blob: 3b55bfbf91d3f84aef0728cde24a49e128ff73cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dds/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:devtools_shared/devtools_server.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart';
import 'package:sse/server/sse_handler.dart';
import '../dds_impl.dart';
import 'devtools_client.dart';
/// Returns a [Handler] which handles serving DevTools and the DevTools server
/// API under $DDS_URI/devtools/.
/// [buildDir] is the path to the pre-compiled DevTools instance to be served.
/// [notFoundHandler] is a [Handler] to which requests that could not be handled
/// by the DevTools handler are forwarded (e.g., a proxy to the VM service).
FutureOr<Handler> devtoolsHandler({
required DartDevelopmentServiceImpl dds,
required String buildDir,
required Handler notFoundHandler,
}) {
// Serves the web assets for DevTools.
final devtoolsAssetHandler = createStaticHandler(
defaultDocument: 'index.html',
// Support DevTools client-server interface via SSE.
// Note: the handler path needs to match the full *original* path, not the
// current request URL (we remove '/devtools' in the initial router but we
// need to include it here).
const devToolsSseHandlerPath = '/devtools/api/sse';
final devToolsApiHandler = SseHandler(
? Uri.parse('/${dds.authCode}$devToolsSseHandlerPath')
: Uri.parse(devToolsSseHandlerPath),
keepAlive: sseKeepAlive,
(sseConnection) => DevToolsClient.fromSSEConnection(
final devtoolsHandler = (Request request) {
// If the request isn't of the form api/<method> assume it's a request for
// DevTools assets.
if (request.url.pathSegments.length < 2 ||
request.url.pathSegments.first != 'api') {
return devtoolsAssetHandler(request);
final method = request.url.pathSegments[1];
if (method == 'ping') {
// Note: we have an 'OK' body response, otherwise the response has an
// incorrect status code (204 instead of 200).
return Response.ok('OK');
if (method == 'sse') {
return devToolsApiHandler.handler(request);
if (!ServerApi.canHandle(request)) {
return Response.notFound('$method is not a valid API');
return ServerApi.handle(request);
return (request) {
final pathSegments = request.url.pathSegments;
if (pathSegments.isEmpty || pathSegments.first != 'devtools') {
return notFoundHandler(request);
// Forward all requests to /devtools/* to the DevTools handler.
request = request.change(path: 'devtools');
return devtoolsHandler(request);