blob: 57ce172df11739ab152f5d347851f753b4872f1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This file implements the AST of a Dart-like language suitable for testing
/// flow analysis. Callers may use the top level methods in this file to create
/// AST nodes and then feed them to [] to run them through flow
/// analysis testing.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'mini_ir.dart';
import 'mini_types.dart';
Expression get nullLiteral => new _NullLiteral();
Expression get this_ => new _This();
Statement assert_(Expression condition, [Expression? message]) =>
new _Assert(condition, message);
Statement block(List<Statement> statements) => new _Block(statements);
Expression booleanLiteral(bool value) => _BooleanLiteral(value);
Statement break_([LabeledStatement? target]) => new _Break(target);
SwitchCase case_(List<Statement> body, {bool hasLabel = false}) =>
SwitchCase._(hasLabel, new _Block(body));
/// Creates a pseudo-statement whose function is to verify that flow analysis
/// considers [variable]'s assigned state to be [expectedAssignedState].
Statement checkAssigned(Var variable, bool expectedAssignedState) =>
new _CheckAssigned(variable, expectedAssignedState);
/// Creates a pseudo-statement whose function is to verify that flow analysis
/// considers [variable] to be un-promoted.
Statement checkNotPromoted(Var variable) => new _CheckPromoted(variable, null);
/// Creates a pseudo-statement whose function is to verify that flow analysis
/// considers [variable]'s assigned state to be promoted to [expectedTypeStr].
Statement checkPromoted(Var variable, String? expectedTypeStr) =>
new _CheckPromoted(variable, expectedTypeStr);
/// Creates a pseudo-statement whose function is to verify that flow analysis
/// considers the current location's reachability state to be
/// [expectedReachable].
Statement checkReachable(bool expectedReachable) =>
new _CheckReachable(expectedReachable);
/// Creates a pseudo-statement whose function is to verify that flow analysis
/// considers [variable]'s unassigned state to be [expectedUnassignedState].
Statement checkUnassigned(Var variable, bool expectedUnassignedState) =>
new _CheckUnassigned(variable, expectedUnassignedState);
Statement continue_() => new _Continue();
Statement declare(Var variable,
{required bool initialized,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isLate = false}) =>
new _Declare(variable, initialized ? expr(variable.type.type) : null,
isFinal, isLate);
Statement declareInitialized(Var variable, Expression initializer,
{bool isFinal = false, bool isLate = false}) =>
new _Declare(variable, initializer, isFinal, isLate);
Statement do_(List<Statement> body, Expression condition) =>
_Do(block(body), condition);
/// Creates a pseudo-expression having type [typeStr] that otherwise has no
/// effect on flow analysis.
Expression expr(String typeStr) =>
new _PlaceholderExpression(new Type(typeStr));
/// Creates a conventional `for` statement. Optional boolean [forCollection]
/// indicates that this `for` statement is actually a collection element, so
/// `null` should be passed to [for_bodyBegin].
Statement for_(Statement? initializer, Expression? condition,
Expression? updater, List<Statement> body,
{bool forCollection = false}) =>
new _For(initializer, condition, updater, block(body), forCollection);
/// Creates a "for each" statement where the identifier being assigned to by the
/// iteration is not a local variable.
/// This models code like:
/// var x; // Top level variable
/// f(Iterable iterable) {
/// for (x in iterable) { ... }
/// }
Statement forEachWithNonVariable(Expression iterable, List<Statement> body) =>
new _ForEach(null, iterable, block(body), false);
/// Creates a "for each" statement where the identifier being assigned to by the
/// iteration is a variable that is being declared by the "for each" statement.
/// This models code like:
/// f(Iterable iterable) {
/// for (var x in iterable) { ... }
/// }
Statement forEachWithVariableDecl(
Var variable, Expression iterable, List<Statement> body) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(variable != null);
return new _ForEach(variable, iterable, block(body), true);
/// Creates a "for each" statement where the identifier being assigned to by the
/// iteration is a local variable that is declared elsewhere in the function.
/// This models code like:
/// f(Iterable iterable) {
/// var x;
/// for (x in iterable) { ... }
/// }
Statement forEachWithVariableSet(
Var variable, Expression iterable, List<Statement> body) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(variable != null);
return new _ForEach(variable, iterable, block(body), false);
/// Creates a [Statement] that, when analyzed, will cause [callback] to be
/// passed an [SsaNodeHarness] allowing the test to examine the values of
/// variables' SSA nodes.
Statement getSsaNodes(void Function(SsaNodeHarness) callback) =>
new _GetSsaNodes(callback);
Statement if_(Expression condition, List<Statement> ifTrue,
[List<Statement>? ifFalse]) =>
new _If(condition, block(ifTrue), ifFalse == null ? null : block(ifFalse));
Statement implicitThis_whyNotPromoted(String staticType,
void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback) =>
new _WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis(Type(staticType), callback);
Statement labeled(Statement Function(LabeledStatement) callback) {
var labeledStatement = LabeledStatement._();
labeledStatement._body = callback(labeledStatement);
return labeledStatement;
Statement localFunction(List<Statement> body) => _LocalFunction(block(body));
Statement return_() => new _Return();
Statement switch_(Expression expression, List<SwitchCase> cases,
{required bool isExhaustive}) =>
new _Switch(expression, cases, isExhaustive);
Expression thisOrSuperPropertyGet(String name) =>
new _ThisOrSuperPropertyGet(name);
Expression throw_(Expression operand) => new _Throw(operand);
TryBuilder try_(List<Statement> body) =>
new _TryStatement(block(body), [], null);
Statement while_(Expression condition, List<Statement> body) =>
new _While(condition, block(body));
/// Representation of an expression in the pseudo-Dart language used for flow
/// analysis testing. Methods in this class may be used to create more complex
/// expressions based on this one.
abstract class Expression extends Node {
Expression() : super._();
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x!`.
Expression get nonNullAssert => new _NonNullAssert(this);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `!x`.
Expression get not => new _Not(this);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `(x)`.
Expression get parenthesized => new _ParenthesizedExpression(this);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the statement `x;`.
Statement get stmt => new _ExpressionStatement(this);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x && other`.
Expression and(Expression other) => new _Logical(this, other, isAnd: true);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x as typeStr`.
Expression as_(String typeStr) => new _As(this, Type(typeStr));
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression
/// `x ? ifTrue : ifFalse`.
Expression conditional(Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) =>
new _Conditional(this, ifTrue, ifFalse);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x == other`.
Expression eq(Expression other) => new _Equal(this, other, false);
/// Creates an [Expression] that, when analyzed, will behave the same as
/// `this`, but after visiting it, will cause [callback] to be passed the
/// [ExpressionInfo] associated with it. If the expression has no flow
/// analysis information associated with it, `null` will be passed to
/// [callback].
Expression getExpressionInfo(
void Function(ExpressionInfo<Var, Type>?) callback) =>
new _GetExpressionInfo(this, callback);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x ?? other`.
Expression ifNull(Expression other) => new _IfNull(this, other);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x is typeStr`.
/// With [isInverted] set to `true`, creates the expression `x is! typeStr`.
Expression is_(String typeStr, {bool isInverted = false}) =>
new _Is(this, Type(typeStr), isInverted);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x is! typeStr`.
Expression isNot(String typeStr) => _Is(this, Type(typeStr), true);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x != other`.
Expression notEq(Expression other) => _Equal(this, other, true);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x?.other`.
/// Note that in the real Dart language, the RHS of a null aware access isn't
/// strictly speaking an expression. However for flow analysis it suffices to
/// model it as an expression.
Expression nullAwareAccess(Expression other, {bool isCascaded = false}) =>
_NullAwareAccess(this, other, isCascaded);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the expression `x || other`.
Expression or(Expression other) => new _Logical(this, other, isAnd: false);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates the L-value ``.
LValue property(String name) => new _Property(this, name);
/// If `this` is an expression `x`, creates a pseudo-expression that models
/// evaluation of `x` followed by execution of [stmt]. This can be used to
/// test that flow analysis is in the correct state after an expression is
/// visited.
Expression thenStmt(Statement stmt) =>
new _WrappedExpression(null, this, stmt);
/// Creates an [Expression] that, when analyzed, will behave the same as
/// `this`, but after visiting it, will cause [callback] to be passed the
/// non-promotion info associated with it. If the expression has no
/// non-promotion info, an empty map will be passed to [callback].
Expression whyNotPromoted(
void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback) =>
new _WhyNotPromoted(this, callback);
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables);
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context);
/// Test harness for creating flow analysis tests. This class implements all
/// the [TypeOperations] needed by flow analysis, as well as other methods
/// needed for testing.
class Harness extends TypeOperations<Var, Type> {
static const Map<String, bool> _coreSubtypes = const {
'bool <: int': false,
'bool <: Object': true,
'double <: Object': true,
'double <: num': true,
'double <: num?': true,
'double <: int': false,
'double <: int?': false,
'int <: double': false,
'int <: int?': true,
'int <: Iterable': false,
'int <: List': false,
'int <: Null': false,
'int <: num': true,
'int <: num?': true,
'int <: num*': true,
'int <: Never?': false,
'int <: Object': true,
'int <: Object?': true,
'int <: String': false,
'int? <: int': false,
'int? <: Null': false,
'int? <: num': false,
'int? <: num?': true,
'int? <: Object': false,
'int? <: Object?': true,
'Never <: Object?': true,
'Null <: int': false,
'Null <: Object': false,
'Null <: Object?': true,
'num <: int': false,
'num <: Iterable': false,
'num <: List': false,
'num <: num?': true,
'num <: num*': true,
'num <: Object': true,
'num <: Object?': true,
'num? <: int?': false,
'num? <: num': false,
'num? <: num*': true,
'num? <: Object': false,
'num? <: Object?': true,
'num* <: num': true,
'num* <: num?': true,
'num* <: Object': true,
'num* <: Object?': true,
'Iterable <: int': false,
'Iterable <: num': false,
'Iterable <: Object': true,
'Iterable <: Object?': true,
'List <: int': false,
'List <: Iterable': true,
'List <: Object': true,
'Never <: int': true,
'Never <: int?': true,
'Never <: Null': true,
'Never? <: int': false,
'Never? <: int?': true,
'Never? <: num?': true,
'Never? <: Object?': true,
'Null <: int?': true,
'Object <: int': false,
'Object <: int?': false,
'Object <: List': false,
'Object <: Null': false,
'Object <: num': false,
'Object <: num?': false,
'Object <: Object?': true,
'Object <: String': false,
'Object? <: Object': false,
'Object? <: int': false,
'Object? <: int?': false,
'Object? <: Null': false,
'String <: int': false,
'String <: int?': false,
'String <: num?': false,
'String <: Object': true,
'String <: Object?': true,
static final Map<String, Type> _coreFactors = {
'Object? - int': Type('Object?'),
'Object? - int?': Type('Object'),
'Object? - Never': Type('Object?'),
'Object? - Null': Type('Object'),
'Object? - num?': Type('Object'),
'Object? - Object?': Type('Never?'),
'Object? - String': Type('Object?'),
'Object - bool': Type('Object'),
'Object - int': Type('Object'),
'Object - String': Type('Object'),
'int - Object': Type('Never'),
'int - String': Type('int'),
'int - int': Type('Never'),
'int - int?': Type('Never'),
'int? - int': Type('Never?'),
'int? - int?': Type('Never'),
'int? - String': Type('int?'),
'Null - int': Type('Null'),
'num - int': Type('num'),
'num? - num': Type('Never?'),
'num? - int': Type('num?'),
'num? - int?': Type('num'),
'num? - Object': Type('Never?'),
'num? - String': Type('num?'),
'Object - int?': Type('Object'),
'Object - num': Type('Object'),
'Object - num?': Type('Object'),
'Object - num*': Type('Object'),
'Object - Iterable': Type('Object'),
'Object? - Object': Type('Never?'),
'Object? - Iterable': Type('Object?'),
'Object? - num': Type('Object?'),
'Iterable - List': Type('Iterable'),
'num* - Object': Type('Never'),
late final FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type> _flow;
final bool legacy;
final Type? thisType;
final Map<String, bool> _subtypes = Map.of(_coreSubtypes);
final Map<String, Type> _factorResults = Map.of(_coreFactors);
final Map<String, Type> _members = {};
Map<String, Map<String, String>> _promotionExceptions = {};
late final _typeAnalyzer = _MiniAstTypeAnalyzer(this);
/// Indicates whether initializers of implicitly typed variables should be
/// accounted for by SSA analysis. (In an ideal world, they always would be,
/// but due to, they weren't
/// always, and we need to be able to replicate the old behavior when
/// analyzing old language versions).
final bool respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers;
{this.legacy = false,
String? thisType,
this.respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers = true})
: thisType = thisType == null ? null : Type(thisType);
MiniIrBuilder get _irBuilder => _typeAnalyzer._irBuilder;
/// Updates the harness so that when a [factor] query is invoked on types
/// [from] and [what], [result] will be returned.
void addFactor(String from, String what, String result) {
var query = '$from - $what';
_factorResults[query] = Type(result);
/// Updates the harness so that when member [memberName] is looked up on type
/// [targetType], a member is found having the given [type].
void addMember(String targetType, String memberName, String type) {
var query = '$targetType.$memberName';
_members[query] = Type(type);
void addPromotionException(String from, String to, String result) {
(_promotionExceptions[from] ??= {})[to] = result;
/// Updates the harness so that when an [isSubtypeOf] query is invoked on
/// types [leftType] and [rightType], [isSubtype] will be returned.
void addSubtype(String leftType, String rightType, bool isSubtype) {
var query = '$leftType <: $rightType';
_subtypes[query] = isSubtype;
TypeClassification classifyType(Type type) {
if (isSubtypeOf(type, Type('Object'))) {
return TypeClassification.nonNullable;
} else if (isSubtypeOf(type, Type('Null'))) {
return TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent;
} else {
return TypeClassification.potentiallyNullable;
Type factor(Type from, Type what) {
var query = '$from - $what';
return _factorResults[query] ?? fail('Unknown factor query: $query');
/// Attempts to look up a member named [memberName] in the given [type]. If
/// a member is found, returns its type. Otherwise the test fails.
Type getMember(Type type, String memberName) {
var query = '$type.$memberName';
return _members[query] ?? fail('Unknown member query: $query');
bool isNever(Type type) {
return type.type == 'Never';
bool isSameType(Type type1, Type type2) {
return type1.type == type2.type;
bool isSubtypeOf(Type leftType, Type rightType) {
if (leftType.type == rightType.type) return true;
var query = '$leftType <: $rightType';
return _subtypes[query] ?? fail('Unknown subtype query: $query');
bool isTypeParameterType(Type type) => type is PromotedTypeVariableType;
Type promoteToNonNull(Type type) {
if (type.type.endsWith('?')) {
return Type(type.type.substring(0, type.type.length - 1));
} else if (type.type == 'Null') {
return Type('Never');
} else {
return type;
/// Runs the given [statements] through flow analysis, checking any assertions
/// they contain.
void run(List<Statement> statements) {
var assignedVariables = AssignedVariables<Node, Var>();
var b = block(statements);
_flow = legacy
? FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type>.legacy(
this, assignedVariables)
: FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type>(
this, assignedVariables,
Type? tryPromoteToType(Type to, Type from) {
var exception = (_promotionExceptions[from.type] ?? {})[to.type];
if (exception != null) {
return Type(exception);
if (isSubtypeOf(to, from)) {
return to;
} else {
return null;
Type variableType(Var variable) {
return variable.type;
Type _getIteratedType(Type iterableType) {
var typeStr = iterableType.type;
if (typeStr.startsWith('List<') && typeStr.endsWith('>')) {
return Type(typeStr.substring(5, typeStr.length - 1));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry): getIteratedType($typeStr)');
Type _lub(Type type1, Type type2) {
if (isSameType(type1, type2)) {
return type1;
} else if (isSameType(promoteToNonNull(type1), type2)) {
return type1;
} else if (isSameType(promoteToNonNull(type2), type1)) {
return type2;
} else if (type1.type == 'Null' &&
!isSameType(promoteToNonNull(type2), type2)) {
// type2 is already nullable
return type2;
} else if (type2.type == 'Null' &&
!isSameType(promoteToNonNull(type1), type1)) {
// type1 is already nullable
return type1;
} else if (type1.type == 'Never') {
return type2;
} else if (type2.type == 'Never') {
return type1;
} else {
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): least upper bound of $type1 and $type2');
class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
late final Statement _body;
LabeledStatement._() : super._();
String toString() => 'labeled: $_body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeLabeledStatement(this, _body);
/// Representation of an expression that can appear on the left hand side of an
/// assignment (or as the target of `++` or `--`). Methods in this class may be
/// used to create more complex expressions based on this one.
abstract class LValue extends Expression {
/// Creates an expression representing a write to this L-value.
Expression write(Expression? value) => new _Write(this, value);
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables,
{_LValueDisposition disposition});
void _visitWrite(Harness h, Expression assignmentExpression, Type writtenType,
Expression? rhs);
/// Representation of an expression or statement in the pseudo-Dart language
/// used for flow analysis testing.
class Node {
static int _nextId = 0;
final int id;
Node._() : id = _nextId++;
String toString() => 'Node#$id';
/// Helper class allowing tests to examine the values of variables' SSA nodes.
class SsaNodeHarness {
final FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type> _flow;
/// Gets the SSA node associated with [variable] at the current point in
/// control flow, or `null` if the variable has been write captured.
SsaNode<Var, Type>? operator [](Var variable) =>
/// Representation of a statement in the pseudo-Dart language used for flow
/// analysis testing.
abstract class Statement extends Node {
Statement._() : super._();
/// If `this` is a statement `x`, creates a pseudo-expression that models
/// execution of `x` followed by evaluation of [expr]. This can be used to
/// test that flow analysis is in the correct state before an expression is
/// visited.
Expression thenExpr(Expression expr) => _WrappedExpression(this, expr, null);
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables);
void _visit(Harness h);
/// Representation of a single case clause in a switch statement. Use [case_]
/// to create instances of this class.
class SwitchCase {
final bool _hasLabel;
final _Block _body;
SwitchCase._(this._hasLabel, this._body);
String toString() => [
if (_hasLabel) '<label>:',
'case <value>:',
].join(' ');
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
abstract class TryBuilder {
TryStatement catch_(
{Var? exception, Var? stackTrace, required List<Statement> body});
Statement finally_(List<Statement> statements);
abstract class TryStatement extends Statement implements TryBuilder {
TryStatement._() : super._();
/// Representation of a local variable in the pseudo-Dart language used for flow
/// analysis testing.
class Var {
final String name;
final Type type;
final bool isImplicitlyTyped;
Var(, String typeStr, {this.isImplicitlyTyped = false})
: type = Type(typeStr);
/// Creates an L-value representing a reference to this variable.
LValue get expr => new _VariableReference(this, null);
/// Creates an expression representing a read of this variable, which as a
/// side effect will call the given callback with the returned promoted type.
Expression readAndCheckPromotedType(void Function(Type?) callback) =>
new _VariableReference(this, callback);
String toString() => '$type $name';
/// Creates an expression representing a write to this variable.
Expression write(Expression? value) => expr.write(value);
class _As extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final Type type;
_As(, this.type);
String toString() => '$target as $type';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeTypeCast(this, target, type);
class _Assert extends Statement {
final Expression condition;
final Expression? message;
_Assert(this.condition, this.message) : super._();
String toString() =>
'assert($condition${message == null ? '' : ', $message'});';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeAssertStatement(condition, message);
h._irBuilder.apply('assert', 2);
class _Block extends Statement {
final List<Statement> statements;
_Block(this.statements) : super._();
String toString() =>
statements.isEmpty ? '{}' : '{ ${statements.join(' ')} }';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
for (var statement in statements) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._irBuilder.apply('block', statements.length);
class _BooleanLiteral extends Expression {
final bool value;
String toString() => '$value';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeBoolLiteral(this, value);
return type;
class _Break extends Statement {
final LabeledStatement? target;
_Break( : super._();
String toString() => 'break;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._irBuilder.apply('break', 0);
/// Representation of a single catch clause in a try/catch statement. Use
/// [catch_] to create instances of this class.
class _CatchClause {
final Statement _body;
final Var? _exception;
final Var? _stackTrace;
_CatchClause(this._body, this._exception, this._stackTrace);
String toString() {
String initialPart;
if (_stackTrace != null) {
initialPart = 'catch (${_exception!.name}, ${_stackTrace!.name})';
} else if (_exception != null) {
initialPart = 'catch (${_exception!.name})';
} else {
initialPart = 'on ...';
return '$initialPart $_body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
class _CheckAssigned extends Statement {
final Var variable;
final bool expectedAssignedState;
_CheckAssigned(this.variable, this.expectedAssignedState) : super._();
String toString() {
var verb = expectedAssignedState ? 'is' : 'is not';
return 'check $variable $verb definitely assigned;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
expect(h._flow.isAssigned(variable), expectedAssignedState);
class _CheckPromoted extends Statement {
final Var variable;
final String? expectedTypeStr;
final StackTrace _creationTrace = StackTrace.current;
_CheckPromoted(this.variable, this.expectedTypeStr) : super._();
String toString() {
var predicate = expectedTypeStr == null
? 'not promoted'
: 'promoted to $expectedTypeStr';
return 'check $variable $predicate;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
var promotedType = h._flow.promotedType(variable);
expect(promotedType?.type, expectedTypeStr, reason: '$_creationTrace');
class _CheckReachable extends Statement {
final bool expectedReachable;
_CheckReachable(this.expectedReachable) : super._();
String toString() => 'check reachable;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
expect(h._flow.isReachable, expectedReachable);
class _CheckUnassigned extends Statement {
final Var variable;
final bool expectedUnassignedState;
_CheckUnassigned(this.variable, this.expectedUnassignedState) : super._();
String toString() {
var verb = expectedUnassignedState ? 'is' : 'is not';
return 'check $variable $verb definitely unassigned;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
expect(h._flow.isUnassigned(variable), expectedUnassignedState);
class _Conditional extends Expression {
final Expression condition;
final Expression ifTrue;
final Expression ifFalse;
_Conditional(this.condition, this.ifTrue, this.ifFalse);
String toString() => '$condition ? $ifTrue : $ifFalse';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer
.analyzeConditionalExpression(this, condition, ifTrue, ifFalse);
h._irBuilder.apply('if', 3);
return type;
class _Continue extends Statement {
_Continue() : super._();
String toString() => 'continue;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._irBuilder.apply('continue', 0);
class _Declare extends Statement {
final Var variable;
final Expression? initializer;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isLate;
_Declare(this.variable, this.initializer, this.isFinal, this.isLate)
: super._();
String toString() {
var latePart = isLate ? 'late ' : '';
var finalPart = isFinal ? 'final ' : '';
var initializerPart = initializer != null ? ' = $initializer' : '';
return '$latePart$finalPart$variable${initializerPart};';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
this, variable.type, variable, initializer,
isFinal: isFinal, isLate: isLate);
['declare', if (isLate) 'late', if (isFinal) 'final'].join('_'), 2);
class _Do extends Statement {
final Statement body;
final Expression condition;
_Do(this.body, this.condition) : super._();
String toString() => 'do $body while ($condition);';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeDoLoop(this, body, condition);
h._irBuilder.apply('do', 2);
class _Equal extends Expression {
final Expression lhs;
final Expression rhs;
final bool isInverted;
_Equal(this.lhs, this.rhs, this.isInverted);
String toString() => '$lhs ${isInverted ? '!=' : '=='} $rhs';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var operatorName = isInverted ? '!=' : '==';
var type =
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeBinaryExpression(this, lhs, operatorName, rhs);
h._irBuilder.apply(operatorName, 2);
return type;
class _ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
final Expression expr;
_ExpressionStatement(this.expr) : super._();
String toString() => '$expr;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
class _For extends Statement {
final Statement? initializer;
final Expression? condition;
final Expression? updater;
final Statement body;
final bool forCollection;
_For(this.initializer, this.condition, this.updater, this.body,
: super._();
String toString() {
var buffer = StringBuffer('for (');
if (initializer == null) {
} else {
if (condition == null) {
} else {
buffer.write(' $condition;');
if (updater != null) {
buffer.write(' $updater');
buffer.write(') $body');
return buffer.toString();
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
if (initializer != null) {
} else {
if (condition != null) {
} else {
h._flow.for_bodyBegin(forCollection ? null : this, condition);
h._typeAnalyzer._visitLoopBody(this, body);
if (updater != null) {
} else {
h._irBuilder.apply('for', 4);
class _ForEach extends Statement {
final Var? variable;
final Expression iterable;
final Statement body;
final bool declaresVariable;
_ForEach(this.variable, this.iterable, this.body, this.declaresVariable)
: super._();
String toString() {
String declarationPart;
if (variable == null) {
declarationPart = '<identifier>';
} else if (declaresVariable) {
declarationPart = variable.toString();
} else {
declarationPart = variable!.name;
return 'for ($declarationPart in $iterable) $body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
if (variable != null) {
if (declaresVariable) {
} else {
void _visit(Harness h) {
var iteratedType =
var variable = this.variable;
if (variable != null && !declaresVariable) {
h._flow.write(this, variable, iteratedType, null);
h._typeAnalyzer._visitLoopBody(this, body);
h._irBuilder.apply('forEach', 2);
class _GetExpressionInfo extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final void Function(ExpressionInfo<Var, Type>?) callback;
_GetExpressionInfo(, this.callback);
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(target);
h._flow.forwardExpression(this, target);
return type;
class _GetSsaNodes extends Statement {
final void Function(SsaNodeHarness) callback;
_GetSsaNodes(this.callback) : super._();
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
class _If extends Statement {
final Expression condition;
final Statement ifTrue;
final Statement? ifFalse;
_If(this.condition, this.ifTrue, this.ifFalse) : super._();
String toString() =>
'if ($condition) $ifTrue' + (ifFalse == null ? '' : 'else $ifFalse');
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeIfStatement(this, condition, ifTrue, ifFalse);
h._irBuilder.apply('if', 3);
class _IfNull extends Expression {
final Expression lhs;
final Expression rhs;
_IfNull(this.lhs, this.rhs);
String toString() => '$lhs ?? $rhs';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeIfNullExpression(this, lhs, rhs);
h._irBuilder.apply('ifNull', 2);
return type;
class _Is extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final Type type;
final bool isInverted;
_Is(, this.type, this.isInverted);
String toString() => '$target is${isInverted ? '!' : ''} $type';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer
.analyzeTypeTest(this, target, type, isInverted: isInverted);
class _LocalFunction extends Statement {
final Statement body;
_LocalFunction(this.body) : super._();
String toString() => '() $body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
assignedVariables.endNode(this, isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: true);
void _visit(Harness h) {
class _Logical extends Expression {
final Expression lhs;
final Expression rhs;
final bool isAnd;
_Logical(this.lhs, this.rhs, {required this.isAnd});
String toString() => '$lhs ${isAnd ? '&&' : '||'} $rhs';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var operatorName = isAnd ? '&&' : '||';
var type =
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeBinaryExpression(this, lhs, operatorName, rhs);
h._irBuilder.apply(operatorName, 2);
return type;
/// Enum representing the different ways an [LValue] might be used.
enum _LValueDisposition {
/// The [LValue] is being read from only, not written to. This happens if it
/// appears in a place where an ordinary expression is expected.
/// The [LValue] is being written to only, not read from. This happens if it
/// appears on the left hand side of `=`.
/// The [LValue] is being both read from and written to. This happens if it
/// appears on the left and side of `op=` (where `op` is some operator), or as
/// the target of `++` or `--`.
class _MiniAstTypeAnalyzer {
final Harness _harness;
Statement? _currentBreakTarget;
Statement? _currentContinueTarget;
final _irBuilder = MiniIrBuilder();
late final Type boolType = Type('bool');
late final Type neverType = Type('Never');
late final Type nullType = Type('Null');
late final Type unknownType = Type('?');
FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Var, Type> get flow =>
Type get thisType => _harness.thisType!;
void analyzeAssertStatement(Expression condition, Expression? message) {
if (message != null) {
} else {
Type analyzeBinaryExpression(
Expression node, Expression lhs, String operatorName, Expression rhs) {
bool isEquals = false;
bool isNot = false;
bool isLogical = false;
bool isAnd = false;
switch (operatorName) {
case '==':
isEquals = true;
case '!=':
isEquals = true;
isNot = true;
operatorName = '==';
case '&&':
isLogical = true;
isAnd = true;
case '||':
isLogical = true;
if (operatorName == '==') {
isEquals = true;
} else if (operatorName == '!=') {
isEquals = true;
isNot = true;
operatorName = '==';
if (isLogical) {
var leftType = analyzeExpression(lhs);
if (isEquals) {
flow.equalityOp_rightBegin(lhs, leftType);
} else if (isLogical) {
flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(lhs, node, isAnd: isAnd);
var rightType = analyzeExpression(rhs);
if (isEquals) {
flow.equalityOp_end(node, rhs, rightType, notEqual: isNot);
} else if (isLogical) {
flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, rhs, isAnd: isAnd);
return boolType;
void analyzeBlock(Iterable<Statement> statements) {
for (var statement in statements) {
Type analyzeBoolLiteral(Expression node, bool value) {
flow.booleanLiteral(node, value);
return boolType;
void analyzeBreakStatement(Statement? target) {
flow.handleBreak(target ?? _currentBreakTarget!);
Type analyzeConditionalExpression(Expression node, Expression condition,
Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) {
flow.conditional_thenBegin(condition, node);
var ifTrueType = analyzeExpression(ifTrue);
var ifFalseType = analyzeExpression(ifFalse);
flow.conditional_end(node, ifFalse);
return leastUpperBound(ifTrueType, ifFalseType);
void analyzeContinueStatement() {
void analyzeDoLoop(Statement node, Statement body, Expression condition) {
_visitLoopBody(node, body);
Type analyzeExpression(Expression expression, [Type? context]) {
// TODO(paulberry): make the [context] argument required.
context ??= unknownType;
return dispatchExpression(expression, context);
void analyzeExpressionStatement(Expression expression) {
Type analyzeIfNullExpression(
Expression node, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
var leftType = analyzeExpression(lhs);
flow.ifNullExpression_rightBegin(lhs, leftType);
var rightType = analyzeExpression(rhs);
return leastUpperBound(
flow.typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(leftType), rightType);
void analyzeIfStatement(Statement node, Expression condition,
Statement ifTrue, Statement? ifFalse) {
flow.ifStatement_thenBegin(condition, node);
if (ifFalse == null) {
} else {
void analyzeLabeledStatement(Statement node, Statement body) {
Type analyzeLogicalNot(Expression node, Expression expression) {
flow.logicalNot_end(node, expression);
return boolType;
Type analyzeNonNullAssert(Expression node, Expression expression) {
var type = analyzeExpression(expression);
return flow.typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(type);
Type analyzeNullLiteral(Expression node) {
return nullType;
Type analyzeParenthesizedExpression(Expression node, Expression expression) {
var type = analyzeExpression(expression);
flow.parenthesizedExpression(node, expression);
return type;
Type analyzePropertyGet(
Expression node, Expression receiver, String propertyName) {
var receiverType = analyzeExpression(receiver);
var type = _lookupMember(node, receiverType, propertyName);
flow.propertyGet(node, receiver, propertyName, propertyName, type);
return type;
void analyzeReturnStatement() {
void analyzeSwitchStatement(
_Switch node, Expression expression, List<SwitchCase> cases) {
var previousBreakTarget = _currentBreakTarget;
_currentBreakTarget = node;
for (var case_ in cases) {
flow.switchStatement_beginCase(case_._hasLabel, node);
_currentBreakTarget = previousBreakTarget;
Type analyzeThis(Expression node) {
var thisType = this.thisType;
flow.thisOrSuper(node, thisType);
return thisType;
Type analyzeThisPropertyGet(Expression node, String propertyName) {
var type = _lookupMember(node, thisType, propertyName);
flow.thisOrSuperPropertyGet(node, propertyName, propertyName, type);
return type;
Type analyzeThrow(Expression node, Expression expression) {
return neverType;
void analyzeTryStatement(Statement node, Statement body,
Iterable<_CatchClause> catchClauses, Statement? finallyBlock) {
if (finallyBlock != null) {
if (catchClauses.isNotEmpty) {
if (catchClauses.isNotEmpty) {
for (var catch_ in catchClauses) {
catch_._exception, catch_._stackTrace);
if (finallyBlock != null) {
catchClauses.isNotEmpty ? node : body);
} else {
Type analyzeTypeCast(Expression node, Expression expression, Type type) {
flow.asExpression_end(expression, type);
return type;
Type analyzeTypeTest(Expression node, Expression expression, Type type,
{bool isInverted = false}) {
flow.isExpression_end(node, expression, isInverted, type);
return boolType;
void analyzeVariableDeclaration(
Statement node, Type type, Var variable, Expression? initializer,
{required bool isFinal, required bool isLate}) {
if (initializer == null) {
flow.declare(variable, false);
} else {
var initializerType = analyzeExpression(initializer);
flow.declare(variable, true);
flow.initialize(variable, initializerType, initializer,
isFinal: isFinal,
isLate: isLate,
isImplicitlyTyped: variable.isImplicitlyTyped);
Type analyzeVariableGet(
Expression node, Var variable, void Function(Type?)? callback) {
var promotedType = flow.variableRead(node, variable);
return promotedType ?? variable.type;
void analyzeWhileLoop(Statement node, Expression condition, Statement body) {
flow.whileStatement_bodyBegin(node, condition);
_visitLoopBody(node, body);
Type dispatchExpression(Expression expression, Type context) =>
_irBuilder.guard(expression, () => expression._visit(_harness, context));
void dispatchStatement(Statement statement) =>
_irBuilder.guard(statement, () => statement._visit(_harness));
void finish() {
void handleNoCondition() {
void handleNoInitializer() {
void handleNoMessage() {
void handleNoStatement() {
bool isSwitchExhaustive(_Switch node) {
return node.isExhaustive;
Type leastUpperBound(Type t1, Type t2) => _harness._lub(t1, t2);
Type lookupInterfaceMember(Node node, Type receiverType, String memberName) {
return _harness.getMember(receiverType, memberName);
Type _lookupMember(Expression node, Type receiverType, String memberName) {
return lookupInterfaceMember(node, receiverType, memberName);
void _visitLoopBody(Statement loop, Statement body) {
var previousBreakTarget = _currentBreakTarget;
var previousContinueTarget = _currentContinueTarget;
_currentBreakTarget = loop;
_currentContinueTarget = loop;
_currentBreakTarget = previousBreakTarget;
_currentContinueTarget = previousContinueTarget;
class _NonNullAssert extends Expression {
final Expression operand;
String toString() => '$operand!';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeNonNullAssert(this, operand);
class _Not extends Expression {
final Expression operand;
String toString() => '!$operand';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeLogicalNot(this, operand);
class _NullAwareAccess extends Expression {
static String _fakeMethodName = 'm';
final Expression lhs;
final Expression rhs;
final bool isCascaded;
_NullAwareAccess(this.lhs, this.rhs, this.isCascaded);
String toString() => '$lhs?.${isCascaded ? '.' : ''}($rhs)';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var lhsType = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(lhs);
h._flow.nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(isCascaded ? null : lhs, lhsType);
var rhsType = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(rhs);
var type = h._lub(rhsType, Type('Null'));
h._irBuilder.apply(_fakeMethodName, 2);
return type;
class _NullLiteral extends Expression {
String toString() => 'null';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeNullLiteral(this);
return type;
class _ParenthesizedExpression extends Expression {
final Expression expr;
String toString() => '($expr)';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeParenthesizedExpression(this, expr);
class _PlaceholderExpression extends Expression {
final Type type;
String toString() => '(expr with type $type)';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
h._irBuilder.apply('expr', 1);
return type;
class _Property extends LValue {
final Expression target;
final String propertyName;
_Property(, this.propertyName) : super._();
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables,
{_LValueDisposition disposition =}) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzePropertyGet(this, target, propertyName);
void _visitWrite(Harness h, Expression assignmentExpression, Type writtenType,
Expression? rhs) {
// No flow analysis impact
class _Return extends Statement {
_Return() : super._();
String toString() => 'return;';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._irBuilder.apply('return', 0);
class _Switch extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
final List<SwitchCase> cases;
final bool isExhaustive;
_Switch(this.expression, this.cases, this.isExhaustive) : super._();
String toString() {
var exhaustiveness = isExhaustive ? 'exhaustive' : 'non-exhaustive';
String body;
if (cases.isEmpty) {
body = '{}';
} else {
var contents = cases.join(' ');
body = '{ $contents }';
return 'switch<$exhaustiveness> ($expression) $body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
for (var case_ in cases) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeSwitchStatement(this, expression, cases);
h._irBuilder.apply('switch', cases.length + 1);
class _This extends Expression {
String toString() => 'this';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeThis(this);
return type;
class _ThisOrSuperPropertyGet extends Expression {
final String propertyName;
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeThisPropertyGet(this, propertyName);
return type;
class _Throw extends Expression {
final Expression operand;
String toString() => 'throw ...';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
return h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeThrow(this, operand);
class _TryStatement extends TryStatement {
final Statement _body;
final List<_CatchClause> _catches;
final Statement? _finally;
_TryStatement(this._body, this._catches, this._finally) : super._();
TryStatement catch_(
{Var? exception, Var? stackTrace, required List<Statement> body}) {
assert(_finally == null, 'catch after finally');
return _TryStatement(_body,
[..._catches, _CatchClause(block(body), exception, stackTrace)], null);
Statement finally_(List<Statement> statements) {
assert(_finally == null, 'multiple finally clauses');
return _TryStatement(_body, _catches, block(statements));
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
if (_finally != null) {
if (_catches.isNotEmpty) {
for (var catch_ in _catches) {
if (_finally != null) {
if (_catches.isNotEmpty) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeTryStatement(this, _body, _catches, _finally);
h._irBuilder.apply('try', 2 + _catches.length);
class _VariableReference extends LValue {
final Var variable;
final void Function(Type?)? callback;
_VariableReference(this.variable, this.callback) : super._();
String toString() =>;
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables,
{_LValueDisposition disposition =}) {
if (disposition != _LValueDisposition.write) {;
if (disposition != {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeVariableGet(this, variable, callback);
return type;
void _visitWrite(Harness h, Expression assignmentExpression, Type writtenType,
Expression? rhs) {
h._flow.write(assignmentExpression, variable, writtenType, rhs);
class _While extends Statement {
final Expression condition;
final Statement body;
_While(this.condition, this.body) : super._();
String toString() => 'while ($condition) $body';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
void _visit(Harness h) {
h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeWhileLoop(this, condition, body);
h._irBuilder.apply('while', 2);
class _WhyNotPromoted extends Expression {
final Expression target;
final void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback;
_WhyNotPromoted(, this.callback);
String toString() => '$target (whyNotPromoted)';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(target);
h._flow.forwardExpression(this, target);
Type.withComparisonsAllowed(() {
return type;
class _WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis extends Statement {
final Type staticType;
final void Function(Map<Type, NonPromotionReason>) callback;
_WhyNotPromoted_ImplicitThis(this.staticType, this.callback) : super._();
String toString() => 'implicit this (whyNotPromoted)';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {}
void _visit(Harness h) {
Type.withComparisonsAllowed(() {
class _WrappedExpression extends Expression {
final Statement? before;
final Expression expr;
final Statement? after;
_WrappedExpression(this.before, this.expr, this.after);
String toString() {
var s = StringBuffer('(');
if (before != null) {
s.write('($before) ');
if (after != null) {
s.write(' ($after)');
return s.toString();
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
late MiniIrTmp beforeTmp;
if (before != null) {
beforeTmp = h._irBuilder.allocateTmp();
var type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(expr);
if (after != null) {
var exprTmp = h._irBuilder.allocateTmp();
var afterTmp = h._irBuilder.allocateTmp();
h._flow.forwardExpression(this, expr);
if (before != null) {
return type;
class _Write extends Expression {
final LValue lhs;
final Expression? rhs;
_Write(this.lhs, this.rhs);
String toString() => '$lhs = $rhs';
void _preVisit(AssignedVariables<Node, Var> assignedVariables) {
disposition: rhs == null
? _LValueDisposition.readWrite
: _LValueDisposition.write);
Type _visit(Harness h, Type context) {
var rhs = this.rhs;
Type type;
if (rhs == null) {
// We are simulating an increment/decrement operation.
// TODO(paulberry): Make a separate node type for this.
type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(lhs);
} else {
type = h._typeAnalyzer.analyzeExpression(rhs);
lhs._visitWrite(h, this, type, rhs);
return type;