blob: b90a68ad8d9cb1ade4f55ad22197e79cdd76c9d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test that optimized codeUnitAt and slow path codeUnitAt produce the same
// error.
confuse(x) => x;
void check2(String name, name1, f1, name2, f2) {
Error? trap(part, f) {
try {
} on Error catch (e) {
return e;
}'should throw: $name.$part');
var e1 = trap(name1, f1);
var e2 = trap(name2, f2);
var s1 = '$e1';
var s2 = '$e2';
Expect.equals(s1, s2, '\n $name.$name1: "$s1"\n $name.$name2: "$s2"\n');
void check(String name, f1, f2, [f3, f4]) {
check2(name, 'f1', f1, 'f2', f2);
if (f3 != null) check2(name, 'f1', f1, 'f3', f3);
if (f4 != null) check2(name, 'f1', f1, 'f4', f4);
class TooHigh {
static f1() {
return confuse('AB').codeUnitAt(3); // dynamic receiver.
static f2() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
var i = confuse(3);
return a.codeUnitAt(i);
static f3() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
return a.codeUnitAt(3);
static test() {
check('TooHigh', f1, f2, f3);
class Negative {
static f1() {
return confuse('AB').codeUnitAt(-3); // dynamic receiver.
static f2() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
var i = confuse(-3);
return a.codeUnitAt(i);
static f3() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
var i = confuse(true) ? -3 : 0;
return a.codeUnitAt(i);
static f4() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
return a.codeUnitAt(-3);
static test() {
check('Negative', f1, f2, f3, f4);
class Empty {
static f1() {
return confuse('').codeUnitAt(0); // dynamic receiver.
static f2() {
var a = confuse(true) ? '' : 'ABCDE'; // Empty String with unknown length.
var i = confuse(true) ? 0 : 1;
return a.codeUnitAt(i);
static f3() {
var a = confuse(true) ? '' : 'ABCDE'; // Empty String with unknown length.
return a.codeUnitAt(0);
static test() {
check('Empty', f1, f2, f3);
class BadType {
static f1() {
return confuse('AB').codeUnitAt('a'); // dynamic receiver.
static f2() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
var i = confuse('a');
return a.codeUnitAt(i);
static f3() {
var a = confuse(true) ? 'AB' : 'ABCDE'; // String with unknown length.
return a.codeUnitAt(('a' as dynamic));
static test() {
check('BadType', f1, f2, f3);
main() {