blob: 8de7729d13988a707976e9050f2fd74ebb87e9aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=constructor-tearoffs
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "../static_type_helper.dart";
// Tests that generic methods can be torn off with explicit instantiation.
R toplevel<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
class C {
static R staticMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
R instanceMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
void tearOffsOnThis() {
const staticTearoff = staticMethod<int, String>;
staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
instanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
this.instanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
Expect.identical(staticMethod<int, String>, staticTearOff);
instanceMethod<int, String>, this.instanceMethod<int, String>);
mixin M on C {
static R staticMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
R mixinInstanceMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
void mixinTearOffsOnThis() {
const staticTearoff = staticMethod<int, String>;
staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
this.mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
Expect.identical(staticMethod<int, String>, staticTearOff);
mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>,
this.mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>);
extension E on C {
static R staticMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
R extInstanceMethod<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
void extenstionTearOffsOnThis() {
const staticTearoff = staticMethod<int, String>;
staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
extInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
this.extInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
Expect.identical(staticMethod<int, String>, staticTearOff);
extInstanceMethod<int, String>, this.extInstanceMethod<int, String>);
class D extends C with M {
void tearOffsOnSuper() {
super.instanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
super.instanceMethod<int, String>, super.instanceMethod<int, String>);
void main() {
var o = D();
R local<R, T>(T value, [T? other]) => value as R;
// Check that some tear-offs are constant.
const topTearoff = toplevel<int, String>;
const staticTearoff = C.staticMethod<int, String>;
const mixinStaticTearoff = M.staticMethod<int, String>;
const extensionStaticTearoff = E.staticMethod<int, String>;
// Check that the tear-offs have the correct static type.
toplevel<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.staticMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.instanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
.extInstanceMethod<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
local<int, String>
.expectStaticType<Exactly<int Function(String, [String?])>>();
// Check that the tear-offs are canonicalized where possible.
Expect.identical(toplevel<int, String>, topTearoff);
Expect.identical(C.staticMethod<int, String>, staticTearoff);
Expect.identical(M.staticMethod<int, String>, mixinStaticTearoff);
Expect.identical(E.staticMethod<int, String>, extensionStaticTearoff);
// Instantiated local methods may or may not be equal.
// (Specification makes no promise about equality.).
// But not for instance method tear-off.
// Specification requires equality.
o.instanceMethod<int, String>, o.instanceMethod<int, String>);
o.mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>, o.mixinInstanceMethod<int, String>);
o.extInstanceMethod<int, String>, o.extInstanceMethod<int, String>);
// And not canonicalized where they shouldn't (different types).
Expect.notEquals(toplevel<int, String>, toplevel<num, String>);
C.staticMethod<int, String>, C.staticMethod<num, String>);
Expect.notEquals(local<int, String>, local<num, String>);
o.instanceMethod<int, String>, o.instanceMethod<num, String>);
(<T>() {
// Not canonicalized if any type is non-constant.
// Toplevel, static and instance members are still equal
// if types are "the same".
// (Current implementations do not implement that).
Expect.equals(toplevel<T, String>, toplevel<T, String>);
Expect.equals(C.staticMethod<T, String>, C.staticMethod<T, String>);
Expect.equals(M.staticMethod<T, String>, M.staticMethod<T, String>);
Expect.equals(E.staticMethod<T, String>, E.staticMethod<T, String>);
Expect.notEquals(local<T, String>, local<T, String>);
Expect.equals(toplevel<int, T>, toplevel<int, T>);
Expect.equals(C.staticMethod<int, T>, C.staticMethod<int, T>);
Expect.equals(M.staticMethod<int, T>, M.staticMethod<int, T>);
Expect.equals(E.staticMethod<int, T>, E.staticMethod<int, T>);
Expect.notEquals(local<int, T>, local<int, T>);