blob: 6f0b0333bd4f57b2623a3afe8b00bc097b028970 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Library for converting cquery cache into condensed symbol location
// information expected by our xref markdown extension.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
typedef FileFilterCallback = bool Function(String path);
/// Load cquery cache from the given directory and accumulate all symbols
/// (global functions and class methods) for the Dart SDK related sources
/// matching the given filter.
Future<void> generateXRef(String cqueryCachePath, String sdkRootPath,
FileFilterCallback fileFilter) async {
final cacheRoot =
Directory(p.join(cqueryCachePath, sdkRootPath.replaceAll('/', '@')));
final files = cacheRoot
.where((file) => file.path.endsWith('.json'))
print('Processing ${files.length} indexes available in ${cacheRoot.path}');
final cache = CqueryCache(fileFilter: fileFilter);
final classesByName = <String, Class>{
for (var entry in cache.classes.entries)
if ( != null && != '') entry.value
final database = {
'commit': await currentCommitHash(),
'files': cache.filesByIndex,
'classes': classesByName,
'functions': cache.globals.uniqueMembers
print('... done (written xref.json)');
/// Helper class representing symbol information contained in the cquery cache.
class CqueryCache {
final files = <String, int>{};
final filesByIndex = [];
final classes = <num, Class>{};
final globals = Class('\$Globals');
FileFilterCallback fileFilter;
int addFile(String name) => files.putIfAbsent(name, () {
return filesByIndex.length - 1;
Location makeLocation(String file, int lineNo) =>
Location(addFile(file), lineNo);
// cquery used to serialize USRs as integers but they are now serialized as
// doubles (with .0 at the end) for some reason. This might even lead to
// incorrect deserialization with a loss of a precise USR value - but
// should not lead to any issues as long as two different classes don't
// have conflicting USRs.
Class findClassByUsr(num usr) => classes.putIfAbsent(usr, () => Class());
void defineClass(num usr, String name, Location loc) {
final cls = findClassByUsr(usr);
if ( != null && != '' && != name) {
throw 'Mismatched names';
if (name != '') = name;
if (cls.loc == null) {
cls.loc = loc;
} else {
cls.loc = Location.invalid;
void loadFile(File indexFile) {
final result = jsonDecode(indexFile.readAsStringSync().split('\n')[1]);
// Check if we are interested in the original source file.
final sourceFile =
p.basenameWithoutExtension(indexFile.path).replaceAll('@', '/');
if (!fileFilter(sourceFile)) return;
// Extract classes defined in the file.
for (var type in result['types']) {
if (type['kind'] != SymbolKind.Class) continue;
final extent = type['extent'];
if (extent == null) continue;
final detailedName = type['detailed_name'];
final lineStart = int.parse(extent.substring(0, extent.indexOf(':')));
type['usr'], detailedName, makeLocation(sourceFile, lineStart));
// Extract class methods defined in the file.
for (var func in result['funcs']) {
final kind = func['kind'];
if (kind != SymbolKind.Method && kind != SymbolKind.StaticMethod) {
final extent = func['extent'];
if (extent == null) continue;
final short = shortName(func);
final lineStart = int.parse(extent.substring(0, extent.indexOf(':')));
if (func['declaring_type'] == null) {
.defineMember(short, makeLocation(sourceFile, lineStart));
// Extract global functions defined in the file.
for (var func in result['funcs']) {
final kind = func['kind'];
if (kind != SymbolKind.Function) continue;
final extent = func['extent'];
if (extent == null) continue;
final short = shortName(func);
final lineStart = int.parse(extent.substring(0, extent.indexOf(':')));
globals.defineMember(short, makeLocation(sourceFile, lineStart));
class Class {
String name;
Location loc;
// Member to definition location map. If the same symbol has multiple
// definitions then we mark it with [Location.invalid].
Map<String, Location> members;
void defineMember(String name, Location loc) {
members ??= <String, Location>{};
members[name] = members.containsKey(name) ? Location.invalid : loc;
dynamic toJson() {
final result = [loc?.toJson() ?? 0];
if (members != null) {
final res = uniqueMembers;
if (res.isNotEmpty) {
return result;
Map<String, Location> get uniqueMembers => <String, Location>{
for (var entry in members.entries)
if (entry.value != Location.invalid) entry.key: entry.value
class Location {
final int file;
final int lineNo;
const Location(this.file, this.lineNo);
String toJson() => identical(this, invalid) ? null : '$file:$lineNo';
String toString() => '$file:$lineNo';
static const invalid = Location(-1, -1);
String shortName(entity) {
final offset = entity['short_name_offset'];
final length = entity['short_name_size'] ?? 0;
final detailedName = entity['detailed_name'];
if (length == 0) return detailedName;
return detailedName.substring(offset, offset + length);
Future<String> currentCommitHash() async {
final results = await'git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']);
return results.stdout;
/// Kind of the symbol. Taken from LSP specifications and cquery source code.
abstract class SymbolKind {
static const Unknown = 0;
static const File = 1;
static const Module = 2;
static const Namespace = 3;
static const Package = 4;
static const Class = 5;
static const Method = 6;
static const Property = 7;
static const Field = 8;
static const Constructor = 9;
static const Enum = 10;
static const Interface = 11;
static const Function = 12;
static const Variable = 13;
static const Constant = 14;
static const String = 15;
static const Number = 16;
static const Boolean = 17;
static const Array = 18;
static const Object = 19;
static const Key = 20;
static const Null = 21;
static const EnumMember = 22;
static const Struct = 23;
static const Event = 24;
static const Operator = 25;
static const TypeParameter = 26;
// cquery extensions.
static const TypeAlias = 252;
static const Parameter = 253;
static const StaticMethod = 254;
static const Macro = 255;