blob: 9939ad354172a70c12ee4fea4384b6d778363be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that private names exported via public typedefs may not appear multiple
// times in a super-interface graph.
import "private_name_library.dart";
/// Test that having a private class in the implements and extends class via two
/// different public names is an error.
class A0 extends PublicClass implements AlsoPublicClass {
// ^
// [cfe] '_PrivateClass' can't be used in both 'extends' and 'implements' clauses.
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// Test that having a private class in the implements class twice via the same
/// public name is an error.
class A1 implements PublicClass, PublicClass {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] unspecified
noSuchMethod(_) => null;
/// Test that having a private class in the implements class twice via two
/// different public names is an error.
class A2 implements PublicClass, AlsoPublicClass {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] unspecified
noSuchMethod(_) => null;
/// Helper class for the following test
class A3 extends PublicGenericClassOfInt {}
/// Test that having a private generic class in the super-interface graph
/// twice with two different generic instantiations is an error.
class A4 extends A3 implements PublicGenericClass<String> {
// [error line 40, column 1, length 411]
// ^
// [cfe] 'A4' can't implement both '_PrivateGenericClass<int>' and '_PrivateGenericClass<String>'
/// Test that having a private generic class in the super-interface graph
/// twice at the same instantiation is not an error.
class A5 extends A3 implements PublicGenericClass<int> {}
/// Test that having a private generic class in the implements clause twice with
/// two different generic instantiations is an error.
class A6 implements PublicGenericClass<int>, PublicGenericClass<String> {
// [error line 53, column 1, length 546]
// ^
// [cfe] 'A6' can't implement both '_PrivateGenericClass<int>' and '_PrivateGenericClass<String>'
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
void main() {}