blob: 5aa4421f0e4cf9ad29b5d0e29aaaeff28a0350d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
// TODO(rnystrom): Move all print calls to go through this. Unify with DebugLog.
/// Interface for the test runner printing output to the user.
/// It mainly exists to gracefully handle the inline progress indicator:
/// [00:08 | 100% | + 139 | - 3]
/// That does not print a newline at the end, but subsequent output should
/// insert the newline before writing itself. This tracks whether that needs to
/// be done.
class Terminal {
static bool _needsNewline = false;
/// Prints [obj] to its own line.
/// If this is called after a call to [writeLine], prints a newline first to
/// end that earlier line.
static void print(Object obj) {
/// Overwrites the current line with [obj].
/// Does not output a newline at the end.
static void writeLine(Object obj) {
_needsNewline = true;
/// If the last output was from [writeLine], finishes it by writing a newline.
static void finishLine() {
if (_needsNewline) stdout.writeln();
_needsNewline = false;
/// The maximum line length for output.
/// If the test runner isn't attached to a terminal, defaults to 80 columns.
final int _lineLength = () {
try {
return stdout.terminalColumns;
} on StdoutException {
return 80;
/// Wraps [text] so that it fits within [_lineLength], if there is a line length.
/// This preserves existing newlines and only splits words on spaces, not on
/// other sorts of whitespace or separators.
/// If [prefix] is passed, it's added at the beginning of any wrapped lines.
String wordWrap(String text, {String prefix}) {
prefix ??= '';
var buffer = StringBuffer();
var originalLines = text.split('\n');
var lengthSoFar = 0;
var needsNewline = false;
var needsSpace = false;
for (var i = 0; i < originalLines.length; i++) {
var originalLine = originalLines[i];
for (var word in originalLine.split(' ')) {
// If this word would push us over, split before it.
if (lengthSoFar + 1 + word.length > _lineLength) needsNewline = true;
if (needsNewline) {
lengthSoFar = prefix.length;
needsSpace = false;
} else if (needsSpace) {
buffer.write(' ');
lengthSoFar += word.length;
// If the single word fills the entire line, we need to wrap after it too.
needsNewline = lengthSoFar > _lineLength;
needsSpace = !needsNewline;
if (needsNewline) buffer.writeln();
needsNewline = true;
return buffer.toString();