| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "vm/canonical_tables.h" |
| #include "vm/closure_functions_cache.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/assembler/disassembler.h" |
| #include "vm/debugger.h" |
| #include "vm/object.h" |
| #include "vm/object_graph.h" |
| #include "vm/object_store.h" |
| #include "vm/resolver.h" |
| #include "vm/stub_code.h" |
| #include "vm/symbols.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| #ifndef PRODUCT |
| |
| static void AddNameProperties(JSONObject* jsobj, |
| const char* name, |
| const char* vm_name) { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("name", name); |
| if (strcmp(name, vm_name) != 0) { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("_vmName", vm_name); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Object::AddCommonObjectProperties(JSONObject* jsobj, |
| const char* protocol_type, |
| bool ref) const { |
| const char* vm_type = JSONType(); |
| bool same_type = (strcmp(protocol_type, vm_type) == 0); |
| if (ref) { |
| jsobj->AddPropertyF("type", "@%s", protocol_type); |
| } else { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("type", protocol_type); |
| } |
| if (!same_type) { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("_vmType", vm_type); |
| } |
| if (!ref || IsInstance() || IsNull()) { |
| // TODO(turnidge): Provide the type arguments here too? |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(this->clazz()); |
| jsobj->AddProperty("class", cls); |
| } |
| if (!ref) { |
| if (ptr()->IsHeapObject()) { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("size", ptr()->untag()->HeapSize()); |
| } else { |
| jsobj->AddProperty("size", (intptr_t)0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Object::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Object::PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| if (IsNull()) { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Instance", ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Null"); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("objects/null"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", "null"); |
| } else { |
| PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Class::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| if ((ptr() == Class::null()) || (id() == kFreeListElement)) { |
| // TODO(turnidge): This is weird and needs to be changed. |
| jsobj.AddProperty("type", "null"); |
| return; |
| } |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Class", ref); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("classes/%" Pd "", id()); |
| const String& scrubbed_name = String::Handle(ScrubbedName()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(Name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, scrubbed_name.ToCString(), vm_name.ToCString()); |
| const Script& script = Script::Handle(this->script()); |
| if (!script.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddLocation(script, token_pos(), end_token_pos()); |
| } |
| |
| jsobj.AddProperty("library", Object::Handle(library())); |
| |
| const intptr_t num_type_params = NumTypeParameters(); |
| if (num_type_params > 0) { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "typeParameters"); |
| TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_params; ++i) { |
| type_param = TypeParameterAt(i); |
| jsarr.AddValue(type_param); |
| } |
| } |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const Error& err = Error::Handle(EnsureIsFinalized(Thread::Current())); |
| if (!err.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("error", err); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("abstract", is_abstract()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("const", is_const()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_finalized", is_finalized()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_implemented", is_implemented()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_patch", false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("traceAllocations", TraceAllocation(isolate->group())); |
| |
| const Class& superClass = Class::Handle(SuperClass()); |
| if (!superClass.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("super", superClass); |
| } |
| const AbstractType& superType = AbstractType::Handle(super_type()); |
| if (!superType.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("superType", superType); |
| } |
| const Array& interface_array = Array::Handle(interfaces()); |
| if (is_transformed_mixin_application()) { |
| Type& mix = Type::Handle(); |
| mix ^= interface_array.At(interface_array.Length() - 1); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("mixin", mix); |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray interfaces_array(&jsobj, "interfaces"); |
| Type& interface_type = Type::Handle(); |
| if (!interface_array.IsNull()) { |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < interface_array.Length(); ++i) { |
| interface_type ^= interface_array.At(i); |
| interfaces_array.AddValue(interface_type); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray fields_array(&jsobj, "fields"); |
| const Array& field_array = Array::Handle(fields()); |
| Field& field = Field::Handle(); |
| if (!field_array.IsNull()) { |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_array.Length(); ++i) { |
| field ^= field_array.At(i); |
| fields_array.AddValue(field); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray functions_array(&jsobj, "functions"); |
| const Array& function_array = Array::Handle(current_functions()); |
| Function& function = Function::Handle(); |
| if (!function_array.IsNull()) { |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function_array.Length(); i++) { |
| function ^= function_array.At(i); |
| functions_array.AddValue(function); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray subclasses_array(&jsobj, "subclasses"); |
| const GrowableObjectArray& subclasses = |
| GrowableObjectArray::Handle(direct_subclasses_unsafe()); |
| if (!subclasses.IsNull()) { |
| Class& subclass = Class::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < subclasses.Length(); ++i) { |
| // TODO(turnidge): Use the Type directly once regis has added |
| // types to the vmservice. |
| subclass ^= subclasses.At(i); |
| subclasses_array.AddValue(subclass); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TypeParameters::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| // Consider making this type public if we decide to expose TypeParameters |
| // through the protocol. |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "_TypeParameters"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("flags", Array::Handle(flags())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("names", Array::Handle(names())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("bounds", TypeArguments::Handle(bounds())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("defaults", TypeArguments::Handle(defaults())); |
| } |
| |
| void TypeArguments::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| // The index in the canonical_type_arguments table cannot be used as part of |
| // the object id (as in typearguments/id), because the indices are not |
| // preserved when the table grows and the entries get rehashed. Use the ring. |
| Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); |
| Zone* zone = thread->zone(); |
| auto object_store = thread->isolate_group()->object_store(); |
| CanonicalTypeArgumentsSet typeargs_table( |
| zone, object_store->canonical_type_arguments()); |
| const Array& table = |
| Array::Handle(HashTables::ToArray(typeargs_table, false)); |
| typeargs_table.Release(); |
| ASSERT(table.Length() > 0); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "TypeArguments", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| const String& user_name = String::Handle(UserVisibleName()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(Name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name.ToCString(), vm_name.ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "types"); |
| AbstractType& type_arg = AbstractType::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) { |
| type_arg = TypeAt(i); |
| jsarr.AddValue(type_arg); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!IsInstantiated()) { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "_instantiations"); |
| Array& prior_instantiations = Array::Handle(instantiations()); |
| ASSERT(prior_instantiations.Length() > 0); // Always at least a sentinel. |
| TypeArguments& type_args = TypeArguments::Handle(); |
| intptr_t i = 0; |
| while (prior_instantiations.At(i) != |
| Smi::New(TypeArguments::kNoInstantiator)) { |
| JSONObject instantiation(&jsarr); |
| type_args ^= prior_instantiations.At( |
| i + TypeArguments::Instantiation::kInstantiatorTypeArgsIndex); |
| instantiation.AddProperty("instantiatorTypeArguments", type_args, true); |
| type_args ^= prior_instantiations.At( |
| i + TypeArguments::Instantiation::kFunctionTypeArgsIndex); |
| instantiation.AddProperty("functionTypeArguments", type_args, true); |
| type_args ^= prior_instantiations.At( |
| i + TypeArguments::Instantiation::kInstantiatedTypeArgsIndex); |
| instantiation.AddProperty("instantiated", type_args, true); |
| i += TypeArguments::Instantiation::kSizeInWords; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PatchClass::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| static void AddFunctionServiceId(const JSONObject& jsobj, |
| const Function& f, |
| const Class& cls) { |
| ASSERT(!cls.IsNull()); |
| // Special kinds of functions use indices in their respective lists. |
| intptr_t id = -1; |
| const char* selector = NULL; |
| if (f.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction()) { |
| id = ClosureFunctionsCache::FindClosureIndex(f); |
| selector = "closures"; |
| } else if (f.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) { |
| id = cls.FindImplicitClosureFunctionIndex(f); |
| selector = "implicit_closures"; |
| } else if (f.IsNoSuchMethodDispatcher() || f.IsInvokeFieldDispatcher()) { |
| id = cls.FindInvocationDispatcherFunctionIndex(f); |
| selector = "dispatchers"; |
| } |
| if (id != -1) { |
| ASSERT(selector != NULL); |
| if (cls.IsTopLevel()) { |
| const auto& library = Library::Handle(cls.library()); |
| const auto& private_key = String::Handle(library.private_key()); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("libraries/%s/%s/%" Pd "", |
| private_key.ToCString(), selector, id); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("classes/%" Pd "/%s/%" Pd "", cls.id(), selector, |
| id); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| // Regular functions known to their owner use their name (percent-encoded). |
| String& name = String::Handle(f.name()); |
| Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); |
| if (Resolver::ResolveFunction(thread->zone(), cls, name) == f.ptr()) { |
| const char* encoded_name = String::EncodeIRI(name); |
| if (cls.IsTopLevel()) { |
| const auto& library = Library::Handle(cls.library()); |
| const auto& private_key = String::Handle(library.private_key()); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("libraries/%s/functions/%s", |
| private_key.ToCString(), encoded_name); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("classes/%" Pd "/functions/%s", cls.id(), |
| encoded_name); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| // Oddball functions (not known to their owner) fall back to use the object |
| // id ring. Current known examples are signature functions of closures |
| // and stubs like 'megamorphic_call_miss'. |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(f); |
| } |
| |
| void Function::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Class& cls = Class::Handle(Owner()); |
| ASSERT(!cls.IsNull()); |
| Error& err = Error::Handle(); |
| err = cls.EnsureIsFinalized(Thread::Current()); |
| ASSERT(err.IsNull()); |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Function", ref); |
| AddFunctionServiceId(jsobj, *this, cls); |
| const char* user_name = UserVisibleNameCString(); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name, vm_name.ToCString()); |
| const Function& parent = Function::Handle(parent_function()); |
| if (!parent.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("owner", parent); |
| } else if (!cls.IsNull()) { |
| if (cls.IsTopLevel()) { |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(cls.library()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("owner", library); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("owner", cls); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* kind_string = Function::KindToCString(kind()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_kind", kind_string); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("static", is_static()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("const", is_const()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("implicit", IsImplicitGetterOrSetter()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_intrinsic", is_intrinsic()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_native", is_native()); |
| |
| const Script& script = Script::Handle(this->script()); |
| if (!script.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddLocation(script, token_pos(), end_token_pos()); |
| } |
| |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const FunctionType& sig = FunctionType::Handle(signature()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("signature", sig); |
| |
| Code& code = Code::Handle(CurrentCode()); |
| if (!code.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("code", code); |
| } |
| Array& ics = Array::Handle(ic_data_array()); |
| if (!ics.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_icDataArray", ics); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_optimizable", is_optimizable()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_inlinable", is_inlinable()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_recognized", IsRecognized()); |
| code = unoptimized_code(); |
| if (!code.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_unoptimizedCode", code); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_usageCounter", usage_counter()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_optimizedCallSiteCount", optimized_call_site_count()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_deoptimizations", |
| static_cast<intptr_t>(deoptimization_counter())); |
| if ((kind() == UntaggedFunction::kImplicitGetter) || |
| (kind() == UntaggedFunction::kImplicitSetter) || |
| (kind() == UntaggedFunction::kImplicitStaticGetter) || |
| (kind() == UntaggedFunction::kFieldInitializer)) { |
| const Field& field = Field::Handle(accessor_field()); |
| if (!field.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_field", field); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void FfiTrampolineData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Field::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| Class& cls = Class::Handle(Owner()); |
| String& field_name = String::Handle(name()); |
| const char* encoded_field_name = String::EncodeIRI(field_name); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Field", ref); |
| if (cls.IsTopLevel()) { |
| const auto& library = Library::Handle(cls.library()); |
| const auto& private_key = String::Handle(library.private_key()); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("libraries/%s/fields/%s", private_key.ToCString(), |
| encoded_field_name); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("classes/%" Pd "/fields/%s", cls.id(), |
| encoded_field_name); |
| } |
| |
| const char* user_name = UserVisibleNameCString(); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name, vm_name.ToCString()); |
| if (cls.IsTopLevel()) { |
| const Library& library = Library::Handle(cls.library()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("owner", library); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("owner", cls); |
| } |
| |
| AbstractType& declared_type = AbstractType::Handle(type()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("declaredType", declared_type); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("static", is_static()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("final", is_final()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("const", is_const()); |
| |
| const class Script& script = Script::Handle(Script()); |
| if (!script.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddLocation(script, token_pos(), end_token_pos()); |
| } |
| |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (is_static()) { |
| const Object& valueObj = Object::Handle(StaticValue()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("staticValue", valueObj); |
| } |
| |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardNullable", is_nullable()); |
| if (guarded_cid() == kIllegalCid) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardClass", "unknown"); |
| } else if (guarded_cid() == kDynamicCid) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardClass", "dynamic"); |
| } else { |
| ClassTable* table = IsolateGroup::Current()->class_table(); |
| ASSERT(table->IsValidIndex(guarded_cid())); |
| cls = table->At(guarded_cid()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardClass", cls); |
| } |
| if (guarded_list_length() == kUnknownFixedLength) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardLength", "unknown"); |
| } else if (guarded_list_length() == kNoFixedLength) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_guardLength", "variable"); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddPropertyF("_guardLength", "%" Pd, guarded_list_length()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // See also Dart_ScriptGetTokenInfo. |
| void Script::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Script", ref); |
| const String& uri = String::Handle(url()); |
| ASSERT(!uri.IsNull()); |
| const char* encoded_uri = String::EncodeIRI(uri); |
| const Library& lib = Library::Handle(FindLibrary()); |
| if (lib.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| } else { |
| const String& lib_id = String::Handle(lib.private_key()); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("libraries/%s/scripts/%s/%" Px64 "", |
| lib_id.ToCString(), encoded_uri, load_timestamp()); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddPropertyStr("uri", uri); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_kind", "kernel"); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddPropertyTimeMillis("_loadTime", load_timestamp()); |
| if (!lib.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("library", lib); |
| } |
| const String& source = String::Handle(Source()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("lineOffset", line_offset()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("columnOffset", col_offset()); |
| if (!source.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddPropertyStr("source", source); |
| } |
| |
| // Print the line number table |
| const GrowableObjectArray& lineNumberArray = |
| GrowableObjectArray::Handle(GenerateLineNumberArray()); |
| if (!lineNumberArray.IsNull() && (lineNumberArray.Length() > 0)) { |
| JSONArray tokenPosTable(&jsobj, "tokenPosTable"); |
| |
| Object& value = Object::Handle(); |
| intptr_t pos = 0; |
| |
| // Skip leading null. |
| ASSERT(lineNumberArray.Length() > 0); |
| value = lineNumberArray.At(pos); |
| ASSERT(value.IsNull()); |
| pos++; |
| |
| while (pos < lineNumberArray.Length()) { |
| JSONArray lineInfo(&tokenPosTable); |
| while (pos < lineNumberArray.Length()) { |
| value = lineNumberArray.At(pos); |
| pos++; |
| if (value.IsNull()) { |
| break; |
| } |
| const Smi& smi = Smi::Cast(value); |
| lineInfo.AddValue(smi.Value()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void PrintShowHideNamesToJSON(JSONObject* jsobj, const Namespace& ns) { |
| Array& arr = Array::Handle(); |
| String& name = String::Handle(); |
| arr ^= ns.show_names(); |
| if (!arr.IsNull()) { |
| JSONArray jsarr(jsobj, "shows"); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < arr.Length(); ++i) { |
| name ^= arr.At(i); |
| jsarr.AddValue(name.ToCString()); |
| } |
| } |
| arr ^= ns.hide_names(); |
| if (!arr.IsNull()) { |
| JSONArray jsarr(jsobj, "hides"); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < arr.Length(); ++i) { |
| name ^= arr.At(i); |
| jsarr.AddValue(name.ToCString()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Library::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| const String& id = String::Handle(private_key()); |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Library", ref); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("libraries/%s", id.ToCString()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(name()); |
| const char* scrubbed_name = String::ScrubName(vm_name); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, scrubbed_name, vm_name.ToCString()); |
| const String& library_url = String::Handle(url()); |
| jsobj.AddPropertyStr("uri", library_url); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("debuggable", IsDebuggable()); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "classes"); |
| ClassDictionaryIterator class_iter(*this); |
| Class& klass = Class::Handle(); |
| while (class_iter.HasNext()) { |
| klass = class_iter.GetNextClass(); |
| jsarr.AddValue(klass); |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "dependencies"); |
| |
| Namespace& ns = Namespace::Handle(); |
| Library& target = Library::Handle(); |
| |
| // Unprefixed imports. |
| Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports()); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < imports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= imports.At(i); |
| if (ns.IsNull()) continue; |
| |
| JSONObject jsdep(&jsarr); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isDeferred", false); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isExport", false); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isImport", true); |
| target = ns.target(); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("target", target); |
| PrintShowHideNamesToJSON(&jsdep, ns); |
| } |
| |
| // Exports. |
| const Array& exports = Array::Handle(this->exports()); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < exports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= exports.At(i); |
| if (ns.IsNull()) continue; |
| |
| JSONObject jsdep(&jsarr); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isDeferred", false); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isExport", true); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isImport", false); |
| target = ns.target(); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("target", target); |
| PrintShowHideNamesToJSON(&jsdep, ns); |
| } |
| |
| // Prefixed imports. |
| DictionaryIterator entries(*this); |
| Object& entry = Object::Handle(); |
| LibraryPrefix& prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle(); |
| String& prefix_name = String::Handle(); |
| while (entries.HasNext()) { |
| entry = entries.GetNext(); |
| if (entry.IsLibraryPrefix()) { |
| prefix ^= entry.ptr(); |
| imports = prefix.imports(); |
| if (!imports.IsNull()) { |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < imports.Length(); i++) { |
| ns ^= imports.At(i); |
| if (ns.IsNull()) continue; |
| |
| JSONObject jsdep(&jsarr); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isDeferred", prefix.is_deferred_load()); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isExport", false); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("isImport", true); |
| prefix_name = prefix.name(); |
| ASSERT(!prefix_name.IsNull()); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("prefix", prefix_name.ToCString()); |
| target = ns.target(); |
| jsdep.AddProperty("target", target); |
| PrintShowHideNamesToJSON(&jsdep, ns); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "variables"); |
| DictionaryIterator entries(*this); |
| Object& entry = Object::Handle(); |
| while (entries.HasNext()) { |
| entry = entries.GetNext(); |
| if (entry.IsField()) { |
| jsarr.AddValue(entry); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "functions"); |
| DictionaryIterator entries(*this); |
| Object& entry = Object::Handle(); |
| while (entries.HasNext()) { |
| entry = entries.GetNext(); |
| if (entry.IsFunction()) { |
| const Function& func = Function::Cast(entry); |
| if (func.kind() == UntaggedFunction::kRegularFunction || |
| func.kind() == UntaggedFunction::kGetterFunction || |
| func.kind() == UntaggedFunction::kSetterFunction) { |
| jsarr.AddValue(func); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "scripts"); |
| Array& scripts = Array::Handle(LoadedScripts()); |
| Script& script = Script::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < scripts.Length(); i++) { |
| script ^= scripts.At(i); |
| jsarr.AddValue(script); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void LibraryPrefix::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Namespace::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void KernelProgramInfo::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Instructions::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InstructionsSection::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void InstructionsTable::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void WeakSerializationReference::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, |
| bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) return; |
| auto& obj = Object::Handle(target()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("target", obj); |
| } |
| |
| void ObjectPool::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "_entries"); |
| uword imm; |
| Object& obj = Object::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) { |
| JSONObject jsentry(stream); |
| jsentry.AddProperty("offset", OffsetFromIndex(i)); |
| switch (TypeAt(i)) { |
| case ObjectPool::EntryType::kTaggedObject: |
| obj = ObjectAt(i); |
| jsentry.AddProperty("kind", "Object"); |
| jsentry.AddProperty("value", obj); |
| break; |
| case ObjectPool::EntryType::kImmediate: |
| imm = RawValueAt(i); |
| jsentry.AddProperty("kind", "Immediate"); |
| jsentry.AddProperty64("value", imm); |
| break; |
| case ObjectPool::EntryType::kNativeFunction: |
| imm = RawValueAt(i); |
| jsentry.AddProperty("kind", "NativeFunction"); |
| jsentry.AddProperty64("value", imm); |
| break; |
| default: |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PcDescriptors::PrintToJSONObject(JSONObject* jsobj, bool ref) const { |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| // TODO(johnmccutchan): Generate a stable id. PcDescriptors hang off a Code |
| // object but do not have a back reference to generate an ID. |
| jsobj->AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| JSONArray members(jsobj, "members"); |
| Iterator iter(*this, UntaggedPcDescriptors::kAnyKind); |
| while (iter.MoveNext()) { |
| JSONObject descriptor(&members); |
| descriptor.AddPropertyF("pcOffset", "%" Px "", iter.PcOffset()); |
| descriptor.AddProperty("kind", KindAsStr(iter.Kind())); |
| descriptor.AddProperty("deoptId", iter.DeoptId()); |
| // TODO(turnidge): Use AddLocation instead. |
| descriptor.AddProperty("tokenPos", iter.TokenPos()); |
| descriptor.AddProperty("tryIndex", iter.TryIndex()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PcDescriptors::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintToJSONObject(&jsobj, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void CodeSourceMap::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void CompressedStackMaps::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void LocalVarDescriptors::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| // TODO(johnmccutchan): Generate a stable id. LocalVarDescriptors hang off |
| // a Code object but do not have a back reference to generate an ID. |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| JSONArray members(&jsobj, "members"); |
| String& var_name = String::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) { |
| UntaggedLocalVarDescriptors::VarInfo info; |
| var_name = GetName(i); |
| GetInfo(i, &info); |
| JSONObject var(&members); |
| var.AddProperty("name", var_name.ToCString()); |
| var.AddProperty("index", static_cast<intptr_t>(info.index())); |
| var.AddProperty("declarationTokenPos", info.declaration_pos); |
| var.AddProperty("scopeStartTokenPos", info.begin_pos); |
| var.AddProperty("scopeEndTokenPos", info.end_pos); |
| var.AddProperty("scopeId", static_cast<intptr_t>(info.scope_id)); |
| var.AddProperty("kind", KindToCString(info.kind())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void ExceptionHandlers::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void SingleTargetCache::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_target", Code::Handle(target())); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_lowerLimit", lower_limit()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_upperLimit", upper_limit()); |
| } |
| |
| void UnlinkedCall::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_selector", String::Handle(target_name()).ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_argumentsDescriptor", |
| Array::Handle(arguments_descriptor())); |
| } |
| |
| void MonomorphicSmiableCall::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_expectedClassId", Smi::Handle(Smi::New(expected_cid()))); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_target", Code::Handle(target())); |
| } |
| |
| void CallSiteData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| } |
| |
| void ICData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_owner", Object::Handle(Owner())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_selector", String::Handle(target_name()).ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_argumentsDescriptor", |
| Object::Handle(arguments_descriptor())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_entries", Object::Handle(entries())); |
| } |
| |
| void ICData::PrintToJSONArray(const JSONArray& jsarray, |
| TokenPosition token_pos) const { |
| auto class_table = IsolateGroup::Current()->class_table(); |
| Class& cls = Class::Handle(); |
| Function& func = Function::Handle(); |
| |
| JSONObject jsobj(&jsarray); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("name", String::Handle(target_name()).ToCString()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("tokenPos", static_cast<intptr_t>(token_pos.Serialize())); |
| // TODO(rmacnak): Figure out how to stringify DeoptReasons(). |
| // jsobj.AddProperty("deoptReasons", ...); |
| |
| JSONArray cache_entries(&jsobj, "cacheEntries"); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) { |
| JSONObject cache_entry(&cache_entries); |
| func = GetTargetAt(i); |
| intptr_t count = GetCountAt(i); |
| if (!is_static_call()) { |
| intptr_t cid = GetReceiverClassIdAt(i); |
| cls = class_table->At(cid); |
| cache_entry.AddProperty("receiver", cls); |
| } |
| cache_entry.AddProperty("target", func); |
| cache_entry.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Code::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Code", ref); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("code/%" Px64 "-%" Px "", compile_timestamp(), |
| PayloadStart()); |
| const char* qualified_name = QualifiedName( |
| NameFormattingParams(kUserVisibleName, NameDisambiguation::kNo)); |
| const char* vm_name = Name(); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, qualified_name, vm_name); |
| const bool is_stub = |
| IsStubCode() || IsAllocationStubCode() || IsTypeTestStubCode(); |
| if (is_stub) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Stub"); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Dart"); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_optimized", is_optimized()); |
| const Object& obj = Object::Handle(owner()); |
| if (obj.IsFunction()) { |
| const Function& func = Function::Cast(obj); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_intrinsic", func.is_intrinsic()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_native", func.is_native()); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_intrinsic", false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_native", false); |
| } |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (obj.IsFunction()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("function", obj); |
| } else { |
| // Generate a fake function reference. |
| JSONObject func(&jsobj, "function"); |
| func.AddProperty("type", "@Function"); |
| func.AddProperty("_kind", "Stub"); |
| ASSERT(strcmp(qualified_name, vm_name) == 0); |
| func.AddProperty("name", vm_name); |
| AddNameProperties(&func, vm_name, vm_name); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddPropertyF("_startAddress", "%" Px "", PayloadStart()); |
| jsobj.AddPropertyF("_endAddress", "%" Px "", PayloadStart() + Size()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_alive", is_alive()); |
| const ObjectPool& object_pool = ObjectPool::Handle(GetObjectPool()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_objectPool", object_pool); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "_disassembly"); |
| if (is_alive()) { |
| // Only disassemble alive code objects. |
| DisassembleToJSONStream formatter(jsarr); |
| Disassemble(&formatter); |
| } |
| } |
| const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(pc_descriptors()); |
| if (!descriptors.IsNull()) { |
| JSONObject desc(&jsobj, "_descriptors"); |
| descriptors.PrintToJSONObject(&desc, false); |
| } |
| |
| PrintJSONInlineIntervals(&jsobj); |
| } |
| |
| void Context::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| // TODO(turnidge): Should the user level type for Context be Context |
| // or Object? |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Context", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", num_variables()); |
| |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const Context& parent_context = Context::Handle(parent()); |
| if (!parent_context.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("parent", parent_context); |
| } |
| |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "variables"); |
| Object& var = Object::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t index = 0; index < num_variables(); index++) { |
| var = At(index); |
| JSONObject jselement(&jsarr); |
| jselement.AddProperty("value", var); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void ContextScope::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Sentinel::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| // Handle certain special sentinel values. |
| if (ptr() == Object::sentinel().ptr()) { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("type", "Sentinel"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "NotInitialized"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", "<not initialized>"); |
| return; |
| } else if (ptr() == Object::transition_sentinel().ptr()) { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("type", "Sentinel"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "BeingInitialized"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", "<being initialized>"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void MegamorphicCache::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_selector", String::Handle(target_name()).ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_buckets", Object::Handle(buckets())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_mask", mask()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_argumentsDescriptor", |
| Object::Handle(arguments_descriptor())); |
| } |
| |
| void SubtypeTestCache::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_cache", Array::Handle(cache())); |
| } |
| |
| void LoadingUnit::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Object", ref); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_parent", LoadingUnit::Handle(parent())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_baseObjects", Array::Handle(base_objects())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_id", static_cast<intptr_t>(id())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_loaded", loaded()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_loadOutstanding", load_outstanding()); |
| } |
| |
| void Error::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| } |
| |
| void ApiError::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Error", ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "InternalError"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("message", ToErrorCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void LanguageError::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Error", ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "LanguageError"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("message", ToErrorCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void UnhandledException::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Error", ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "UnhandledException"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("message", ToErrorCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| Instance& instance = Instance::Handle(); |
| instance = exception(); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("exception", instance); |
| instance = stacktrace(); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("stacktrace", instance); |
| } |
| |
| void UnwindError::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(&jsobj, "Error", ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "TerminationError"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("message", ToErrorCString()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_is_user_initiated", is_user_initiated()); |
| } |
| |
| void Instance::PrintSharedInstanceJSON(JSONObject* jsobj, bool ref) const { |
| AddCommonObjectProperties(jsobj, "Instance", ref); |
| { |
| NoSafepointScope safepoint_scope; |
| uint32_t hash_code = HeapSnapshotWriter::GetHeapSnapshotIdentityHash( |
| Thread::Current(), ptr()); |
| jsobj->AddProperty64("identityHashCode", hash_code); |
| } |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Add all fields in layout order, from superclass to subclass. |
| GrowableArray<Class*> classes; |
| Class& cls = Class::Handle(this->clazz()); |
| if (IsClosure()) { |
| // Closure fields are not instances. Skip them. |
| cls = cls.SuperClass(); |
| } |
| do { |
| classes.Add(&Class::Handle(cls.ptr())); |
| cls = cls.SuperClass(); |
| } while (!cls.IsNull()); |
| |
| Array& field_array = Array::Handle(); |
| Field& field = Field::Handle(); |
| Instance& field_value = Instance::Handle(); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(jsobj, "fields"); |
| for (intptr_t i = classes.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| field_array = classes[i]->fields(); |
| if (!field_array.IsNull()) { |
| for (intptr_t j = 0; j < field_array.Length(); j++) { |
| field ^= field_array.At(j); |
| if (!field.is_static()) { |
| field_value ^= GetField(field); |
| JSONObject jsfield(&jsarr); |
| jsfield.AddProperty("type", "BoundField"); |
| jsfield.AddProperty("decl", field); |
| jsfield.AddProperty("value", field_value); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (NumNativeFields() > 0) { |
| JSONArray jsarr(jsobj, "_nativeFields"); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumNativeFields(); i++) { |
| intptr_t value = GetNativeField(i); |
| JSONObject jsfield(&jsarr); |
| jsfield.AddProperty("index", i); |
| jsfield.AddProperty("value", value); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Instance::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| // TODO(regis): Wouldn't it be simpler to provide a Closure::PrintJSONImpl()? |
| if (IsClosure()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Closure"); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "PlainInstance"); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (IsClosure()) { |
| // TODO(regis): How about closureInstantiatorTypeArguments and |
| // closureFunctionTypeArguments? |
| jsobj.AddProperty("closureFunction", |
| Function::Handle(Closure::Cast(*this).function())); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("closureContext", |
| Context::Handle(Closure::Cast(*this).context())); |
| } |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsClosure()) { |
| Debugger* debugger = Isolate::Current()->debugger(); |
| Breakpoint* bpt = debugger->BreakpointAtActivation(*this); |
| if (bpt != NULL) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_activationBreakpoint", bpt); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void AbstractType::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| } |
| |
| void Type::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Type"); |
| const Class& type_cls = Class::Handle(type_class()); |
| if (type_cls.DeclarationType() == ptr()) { |
| intptr_t cid = type_cls.id(); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("classes/%" Pd "/types/%d", cid, 0); |
| } else { |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("typeClass", type_cls); |
| const String& user_name = String::Handle(UserVisibleName()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(Name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name.ToCString(), vm_name.ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const TypeArguments& typeArgs = TypeArguments::Handle(arguments()); |
| if (!typeArgs.IsNull()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("typeArguments", typeArgs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void FunctionType::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "FunctionType"); |
| AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(result_type()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("returnType", type); |
| |
| const int type_params_count = NumTypeParameters(); |
| if (type_params_count > 0) { |
| JSONArray arr(&jsobj, "typeParameters"); |
| TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < type_params_count; ++i) { |
| type_param = TypeParameterAt(i); |
| arr.AddValue(type_param); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "parameters"); |
| String& name = String::Handle(); |
| const intptr_t param_count = NumParameters(); |
| const intptr_t fixed_param_count = num_fixed_parameters(); |
| const bool has_named = HasOptionalNamedParameters(); |
| for (intptr_t i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { |
| JSONObject param(&jsarr); |
| type = ParameterTypeAt(i); |
| param.AddProperty("parameterType", type); |
| bool fixed = i < fixed_param_count; |
| param.AddProperty("fixed", fixed); |
| if (!fixed && has_named) { |
| name = ParameterNameAt(i); |
| param.AddProperty("name", name.ToCString()); |
| param.AddProperty("required", IsRequiredAt(i)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TypeRef::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "TypeRef"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| const String& user_name = String::Handle(UserVisibleName()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(Name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name.ToCString(), vm_name.ToCString()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("targetType", AbstractType::Handle(type())); |
| } |
| |
| void TypeParameter::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "TypeParameter"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| const String& user_name = String::Handle(UserVisibleName()); |
| const String& vm_name = String::Handle(Name()); |
| AddNameProperties(&jsobj, user_name.ToCString(), vm_name.ToCString()); |
| // TODO(regis): parameterizedClass is meaningless and always null. |
| const Class& param_cls = Class::Handle(parameterized_class()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("parameterizedClass", param_cls); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| jsobj.AddProperty("parameterIndex", index()); |
| const AbstractType& upper_bound = AbstractType::Handle(bound()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("bound", upper_bound); |
| } |
| |
| void Number::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| } |
| |
| void Integer::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Int"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void Smi::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Int"); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("objects/int-%" Pd "", Value()); |
| jsobj.AddPropertyF("valueAsString", "%" Pd "", Value()); |
| } |
| |
| void Mint::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Integer::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Double::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Double"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void String::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| if (ptr() == Symbols::OptimizedOut().ptr()) { |
| // TODO(turnidge): This is a hack. The user could have this |
| // special string in their program. Fixing this involves updating |
| // the debugging api a bit. |
| jsobj.AddProperty("type", "Sentinel"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "OptimizedOut"); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", "<optimized out>"); |
| return; |
| } |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "String"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| // String refs always truncate to a fixed count; |
| const intptr_t kFixedCount = 128; |
| if (jsobj.AddPropertyStr("valueAsString", *this, 0, kFixedCount)) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", kFixedCount); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsStringIsTruncated", true); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| jsobj.AddPropertyStr("valueAsString", *this, offset, count); |
| } |
| |
| void Bool::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| const char* str = ToCString(); |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Bool"); |
| jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("objects/bool-%s", str); |
| jsobj.AddPropertyF("valueAsString", "%s", str); |
| } |
| |
| void Array::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "List"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| intptr_t limit = offset + count; |
| ASSERT(limit <= Length()); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "elements"); |
| Object& element = Object::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t index = offset; index < limit; index++) { |
| element = At(index); |
| jsarr.AddValue(element); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GrowableObjectArray::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "List"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| intptr_t limit = offset + count; |
| ASSERT(limit <= Length()); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "elements"); |
| Object& element = Object::Handle(); |
| for (intptr_t index = offset; index < limit; index++) { |
| element = At(index); |
| jsarr.AddValue(element); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void LinkedHashMap::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Map"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| intptr_t limit = offset + count; |
| ASSERT(limit <= Length()); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "associations"); |
| Object& object = Object::Handle(); |
| LinkedHashMap::Iterator iterator(*this); |
| int i = 0; |
| while (iterator.MoveNext() && i < limit) { |
| if (i >= offset) { |
| JSONObject jsassoc(&jsarr); |
| object = iterator.CurrentKey(); |
| jsassoc.AddProperty("key", object); |
| object = iterator.CurrentValue(); |
| jsassoc.AddProperty("value", object); |
| } |
| i++; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void LinkedHashSet::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "PlainInstance"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| intptr_t limit = offset + count; |
| ASSERT(limit <= Length()); |
| { |
| JSONArray jsarr(&jsobj, "elements"); |
| Object& object = Object::Handle(); |
| LinkedHashSet::Iterator iterator(*this); |
| int i = 0; |
| while (iterator.MoveNext() && i < limit) { |
| if (i >= offset) { |
| object = iterator.CurrentKey(); |
| jsarr.AddValue(object); |
| } |
| i++; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Float32x4::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Float32x4"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void Int32x4::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Int32x4"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void Float64x2::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "Float64x2"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void TypedDataBase::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| } |
| |
| void TypedData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz()); |
| const char* kind = cls.UserVisibleNameCString(); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", kind); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| if (count == 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("bytes", ""); |
| } else { |
| NoSafepointScope no_safepoint; |
| jsobj.AddPropertyBase64("bytes", |
| reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( |
| DataAddr(offset * ElementSizeInBytes())), |
| count * ElementSizeInBytes()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TypedDataView::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void ExternalTypedData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz()); |
| const char* kind = cls.UserVisibleNameCString(); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", kind); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("length", Length()); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| intptr_t offset; |
| intptr_t count; |
| stream->ComputeOffsetAndCount(Length(), &offset, &count); |
| if (offset > 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("offset", offset); |
| } |
| if (count < Length()) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("count", count); |
| } |
| if (count == 0) { |
| jsobj.AddProperty("bytes", ""); |
| } else { |
| NoSafepointScope no_safepoint; |
| jsobj.AddPropertyBase64("bytes", |
| reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( |
| DataAddr(offset * ElementSizeInBytes())), |
| count * ElementSizeInBytes()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Pointer::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| // TODO(dacoharkes): what is the JSONStream used for? |
| // should it fail because it's not supported? |
| // or should it print something reasonable as default? |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void DynamicLibrary::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| // TODO(dacoharkes): what is the JSONStream used for? |
| // should it fail because it's not supported? |
| // or should it print something reasonable as default? |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Capability::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void ReceivePort::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject obj(stream); |
| Instance::PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&obj, ref); |
| const StackTrace& allocation_location_ = |
| StackTrace::Handle(allocation_location()); |
| const String& debug_name_ = String::Handle(debug_name()); |
| obj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| obj.AddProperty("kind", "ReceivePort"); |
| obj.AddProperty64("portId", Id()); |
| obj.AddProperty("debugName", debug_name_.ToCString()); |
| obj.AddProperty("allocationLocation", allocation_location_); |
| } |
| |
| void SendPort::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void TransferableTypedData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void ClosureData::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Object::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void Closure::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void StackTrace::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "StackTrace"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("valueAsString", ToCString()); |
| } |
| |
| void RegExp::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "RegExp"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| |
| jsobj.AddProperty("pattern", String::Handle(pattern())); |
| |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| jsobj.AddProperty("isCaseSensitive", !flags().IgnoreCase()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("isMultiLine", flags().IsMultiLine()); |
| |
| if (!FLAG_interpret_irregexp) { |
| Function& func = Function::Handle(); |
| func = function(kOneByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_oneByteFunction", func); |
| func = function(kTwoByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_twoByteFunction", func); |
| func = function(kExternalOneByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_externalOneByteFunction", func); |
| func = function(kExternalTwoByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_externalTwoByteFunction", func); |
| func = function(kOneByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_oneByteFunctionSticky", func); |
| func = function(kTwoByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_twoByteFunctionSticky", func); |
| func = function(kExternalOneByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_externalOneByteFunctionSticky", func); |
| func = function(kExternalTwoByteStringCid, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_externalTwoByteFunctionSticky", func); |
| } else { |
| TypedData& bc = TypedData::Handle(); |
| bc = bytecode(/*is_one_byte=*/true, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_oneByteBytecode", bc); |
| bc = bytecode(/*is_one_byte=*/false, /*sticky=*/false); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_twoByteBytecode", bc); |
| bc = bytecode(/*is_one_byte=*/true, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_oneByteBytecodeSticky", bc); |
| bc = bytecode(/*is_one_byte=*/false, /*sticky=*/true); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("_twoByteBytecodeSticky", bc); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WeakProperty::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "WeakProperty"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const Object& key_handle = Object::Handle(key()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("propertyKey", key_handle); |
| const Object& value_handle = Object::Handle(value()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("propertyValue", value_handle); |
| } |
| |
| void MirrorReference::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| JSONObject jsobj(stream); |
| PrintSharedInstanceJSON(&jsobj, ref); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("kind", "MirrorReference"); |
| jsobj.AddServiceId(*this); |
| |
| if (ref) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const Object& referent_handle = Object::Handle(referent()); |
| jsobj.AddProperty("mirrorReferent", referent_handle); |
| } |
| |
| void UserTag::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| void FutureOr::PrintJSONImpl(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) const { |
| Instance::PrintJSONImpl(stream, ref); |
| } |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| } // namespace dart |