
Merge commit 'b27c191c2a0a56342f29c7008947b9d2e3367932' into 'dev'
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_abstract.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_abstract.dart
index e7079c1..3ff067b 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_abstract.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_abstract.dart
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:math' as math;
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server_abstract.dart';
@@ -38,19 +37,18 @@
   /// restarted. The [timeout] is the maximum amount of time that will be spent
   /// waiting for plugins to respond.
   Future<List<plugin.Response>> waitForResponses(
-      Map<PluginInfo, Future<plugin.Response>> futures,
-      {plugin.RequestParams? requestParameters,
-      int timeout = 500}) async {
+    Map<PluginInfo, Future<plugin.Response>> futures, {
+    plugin.RequestParams? requestParameters,
+    Duration timeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+  }) async {
     // TODO(brianwilkerson) requestParameters might need to be required.
-    var endTime = + timeout;
+    var timer = Stopwatch()..start();
     var responses = <plugin.Response>[];
     for (var entry in futures.entries) {
       var pluginInfo = entry.key;
       var future = entry.value;
       try {
-        var startTime =;
-        var response = await future
-            .timeout(Duration(milliseconds: math.max(endTime - startTime, 0)));
+        var response = await future.timeout(timeout - timer.elapsed);
         var error = response.error;
         if (error != null) {
           // TODO(brianwilkerson) Report the error to the plugin manager.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_completion.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_completion.dart
index 4434ecc..015acf4 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_completion.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/domain_completion.dart
@@ -571,8 +571,7 @@
     var responses = await waitForResponses(
       requestParameters: requestToPlugins.parameters,
-      // TODO(scheglov) pass Duration
-      timeout: budget.left.inMilliseconds,
+      timeout: budget.left,
     for (var response in responses) {
       var result = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromResponse(response);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
index c853df6b..74ca47f 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@
     int offset,
   ) async {
     final requestParams = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(path, offset);
-    final pluginResponses =
-        await requestFromPlugins(path, requestParams, timeout: 100);
+    final pluginResponses = await requestFromPlugins(path, requestParams,
+        timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
     final pluginResults = pluginResponses
         .map((e) => plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromResponse(e))
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_initialized.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_initialized.dart
index b0e3ca3..1a3d590 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_initialized.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handler_initialized.dart
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
-    if (!server.initializationOptions.onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles) {
+    if (server.initializationOptions.onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles) {
+      await server.fetchClientConfigurationAndPerformDynamicRegistration();
+    } else {
+      // This method internally calls
+      // fetchClientConfigurationAndPerformDynamicRegistration.
       await server.updateWorkspaceFolders(openWorkspacePaths, const []);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart
index 7837653..6b87d05 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
   Future<List<Response>> requestFromPlugins(
     String path,
     RequestParams params, {
-    int timeout = 500,
+    Duration timeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
   }) {
     final driver = server.getAnalysisDriver(path);
     final pluginFutures = server.pluginManager.broadcastRequest(
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
index 05e4e82..a6ff620 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/arglist_contributor.dart
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
     // suppress inserting colons/commas. We check only replacing _after_ the
     // caret as some replacements (before) will still want colons, for example:
     //     foo(mySt^'bar');
-    var replacementEnd = request.replacementRange.offset +
-        (replacementLength ?? request.replacementRange.length);
+    var replacementEnd = request.replacementOffset +
+        (replacementLength ?? request.replacementLength);
     var willReplace =
         request.completionPreference == CompletionPreference.replace &&
             replacementEnd > request.offset;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         // not be replaced.
         var replacementLength =
             request.offset == &&
-                    request.replacementRange.length != 0
+                    request.replacementLength != 0
                 ? 0
                 : null;
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
index 77455f0..1b62943 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/completion/dart/completion_manager.dart
@@ -393,7 +393,6 @@
   /// (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
   /// This will be different than the [replacementOffset] - [offset]
   /// if the [offset] is in the middle of an existing identifier.
-  /// TODO(scheglov) Switch to [replacementRange].
   int get replacementLength => replacementRange.length;
   /// The offset of the start of the text to be replaced.
@@ -401,7 +400,6 @@
   /// suggestions if there was a portion of an identifier before the original
   /// [offset]. In particular, the [replacementOffset] will be the offset of the
   /// beginning of said identifier.
-  /// TODO(scheglov) Switch to [replacementRange].
   int get replacementOffset => replacementRange.offset;
   /// Return the resource provider associated with this request.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/lsp/initialization_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/lsp/initialization_test.dart
index 0a72f10..b6bbc58 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/lsp/initialization_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/lsp/initialization_test.dart
@@ -648,6 +648,25 @@
     expect(server.contextManager.includedPaths, equals([file1]));
+  Future<void> test_onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles_fullyInitializes() async {
+    // Ensure when we use onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles that we still
+    // fully initialize (eg. capabilities are registered).
+    projectFolderPath = convertPath('/home/empty');
+    await expectRequest(
+      Method.client_registerCapability,
+      () => initialize(
+        rootUri: projectFolderUri,
+        initializationOptions: {'onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles': true},
+        // Enable some dynamic registrations, else registerCapability will not
+        // be called.
+        textDocumentCapabilities:
+            withAllSupportedTextDocumentDynamicRegistrations(
+                emptyTextDocumentClientCapabilities),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
   Future<void> test_onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles_multipleFiles() async {
     final file1 = join(projectFolderPath, 'file1.dart');
     final file1Uri = Uri.file(file1);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/domain_abstract_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/domain_abstract_test.dart
index 36ca0d3..1116cbf 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/domain_abstract_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/domain_abstract_test.dart
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
   Future<void> test_waitForResponses_empty_timeout() async {
     AbstractRequestHandler handler = TestAbstractRequestHandler(server);
     var futures = <PluginInfo, Future<plugin.Response>>{};
-    var responses = await handler.waitForResponses(futures, timeout: 250);
+    var responses = await handler.waitForResponses(futures,
+        timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 250));
     expect(responses, isEmpty);
@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@
       plugin2: Future.value(response2),
       plugin3: Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500), () => response3)
-    var responses = await handler.waitForResponses(futures, timeout: 50);
+    var responses = await handler.waitForResponses(futures,
+        timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 50));
     expect(responses, unorderedEquals([response2]));
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer_cli/pubspec.yaml b/pkg/analyzer_cli/pubspec.yaml
index 466e477..5297838 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer_cli/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pkg/analyzer_cli/pubspec.yaml
@@ -8,17 +8,21 @@
   sdk: "^2.7.0"
-  analyzer:
-    path: ../analyzer
-  args: '>=0.13.0 <2.0.0'
-  linter: ^0.1.16
-  meta:
-    path: ../meta
+  analyzer: any
+  args: any
+  linter: ^1.0.0
+  meta: any
   path: any
-  pub_semver: ^1.4.2
+  pub_semver: ^2.0.0
   yaml: any
   lints: any
-  test_reflective_loader: ^0.1.8
+  test_reflective_loader: ^0.2.0
   test: ^1.0.0
+  analyzer:
+    path: ../analyzer
+  meta:
+    path: ../meta
diff --git a/pkg/frontend_server/pubspec.yaml b/pkg/frontend_server/pubspec.yaml
index 504c493..a3c97a6 100644
--- a/pkg/frontend_server/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pkg/frontend_server/pubspec.yaml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   sdk: "^2.7.0"
-  args: ^1.4.4
+  args: ^2.0.0
     path: ../build_integration
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     path: ../front_end
     path: ../kernel
-  package_config: ^1.9.0
+  package_config: ^2.0.0
   path: any
   usage: any
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/pubspec.yaml b/pkg/kernel/pubspec.yaml
index 72c0820..140b0ee 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pkg/kernel/pubspec.yaml
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
   sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
-  args: '>=0.13.4 <2.0.0'
+  args: ^2.0.0
     path: ../expect
diff --git a/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/all_kinds_test.dart b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/all_kinds_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ea69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/all_kinds_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Check that placing a named argument anywhere in the argument list works for
+// all kinds of invocations.
+// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=named-arguments-anywhere
+import "package:expect/expect.dart";
+List<Object?> arguments = [];
+X evaluate<X>(X x) {
+  arguments.add(x);
+  return x;
+void runAndCheckEvaluationOrder(
+    List<Object?> expectedArguments,
+    void Function() functionToRun) {
+  arguments.clear();
+  functionToRun();
+  Expect.listEquals(expectedArguments, arguments);
+class A {
+  A(int x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+    Expect.equals(1, x);
+    Expect.equals("2", y);
+    Expect.isFalse(z);
+    Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+  }
+  A.redir1() : this(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  A.redir2() : this(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  A.redir3() : this(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  A.redir4() : this(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  A.redir5() : this(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  A.redir6() : this(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  factory x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+    Expect.equals(1, x);
+    Expect.equals("2", y);
+    Expect.isFalse(z);
+    Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+    return A(x, y, z: z, w: w);
+  }
+  factory A.redirFactory(int x, String y, {bool z, required double w}) = A;
+  void Function(int x, String y, {bool z, required double w}) get property {
+    return;
+  }
+  void bar(int x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+    Expect.equals(1, x);
+    Expect.equals("2", y);
+    Expect.isFalse(z);
+    Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+  }
+  void call(int x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+    Expect.equals(1, x);
+    Expect.equals("2", y);
+    Expect.isFalse(z);
+    Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+  }
+typedef B = A;
+foo(int x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+  Expect.equals(1, x);
+  Expect.equals("2", y);
+  Expect.isFalse(z);
+  Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+test(dynamic d, Function f, A a) {
+  void local(int x, String y, {bool z = false, required double w}) {
+    Expect.equals(1, x);
+    Expect.equals("2", y);
+    Expect.isFalse(z);
+    Expect.equals(3.14, w);
+  }
+  // StaticInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      foo(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      foo(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      foo(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      foo(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      foo(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      foo(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // FactoryConstructorInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+, evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+, z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+ evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+, evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+, z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+ evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+ evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // ConstructorInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      A(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      B(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      B(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      B(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      B(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      B(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      B(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // DynamicInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      d(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      d(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      d(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      d(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      d(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      d(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // FunctionInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      f(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      f(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      f(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      f(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      f(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      f(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // InstanceGetterInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+, evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+, z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+ evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+ evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // InstanceInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, 1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, 1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, 3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, 1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([a, 1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      evaluate(a).bar(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // LocalFunctionInvocation.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      local(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      local(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      local(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      local(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      local(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      local(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // Redirecting generative constructors.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      A.redir1();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A.redir2();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A.redir3();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      A.redir4();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      A.redir5();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      A.redir6();
+  });
+  // Redirecting factory constructors.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      A.redirFactory(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A.redirFactory(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      A.redirFactory(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      A.redirFactory(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      A.redirFactory(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      A.redirFactory(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+  // Constructor super initializers.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      Test.super1();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      Test.super2();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      Test.super3();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      Test.super4();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      Test.super5();
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      Test.super6();
+  });
+  // Implicit .call insertion.
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+      a(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+      a(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+      a(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+      a(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+      a(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  });
+  runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+      a(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  });
+class Test extends A {
+  Test() : super(1, "2", z: false, w: 3.14);
+  Test.super1() : super(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  Test.super2() : super(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  Test.super3() : super(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+  Test.super4() : super(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  Test.super5() : super(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+  Test.super6() : super(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+  test() {
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+, evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+, z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+ evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+ evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+, w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+    });
+    // Using implicitly.
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, "2", false, 3.14], () {
+        super(evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, false, "2", 3.14], () {
+        super(evaluate(1), z: evaluate(false), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([false, 1, "2", 3.14], () {
+        super(z: evaluate(false), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), w: evaluate(3.14));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([3.14, 1, "2", false], () {
+        super(w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate(1), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2", false], () {
+        super(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"), z: evaluate(false));
+    });
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder([1, 3.14, "2"], () {
+        super(evaluate(1), w: evaluate(3.14), evaluate("2"));
+    });
+  }
+extension E on A {
+  test() {
+    runAndCheckEvaluationOrder(["1", 2], () {
+        method(foo: evaluate("1"), evaluate(2)); // This call.
+    });
+  }
+  method(int bar, {String? foo}) {
+    Expect.equals(2, bar);
+    Expect.equals("1", foo);
+  }
+main() {
+  A a = A(1, "2", z: false, w: 3.14);
+  test(,, a);
+  Test().test();
+  a.test();
diff --git a/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_error_test.dart b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_error_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52adfbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_error_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Checks that compile-time errors in the arguments are reported when the named
+// arguments are placed before the positional.
+// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=named-arguments-anywhere
+const a42 = const A(42);
+class A {
+  final int value;
+  const A(this.value);
+class B {
+  final A a;
+  const B(this.a) : assert(identical(a, a42));
+foo(B x, {required B y}) {}
+test() {
+  foo(const B(const A(0)), y: const B(new A(42)));
+  //  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  //        ^
+  // [cfe] Constant evaluation error:
+  //                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  //                                  ^^^^^^^^^
+  // [cfe] New expression is not a constant expression.
+  //                                      ^
+  // [cfe] New expression is not a constant expression.
+  foo(y: const B(new A(42)), const B(const A(0)));
+  //     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  //             ^^^^^^^^^
+  // [cfe] New expression is not a constant expression.
+  //                 ^
+  // [cfe] New expression is not a constant expression.
+  //                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  //                               ^
+  // [cfe] Constant evaluation error:
+main() {}
diff --git a/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_ok_test.dart b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_ok_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd9e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/language/named_arguments_anywhere/order_side_effects_ok_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Checks that typeinference on arguments continues working after their order is
+// changed.
+// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=named-arguments-anywhere
+import "package:expect/expect.dart";
+Type? argument = null;
+void registerTypeArgument<X>() {
+  argument = X;
+void runAndCheckForTypeArgument(Type expectedArgument, void Function() functionToRun) {
+  argument = null;
+  functionToRun();
+  Expect.equals(expectedArgument, argument);
+class BGeneric<X> {
+  const BGeneric();
+void fooGeneric<X>(BGeneric<X> x, {required BGeneric<List<X>> y}) {
+  registerTypeArgument<X>();
+void fooFunction(int x, {required double Function(double) y}) {
+  y(3.14);
+X bar<X>(X x) {
+  registerTypeArgument<X>();
+  return x;
+void fooFunctionGeneric<X>(int x, {required void Function(X) y}) {
+  registerTypeArgument<X>();
+void main() {
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(dynamic, () {
+      fooGeneric(const BGeneric(), y: const BGeneric());
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(dynamic, () {
+      fooGeneric(y: const BGeneric(), const BGeneric());
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(int, () {
+      fooGeneric(const BGeneric<int>(), y: const BGeneric<List<int>>());
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(String, () {
+      fooGeneric(y: const BGeneric<List<String>>(), const BGeneric<String>());
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(double, () {
+      fooFunction(42, y: bar);
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(double, () {
+      fooFunction(y: bar, 42);
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(String, () {
+      fooFunctionGeneric(42, y: (String x) {});
+  });
+  runAndCheckForTypeArgument(num, () {
+      fooFunctionGeneric(y: (num x) {}, 42);
+  });
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index f8a05d9..c49f227 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
index ab04c56..448629c 100644
--- a/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
+++ b/tools/bots/test_matrix.json
@@ -3470,6 +3470,20 @@
+          "name": "validate SDK API doc code samples",
+          "script": "out/ReleaseX64/dart-sdk/bin/dart",
+          "arguments": [
+            "tools/verify_docs/bin/verify_docs.dart",
+            "sdk/lib/_internal",
+            "sdk/lib/cli",
+            "sdk/lib/convert",
+            "sdk/lib/ffi",
+            "sdk/lib/js",
+            "sdk/lib/math",
+            "sdk/lib/mirrors"
+          ]
+        },
+        {
           "name": "validate SDK API data-driven fixes",
           "script": "out/ReleaseX64/dart-sdk/bin/dart",
           "arguments": [
diff --git a/tools/verify_docs/bin/verify_docs.dart b/tools/verify_docs/bin/verify_docs.dart
index aee1176..c23b102 100644
--- a/tools/verify_docs/bin/verify_docs.dart
+++ b/tools/verify_docs/bin/verify_docs.dart
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   var hadErrors = false;
   for (final dir in coreLibraries) {
-    hadErrors |= await validateLibrary(dir);
+    hadErrors |= !(await validateLibrary(dir));
   exitCode = hadErrors ? 1 : 0;
@@ -69,16 +69,16 @@
   print('## dart:$libName');
-  var hadErrors = false;
+  var validDocs = true;
   for (final file in dir
       .listSync(recursive: true)
       .where((file) => file.path.endsWith('.dart'))) {
-    hadErrors |= await verifyFile(analysisHelper, libName, file, dir);
+    validDocs &= await verifyFile(analysisHelper, libName, file, dir);
-  return hadErrors;
+  return validDocs;
 Future<bool> verifyFile(
@@ -113,12 +113,7 @@
   await visitor.process(parseResult);
-  if (visitor.errors.isNotEmpty) {
-    print('${path.relative(file.path, from: parent.parent.path)}');
-    print('${visitor.errors.toString()}');
-  }
-  return visitor.errors.isEmpty;
+  return !visitor.hadErrors;
 /// Visit a compilation unit and validate the code samples found in dartdoc
@@ -131,7 +126,7 @@
   final String? sampleAssumptions;
   final List<CodeSample> samples = [];
-  final StringBuffer errors = StringBuffer();
+  bool hadErrors = false;
@@ -283,6 +278,8 @@
       if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
         print('$filePath:${sample.lineStartOffset}: ${errors.length} errors');
+        hadErrors = true;
         errors = errors.toList()
             (a, b) => a.offset - b.offset,
@@ -381,18 +378,23 @@
   final String libraryName;
   final resourceProvider =
+  final pathRoot = Platform.isWindows ? r'c:\' : '/';
   late AnalysisContextCollection collection;
   int index = 0;
   AnalysisHelper(this.libraryName) {
+    resourceProvider.pathContext;
     collection = AnalysisContextCollection(
-      includedPaths: ['/$libraryName'],
+      includedPaths: ['$pathRoot$libraryName'],
       resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
   Future<SomeResolvedUnitResult> resolveFile(String contents) async {
-    final samplePath = '/$libraryName/sample_${index++}.dart';
+    final samplePath =
+        '$pathRoot$libraryName${resourceProvider.pathContext.separator}'
+        'sample_${index++}.dart';
       content: contents,