blob: bb08c379a34f4f372f76543a2152b0b8da2a7662 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.invoke_call_on_closure;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class FakeFunctionCall {
call(x, y) => '1 $x $y';
class FakeFunctionNSM {
noSuchMethod(msg) => msg.positionalArguments.join(', ');
class C {
get fakeFunctionCall => new FakeFunctionCall();
get fakeFunctionNSM => new FakeFunctionNSM();
get closure => (x, y) => '2 $this $x $y';
get closureOpt => (x, y, [z, w]) => '3 $this $x $y $z $w';
get closureNamed => (x, y, {z, w}) => '4 $this $x $y $z $w';
tearOff(x, y) => '22 $this $x $y';
tearOffOpt(x, y, [z, w]) => '33 $this $x $y $z $w';
tearOffNamed(x, y, {z, w}) => '44 $this $x $y $z $w';
noSuchMethod(msg) => 'DNU';
toString() => 'C';
main() {
var c = new C();
InstanceMirror im;
im = reflect(c.fakeFunctionCall);
Expect.equals('1 5 6', im.invoke(#call, [5, 6]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.fakeFunctionNSM);
Expect.equals('7, 8', im.invoke(#call, [7, 8]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.closure);
Expect.equals('2 C 9 10', im.invoke(#call, [9, 10]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.closureOpt);
Expect.equals('3 C 11 12 13 null', im.invoke(#call, [11, 12, 13]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.closureNamed);
'4 C 14 15 null 16', im.invoke(#call, [14, 15], {#w: 16}).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.tearOff);
Expect.equals('22 C 9 10', im.invoke(#call, [9, 10]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.tearOffOpt);
Expect.equals('33 C 11 12 13 null', im.invoke(#call, [11, 12, 13]).reflectee);
im = reflect(c.tearOffNamed);
'44 C 14 15 null 16', im.invoke(#call, [14, 15], {#w: 16}).reflectee);