blob: 7e4c526dc44298c5f89001578367e076a548df70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/server.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
abstract class DapTestServer {
String get host;
int get port;
FutureOr<void> stop();
/// An instance of a DAP server running in-process (to aid debugging).
/// All communication still goes over the socket to ensure all messages are
/// serialized and deserialized but it's not quite the same running out of
/// process.
class InProcessDapTestServer extends DapTestServer {
final DapServer _server;
String get host =>;
int get port => _server.port;
FutureOr<void> stop() async {
await _server.stop();
static Future<InProcessDapTestServer> create() async {
final DapServer server = await DapServer.create();
return InProcessDapTestServer._(server);
/// An instance of a DAP server running out-of-process.
/// This is how an editor will usually consume DAP so is a more accurate test
/// but will be a little more difficult to debug tests as the debugger will not
/// be attached to the process.
class OutOfProcessDapTestServer extends DapTestServer {
/// Since each test library will spawn its own server (setup/teardown are
/// library-scoped) we'll use a different port for each one to avoid any issues
/// with overlapping tests.
static var _nextPort = DapServer.defaultPort;
var _isShuttingDown = false;
final Process _process;
final int port;
final String host;
OutOfProcessDapTestServer._(this._process,, this.port) {
// The DAP server should generally not write to stdout/stderr (unless -v is
// passed), but it may do if it fails to start or crashes. If this happens,
// ensure these are included in the test output.
_process.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((s) => throw s);
unawaited(_process.exitCode.then((code) {
if (!_isShuttingDown && code != 0) {
throw 'Out-of-process DAP server terminated with code $code';
FutureOr<void> stop() async {
_isShuttingDown = true;
await _process.kill();
await _process.exitCode;
static Future<OutOfProcessDapTestServer> create() async {
final ddsEntryScript =
await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse('package:dds/dds.dart'));
final ddsLibFolder = path.dirname(ddsEntryScript!.toFilePath());
final dapServerScript =
path.join(ddsLibFolder, '../tool/dap/run_server.dart');
final port = OutOfProcessDapTestServer._nextPort++;
final host = 'localhost';
final _process = await Process.start(
return OutOfProcessDapTestServer._(_process, host, port);