blob: ca0f816106581fb6fdb0423242485b88d2d809fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, json;
import 'diagnostic_message.dart' show DiagnosticMessage;
import '../scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'severity.dart' show Severity;
import '../util/relativize.dart' as util show isWindows, relativizeUri;
part 'codes_generated.dart';
const int noLength = 1;
class Code<T> {
final String name;
/// The unique positive integer associated with this code,
/// or `-1` if none. This index is used when translating
/// this error to its corresponding Analyzer error.
final int index;
final List<String>? analyzerCodes;
final Severity severity;
const Code(,
{this.index: -1, this.analyzerCodes, this.severity: Severity.error});
String toString() => name;
class Message {
final Code<dynamic> code;
final String message;
final String? tip;
final Map<String, dynamic> arguments;
const Message(this.code,
{required this.message, this.tip, this.arguments = const {}});
LocatedMessage withLocation(Uri uri, int charOffset, int length) {
return new LocatedMessage(uri, charOffset, length, this);
LocatedMessage withoutLocation() {
return new LocatedMessage(null, -1, noLength, this);
String toString() {
return "Message[$code, $message, $tip, $arguments]";
class MessageCode extends Code<Null> implements Message {
final String message;
final String? tip;
const MessageCode(String name,
{int index: -1,
List<String>? analyzerCodes,
Severity severity: Severity.error,
required this.message,
: super(name,
index: index, analyzerCodes: analyzerCodes, severity: severity);
Map<String, dynamic> get arguments => const <String, dynamic>{};
Code<dynamic> get code => this;
LocatedMessage withLocation(Uri uri, int charOffset, int length) {
return new LocatedMessage(uri, charOffset, length, this);
LocatedMessage withoutLocation() {
return new LocatedMessage(null, -1, noLength, this);
class Template<T> {
final String messageTemplate;
final String? tipTemplate;
final T withArguments;
const Template(
{required this.messageTemplate,
required this.withArguments});
class LocatedMessage implements Comparable<LocatedMessage> {
final Uri? uri;
final int charOffset;
final int length;
final Message messageObject;
const LocatedMessage(
this.uri, this.charOffset, this.length, this.messageObject);
Code<dynamic> get code => messageObject.code;
String get message => messageObject.message;
String? get tip => messageObject.tip;
Map<String, dynamic> get arguments => messageObject.arguments;
int compareTo(LocatedMessage other) {
int result = "${uri}".compareTo("${other.uri}");
if (result != 0) return result;
result = charOffset.compareTo(other.charOffset);
if (result != 0) return result;
return message.compareTo(message);
FormattedMessage withFormatting(PlainAndColorizedString formatted, int line,
int column, Severity severity, List<FormattedMessage>? relatedInformation,
{List<Uri>? involvedFiles}) {
return new FormattedMessage(this, formatted.plain, formatted.colorized,
line, column, severity, relatedInformation,
involvedFiles: involvedFiles);
int get hashCode =>
13 * uri.hashCode +
17 * charOffset.hashCode +
19 * length.hashCode +
23 * messageObject.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is LocatedMessage &&
uri == other.uri &&
charOffset == other.charOffset &&
length == other.length &&
messageObject == other.messageObject;
String toString() =>
class PlainAndColorizedString {
final String plain;
final String colorized;
String toString() {
assert(false, "Called PlainAndColorizedString.toString: $plain");
return 'PlainAndColorizedString:$plain';
const PlainAndColorizedString(this.plain, this.colorized);
const PlainAndColorizedString.plainOnly(this.plain) : this.colorized = plain;
class FormattedMessage implements DiagnosticMessage {
final LocatedMessage locatedMessage;
final String formattedPlain;
final String formattedColorized;
final int line;
final int column;
final Severity severity;
final List<FormattedMessage>? relatedInformation;
final List<Uri>? involvedFiles;
const FormattedMessage(
Code<dynamic> get code => locatedMessage.code;
String get codeName =>;
String get message => locatedMessage.message;
String? get tip => locatedMessage.tip;
Map<String, dynamic> get arguments => locatedMessage.arguments;
Uri? get uri => locatedMessage.uri;
int get charOffset => locatedMessage.charOffset;
int get length => locatedMessage.length;
Iterable<String> get ansiFormatted sync* {
yield formattedColorized;
if (relatedInformation != null) {
for (FormattedMessage m in relatedInformation!) {
yield m.formattedColorized;
Iterable<String> get plainTextFormatted sync* {
yield formattedPlain;
if (relatedInformation != null) {
for (FormattedMessage m in relatedInformation!) {
yield m.formattedPlain;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
// This should be kept in sync with package:kernel/
return <String, Object?>{
"ansiFormatted": ansiFormatted.toList(),
"plainTextFormatted": plainTextFormatted.toList(),
"severity": severity.index,
"uri": uri?.toString(),
"involvedFiles": involvedFiles?.map((u) => u.toString()).toList(),
String toJsonString() {
JsonEncoder encoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
return encoder.convert(this);
class DiagnosticMessageFromJson implements DiagnosticMessage {
final Iterable<String> ansiFormatted;
final Iterable<String> plainTextFormatted;
final Severity severity;
final Uri? uri;
final List<Uri>? involvedFiles;
final String codeName;
DiagnosticMessageFromJson(this.ansiFormatted, this.plainTextFormatted,
this.severity, this.uri, this.involvedFiles, this.codeName);
factory DiagnosticMessageFromJson.fromJson(String jsonString) {
Map<String, Object?> decoded = json.decode(jsonString);
List<String> ansiFormatted =
new List<String>.from(_asListOfString(decoded["ansiFormatted"]));
List<String> plainTextFormatted =
Severity severity = Severity.values[decoded["severity"] as int];
Uri? uri =
decoded["uri"] == null ? null : Uri.parse(decoded["uri"] as String);
List<Uri>? involvedFiles = decoded["involvedFiles"] == null
? null
: _asListOfString(decoded["involvedFiles"])
.map((e) => Uri.parse(e))
String codeName = decoded["codeName"] as String;
return new DiagnosticMessageFromJson(ansiFormatted, plainTextFormatted,
severity, uri, involvedFiles, codeName);
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
// This should be kept in sync with package:kernel/
return <String, Object?>{
"ansiFormatted": ansiFormatted.toList(),
"plainTextFormatted": plainTextFormatted.toList(),
"severity": severity.index,
"uri": uri?.toString(),
"involvedFiles": involvedFiles?.map((u) => u.toString()).toList(),
"codeName": codeName,
String toJsonString() {
JsonEncoder encoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
return encoder.convert(this);
static List<String> _asListOfString(Object? value) {
return (value as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
String? relativizeUri(Uri? uri) {
// We have this method here for two reasons:
// 1. It allows us to implement #uri message argument without using it
// (otherwise, we might get an `UNUSED_IMPORT` warning).
// 2. We can change `base` argument here if needed.
return uri == null ? null : util.relativizeUri(Uri.base, uri, util.isWindows);
typedef SummaryTemplate = Message Function(int, int, num, num, num);
String itemizeNames(List<String> names) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length - 1; i++) {
buffer.write(" - ");
buffer.write(" - ");
return "$buffer";
/// Convert the synthetic name of an implicit mixin application class
/// into a name suitable for user-faced strings.
/// For example, when compiling "class A extends S with M1, M2", the
/// two synthetic classes will be named "_A&S&M1" and "_A&S&M1&M2".
/// This function will return "S with M1" and "S with M1, M2", respectively.
/// This method is copied from package:kernel/ast.dart.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid the need for this method.
String demangleMixinApplicationName(String name) {
List<String> nameParts = name.split('&');
if (nameParts.length < 2 || name == "&") return name;
String demangledName = nameParts[1];
for (int i = 2; i < nameParts.length; i++) {
demangledName += (i == 2 ? " with " : ", ") + nameParts[i];
return demangledName;
final RegExp templateKey = new RegExp(r'#(\w+)');
/// Replaces occurrences of '#key' in [template], where 'key' is a key in
/// [arguments], with the corresponding values.
String applyArgumentsToTemplate(
String template, Map<String, dynamic> arguments) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove `as dynamic` when unsound null safety is
// no longer supported.
if (arguments as dynamic == null || arguments.isEmpty) {
'Message requires arguments, but none were provided.');
return template;
return template.replaceAllMapped(templateKey, (Match match) {
String? key =;
Object? value = arguments[key];
assert(value != null, "No value for '$key' found in $arguments");
return value.toString();