blob: eede9adaad91c16e0d1bca6f242bc717f103a291 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:async' show FutureOr;
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet;
main() async {
Map<int, bool> m = {};
Set<int> s = {};
Iterable<int> i = {};
LinkedHashSet<int> lhs = {};
LinkedHashMap<int, bool> lhm = {};
Map<int, bool> fm = await mapfun();
Set<int> fs = await setfun();
Iterable<int> fi = await iterablefun();
LinkedHashSet<int> flhs = await lhsfun();
LinkedHashMap<int, bool> flhm = await lhmfun();
Map<int, bool> fm2 = await mapfun2();
Set<int> fs2 = await setfun2();
Iterable<int> fi2 = await iterablefun2();
LinkedHashSet<int> flhs2 = await lhsfun2();
LinkedHashMap<int, bool> flhm2 = await lhmfun2();
Future<Map<int, bool>> mapfun() async => {};
Future<Set<int>> setfun() async => {};
Future<Iterable<int>> iterablefun() async => {};
Future<LinkedHashSet<int>> lhsfun() async => {};
Future<LinkedHashMap<int, bool>> lhmfun() async => {};
FutureOr<Map<int, bool>> mapfun2() => {};
FutureOr<Set<int>> setfun2() => {};
FutureOr<Iterable<int>> iterablefun2() => {};
FutureOr<LinkedHashSet<int>> lhsfun2() => {};
FutureOr<LinkedHashMap<int, bool>> lhmfun2() => {};