blob: e5790af0199f3145da576c788c49d5121174b0b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'dart:async';
void main() async {
await testThrowSame();
await testThrowOther();
Future<void> testThrowSame() async {
var object1 = Object();
var stack1 = StackTrace.current;
var outerZone = Zone.current;
var firstZone = Zone.current.fork(specification: onError((error, stack) {
// Uncaught error handlers run in the parent zone.
Expect.identical(outerZone, Zone.current);
Expect.identical(object1, error);
Expect.identical(stack1, stack); // Get same stack trace.
})); async {
Expect.identical(firstZone, Zone.current);
var secondZone = Zone.current.fork(specification: onError((error, stack) {
// Uncaught error handlers run in the parent zone.
Expect.identical(firstZone, Zone.current);
Expect.identical(object1, error);
Expect.identical(stack1, stack);
throw error; // Throw same object
})); async {
Expect.identical(secondZone, Zone.current);
Future.error(object1, stack1); // Unhandled async error.
await Future(() {});
Future<void> testThrowOther() async {
var object1 = Object();
var object2 = Object();
var stack1 = StackTrace.current;
var outerZone = Zone.current;
var firstZone = Zone.current.fork(specification: onError((error, stack) {
Expect.identical(outerZone, Zone.current);
Expect.identical(object2, error);
Expect.notIdentical(stack1, stack); // Get different stack trace.
})); async {
Expect.identical(firstZone, Zone.current);
var secondZone = Zone.current.fork(specification: onError((error, stack) {
Expect.identical(firstZone, Zone.current);
Expect.identical(object1, error);
Expect.identical(stack1, stack);
throw object2; // Throw different object
})); async {
Expect.identical(secondZone, Zone.current);
Future.error(object1, stack1); // Unhandled async error.
await Future(() {});
ZoneSpecification onError(void Function(Object, StackTrace) handler) {
return ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: (s, p, z, e, st) => handler(e, st));