blob: 385fb36bd7e5ff9782aedc3bd81e021f3835a489 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test ensures that the AOT compiler can generate stripped versions of
// ELF and assembly output. This test is currently very weak, in that it just
// checks that the stripped version is strictly smaller than the unstripped one.
// OtherResources=use_dwarf_stack_traces_flag_program.dart
import "dart:io";
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'use_flag_test_helper.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
if (!isAOTRuntime) {
return; // Running in JIT: AOT binaries not available.
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return; // SDK tree not available on the test device.
// These are the tools we need to be available to run on a given platform:
if (!File(platformDill).existsSync()) {
throw "Cannot run test as $platformDill does not exist";
if (!await testExecutable(genSnapshot)) {
throw "Cannot run test as $genSnapshot not available";
await withTempDir('strip-flag-test', (String tempDir) async {
final cwDir = path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath());
// We can just reuse the program for the use_dwarf_stack_traces test.
final script = path.join(cwDir, 'use_dwarf_stack_traces_flag_program.dart');
final scriptDill = path.join(tempDir, 'flag_program.dill');
// Compile script to Kernel IR.
await run(genKernel, <String>[
// Run the AOT compiler to generate stripped and unstripped ELF snapshots.
final unstrippedSnapshot = path.join(tempDir, '');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
final strippedSnapshot = path.join(tempDir, '');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
stripped: strippedSnapshot, unstripped: unstrippedSnapshot);
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return; // No assembly generation on Windows.
final unstrippedCode = path.join(tempDir, 'whole.S');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
final strippedCode = path.join(tempDir, 'stripped.S');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
stripped: strippedCode, unstripped: unstrippedCode);
void compareStrippedAndUnstripped({String stripped, String unstripped}) {
final strippedSize = File(stripped).lengthSync();
final unstrippedSize = File(unstripped).lengthSync();
print("File size for stripped file $stripped: $strippedSize");
print("File size for stripped file $unstripped: $unstrippedSize");
Expect.isTrue(strippedSize < unstrippedSize);