blob: ca213ecd650c19ea51e12d0bcfadd44f65f4448f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
/// The characters that will cause the editor to automatically commit the selected
/// completion item.
/// For example, pressing `(` at the location of `^` in the code below would
/// automatically commit the functions name and insert a `(` to avoid either having
/// to press `<enter>` and then `(` or having `()` included in the completion items
/// `insertText` (which is incorrect when passing a function around rather than
/// invoking it).
/// myLongFunctionName();
/// print(myLong^)
/// The `.` is not included because it falsely triggers whenver typing a
/// cascade (`..`), inserting the very first completion instead of just a second
/// period.
const dartCompletionCommitCharacters = ['('];
/// Set the characters that will cause the editor to automatically
/// trigger completion.
const dartCompletionTriggerCharacters = [
/// Characters that refresh signature help only if it's already open on the client.
const dartSignatureHelpRetriggerCharacters = <String>[','];
/// Characters that automatically trigger signature help when typed in the client.
const dartSignatureHelpTriggerCharacters = <String>['('];
/// Characters to trigger formatting when format-on-type is enabled.
const dartTypeFormattingCharacters = ['}', ';'];
/// A [ProgressToken] used for reporting progress when the server is analyzing.
final analyzingProgressToken = Either2<int, String>.t2('ANALYZING');
final emptyWorkspaceEdit = WorkspaceEdit();
/// Constants for command IDs that are exchanged between LSP client/server.
abstract class Commands {
/// A list of all commands IDs that can be sent to the client to inform which
/// commands should be sent to the server for execution (as opposed to being
/// executed in the local plugin).
static const serverSupportedCommands = [
static const sortMembers = 'edit.sortMembers';
static const organizeImports = 'edit.organizeImports';
static const fixAll = 'edit.fixAll';
static const sendWorkspaceEdit = 'edit.sendWorkspaceEdit';
static const performRefactor = 'refactor.perform';
abstract class CustomMethods {
static const diagnosticServer = Method('dart/diagnosticServer');
static const reanalyze = Method('dart/reanalyze');
static const publishClosingLabels =
static const publishOutline = Method('dart/textDocument/publishOutline');
static const publishFlutterOutline =
static const super_ = Method('dart/textDocument/super');
// TODO(dantup): Remove custom AnalyzerStatus status method soon as no clients
// should be relying on it as we now support proper $/progress events.
static const analyzerStatus = Method(r'$/analyzerStatus');
/// Semantic tokens are dynamically registered using a single string
/// "textDocument/semanticTokens" instead of for each individual method
/// (full, range, full/delta) so the built-in Method class does not contain
/// the required constant.
static const semanticTokenDynamicRegistration =
abstract class CustomSemanticTokenModifiers {
/// A modifier applied to control keywords like if/for/etc. so they can be
/// colored differently to other keywords (void, import, etc), matching the
/// original Dart textmate grammar.
static const control = SemanticTokenModifiers('control');
/// A modifier applied to parameter references to indicate they are the name/label
/// to allow theming them differently to the values. For example in the code
/// `foo({String a}) => foo(a: a)` the a's will be differentiated as:
/// - parameter.declaration
/// - parameter.label
/// - parameter
static const label = SemanticTokenModifiers('label');
/// A modifier applied to constructors to allow coloring them differently
/// to class names that are not constructors.
static const constructor = SemanticTokenModifiers('constructor');
/// A modifier applied to escape characters within a string to allow coloring
/// them differently.
static const escape = SemanticTokenModifiers('escape');
/// A modifier applied to an interpolation expression in a string to allow
/// coloring it differently to the literal parts of the string.
/// Many tokens within interpolation expressions will get their own semantic
/// tokens so this is mainly to account for the the surrounding `${}` and
/// tokens like parens and operators that may not get their own.
/// This is useful for editors that supply their own basic coloring initially
/// (for faster coloring) and then layer semantic tokens over the top. Without
/// some marker for interpolation expressions, all otherwise-uncolored parts
/// of the expression would show through the simple-colorings "string" colors.
static const interpolation = SemanticTokenModifiers('interpolation');
/// A modifier applied to the void keyword to users to color it differently
/// (for example as a type).
static const void_ = SemanticTokenModifiers('void');
/// All custom semantic token modifiers, used to populate the LSP Legend.
/// The legend must include all used modifiers. Modifiers used in the
/// HighlightRegion mappings will be automatically included, but should still
/// be listed here in case they are removed from mappings in the future.
static const values = [
abstract class CustomSemanticTokenTypes {
static const annotation = SemanticTokenTypes('annotation');
static const boolean = SemanticTokenTypes('boolean');
/// A placeholder token type for basic source code that is not usually colored.
/// This is used only where clients might otherwise provide their own coloring
/// (for example coloring whole strings that may include interpolated code).
/// Tokens using this type should generally also provide a custom
/// [CustomSemanticTokenModifiers] to give the client more information about
/// the reason for this token and allow specific coloring if desired.
static const source = SemanticTokenTypes('source');
/// All custom semantic token types, used to populate the LSP Legend which must
/// include all used types.
static const values = [annotation, boolean, source];
/// CodeActionKinds supported by the server that are not declared in the LSP spec.
abstract class DartCodeActionKind {
/// A list of all supported CodeAction kinds, supplied to the client during
/// initialization to allow enabling features based upon them.
static const serverSupportedKinds = [
// We have to explicitly list this for the client to enable built-in command.
static const SortMembers = CodeActionKind('source.sortMembers');
// TODO(dantup): Once this PR is merged into LSP and released, regenerated the
// LSP protocol code and swap this code CodeActionKind.SourceFixAll
static const FixAll = CodeActionKind('source.fixAll');
abstract class ServerErrorCodes {
// JSON-RPC reserves -32000 to -32099 for implementation-defined server-errors.
static const ServerAlreadyStarted = ErrorCodes(-32000);
static const UnhandledError = ErrorCodes(-32001);
static const ServerAlreadyInitialized = ErrorCodes(-32002);
static const InvalidFilePath = ErrorCodes(-32003);
static const InvalidFileLineCol = ErrorCodes(-32004);
static const UnknownCommand = ErrorCodes(-32005);
static const InvalidCommandArguments = ErrorCodes(-32006);
static const FileNotAnalyzed = ErrorCodes(-32007);
static const FileHasErrors = ErrorCodes(-32008);
static const ClientFailedToApplyEdit = ErrorCodes(-32009);
static const RenameNotValid = ErrorCodes(-32010);
static const RefactorFailed = ErrorCodes(-32011);
static const FeatureDisabled = ErrorCodes(-32012);
/// An error raised when the server detects that the server and client are out
/// of sync and cannot recover. For example if a textDocument/didChange notification
/// has invalid offsets, suggesting the client and server have become out of sync
/// and risk invalid modifications to a file.
/// The server should detect this error being returned, log it, then exit.
/// The client is expected to behave as suggested in the spec:
/// "If a client notices that a server exists unexpectedly it should try to
/// restart the server. However clients should be careful to not restart a
/// crashing server endlessly. VS Code for example doesn't restart a server
/// if it crashes 5 times in the last 180 seconds."
static const ClientServerInconsistentState = ErrorCodes(-32099);
/// Strings used in user prompts (window/showMessageRequest).
abstract class UserPromptActions {
static const String yes = 'Yes';
static const String no = 'No';
static const String cancel = 'Cancel';
static const String renameAnyway = 'Rename Anyway';