
| |
| final int len = node.members.length; |
| writeUInt30(len); |
| for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| final ExtensionMemberDescriptor descriptor = node.members[i]; |
| writeName(descriptor.name); |
| writeByte(descriptor.kind.index); |
| writeByte(descriptor.flags); |
| writeNonNullCanonicalNameReference(descriptor.member.canonicalName!); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionTearOff(FunctionTearOff node) { |
| writeByte(Tag.FunctionTearOff); |
| writeOffset(node.fileOffset); |
| writeNode(node.receiver); |
| } |
| |
| // ================================================================ |
| // These are nodes that are never serialized directly. Reaching one |
| // during serialization is an error. |
| @override |
| void defaultNode(Node node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Node: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultConstant(Constant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Constant: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultBasicLiteral(BasicLiteral node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic BasicLiteral: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultConstantReference(Constant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of generic Constant reference: ' |
| '${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultDartType(DartType node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic DartType: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultExpression(Expression node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Expression: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultInitializer(Initializer node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Initializer: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultMember(Member node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Member: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultMemberReference(Member node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of generic Member reference: ' |
| '${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultStatement(Statement node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic Statement: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of generic TreeNode: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBoolConstant(BoolConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of BoolConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBoolConstantReference(BoolConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of BoolConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitClassReference(Class node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Class references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExtensionReference(Extension node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Class references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorReference(Constructor node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Constructor references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDoubleConstant(DoubleConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of DoubleConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDoubleConstantReference(DoubleConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of DoubleConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFieldReference(Field node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Field references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceConstant(InstanceConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of InstanceConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstanceConstantReference(InstanceConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of InstanceConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIntConstant(IntConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of IntConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIntConstantReference(IntConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of IntConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLibraryDependency(LibraryDependency node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of LibraryDependencies'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLibraryPart(LibraryPart node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of LibraryParts'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitListConstant(ListConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of ListConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitListConstantReference(ListConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of ListConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSetConstant(SetConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of SetConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSetConstantReference(SetConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of SetConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapConstant(MapConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of MapConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapConstantReference(MapConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of MapConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitName(Name node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Names'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullConstant(NullConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of NullConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullConstantReference(NullConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of NullConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitProcedureReference(Procedure node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Procedure references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitComponent(Component node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Components'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingFactoryReference(RedirectingFactory node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of RedirectingFactory references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringConstant(StringConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of StringConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringConstantReference(StringConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of StringConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSymbolConstant(SymbolConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of SymbolConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSymbolConstantReference(SymbolConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of SymbolConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstantiationConstant(InstantiationConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of InstantiationConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitInstantiationConstantReference(InstantiationConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of InstantiationConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedefTearOffConstant(TypedefTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of TypedefTearOffConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticTearOffConstant(StaticTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of StaticTearOffConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorTearOffConstant(ConstructorTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of ConstructorTearOffConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant( |
| RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticTearOffConstantReference(StaticTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of StaticTearOffConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorTearOffConstantReference( |
| ConstructorTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of ConstructorTearOffConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstantReference( |
| RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedefTearOffConstantReference(TypedefTearOffConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of TypedefTearOffConstants '); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeLiteralConstant(TypeLiteralConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of TypeLiteralConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeLiteralConstantReference(TypeLiteralConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of TypeLiteralConstant references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypedefReference(Typedef node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of Typedef references'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitUnevaluatedConstant(UnevaluatedConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('serialization of UnevaluatedConstants'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitUnevaluatedConstantReference(UnevaluatedConstant node) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError( |
| 'serialization of UnevaluatedConstant references'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| typedef bool LibraryFilter(Library _); |
| |
| class VariableIndexer { |
| Map<VariableDeclaration, int>? index; |
| List<int>? scopes; |
| int stackHeight = 0; |
| |
| void declare(VariableDeclaration node) { |
| (index ??= <VariableDeclaration, int>{})[node] = stackHeight++; |
| } |
| |
| void pushScope() { |
| (scopes ??= <int>[]).add(stackHeight); |
| } |
| |
| void popScope() { |
| stackHeight = scopes!.removeLast(); |
| } |
| |
| void restoreScope(int numberOfVariables) { |
| stackHeight += numberOfVariables; |
| } |
| |
| int? operator [](VariableDeclaration node) { |
| return index == null ? null : index![node]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class LabelIndexer { |
| final Map<LabeledStatement, int> index = <LabeledStatement, int>{}; |
| int stackHeight = 0; |
| |
| void enter(LabeledStatement node) { |
| index[node] = stackHeight++; |
| } |
| |
| void exit() { |
| --stackHeight; |
| } |
| |
| int? operator [](LabeledStatement node) => index[node]; |
| } |
| |
| class SwitchCaseIndexer { |
| final Map<SwitchCase, int> index = <SwitchCase, int>{}; |
| int stackHeight = 0; |
| |
| void enter(SwitchStatement node) { |
| for (SwitchCase caseNode in node.cases) { |
| index[caseNode] = stackHeight++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void exit(SwitchStatement node) { |
| stackHeight -= node.cases.length; |
| } |
| |
| int? operator [](SwitchCase node) => index[node]; |
| } |
| |
| class ConstantIndexer extends RecursiveResultVisitor { |
| final List<Constant> entries = <Constant>[]; |
| final List<int> offsets = <int>[]; |
| final Map<Constant, int> index = <Constant, int>{}; |
| |
| int put(Constant constant) { |
| final int? oldIndex = index[constant]; |
| if (oldIndex != null) return oldIndex; |
| |
| // Traverse DAG in post-order to ensure children have their offsets assigned |
| // before the parent. |
| constant.visitChildren(this); |
| |
| final int newIndex = entries.length; |
| entries.add(constant); |
| offsets.add(-1); // placeholder. |
| assert(entries.length == offsets.length); |
| return index[constant] = newIndex; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultConstantReference(Constant node) { |
| put(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TypeParameterIndexer { |
| final Map<TypeParameter, int> index = <TypeParameter, int>{}; |
| int stackHeight = 0; |
| |
| void enter(List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) { |
| TypeParameter parameter = typeParameters[i]; |
| index[parameter] = stackHeight; |
| ++stackHeight; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void exit(List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) { |
| stackHeight -= typeParameters.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) { |
| index.remove(typeParameters[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int operator [](TypeParameter parameter) => |
| index[parameter] ?? |
| (throw new ArgumentError('Type parameter $parameter is not indexed')); |
| } |
| |
| class StringIndexer { |
| // Note that the iteration order is important. |
| final Map<String, int> index = new Map<String, int>(); |
| |
| StringIndexer() { |
| put(''); |
| } |
| |
| int put(String string) { |
| int? result = index[string]; |
| if (result == null) { |
| result = index.length; |
| index[string] = result; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| int? operator [](String string) => index[string]; |
| } |
| |
| class UriIndexer { |
| // Note that the iteration order is important. |
| final Map<Uri, int> index = new Map<Uri, int>(); |
| |
| UriIndexer(); |
| |
| int put(Uri uri) { |
| int? result = index[uri]; |
| if (result == null) { |
| result = index.length; |
| index[uri] = result; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Puts a buffer in front of a [Sink<List<int>>]. |
| class BufferedSink { |
| static const int SIZE = 100000; |
| static const int SAFE_SIZE = SIZE - 5; |
| static const int SMALL = 10000; |
| final Sink<List<int>> _sink; |
| Uint8List _buffer = new Uint8List(SIZE); |
| int length = 0; |
| int flushedLength = 0; |
| |
| Float64List _doubleBuffer = new Float64List(1); |
| Uint8List? _doubleBufferUint8; |
| |
| int get offset => length + flushedLength; |
| |
| BufferedSink(this._sink); |
| |
| void addDouble(double d) { |
| Uint8List doubleBufferUint8 = |
| _doubleBufferUint8 ??= _doubleBuffer.buffer.asUint8List(); |
| _doubleBuffer[0] = d; |
| addByte4(doubleBufferUint8[0], doubleBufferUint8[1], doubleBufferUint8[2], |
| doubleBufferUint8[3]); |
| addByte4(doubleBufferUint8[4], doubleBufferUint8[5], doubleBufferUint8[6], |
| doubleBufferUint8[7]); |
| } |
| |
| @pragma("vm:prefer-inline") |
| void addByte(int byte) { |
| _buffer[length++] = byte; |
| if (length == SIZE) { |
| _sink.add(_buffer); |
| _buffer = new Uint8List(SIZE); |
| length = 0; |
| flushedLength += SIZE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @pragma("vm:prefer-inline") |
| void addByte2(int byte1, int byte2) { |
| if (length < SAFE_SIZE) { |
| _buffer[length++] = byte1; |
| _buffer[length++] = byte2; |
| } else { |
| addByte(byte1); |
| addByte(byte2); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @pragma("vm:prefer-inline") |
| void addByte4(int byte1, int byte2, int byte3, int byte4) { |
| if (length < SAFE_SIZE) { |
| _buffer[length++] = byte1; |
| _buffer[length++] = byte2; |
| _buffer[length++] = byte3; |
| _buffer[length++] = byte4; |
| } else { |
| addByte(byte1); |
| addByte(byte2); |
| addByte(byte3); |
| addByte(byte4); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addBytes(List<int> bytes) { |