blob: 4d5de13cc12bdb4e60818cf8bb974a479f76660d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/stack_trace_tree_config.dart'
show ProfileTreeMode;
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/code_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/containers/virtual_tree.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/function_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/rendering_scheduler.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/custom_element.dart';
import 'package:observatory/utils.dart';
export 'package:observatory/src/elements/stack_trace_tree_config.dart'
show ProfileTreeMode;
class CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement extends CustomElement implements Renderable {
late RenderingScheduler<CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement> _r;
Stream<RenderedEvent<CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement>> get onRendered =>
late M.ProfileTreeDirection _direction;
late ProfileTreeMode _mode;
late M.SampleProfileType _type;
late M.IsolateRef _isolate;
late M.SampleProfile _profile;
Iterable<M.CallTreeNodeFilter>? _filters;
M.ProfileTreeDirection get direction => _direction;
ProfileTreeMode get mode => _mode;
M.SampleProfileType get type => _type;
M.IsolateRef get isolate => _isolate;
M.SampleProfile get profile => _profile;
Iterable<M.CallTreeNodeFilter>? get filters => _filters;
set direction(M.ProfileTreeDirection value) =>
_direction = _r.checkAndReact(_direction, value);
set mode(ProfileTreeMode value) => _mode = _r.checkAndReact(_mode, value);
set filters(Iterable<M.CallTreeNodeFilter>? value) {
_filters = new List.unmodifiable(value!);
factory CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement(Object? owner, M.SampleProfile profile,
{ProfileTreeMode mode: ProfileTreeMode.function,
M.SampleProfileType type: M.SampleProfileType.cpu,
M.ProfileTreeDirection direction: M.ProfileTreeDirection.exclusive,
RenderingQueue? queue}) {
assert(profile != null);
assert(mode != null);
assert(direction != null);
CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement e = new CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement.created();
e._r =
new RenderingScheduler<CpuProfileVirtualTreeElement>(e, queue: queue);
e._isolate = owner as M.Isolate;
e._profile = profile;
e._mode = mode;
e._type = type;
e._direction = direction;
return e;
: super.created('cpu-profile-virtual-tree');
attached() {
detached() {
_r.disable(notify: true);
children = <Element>[];
VirtualTreeElement? _tree;
void render() {
var tree;
var create;
var update;
var search;
switch (type) {
case M.SampleProfileType.cpu:
create = _createCpuRow;
if (mode == ProfileTreeMode.code) {
update = _updateCpuCodeRow;
search = _searchCode;
tree = _profile.loadCodeTree(_direction);
} else if (mode == ProfileTreeMode.function) {
update = _updateCpuFunctionRow;
search = _searchFunction;
tree = _profile.loadFunctionTree(_direction);
} else {
throw new Exception('Unknown ProfileTreeMode: $mode');
case M.SampleProfileType.memory:
create = _createMemoryRow;
if (mode == ProfileTreeMode.code) {
update = _updateMemoryCodeRow;
search = _searchCode;
tree = _profile.loadCodeTree(_direction);
} else if (mode == ProfileTreeMode.function) {
update = _updateMemoryFunctionRow;
search = _searchFunction;
tree = _profile.loadFunctionTree(_direction);
} else {
throw new Exception('Unknown ProfileTreeMode: $mode');
throw new Exception('Unknown SampleProfileType: $type');
if (filters != null) {
tree = filters!.fold(tree, (dynamic tree, filter) {
return tree?.filtered(filter);
if (tree == null) {
children = <Element>[new HeadingElement.h1()..text = 'No Results'];
_tree = new VirtualTreeElement(create, update, _getChildren,
items: tree.root.children, search: search, queue: _r.queue);
if (tree.root.children.length == 0) {
children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['tree-item']
..children = <Element>[new HeadingElement.h1()..text = 'No Samples']
} else if (tree.root.children.length == 1) {
_tree!.expand(tree.root.children.first, autoExpandSingleChildNodes: true);
children = <Element>[_tree!.element];
static HtmlElement _createCpuRow(toggle) {
return new DivElement()
..classes = ['tree-item']
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['inclusive']
..title = 'global % on stack',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['exclusive']
..title = 'global % executing',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['lines'],
new ButtonElement()
..classes = ['expander']
..onClick.listen((_) => toggle(autoToggleSingleChildNodes: true)),
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['percentage']
..title = 'tree node %',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['name']
static HtmlElement _createMemoryRow(toggle) {
return new DivElement()
..classes = ['tree-item']
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['inclusive']
..title = 'memory allocated from resulting calls: ',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['exclusive']
..title = 'memory allocated during execution: ',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['lines'],
new ButtonElement()
..classes = ['expander']
..onClick.listen((_) => toggle(autoToggleSingleChildNodes: true)),
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['percentage']
..title = 'tree node %',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['name']
static Iterable<M.CallTreeNode> _getChildren(nodeDynamic) {
M.CallTreeNode node = nodeDynamic;
return node.children;
static const String _expandedIcon = '▼';
static const String _collapsedIcon = '►';
void _updateCpuFunctionRow(HtmlElement element, itemDynamic, int depth) {
M.FunctionCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
element.children[0].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
element.children[1].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
_updateLines(element.children[2].children, depth);
if (item.children.isNotEmpty) {
element.children[3].text =
_tree!.isExpanded(item) ? _expandedIcon : _collapsedIcon;
} else {
element.children[3].text = '';
element.children[4].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(item.percentage);
element.children[5] = (new FunctionRefElement(
_isolate, item.profileFunction.function!,
queue: _r.queue)
..classes = ['name'])
void _updateMemoryFunctionRow(HtmlElement element, itemDynamic, int depth) {
M.FunctionCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
element.children[0].text =
element.children[0].title = 'memory allocated from resulting calls: '
element.children[1].text =
element.children[1].title = 'memory allocated during execution: '
_updateLines(element.children[2].children, depth);
if (item.children.isNotEmpty) {
element.children[3].text =
_tree!.isExpanded(item) ? _expandedIcon : _collapsedIcon;
} else {
element.children[3].text = '';
element.children[4].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(item.percentage);
element.children[5] = (new FunctionRefElement(
null, item.profileFunction.function!,
queue: _r.queue)
..classes = ['name'])
bool _searchFunction(Pattern pattern, itemDynamic) {
M.FunctionCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
return M
void _updateCpuCodeRow(HtmlElement element, itemDynamic, int depth) {
M.CodeCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
element.children[0].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
element.children[1].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
_updateLines(element.children[2].children, depth);
if (item.children.isNotEmpty) {
element.children[3].text =
_tree!.isExpanded(item) ? _expandedIcon : _collapsedIcon;
} else {
element.children[3].text = '';
element.children[4].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(item.percentage);
element.children[5] =
(new CodeRefElement(_isolate, item.profileCode.code!, queue: _r.queue)
..classes = ['name'])
void _updateMemoryCodeRow(HtmlElement element, itemDynamic, int depth) {
M.CodeCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
element.children[0].text =
element.children[0].title = 'memory allocated from resulting calls: '
element.children[1].text =
element.children[1].title = 'memory allocated during execution: '
_updateLines(element.children[2].children, depth);
if (item.children.isNotEmpty) {
element.children[3].text =
_tree!.isExpanded(item) ? _expandedIcon : _collapsedIcon;
} else {
element.children[3].text = '';
element.children[4].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(item.percentage);
element.children[5] =
(new CodeRefElement(null, item.profileCode.code!, queue: _r.queue)
..classes = ['name'])
bool _searchCode(Pattern pattern, itemDynamic) {
M.CodeCallTreeNode item = itemDynamic;
return item.profileCode.code!.name!.contains(pattern);
static _updateLines(List<Element> lines, int n) {
n = Math.max(0, n);
while (lines.length > n) {
while (lines.length < n) {
lines.add(new SpanElement());