blob: 3410dbee6cc20a055b6e6395f2e93b883f65fb7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test for type checks against tear-off closures generated in different
// optimization contexts.
// The type of a tear-off closure depends on the receiver when the method
// signature uses a type parameter of the method's class. This means that type
// checking needs to reference the receiver correctly, either during closure
// creation or during the type test.
class A<T> {
const A();
void add(T x) {}
T elementAt(int index) => index == 0 ? 42 as dynamic : 'string';
// This call get:elementAt has a known receiver type, so is is potentially
// eligible for a dummy receiver optimization.
getElementAt() => this.elementAt;
// Same for get:add.
getAdd() => this.add;
toString() => 'A<$T>';
var getAddOfA = (a) => a.getAdd();
var getElementAtOfA = (a) => a.getElementAt();
var getAdd1 = (a) => a.add; // receiver has unknown type here.
var getAdd2 = (a) {
// Call needs to be indirect to avoid inlining.
if (a is A) return getAddOfA(a);
return a.add;
var getElementAt1 = (a) => a.elementAt; // receiver has unknown type here.
var getElementAt2 = (a) {
// Call needs to be indirect to avoid inlining.
if (a is A) return getElementAtOfA(a);
return a.elementAt;
typedef void IntToVoid(int x);
typedef void StringToVoid(String x);
typedef int IntToInt(int x);
typedef String IntToString(int x);
typedef T IntToT<T>(int x);
var inscrutable;
var checkers = {
'IntToVoid': (x) => x is IntToVoid,
'StringToVoid': (x) => x is StringToVoid,
'IntToInt': (x) => x is IntToInt,
'IntToString': (x) => x is IntToString,
'IntToT<int>': (x) => x is IntToT<int>,
'IntToT<String>': (x) => x is IntToT<String>,
var methods = {
'getAdd1': (x) => getAdd1(x),
'getAdd2': (x) => getAdd2(x),
'getElementAt1': (x) => getElementAt1(x),
'getElementAt2': (x) => getElementAt2(x),
main() {
inscrutable = (x) => x;
getAdd1 = inscrutable(getAdd1);
getAdd2 = inscrutable(getAdd2);
getElementAt1 = inscrutable(getElementAt1);
getElementAt2 = inscrutable(getElementAt2);
getAddOfA = inscrutable(getAddOfA);
getElementAtOfA = inscrutable(getElementAtOfA);
check(methodNames, objects, trueCheckNames) {
for (var trueCheckName in trueCheckNames) {
if (!checkers.containsKey(trueCheckName)) {"unknown check '$trueCheckName'");
for (var object in objects) {
for (var methodName in methodNames) {
var methodFn = methods[methodName] as dynamic;
var description = '$object';
checkers.forEach((checkName, checkFn) {
bool answer = trueCheckNames.contains(checkName);
Expect.equals(answer, checkFn(methodFn(object)),
'$methodName($description) is $checkName');
var objectsDyn = [[], new A(), new A<dynamic>()];
var objectsInt = [<int>[], new A<int>()];
var objectsStr = [<String>[], new A<String>()];
var objectsLst = [<List>[], new A<List>()];
var m = ['getAdd1', 'getAdd2'];
check(m, objectsDyn, ['IntToVoid', 'StringToVoid']);
check(m, objectsInt, ['IntToVoid']);
check(m, objectsStr, ['StringToVoid']);
check(m, objectsLst, []);
m = ['getElementAt1', 'getElementAt2'];
check(m, objectsDyn, [
check(m, objectsInt, ['IntToInt', 'IntToVoid', 'IntToT<int>']);
check(m, objectsStr, ['IntToString', 'IntToVoid', 'IntToT<String>']);
check(m, objectsLst, ['IntToVoid']);