blob: f1f1e331f64899efda8e6c756da39fcdbcc3ffac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/containers/search_bar.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/rendering_scheduler.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/custom_element.dart';
typedef HtmlElement VirtualCollectionCreateCallback();
typedef List<HtmlElement> VirtualCollectionHeaderCallback();
typedef void VirtualCollectionUpdateCallback(
HtmlElement el, dynamic item, int index);
typedef bool VirtualCollectionSearchCallback(Pattern pattern, dynamic item);
class VirtualCollectionElement extends CustomElement implements Renderable {
late RenderingScheduler<VirtualCollectionElement> _r;
Stream<RenderedEvent<VirtualCollectionElement>> get onRendered =>
late VirtualCollectionCreateCallback _create;
VirtualCollectionHeaderCallback? _createHeader;
late VirtualCollectionUpdateCallback _update;
VirtualCollectionSearchCallback? _search;
double? _itemHeight;
int? _top;
double? _height;
List? _items;
late StreamSubscription _onScrollSubscription;
late StreamSubscription _onResizeSubscription;
List? get items => _items;
set items(Iterable? value) {
_items = new List.unmodifiable(value!);
_top = null;
factory VirtualCollectionElement(VirtualCollectionCreateCallback create,
VirtualCollectionUpdateCallback update,
{Iterable items: const [],
VirtualCollectionHeaderCallback? createHeader,
VirtualCollectionSearchCallback? search,
RenderingQueue? queue}) {
assert(create != null);
assert(update != null);
assert(items != null);
VirtualCollectionElement e = new VirtualCollectionElement.created();
e._r = new RenderingScheduler<VirtualCollectionElement>(e, queue: queue);
e._create = create;
e._createHeader = createHeader;
e._update = update;
e._search = search;
e._items = new List.unmodifiable(items);
return e;
VirtualCollectionElement.created() : super.created('virtual-collection');
attached() {
_top = null;
_itemHeight = null;
_onScrollSubscription = _viewport.onScroll.listen(_onScroll);
_onResizeSubscription = window.onResize.listen(_onResize);
detached() {
_r.disable(notify: true);
children = const [];
DivElement? _header;
SearchBarElement? _searcher;
final DivElement _viewport = new DivElement()
..classes = ['viewport', 'container'];
final DivElement _spacer = new DivElement()..classes = ['spacer'];
final DivElement _buffer = new DivElement()..classes = ['buffer'];
static int safeFloor(double x) {
if (x.isNaN) return 0;
return x.floor();
static int safeCeil(double x) {
if (x.isNaN) return 0;
return x.ceil();
dynamic getItemFromElement(HtmlElement element) {
final el_index = _buffer.children.indexOf(element);
if (el_index < 0) {
return null;
final item_index = _top! +
el_index -
safeFloor(_buffer.children.length * _inverse_preload);
if (0 <= item_index && item_index < items!.length) {
return _items![item_index];
return null;
/// The preloaded element before and after the visible area are:
/// 1/preload_size of the number of items in the visble area.
static const int _preload = 2;
/// L = length of all the elements loaded
/// l = length of the visible area
/// L = l + 2 * l / _preload
/// l = L * _preload / (_preload + 2)
/// tail = l / _preload = L * 1 / (_preload + 2) = L * _inverse_preload
static const double _inverse_preload = 1 / (_preload + 2);
var _takeIntoView;
void takeIntoView(item) {
_takeIntoView = item;
void render() {
if (children.isEmpty) {
children = <Element>[
..children = <Element>[
..children = <Element>[
_buffer..children = <Element>[_create()]
if (_search != null) {
_searcher =
_searcher ?? new SearchBarElement(_doSearch, queue: _r.queue)
..onSearchResultSelected.listen((e) {
children.insert(0, _searcher!.element);
if (_createHeader != null) {
_header = new DivElement()
..classes = ['header', 'container']
..children = _createHeader!();
children.insert(0, _header!);
final rect = _header!.getBoundingClientRect();
_header!.classes.add('attached'); = '${rect.height}px';
final width = _header!.children.fold(0.0, _foldWidth); = '${width}px';
_itemHeight =
_buffer.children[0].getBoundingClientRect().height as double;
_height = getBoundingClientRect().height as double;
if (_takeIntoView != null) {
final index = items!.indexOf(_takeIntoView);
if (index >= 0) {
final minScrollTop = _itemHeight! * (index + 1) - _height!;
final maxScrollTop = _itemHeight! * index;
_viewport.scrollTop =
safeFloor((maxScrollTop - minScrollTop) / 2 + minScrollTop);
_takeIntoView = null;
final top = safeFloor(_viewport.scrollTop / _itemHeight!); = '${_itemHeight! * (_items!.length)}px';
final tail_length = safeCeil(_height! / _itemHeight! / _preload);
final length = tail_length * 2 + tail_length * _preload;
if (_buffer.children.length < length) {
while (_buffer.children.length != length) {
var e = _create(); = 'hidden';
_top = null; // force update;
if ((_top == null) || ((top - _top!).abs() >= tail_length)) { = '${_itemHeight! * (top - tail_length)}px';
int i = top - tail_length;
for (final e in _buffer.children) {
if (0 <= i && i < _items!.length) { = null;
_update(e as HtmlElement, _items![i], i);
} else { = 'hidden';
_top = top;
if (_searcher != null) {
final current = _searcher!.current;
int i = _top! - tail_length;
for (final e in _buffer.children) {
if (0 <= i && i < _items!.length) {
if (_items![i] == current) {
} else {
double _foldWidth(double value, Element child) {
return math.max(value, child.getBoundingClientRect().width as double);
void _updateHeader() {
if (_header != null) {
_header!.style.left = '${-_viewport.scrollLeft}px';
final width = _buffer.getBoundingClientRect().width;
_header! = '${width}px';
void _onScroll(_) {
// We anticipate the header in advance to avoid flickering
void _onResize(_) {
final newHeight = getBoundingClientRect().height as double;
if (newHeight > _height!) {
_height = newHeight;
} else {
// Even if we are not updating the structure the computed size is going to
// change
Iterable<dynamic> _doSearch(Pattern search) {
return _items!.where((item) => _search!(search, item));