blob: fb3aab95d79fdae1b14239c8c0b3dc663dd098f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library web_gl_test;
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:web_gl';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
final isAngleInstancedArrays = (v) => v is AngleInstancedArrays;
final isExtBlendMinMax = (v) => v is ExtBlendMinMax;
final isExtFragDepth = (v) => v is ExtFragDepth;
final isEXTsRgb = (v) => v is EXTsRgb;
final isExtShaderTextureLod = (v) => v is ExtShaderTextureLod;
final isExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = (v) => v is ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic;
final isOesElementIndexUint = (v) => v is OesElementIndexUint;
final isOesStandardDerivatives = (v) => v is OesStandardDerivatives;
final isOesTextureFloat = (v) => v is OesTextureFloat;
final isOesTextureFloatLinear = (v) => v is OesTextureFloatLinear;
final isOesTextureHalfFloat = (v) => v is OesTextureHalfFloat;
final isOesTextureHalfFloatLinear = (v) => v is OesTextureHalfFloatLinear;
final isOesVertexArrayObject = (v) => v is OesVertexArrayObject;
final isCompressedTextureAtc = (v) => v is CompressedTextureAtc;
final isCompressedTextureETC1 = (v) => v is CompressedTextureETC1;
final isCompressedTexturePvrtc = (v) => v is CompressedTexturePvrtc;
final isCompressedTextureS3TC = (v) => v is CompressedTextureS3TC;
final isDebugRendererInfo = (v) => v is DebugRendererInfo;
final isDebugShaders = (v) => v is DebugShaders;
final isDepthTexture = (v) => v is DepthTexture;
final isDrawBuffers = (v) => v is DrawBuffers;
final isLoseContext = (v) => v is LoseContext;
final isFunction = predicate((v) => v is Function);
// Test that various webgl extensions are available. Only test advertised
// supported extensions. If the extension has methods, we just test the presence
// of some methods - we don't test if functionality works.
main() {
if (!RenderingContext.supported) return;
const allExtensions = const [
getExtension(String name) {
expect(name, anyOf(allExtensions), reason: 'unknown extension');
var canvas = new CanvasElement();
var context = canvas.getContext3d();
expect(context, isNotNull);
var supportedExtensions = context!.getSupportedExtensions()!;
if (supportedExtensions.contains(name)) {
var extension = context.getExtension(name);
expect(extension, isNotNull);
return extension;
return null;
testType(name, typeMatcher) {
test('type', () {
var extension = getExtension(name);
if (extension == null) return;
expect(extension, predicate(typeMatcher));
// Ensure that isInstanceOf<X> is not instantiated for an erroneous type
// X. If X is erroneous, there is only a warning at compile time and X is
// treated as dynamic, which would make the above line pass.
expect(typeMatcher(1), false, reason: 'invalid typeMatcher');
group('ANGLE_instanced_arrays', () {
const name = 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays';
testType(name, isAngleInstancedArrays);
test('vertexAttribDivisorAngle', () {
AngleInstancedArrays? extension =
getExtension(name) as AngleInstancedArrays?;
if (extension == null) return;
expect(extension.vertexAttribDivisorAngle, isFunction);
group('EXT_blend_minmax', () {
testType('EXT_blend_minmax', isExtBlendMinMax);
group('EXT_frag_depth', () {
testType('EXT_frag_depth', isExtFragDepth);
group('EXT_sRGB', () {
testType('EXT_sRGB', isEXTsRgb);
group('EXT_shader_texture_lod', () {
testType('EXT_shader_texture_lod', isExtShaderTextureLod);
group('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic', () {
testType('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic', isExtTextureFilterAnisotropic);
group('OES_element_index_uint', () {
testType('OES_element_index_uint', isOesElementIndexUint);
group('OES_standard_derivatives', () {
testType('OES_standard_derivatives', isOesStandardDerivatives);
group('OES_texture_float', () {
testType('OES_texture_float', isOesTextureFloat);
group('OES_texture_float_linear', () {
testType('OES_texture_float_linear', isOesTextureFloatLinear);
group('OES_texture_half_float', () {
testType('OES_texture_half_float', isOesTextureHalfFloat);
group('OES_texture_half_float_linear', () {
testType('OES_texture_half_float_linear', isOesTextureHalfFloatLinear);
group('OES_vertex_array_object', () {
testType('OES_vertex_array_object', isOesVertexArrayObject);
group('WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc', () {
testType('WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc', isCompressedTextureAtc);
group('WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1', () {
testType('WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1', isCompressedTextureETC1);
group('WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc', () {
testType('WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc', isCompressedTexturePvrtc);
group('WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc', () {
testType('WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc', isCompressedTextureS3TC);
group('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info', () {
testType('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info', isDebugRendererInfo);
group('WEBGL_debug_shaders', () {
testType('WEBGL_debug_shaders', isDebugShaders);
group('WEBGL_depth_texture', () {
testType('WEBGL_depth_texture', isDepthTexture);
group('WEBGL_draw_buffers', () {
const name = 'WEBGL_draw_buffers';
testType(name, isDrawBuffers);
test('drawBuffersWebgl', () {
DrawBuffers? extension = getExtension(name) as DrawBuffers?;
if (extension == null) return;
expect(extension.drawBuffersWebgl, isFunction);
group('WEBGL_lose_context', () {
const name = 'WEBGL_lose_context';
testType(name, isLoseContext);
test('loseContext', () {
LoseContext? extension = getExtension(name) as LoseContext?;
if (extension == null) return;
expect(extension.loseContext, isFunction);