blob: dc14fe6e6eaa3fe664638306d4a3e795ac87fa65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
// Test for positive and negative uses of named declarations. This file is
// also used in tests/compiler/dart2js/model/native_test.dart.
import 'dart:_js_helper';
var topLevelField;
get topLevelGetter => null;
set topLevelSetter(_) {}
topLevelFunction() {}
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 01: compile-time error
external get externalTopLevelGetter; //# 01: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 02: compile-time error
external set externalTopLevelSetter(_); //# 02: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 03: compile-time error
external externalTopLevelFunction(); //# 03: continued
get nativeTopLevelGetter native;
set nativeTopLevelSetter(_) native;
nativeTopLevelFunction() native;
class Class {
factory Class.fact() => null;
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 08: compile-time error
external Class.externalGenerative(); //# 08: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 09: compile-time error
external factory Class.externalFact(); //# 09: continued
// NATIVE_NON_INSTANCE_IN_NON_NATIVE_CLASS //# 10: compile-time error
Class.nativeGenerative() native; //# 10: continued
// NATIVE_NON_INSTANCE_IN_NON_NATIVE_CLASS //# 11: compile-time error
factory Class.nativeFact() native; //# 11: continued
var instanceField;
get instanceGetter => null;
set instanceSetter(_) {}
instanceMethod() {}
static var staticField;
static get staticGetter => null;
static set staticSetter(_) {}
static staticMethod() {}
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 22: compile-time error
external get externalInstanceGetter; //# 22: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 23: compile-time error
external set externalInstanceSetter(_); //# 23: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 24: compile-time error
external externalInstanceMethod(); //# 24: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 25: compile-time error
external static get externalStaticGetter; //# 25: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 26: compile-time error
external static set externalStaticSetter(_); //# 26: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 27: compile-time error
external static externalStaticMethod(); //# 27: continued
get nativeInstanceGetter native;
set nativeInstanceSetter(_) native;
nativeInstanceMethod() native;
// NATIVE_NON_INSTANCE_IN_NON_NATIVE_CLASS //# 28: compile-time error
static get nativeStaticGetter native; //# 28: continued
// NATIVE_NON_INSTANCE_IN_NON_NATIVE_CLASS //# 29: compile-time error
static set nativeStaticSetter(_) native; //# 29: continued
// NATIVE_NON_INSTANCE_IN_NON_NATIVE_CLASS //# 30: compile-time error
static nativeStaticMethod() native; //# 30: continued
class NativeClass {
factory NativeClass.fact() => null;
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 31: compile-time error
external NativeClass.externalGenerative(); //# 31: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 32: compile-time error
external factory NativeClass.externalFact(); //# 32: continued
NativeClass.nativeGenerative() native;
factory NativeClass.nativeFact() native;
var instanceField;
get instanceGetter => null;
set instanceSetter(_) {}
instanceMethod() {}
static var staticField;
static get staticGetter => null;
static set staticSetter(_) {}
static staticMethod() {}
var instanceNamedField;
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 36: compile-time error
external get externalInstanceGetter; //# 36: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 37: compile-time error
external set externalInstanceSetter(_); //# 37: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 38: compile-time error
external externalInstanceMethod(); //# 38: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 39: compile-time error
external static get externalStaticGetter; //# 39: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 40: compile-time error
external static set externalStaticSetter(_); //# 40: continued
// NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL //# 41: compile-time error
external static externalStaticMethod(); //# 41: continued
get nativeInstanceGetter native;
set nativeInstanceSetter(_) native;
nativeInstanceMethod() native;
static get nativeStaticGetter native;
static set nativeStaticSetter(_) native;
static nativeStaticMethod() native;
main() {
if (true) return;
topLevelSetter = null;
externalTopLevelGetter; //# 01: continued
externalTopLevelSetter = null; //# 02: continued
externalTopLevelFunction(); //# 03: continued
nativeTopLevelSetter = null;
var c1 = new Class.generative();
new Class.fact();
new Class.externalGenerative(); //# 08: continued
new Class.externalFact(); //# 09: continued
new Class.nativeGenerative(); //# 10: continued
new Class.nativeFact(); //# 11: continued
c1.instanceSetter = null;
Class.staticSetter = null;
c1.externalInstanceGetter; //# 22: continued
c1.externalInstanceSetter = null; //# 23: continued
c1.externalInstanceMethod(); //# 24: continued
Class.externalStaticGetter; //# 25: continued
Class.externalStaticSetter = null; //# 26: continued
Class.externalStaticMethod(); //# 27: continued
c1.nativeInstanceSetter = null;
Class.nativeStaticGetter; //# 28: continued
Class.nativeStaticSetter = null; //# 29: continued
Class.nativeStaticMethod(); //# 30: continued
var c2 = new NativeClass.generative();
new NativeClass.fact();
new NativeClass.externalGenerative(); //# 31: continued
new NativeClass.externalFact(); //# 32: continued
new NativeClass.nativeGenerative();
new NativeClass.nativeFact();
c2.instanceSetter = null;
NativeClass.staticSetter = null;
c2.externalInstanceGetter; //# 36: continued
c2.externalInstanceSetter = null; //# 37: continued
c2.externalInstanceMethod(); //# 38: continued
NativeClass.externalStaticGetter; //# 39: continued
NativeClass.externalStaticSetter = null; //# 40: continued
NativeClass.externalStaticMethod(); //# 41: continued
c2.nativeInstanceSetter = null;
NativeClass.nativeStaticSetter = null;