blob: 5ae5cce75876518eaf32bb75cf891fddc8ad4fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
// dart2jsOptions=--omit-implicit-checks
// Test that native methods with unnamed optional arguments are called with the
// number of arguments in the call site AND the call site is inlined.
import 'native_testing.dart';
typedef int Int2Int(int x);
class A {
int foo([x, y, z]) native;
// Calls can be inlined provided they don't pass an argument.
int callFun([Int2Int fn]) native;
class B {
static var g;
method1(a) {
g = '(Method1Tag)'; // Tag to identify compiled JavaScript method.
A x = makeA();
// Call sites that are searched for in compiled JavaScript.;;, 10);
return, 10, 30);
method2() {
g = '(Method2Tag)';
A x = makeA();
var r1 = x.callFun(); // Can be inlined.
var r2 = x.callFun();
return r1 + r2;
method3() {
g = '(Method3Tag)';
A x = makeA();
var r1 = x.callFun((x) => x * 2); // Can't be inlined due to conversion.
var r2 = x.callFun((x) => x * 0);
return r1 + r2;
A makeA() native;
String findMethodTextContaining(instance, string) native;
void setup() {
JS('', r"""
function A() {} = function () { return arguments.length; };
A.prototype.callFun = function (fn) { return fn ? fn(123) : 1; };
self.makeA = function(){return new A()};
findMethodTextContaining = function (instance, string) {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(instance);
var keys = Object.keys(proto);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var name = keys[i];
var member = proto[name];
var s = String(member);
if (s.indexOf(string)>0) return s;
void match(String s, String pattern1) {
var pattern2 = pattern1.replaceAll(' ', '');
Expect.isTrue(s.contains(pattern1) || s.contains(pattern2),
"expected $pattern1 or $pattern2 in '$s'");
void nomatch(String s, String pattern1) {
var pattern2 = pattern1.replaceAll(' ', '');
Expect.isFalse(s.contains(pattern1) || s.contains(pattern2),
"should not have $pattern1 or $pattern2 in '$s'");
test1() {
String method1 = findMethodTextContaining(new B(), '(Method1Tag)');
Expect.isNotNull(method1, 'No method found containing "(Method1Tag)"');
// Direct (inlined) calls don't have $3 or minified names.
match(method1, r'.foo()');
match(method1, r'.foo(1)');
match(method1, r'.foo(2, 10)');
match(method1, r'.foo(3, 10, 30)');
// Ensure the methods are compiled by calling them.
var a = makeA();
Expect.equals(2,, 20));
Expect.equals(3,, 20, 30));
var b = new B();
var r = b.method1(a);
Expect.equals(3, r);
test2() {
String method2 = findMethodTextContaining(new B(), '(Method2Tag)');
Expect.isNotNull(method2, 'No method found containing "(Method2Tag)"');
// Can always inline the zero-arg call.
match(method2, r'.callFun()');
String method3 = findMethodTextContaining(new B(), '(Method3Tag)');
Expect.isNotNull(method3, 'No method found containing "(Method3Tag)"');
// Don't inline native method with a function argument - should call a stub
// containing the conversion.
nomatch(method3, r'.callFun(');
// Ensure the methods are compiled by calling them.
var a = makeA();
Expect.equals(369, a.callFun((i) => 3 * i));
var b = new B();
Expect.equals(2, b.method2());
Expect.equals(246, b.method3());
main() {